Plus Size Barbies - Week 1



  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    Tina, here are some of my tricks for getting though family gatherings. I come form hillbillys too where eating is a sport! Chew gum while cooking. Make some healthier food versions without telling anyone. Like I sometimes use fat free condensed milk in my pumpkin pie. Make some healthy food choices for everyone. I find people will eat them if they are there. Eat a really big healthy salad BEFORE everyone shows up so you sit down to the goodies already full.

    Good luck on Sunday. Just think the next holiday they see you at you will be way skinnier.:wink:

    I get the double is mexican, and dad is hillbilly. Its grease grease and more grease. lol I am really going to try hard this weekend.
  • Sorry to all you ladies that are feeling the stress! No fun and not easy on the diet either! I totally blew it yesterday but yeah teenagers will do that too ya! So today has been good so far but I have not exercised yet and I am getting a total headache and not really wanting too! Ugh...Can't let that happen, I at least need to go for a while as 2 days in a row off will not be good for me. Makes it so much harder to go back every time I miss a day!

  • I figured out what Im gonna do to save myself from gorging on Easter- Im gonna WORK! I know, its ridiculous, but after having anxiety all week about how I was going to resist temptation, I decided that I just couldnt even take that chance right now! So, our huge (and very overweight, unhealthy, and outta shape) extended family is getting together for an Easter egg hunt at 2p- and fiesting afterwards- but instead of staying, Im heading to work at 3! Im just gonna smile and wave as I drive away from the temptation, and breath a sign of relief! :) Not to mention make a little extra money while Im at it. Maybe for a new outfit? :)
  • I figured out what Im gonna do to save myself from gorging on Easter- Im gonna WORK! I know, its ridiculous, but after having anxiety all week about how I was going to resist temptation, I decided that I just couldnt even take that chance right now! So, our huge (and very overweight, unhealthy, and outta shape) extended family is getting together for an Easter egg hunt at 2p- and fiesting afterwards- but instead of staying, Im heading to work at 3! Im just gonna smile and wave as I drive away from the temptation, and breath a sign of relief! :) Not to mention make a little extra money while Im at it. Maybe for a new outfit? :)

    I am working on Easter too but going in after our dinner. The nice thing is that I am cooking the dinner and are having lots of healthy choices, along with a few treats but some healthy treats too! At least I won't be sitting around the house all day with the Easter candy staring at me! :)
  • hi ladies hope im not to late to join .... my names june im 38 from nottingham england ,been married nearly 15 years and hace a wonderful 13 year old son .having been a larger lady all my life and to be honest a happy fatty ,ive decided that maybe happy isnt healthy my mum is slowly dying of kidney failure mainly caused by high bllod pressure and you guessed it brought on by being over weight and i gyess it makes you stand up and pay attention when its on your door step here goes im only 5"1and weight 189 lb and am an english size 18 so my goals are to be healthier.
    1.lose 14lb by june 26th
    2.lose another 14 by october15th
    3.try and be a size 14 by christmas
    4. total weight lose goal is 38lbs
    soo good luck to all barbies and maybe we can start a new realistic barbie for all the younggirls out there !!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Well Barbies,

    It's going to be so hard this weekend because Easter dinner is at my house this year, and I am making everything. UGH. I am trying my hardest to be down 5 lbs this week, since I was up 3 lbs, and I wanted to lose 2 lbs every week. So I am in double trouble. I am eating well, and drinking soooooooooooooooo much darn water but it worries me about this cooking and baking. I have a very large family, 7 brothers, 2 sisters (yes, when you put a mexican and hillbilly together, you make 10 kids and we become MexiBillys!) :huh: , 27 nieces and nephews. So you already know, family holidays are important in this family! My focus this weekend, will be to TRY and stay away from the desserts. You know how some people say just have a small bite, but for someone like me, I CANT just have one bite so I might as well have none, for my own good!!!! :laugh: I know still have to really make myself eat a small portion, because I am not even going to lie and tell you that I will not eat my food. :bigsmile: I just have to make sure that this holiday is not like the rest, where I eat until I can't move. The week has been so good for me, and I am soooooooooooooo not wanting to screw up, that's for sure. I will weigh in on Saturdays, because that was the original plan for the group, and it works better for me to do it that morning.

