He told me he was embarrassed of me while I was pregnant!



  • TerriAnne53
    TerriAnne53 Posts: 197 Member
    I'm so sorry you are going through this. But, you are fooling yourself if you think there is hope for this relationship. Kick him to the gutter where he belongs. And focus that attention on yourself and your children.

    so agree with this. He will not change. It will not get better.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Words can be very hurtful and at the bare minimum he's being inappropriate with his remarks, etc...

    Think of it in these terms, do you want your children learning that it's okay to demean your partner? All those negative behaviors that you dislike, your children WILL learn.

    I would encourage you to talk to someone at the very least, perhaps contact the National Domestic Violence hotline. It's free and they can assist you in planning a way "out" if you have no other support system nearby.


    Good luck!
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    I left him back in oct of 2012. I went to the court house and was going to fill out papers for custody. I walked in and saw his mother there. She had gone to court the morning after I had thrown her son out of the house. She told the court that I was a unstable mother due to the fact I was on post pardom meds and that I work 40 hrs a week and she could take better care of my children because she was a stay at home mom. She then told the courts that my home was unfit for children and that I ABUSED AND NEGLECTED MY CHILDREN. None of this was true but it later came out that she had told the court all of those things to make me "wake up" and that my children deserved better and that they deserved two parents in a household. DCYF has been involved and has done a investigation and all of her alligations have been proven false. Because she filled for a emergency petition for guardianship the courts granted her not only temp custody of my 3 mo old at the time but of my three yr old wich is no blood relation to her. I had to go to court 4 days later and I was granted custody of my children back due to the fact that she had no proof of any of her allegations. Every time I think Im going to leave his mother gets involved somehow and Im always in fear. She later admitted what she did wasnt right but she didnt want my kids growning up without her son. SOME GRANDMOTHER SHE IS. Ive been in and out of court several times and they have granted mostly in my favor. But it still comes down to the fact that every time I leave him she reports that Im either neglecting my children or that Im not doing something right. She accidentaly sent me a text which she was sending to everyone she knew apparently.. That I was ****ed in the head for switching bottle nipples and then made fun of my breasts and wrote " Is this what her tits look like? No wonder why he wasnt happy with her" Simply because she had bought all of the bottles and nipples and I chose not to use them due to My sons bad gas.. I was trying a different bottle. If he sneezes or coughs once around her she says " Im not his mother but I think he should be seen" Then she tells the dcyf investigator that Im neglecting him... Ive worked at a daycare for 8 yrs.. Ive brought him to the doctor 8 times in 2 and a half months. His mother is crazy.... As long as I stay with her son she doesnt do anything. I cant afford another $1300 lawyered up court date. I own my own home and car.. I pay all the bills.. Leaving him isnt the problem. Leaving him and not having his mother lie to take my children away is the problem. Im trying to save a relationship.. a family... trying to avoid court and more undeserved pain. WHY DOES HE HATE ME SINCE IVE GOTN PREGNANT and Had his child?

