Gym Etiquette - what bugs you?



  • GrammyNanner
    GrammyNanner Posts: 88 Member
    People not cleaning their cardio machines when they are done, any cell phone use other than lobby, too much cologne/perfume-it bothers my asthma.
  • breyn2004
    breyn2004 Posts: 162 Member
    Re-rack your f*cking weights! The end.

    Amen! Nothing like leaving the bar loaded with 45 lbs plates up on the highest notch of the Smith Machine..... Yes, I can pick up a 45 pound plate, but no, I cannot lift it off of a bar the I can barely reach.
    Your biggest mistake is using the Smith machine! :)

    Why is that?
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Re-rack your f*cking weights! The end.

    Amen! Nothing like leaving the bar loaded with 45 lbs plates up on the highest notch of the Smith Machine..... Yes, I can pick up a 45 pound plate, but no, I cannot lift it off of a bar the I can barely reach.
    Your biggest mistake is using the Smith machine! :)

    Why is that?

    It forces you to use a fixed plane of motion on the lift. It's not natural that way. It puts your knees and hips in positions that can cause injury and will not allow you to use proper form and obtain maximum benefit from using a free weight version of the lift.
  • smaryamf
    smaryamf Posts: 31 Member
  • justicer68
    justicer68 Posts: 1,223
    People who want to have social hour while I am waiting to use that machine. I will say something to them though. I am there to work out and if you want to talk to me do it when I'm done. I don't bother don't bother me.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    #3. I am on my own time... i have my hat on.. notebook... drink.. gloves... and i am lifting 70 lb dumb bells above my head.........................DO NOT BUG ME!!!!!!!!

    WOW, 70? I had a hard time with 20. How long have you been lifting? I just started 1.5 weeks ago.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    People who want to have social hour while I am waiting to use that machine. I will say something to them though. I am there to work out and if you want to talk to me do it when I'm done. I don't bother don't bother me.

    i keep it very simple. theres about 5 people that i say hi to and thats about it. may make a 10 second conversation out of hey matt, how you doing, hey ben did you see the pens game, but i keep everything short and sweet.
  • justicer68
    justicer68 Posts: 1,223
    People who want to have social hour while I am waiting to use that machine. I will say something to them though. I am there to work out and if you want to talk to me do it when I'm done. I don't bother don't bother me.

    i keep it very simple. theres about 5 people that i say hi to and thats about it. may make a 10 second conversation out of hey matt, how you doing, hey ben did you see the pens game, but i keep everything short and sweet.

    I know quite a few people at my gym. I will do the head nod saying hi but I do alot of circuit routines so I can't stop to chat until before or after. I like short and sweet.
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    I only have two things that really bug me.

    1. When people don't wipe down machines. Especially in the winter with th Flu going around. When I'm sick I skip the gym and workout at home so everyone else doesn't get sick. Some people don't care.

    2. Boys that are like 10-12 years old running around the gym using all the equipment. Maybe it's just me but why would a young kid with tons of energy need to go to a gym to workout? You're with all your friends, go run around outside and play a game. My nephew is 11 and he doesn't go to a gym to work out. It really bothers me when I'm on a roll and I'm ready to move from a machine to something else and I can't get on a specific machine because a 10 year old thinks he needs to work out on an elliptical.

    I agree with you on #1 but as to son is 10 and comes with me. He has extremely lax tendons and ligaments that require exercise to tighten so that his joints stay in place. He uses many machines in order to get all his "problem" areas. (by problem I mean the loose joints...he is in no way even close to fat. He's 4'11" and 77lbs).
  • kf4vkp
    kf4vkp Posts: 164 Member

    People who are several moves/beats behind in BodyStep.
    It's like "can you not see the pattern, repetition of moves and that you're doing something TOTALLY different than everyone else?"