    I will say, it's so nice to see all you lovely women joining the Plus Size Barbies~ :flowerforyou: I think together, we can do this for sure. Do you want to know when I came up with the name Plus Size Barbie? I was about 16 years old, and this boy said I was pretty but a little chubby, so I told him "don't hate me because I am a Plus Size Barbie!" Every since then, I have always said it as a joke to people. Since all my friends are Fluffy, we all use it. lol My other favorite quote is :blushing: "I will make you feel like a virgin all over again!" Shhhhh, don't tell my hubby that I told you that one. :blushing:

    Oh my Tina I love you already! I had to try SO hard not to laugh loudly cause it's 430am here and I'd wake up my newborn!

    Any gathering is difficult, studies show that you tend to eat more when you're with company because you're not really paying attention to what you're eating, but more so mindlessly indulging. Try conversing away from where the food is stationed, or keeping healthier choices around you to munch on...I know it's hard they just don't make the good for you stuff as tasty lol

    Good luck!!

    Sweetie_666-WTG with your water aerobics class today :D
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    OH -O

    Well that was good friday over ... and I ate and drank too much :(

    over my calorie target by 800 calories so that puts me into the if every day was like today you would gain weight category. this is the first time since I started this thing that that has happened. bugger!

    day one of the easter break (which i am now calling the eater break ) and 3 more too go.........
  • Betten
    Betten Posts: 41 Member
    Hi PSB! So for this week has been really good for me. With eating right the baby weight is falling off. I love breastfeeding for that reason! I had dinner at my mom's last night and measured everything out and never went back for seconds! We went for a nice walk after dinner, so overall a really good day. I can't wait to get the ok from the doctor to start exercising! I think i am going to order Jillian's 30 day shred. Has anyone here ever done that?

    michelle - I would be doing the same thing if I could! I have made a rule for myself that i do not eat past seven and from 6:30-7:00 I always have such anxiety about eating because i know its my last chance. It is horrible! I always try to keep busy in that time. I am glad you found away to get away from the temptation of easter!

    leelu- It will all be over soon! Good luck the next few days!

    I hope everyone has a great day!!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well I had no energy this morning and really didnt want to workout but pushed myself anyways! My body for some reason was hurting today but I kept pushing myself to finish and I did!

    Did slim & 6 pack and RIU for a calorie burn of 427. Its going to be 79 degrees today so will be bringing the dog for a walk too.
  • EmilysMommy
    EmilysMommy Posts: 78 Member
    Rostrum than you so much for informing me of this new group, every little bit of support helps! I am looking forward to challenges and some good results on the scale! My name is Amanda, I am 20 years old and I have been married for 3 years, We have a one year old daughter named Emily. Thanks for letting me join
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172


  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    simplegirl I think you will like this group.

    Well we are coming to the end of your first week and I think this is the best group out there. :wink:
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I've been asking my boyfriend to find the power cord for our digital camera for over a week. I'll get pics up ASAP.

    Well... he took care of that for me yesterday. I wore a pair of shorts and a small tank top so that you would really be able to see my shape. I took a look at the pics and just feel really uncomfortable posting them now. In a few months when I have a progress pic to post next to it I promise I'll put them up. Don't kick me out! Forgive me for my moment of weakness. I sucks to be so uncomfortable in your skin that you don't want anyone else to see it. :sad:

    Well I worked up the nerve to post a pic. Just not the original ones taken. This one is wearing a great deal more clothes! I felt fine showing you a picture of something I wore to a business meeting last week. The short shorts picture (dimples and all) is staying in the vault for a while!
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    Well with all that went on this week...I still was able to reach my PSB goal and more...this give me such much fuel for this wekend and next week!!!
  • Betten
    Betten Posts: 41 Member
    uggghh today was not a great day. I didn't go over my calories but i want junk food really bad! I didn't eat all the vegetables i should have and tomorrow is going to be worse because it's easter! Some family came over today and brought pizza, but I didn't have any and now its sitting in the bottom of my fridge calling me every time I open the fridge! But I did buy myself some skinny cow icecream sandwiches so I can have a little junk and still make a decent choice.

    How is everyone else doing today? What are your plans to stay on track tomorrow?
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I have been really bad as in I have eaten next to nothing so far today. I had some nuts and cottage cheese and still have over 1000 calories left at its almost 7pm.

    It will be easy for me tomorrow since I am not having an Easter dinner.
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    I was bad last night. Had sooo much to drink, the extra calories suck but at least I had fun.
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    Seems like everyone has been off this week!!! We will rock next week!
  • I exceeded my goal this week which was great!!! Can't wait until our next challenge this next week. :)
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Week 1 Goal:be under 215lbs..

    And I did just that :D made it down to 213.4 this week for a loss of 3.2lbs :D
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