    At some point can you not get a restraining order against HIS mother? She was probably abused, and she is abusive. Can you not file harassment charges against her? WTF?!? this has to stop at some point.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I left him back in oct of 2012. I went to the court house and was going to fill out papers for custody. I walked in and saw his mother there. She had gone to court the morning after I had thrown her son out of the house. She told the court that I was a unstable mother due to the fact I was on post pardom meds and that I work 40 hrs a week and she could take better care of my children because she was a stay at home mom. She then told the courts that my home was unfit for children and that I ABUSED AND NEGLECTED MY CHILDREN. None of this was true but it later came out that she had told the court all of those things to make me "wake up" and that my children deserved better and that they deserved two parents in a household. DCYF has been involved and has done a investigation and all of her alligations have been proven false. Because she filled for a emergency petition for guardianship the courts granted her not only temp custody of my 3 mo old at the time but of my three yr old wich is no blood relation to her. I had to go to court 4 days later and I was granted custody of my children back due to the fact that she had no proof of any of her allegations. Every time I think Im going to leave his mother gets involved somehow and Im always in fear. She later admitted what she did wasnt right but she didnt want my kids growning up without her son. SOME GRANDMOTHER SHE IS. Ive been in and out of court several times and they have granted mostly in my favor. But it still comes down to the fact that every time I leave him she reports that Im either neglecting my children or that Im not doing something right. She accidentaly sent me a text which she was sending to everyone she knew apparently.. That I was ****ed in the head for switching bottle nipples and then made fun of my breasts and wrote " Is this what her tits look like? No wonder why he wasnt happy with her" Simply because she had bought all of the bottles and nipples and I chose not to use them due to My sons bad gas.. I was trying a different bottle. If he sneezes or coughs once around her she says " Im not his mother but I think he should be seen" Then she tells the dcyf investigator that Im neglecting him... Ive worked at a daycare for 8 yrs.. Ive brought him to the doctor 8 times in 2 and a half months. His mother is crazy.... As long as I stay with her son she doesnt do anything. I cant afford another $1300 lawyered up court date. I own my own home and car.. I pay all the bills.. Leaving him isnt the problem. Leaving him and not having his mother lie to take my children away is the problem. Im trying to save a relationship.. a family... trying to avoid court and more undeserved pain. WHY DOES HE HATE ME SINCE IVE GOTN PREGNANT and Had his child?

    Because he is a *kitten*. Because his mother didn't have the balls to leave his abusive father, and he grew up watching this same behavior. Now she is trying to trap you and your children in this same cycle of abuse. He might not be physically abusing you, but this still constitutes as abuse. Contact a domestic violence shelter. They can help you with resources. If you do end up with another case with DYCF, explain this as you have told it to us to the case manager and they will help you with resources. You don't have to tolerate this.

    Oh and I have had my share of dealings with family court and protective services. They are only going to take so many false reports from her so stay strong and do what you've gotta!
  • jessmart83
    jessmart83 Posts: 283 Member
    I was married to a horrible verbally abusive (and other types of abusive) boy for a year and a half (was with him for a total of 7 years). The abuse started when I got pregnant and gained 60+ lbs, then it never stopped. I hate to tell you but from my experience they will always be abusive no matter how much weight you drop. I kicked his butt to the curb after I got down to my pre pregnancy weight, I had a 6 month old at the time. It has been 4 years and I think it was the best decision I ever made in my life!
    I know it is tough, and if you want to stay with him seek couples therapy, it seems to help some couples. Plus the professional might be able to put him in check on his abusiveness, where you cant.
  • Fat2FitQueen
    Fat2FitQueen Posts: 79 Member
    Your boyfriend may be an idiot but you're not much better by staying. Have a little respect for YOURSELF and your KIDS and leave. You're teaching them a dangerous cycle. It's your job as a mother to protect them.

    ^^^^And this!!! Take responsibility as a mother!!
    run girl I did it for 10 yrs. when he finally grabbed my steering wheel while doing 60mph on I95 & almost killed me that was my winning ticket 2 get that devilish monster the hell outta my life im gonna friend request u ok im praying 4 you & your children
  • andersonjo0306
    andersonjo0306 Posts: 304 Member
    I was married to a horrible verbally abusive (and other types of abusive) boy for a year and a half (was with him for a total of 7 years). The abuse started when I got pregnant and gained 60+ lbs, then it never stopped. I hate to tell you but from my experience they will always be abusive no matter how much weight you drop. I kicked his butt to the curb after I got down to my pre pregnancy weight, I had a 6 month old at the time. It has been 4 years and I think it was the best decision I ever made in my life!
    I know it is tough, and if you want to stay with him seek couples therapy, it seems to help some couples. Plus the professional might be able to put him in check on his abusiveness, where you cant.