    Yes, actually I do recognize that. I am uncoordinated, clumsy and have no rhythm, but I'm doing my best and it's people like you that make me drop group classes. I try to stand in the back so as not to confuse people but it doesn't always work out that way. I still get a good workout and I don't need to be judged on my performance.

    yeah, I quit going to group classes and don't like them for this very reason. I have no sense of timing....and so I'm never in sync...and if I hurry up to catch up, I still get out of rhythm very quickly.

    Add to that, if you're new in a class and don't know the patterns takes some of us a while.
  • kf4vkp
    kf4vkp Posts: 164 Member
    All the FARTING! GEESH!

    Oh wait.....that's me.

    i never get stomach bubbles until someone gets on a machine next to me.....

    Stomach bubbles....too funny
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    oh, and i hate it when women don't return my creepy, staring eye contact! lol

    Oh you'd love me! I have stare downs all the time. :wink:
  • Oh, and folks that bring their gd kids into the gym and let them run around without supervision. If your gym doesn't have a kid area, leave your crotch-fruit at home (crate it or something).

    I'm sitting at work in a room with 4 other people besides myself, and I stopped everyone just so I could read this statement. I will now refer to my daughter as my beloved crotch fruit lol
  • marioalberto1
    marioalberto1 Posts: 142 Member
    1- Curling on the Squat rack.
    2- People not picking up their weights/Dumbells.
    3- Talking on the Phone.
    5-Taking a long time between sets because of talking or being on smart phone.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member

    Anyway, cell phone use also has become a pet peeve... Today, this girl was shouting! I could hear her over my music which was all the way up..

    "Like hai Mark, ya I'm coming over I'm just at the Y, like yeah are you coming over? Like are you gonna come over or what?"
  • KettleTO
    KettleTO Posts: 144 Member
    1. Guys doing a million sets on one machine (lat pull down) so I can't get a chance to do my two sets.
    2. The guy above but he and his two friend are spending the afternoon on the machine.
    3. Horking in the shower. I wear flip-flops but still!
    4. Gyms not have enough 12.5 to 25 lbs weights (for women) and have three 65 lbs sets that are never used.
    5. Women having loud, personal conversation in the change room. I don't care if you think he might have been a bad date...if you're spending that much time on the topic, he was.
    6. Gyms not throwing out old towels that should be rags for cleaning rather part of their towel service.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    3. Horking in the shower. I wear flip-flops but still!
    They had to put in a sign in my gym's shower area saying not to do this. Also no urination nor shaving.

    My university's shower area had a huge "NO INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR" sign.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I hate when women wipe down their bicycle seats.
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    1. people not wiping down their machines after
    2. people talking LOUDLY so that you can hear their entire conversations
    3. People ''saving' multiple weight machines so that they can just rotate between 'their' set for the day without other people using it... You get the one machine that you are on! Everyone else wants to be able to use the machines too!

    I don't necessarily save my machines, but I do rotate machines during my sets. What annoys me is when a group of guys is just standing and sitting at a machine and not using it becuase they're on their 5 min break, and I just ask if I can rotate in to do my 12 reps and move on in my circuit and they get pissy with me and walk away as if I just took their machine from them. I'm gonna be done in like 30 secs and you can have it back!
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    My pet peeves... when all the elliptical machines are empty and some dude always takes the one next to me and does his sideways/ backwards/ weird elliptical stretches routine.... I mean come on I can see you looking at me.

    Girls who wear full makeup and barely exercise. Along with this- people who use the gym as a place to hookup.

    Muscle shirts on guys..why even wear a shirt or just put one on.

    I don't really care, but the people on the bikes in front of me who are barely getting an ankle workout while reading their kindles/books/newspapers. They put 0 resistance and go as slowly as possible and they are there everyday and never change the routine. Why're just wasting space AND I have to look at you everyday :P.

    People who drink soda as their hydration of choice on a cardio machine.

    People chugging down protein shakes in the middle of their workout.

    Spitting on the carpet..wth is wrong with you???

    Oh well, fake it til you make it I guess.