you're not special.



  • cookieluvsya
    cookieluvsya Posts: 136 Member

  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Hey OP, are you calling my mother a liar?
    Well are you? *taps toe*
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I march to the beat of my own drum therefore I am a snowflake, special.

  • courtneylee31
    courtneylee31 Posts: 178 Member
    I am special in way you cannot even comprehend.

    Pink Viva la Stormtrooper

    Okay. Maybe you can. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Love this!
  • NicoleMensigg
    NicoleMensigg Posts: 40 Member
    OMG! Thank you for this!!!! I have been rolling...not at the orginal post but the comments made! You guys have turly made my day. Smiles all around. I watched Mr. Rogers as a child and I think everyone is wonderful!

    P.S. We aren't all here for the same goal... one of my firends is a string bean and is on here to GAIN weight. It's called MY (that means mine... not yours....means that it's individualy done) FITNESS (which includes anything from mental, physical, and emtional health) PAL....(friends...) The only thing, I think ya got right is the MY part right. :) It's yours to do as you wish...if you want to be negative about it, go on... we wont judge.
  • packratpatty
    packratpatty Posts: 46 Member
    I don't know if it is right or if it is wrong or even if it is special. All I know about...very little about... is human nature. People who have struggled and worked hard sometimes get on a high horse so to speak, because they worked hard and are proud of that. I, like KathyPBiles before me, hesitate to ask questions because I don't want bashed. I'm not "there" yet where the people with perfect bodies and perfect smiles and perfect lives are. BUT...I am also not so foolish to go looking for trouble in their sand box.

    I wrote a few comments and soon learned that the beautiful people on here have a little corner on the market of being cool and in authority so I just come, log in my food and fitness and get the hell off before someone punches me in the face.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    If they don't want to be told what to do they shouldn't come on the forums and whine about their problems or ask for advice. Those who do, obviously want to be told. I agree there is no reason to be rude about it or push your opinion on someone who didn't ask but one shouldn't ask questions that they don't want answers to nor should they purposefully draw attention to matters they don't want advice and opinions on.
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    People offer help. If someone is here to CHANGE their life, to a healthier style, then they should expect others are going to try to help. People shouldn't get offended or upset if someone is calling them out (in a helpful way). I'm not perfect, no one is...I do appreciate feedback though. If someone does not want help or motivation from others, they shouldn't add friends and should have a complete private profile.

    You took the words right out of my mouth.

    Personally I like it when someone comments on my activity or “calls me out”. Sometimes that is exactly what I need. That is me though and I’m not buff or skinny but I sure am working hard at it. If I have something that I need help with I will PM one of my friends who knows more than me; I don’t post on the forums. If people want to post in the forums then you will get all views; deal with it. If you don’t want to hear the good the bad and the ugly then don’t post ~ it’s that easy.

    Definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. If you want to lose weight you have to make a change.
  • llpaq
    llpaq Posts: 263 Member
    I kind of agree with you some people are REALLY snobbish and mean :grumble: and it's really a shame. Like we are all supposed to know all of these things THEY themselves have learned over time. I get what you're saying and appreciate it.
    I too don't think anyone is "special", your no more "special' than I and vice versa, I get cha! :wink:

    The workout snobs kill me though- it's really ugly- I have to look past them. I too will be a totally HOT looking, banging body, hardcore fit lady one day :smokin: but I will NEVER feel the need to make anyone feel dumb or talk to them like they are stupid and not be supportive with "well what did you eat that for?!!" kind of attitude. But I was never raised that way and some people were, Sadly.

    Lastly- we are all here for basically the same reason so PLEASE IGNORE the SNOBS who are being smart *kitten* and trying to start a debate when it's clear. Some of us "get" what you're trying to say- others who don't - will get upset and defensive instead of trying to understand.

    Good day to you and good luck in your Health! :flowerforyou:
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