    Your strength is inspirational. Not everyone has your strength but you are helping just by sharing
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    Oh, I am so so sorry! That is down right awful. My heart aches for you. He will never be able to take those words back and I am sure they will hurt you forever. You carried HIS child. He should be greatful, more loving to you, and respect you for giving birth to this beautiful child. He should have a whole new respect for you. If he doesn't pull his head out of his aXX, your kids will see the way he treats you and talks to you and they may follow his footsteps. He should love you for who you are. I'm sorry, this got my blood boiling.!! I could keep going on and on. I know you dont want to hear it but he DOES NOT deserve you!!!! I'm sorry, i hope he changes but I have a bad feeling he isn't going to. :( You deserve to be with a guy who loves you for who you are, respects you, and there is a guy out there that would take those children in and treat them as their own. Good luck with everything.
  • tlkrallman
    I'm reading this post, broken hearted because I see my daughter in your words. The verbal abuse that sneaks its way into physical abuse. I see my Grandson and soon to be new Grandbaby growing up like the worthless father and his family. I'm scared out of my mind at what lies for her and those babies down the road. She is strong willed and determined and wants to make her family work. She will not leave him either. As a mother you have to step back and think about what's acceptable for your children. Is this the kind of relationship you want them to have when they are older? Do you want those children to grow up and treat someone, the way you are allowing yourself to be treated? What would your mother say about the situation you are in?

    His issues have nothing to do with your weight. His issues have everything to do with control. You are headed down such a slippery slope. You may not be leaving him now, but do you want to have your children watch you leave him in a body bag?
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    I know you've gotten LOTS of replies and I'm not even sure if you'll read all of this. Regardles, I must reply.

    Love does not hurt. If he didn't love you, want you, need you at your worst, lowest, largest, he will still be dissatisfied when you are at goal weight. He my not be able to use your weight as an excuse, but he will find something. His family and friends are encouraging this disgusting behavior.

    He sounds like a spoiled brat and has always gotten what he wants from poor behavior.

    You said that leaving him is out of the question...and I would venture to guess that your unwillingness to leave is based more on your own fears, insecurities, and low self esteem than it is your love for him.

    He has beat you down for so long that you are exactly where he wants you: weak, door-mat, and powerless. Your sons are learning that treating women like garbage is acceptable--and they aren't just getting the message from him, but from YOU, too. YOU are teaching them that this is OKAY. It's not, but you're inaction...is teaching them that it is!

    FIND your voice. Get on your Feet . Go. Just go.
  • brandymandycandy
    I’m sorry for what you are going through, but I’ll be honest, he’ll never change and even if you lost the weight your relationship is already damaged. Why stay with a man who obviously doesn’t love you? No man who loves his woman, unconditionally, would ever put them down the way your boyfriend puts you down. You need to learn to love yourself first before you worry about this creep. First and for most, your children and yourself come before anyone else and if he can’t accept you now, why should you accept him later? There is someone out there that will love you for you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated. This boy sounds like he’s the one who needs to “wake up” and realize the world doesn’t revolve around him. As for his mother, someone needs to let this woman know that she’s not your boss either. Where is your family? Is there someone you can turn to that can help you out during this time?

    You are currently in an abusive relationship, and NO ONE deserves that!!! GET OUT!
  • Kadesha72
    Kadesha72 Posts: 109 Member
    Losing weight may make you thinner, but it won't do a thing for him being an as shole.
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    I don't get why leaving him is out of the question. I understand that you have a kid together, plus one from a previous relationship...but good Lord, leave this idiot!
    I'm sure it's easier said than done. But remember, you are choosing to bring up your children in a household with verbal and emotional abuse. They should be growing up seeing love and happiness.

    I agree with this. I am happy to hear that he is focusing on his son but your children's happiness will come from you! A happy mama = happy babies.. Nothing makes for a crappy childhood like a hurt and miserable parents. Put your happiness first. Do not let people treat you like ****. Don't treat yourself like that. Respect yourself and others will too, as will your children.

    I wouldn't be able to stand next to him, let alone let him touch me.... I cannot imagine willingly spending years that way....
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    I am so sorry that you are going through this. I'm 9 months pregnant right now and my ego and self esteem have never been more fragile.

