Gym Etiquette - what bugs you?



  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    People bench pressing in the squat rack grrrrrrr
    Whoa there, that can be legit. Does the rack have pins? Then they're using the rack to spot themselves.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Not wiping off the machines is pretty gross, but aren't we there for exercise? If you have to walk ten yards to get the materials to wipe it down yourself, what's the big deal?

    It's common courtesy to wipe down the equipment after you're done. Why should I have to wipe off your nastiness because you couldn't walk the ten yards to get the materials and wipe it down when you were done? It's just really gross to see someone sweat all over bench or machine, walk away without cleaning it up and then watch some unsuspecting person lay down on their dried grossness. That's how germs and sickness is spread. It's just nasty.
  • DOMTIA1012
    DOMTIA1012 Posts: 57 Member
    I cant stand when people just walk right into you. You know the ones... They cant bother to slow down or pick up the pace or move over slightly. Its like Im always the one to let others go. I noticed its the same at stores and stuff too. If im pushing my double sroller with my two kids and your walking straight at me and im trying to avoid running into you YOU SHOULD TRY TO DO THE SAME!
  • aroseyglow
    The men who lift weights and insist on screaming and grunting with every pump. If it hurts, don't do it! Also come'on man as if we are all impressed!
  • aroseyglow
    1. Naked people carrying on conversations with me
    2. People who do not scoot over and allow room in the sauna/steam room
    3. Men who wear teeny tiny speedos to swim laps, unless you are Michael Phelps, knock it off!
    4. People who do not lock up their belongings, really?
  • Brooksstock
    Not wiping off the machines is pretty gross, but aren't we there for exercise? If you have to walk ten yards to get the materials to wipe it down yourself, what's the big deal?

    It's common courtesy to wipe down the equipment after you're done. Why should I have to wipe off your nastiness because you couldn't walk the ten yards to get the materials and wipe it down when you were done? It's just really gross to see someone sweat all over bench or machine, walk away without cleaning it up and then watch some unsuspecting person lay down on their dried grossness. That's how germs and sickness is spread. It's just nasty.

    I totally agree that not wiping the machines is nasty! :-) I'm just saying it shouldn't ruin ones gym experience. It happens. You can't change other people. You can only change how you look at the situation. But you are very right; they SHOULD wipe the equipment themselves.
  • rachelannecraig
    I know this has been mentioned.

    But I really hate it when people try to talk to me when I am working out, especially when I have headphone in my ears!
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    My biggest ones are people not wiping down their machines, hogging machines or free weights.

    Biggest one lately are the people that STARE at you. News flash....glaring at the person who is smaller than you won't make you any skinnier or more muscular. Ever think that the girl who are glaring at got that way from working her *kitten* off AT THE GYM!?
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    My biggest ones are people not wiping down their machines, hogging machines or free weights.

    Biggest one lately are the people that STARE at you. News flash....glaring at the person who is smaller than you won't make you any skinnier or more muscular. Ever think that the girl who are glaring at got that way from working her *kitten* off AT THE GYM!?

    glaring isnt always about wishing you were smaller....
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    My biggest ones are people not wiping down their machines, hogging machines or free weights.

    Biggest one lately are the people that STARE at you. News flash....glaring at the person who is smaller than you won't make you any skinnier or more muscular. Ever think that the girl who are glaring at got that way from working her *kitten* off AT THE GYM!?

    glaring isnt always about wishing you were smaller....

    well whatever the reason, for women, it usually tends to be hostile.
  • ThisGirl2013
    ThisGirl2013 Posts: 220 Member
    People who worry about what other people are doing rather than just focusing on their own workouts.


    but recently I've been letting my own insecurities get to me with all the girls who show up to the gym all done up pretty.

    Exactly! Also, I tend to go when it is not very busy but don't climb on to a machine RIGHT NEXT TO ME when there are the same machines where we could have at least one in between us. Obviously if it is busy, no worries but I just hate it when they do that and then I can see them peeking at my numbers (like calories burned or distance).
    Maybe I just need to be less insecure *lol*
  • SweetlyVague
    SweetlyVague Posts: 172 Member
    -Not wiping down machines
    -Standing around and talking while blocking machines
    -Street clothes
  • Liftnlove
    Liftnlove Posts: 235
    Options there...breathing. It's SSSSSSIIIICK. :sick:
  • lisa799
    lisa799 Posts: 79 Member
    Last week, I was trying to get through a particularly challenging run on the treadmill. There was a teen girl on the elliptical next to me talking on her phone, so I was annoyed by that...then it got worse when her little friend came to hang out with her and wedged herself between my treadmill and the elliptical. Then they had a typical teen girl (screaming alternated with giggling and shrieking) convo for the next 10 minutes or so. I usually don't care what anyone else is doing at the gym & I really wanted to say something to them but I refrained.
  • kylTKe
    kylTKe Posts: 146 Member
    Honestly, pretty much everything people do at the gym. Especially the things that fall in the category of egotism. Like flexing or taking pictures of yourself in the mirror, girls who work out in a sports bra, etc...
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    When people on cardio machines next to each other try to hold a conversation, without realizing they're talking extremely loudly to each other over the sound of the machine. It can be to the point I can't drown out their personal conversations with my ear buds.
  • melanelson
    melanelson Posts: 16 Member
    1) When you have to open nearly every locker to find an empty one because people aren't using locks (NOT safe at all, folks). Then the same people complain after their purse has been stolen from their unlocked locker.

    2) People that fart next to you on the treadmill.

    3) When people try to start a conversation with me while I have my headphones on. It's not social hour, for me anyways.

    4) When I miss one or two days and the staff feels the need to L O U D L Y point this out when I walk in door.

    5) People that just sit on the weight machines without doing anything, or they sit and text message.

    6) When people bring their children in and let them run amok. There is a daycare there for a reason. If you don't want to pay the extra fee every month for it, then invest in some at home workout equipment. If I have to wait to use the treadmill because your 7-year-old is occupying it, walking backwards in winter boots, I will let the staff know.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    I hate to make this sound mean, but there's a family at the gym at my apartment that come in who have an adult child with special needs. I happen to run into them every once in a while at the gym, and though the girl is usually not bothering anyone, she can be really annoying. I feel like they bring her not because she really wants to be there, but because one person doesn't want to stay home with her while the parents work out. I was on the treadmill one day, and the girl was next to me on the elliptical, just standing there. My water bottle doesn't really fit very well in the cupholder, so was tipping over and causing her to make a fuss about it. She was pretty much screaming at me over my headphones. :/ I just try to avoid going in during the evening.

    Also, I hate when people leave the incline up on the treadmills. It really only takes 20 seconds to put it back down, I shouldn't have to spend my time adjusting it just so I can use it.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Honestly, pretty much everything people do at the gym. Especially the things that fall in the category of egotism. Like flexing or taking pictures of yourself in the mirror, girls who work out in a sports bra, etc...

    I don't mind the people working out in a sports bra. If that was allowed at my gym I would probably do it too. I once had a traumatizing incident where a baggy shirt got caught in a machine so it makes me very uncomfortable. But the pictures thing does bother me a bit.
  • dammuggle
    dammuggle Posts: 4 Member
    About the girls that don't sweat at the gym, I hardly sweat. I can be working out just as hard as one of my friends, and while she is drenched in sweat I might have just a bit of sweat on my back.
    My gym pet peeve would definitely be the people using more than one machine at a time.