    The only thing I can say is that even after you lose all the weight, there's no guarantee that he is going to suddenly going to treat you right. It's not your weight that makes him an abusive as*hole. The abuse won't stop just because you get thin. There are much deeper issues at hand. Like everyone else has said, seek counseling if you HAVE to stay with him.

    Good luck!
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    To add to my earlier comment:

    Will you forgive him? No idea, that’s up to you. I wouldn’t, but I have too much respect for myself to let people who are supposed to love me treat me like that. News flash honey, he doesn’t love you. If he did, he’d love you no matter what your weight. I was 135 when I met my husband and I was 220 when he proposed. He loved me the same no matter what. I didn’t hear anything about your boyfriend being concerned about your health. He’s not. He’s concerned about his image and his sex life. That’s what you are to him. And you want to forgive him and stay?

    Will he quit the abuse if you lose weight? I highly doubt it! He’ll find something else to put you down about. Abusers don’t change because the people they abuse listen to them. That just teaches them that their abuse works.

    Go ahead and lose weight if you want to. But start doing it a healthy way. Quit “juicing” and eat real, healthy food in moderation. You are losing weight WAY too fast and your health will suffer for it. People have died by losing too fast, keep that in mind. When you lose too fast, your body burns more muscle than fat and guess what? Your heart is a muscle. At your weight, you should be losing about 1.5 – 2 pounds a week.

    If you are concerned that you can’t take care of your children without him, you can. There are places and programs to help if you don’t have family who can/will. Look them up. If you insist on staying, seek a relationship councilor. You are going to need it. Go alone if he won’t go with you.

    Tell his mother to stop or you will take her to court for libel. Follow through if she doesn't. Get a restraining order if you can. If she keeps being proved a liar in court, they are going to stop believing her. Don't quit when she starts her crap, follow through until she is proven false then you will be free.
  • Zuccal
    My first husband was physically abusive. Nobody should have to put up with physical or verbsl abuse. You have already proved your own value in court about your kids. You have a job a house and car. You don't have to prove anything to a mouthy mother of a worthless boyfriend. You seem hung up on taking that step to get rid of him. Look at who you are as a person. You don't need him. Trust that YOU and your children will be better without him. But do make him pay support.
  • JoeyTajzai
    JoeyTajzai Posts: 1,198 Member
    Just wanna say all men are not like this..

    Sounds like a douche.
  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    Verbal abuse hurts just as much as abuse, and he should Love you unconditionally, wth is wrong with some people treating others like this, if you say you have to stay and you lose weight I personally would not let him touch me, relationships are for better or wrose

    This. The problem is, HE is the same person, even if you change for him. Do it for YOU.

    Seriously though, do you want him influencing on how your kids grow up? I really hope he doesn't treat them similarly if they put on a few extra pounds... or don't do the activities he thinks they should do.
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    If he really loved you the weight wouldn't matter.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    OP - Honestly, you know that his behavior makes you unhappy. You know that it is not going to change. You know that it is not good for your children to see it. You know his mother is going to sabotage your efforts to leave him and participate in the abuse. She is going to damage your children. You have to protect them from her as much as you do from him. In other words, YOU CAN'T LET HER WIN. Don't be a defeatist. Don't say that she is going to stand in your way so you might as well stay. I am so not trying to be mean or unkind to you when I say this, but if you stay because you let his mother bully you around, then YOU fail as a mother.

    Be strong. Where there is a will, there is a way. It might be a long, hard struggle for you, but you can and will come out victorious as long as you are willing to fight for the well-being of yourself and your children.

    My story is not very unsimilar from yours. I was abused, physically and emotionally, by the father and my eventual ex-husband. DYCF took my children and he, and others, did everything possible to keep me from getting them back. But I NEVER gave up! I did what I had to, and after 2 years, I did get custody of my children back. That was 6 years ago and I am a single mom, but I manage very well. I went back to school, got two degrees, and I'm working on my MBA now. I own my own home and car. My children are happy and are having a very good childhood. Believe me when I say that it is worth it to fight for as long as it possibly takes. You are strong enough to do this and there are resources out there that can help you. You just have to look.
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