Added benefits of eating vegan



  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Along with swimming, here is what I found to be a benefit of eating vegan....
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I'm glad vegan is working for you. I didn't have the same experience with it. I'm certain I ate "right" because I learned how first-hand from a doctor who is vegan and has published many books about it. But I had many unpleasant side effects from it. I've also tried low carb and that didn't work for me, either. I have found that I need to eat from all food groups in order to feel healthy and lose weight. I think it's important to try out many different kinds of diets and to experiment to find out what is right for you.
  • tina711x
    thats the best way to go! eat a little of everything in moderation = well balanced diet = happy and heathy ;)
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    if you cut out meats, there are proteins in another foods but none other than meat has all of the essential amino acids (proteins)

    quinoa and soy are complete proteins. Therefore, one does not need to combine foods when they eat either of these to get a whole protein.

    As long as person eats a varied diet each day they will be fine on protein. I doubt you or anyone only eats protein from one source all day. Why would you think vegans do? Did you know plants have protein, and a higher percentage of them are protein than nonvegan ones?

  • dgljones
    and if you cut out meats, there are proteins in another foods but none other than meat has all of the essential amino acids (proteins) that your body Needs to function properly.

    Again with this. You are incorrect. There are complete proteins that are not animal products. This was talked about a few pages back. Quinoa is a complete protein. Not a complimentary protein, a complete protein, exactly the same as a piece of meat. So are soy products like Tofu and Tempeh.
  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    the food pyramid is from scientists and doctors hon, not from scary goverment agents in coats. they study the physiology of the body and what works best for every organ of your body to function properly. your heart, kidneys, liver, brain, etc. you would be surpised how much the endocrine system relies on food, too. food is very important for your body, its like natural medicine.. something you want to be careful with. if you miss too much of one thing you could become very sick or even die.. its a cascade of deficiencies because most foods rely on other foods for absorption and to function, digest, and go into your blood stream properly. thats what the food pyramid is there for so that people know how to eat and dont get sick from eating mc donalds every day, or the reverse only eating lettuce leaves for lunch and dinner. balance is key to health. the food pyrmid is balance - i think thats why its shaped like a pyramid.

    Ugh, it's like talking to a wall, isn't it?
  • tina711x
    and not all animals are skinny and fed cornmeal and pushed over on a fork lift before being slaughtered like some videos youve seen, there are animals that have good lives, are fed healthy and raised outside in a big field in well taken care of in clean conditions
  • tina711x
    yes and they contain soy not meat
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    the food pyramid is from scientists and doctors hon, not from scary goverment agents in coats. they study the physiology of the body and what works best for every organ of your body to function properly. your heart, kidneys, liver, brain, etc. you would be surpised how much the endocrine system relies on food, too. food is very important for your body, its like natural medicine.. something you want to be careful with. if you miss too much of one thing you could become very sick or even die.. its a cascade of deficiencies because most foods rely on other foods for absorption and to function, digest, and go into your blood stream properly. thats what the food pyramid is there for so that people know how to eat and dont get sick from eating mc donalds every day, or the reverse only eating lettuce leaves for lunch and dinner. balance is key to health. the food pyrmid is balance - i think thats why its shaped like a pyramid.

    Ugh, it's like talking to a wall, isn't it?

    ^ this ^. I keep hoping,it will just go away. Never seen such a closed mind. This topic has spiraled so far from the Op asking if anyone has seen health benefits of a vegan diet .
  • jondolar
    Any truth to green smoothies causing inflammation in the body ? I read spinach and Kale were really bad for you. makes absolutely no sense. I just started liking this drink ( handful of spinach, handful of Kale, TBL flaxseeds and half cup of skim milk).
    How could this possibly be bad for someone ? I don't know what to believe anymore.
  • tina711x
    yeah and just ignore the countless people that have come on here saying being vegan/vegetarian made them really sick so they had to eat meat again. or the people that came on here and just trashed your lifestyle. your threatened by me because i know what im talking about. otherwise you would just ignore me, like you have all of the previous posts of people disagreeing with you. if you really didnt want to talk to me you wouldnt copy and paste everything i say so that it can be seen again. knowledge is power and you have very little power.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    yeah most vegetarians get really sick and then start eating meat again..

    I've been a vegetarian for almost all of my life, vegan in recent times.
    I'm not overweight, have perfect BP, resting HR of 58 bpm, not diabetic, take no prescription medicines and have never had the flu....ever! My bone density is tip top and after a recent health check in Taiwan I was informed by the cardiologist that I am definitely not a candidate for cardiovascular disease.

    I can't speak for every vegetarian/vegan but to state that "most vegetarians get really sick" is preposterous.
  • dgljones
    yeah most vegetarians get really sick and then start eating meat again..

    no source hun?

    Oh she has 'countless' and 'many' and 'most'.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    yes and they contain soy not meat

    and soy is a complete protein.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    yeah most vegetarians get really sick and then start eating meat again..

    no source hun?

    Oh she has 'countless' and 'many' and 'most'.

  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    Any truth to green smoothies causing inflammation in the body ? I read spinach and Kale were really bad for you. makes absolutely no sense. I just started liking this drink ( handful of spinach, handful of Kale, TBL flaxseeds and half cup of skim milk).
    How could this possibly be bad for someone ? I don't know what to believe anymore.

    No. Eating leafy green vegetables is never bad.
  • tina711x
    source = emergency room. and i think its great if someone can pull of eating vegan and still remain healthy, however MOST people cant do this and end up very very sick. if you can do it, and it makes you happy and your healthy then more power to ya. but a lottt of people cant and dont and it becomes dangerous even life threatening. and no not all animals on farms are abused, thats insane. most farmers love animals hence why they have a farm. visit and work on a farm for one day n then you can talk about animal abuse. a real farm. not one of your animal rights videos.i love animals. some are food and some are pets. thats reality. maybe not your reality but thats what makes the world go round. as much as you love soy its not meat. it doesnt have the same nutritional benefits, if you dont believe me thats fine. if you dont believe that many people get sick from being vegan thats fine too. as long as your not sick then you have nothing to worry about and you dont need to reply to me.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    source = emergency room. and i think its great if someone can pull of eating vegan and still remain healthy, however MOST people cant do this and end up very very sick. if you can do it, and it makes you happy and your healthy then more power to ya. but a lottt of people cant and dont and it becomes dangerous even life threatening. and no not all animals on farms are abused, thats insane. most farmers love animals hence why they have a farm. visit and work on a farm for one day n then you can talk about animal abuse. a real farm. not one of your animal rights videos.i love animals. some are food and some are pets. thats reality. maybe not your reality but thats what makes the world go round. as much as you love soy its not meat. it doesnt have the same nutritional benefits, if you dont believe me thats fine. if you dont believe that many people get sick from being vegan thats fine too. as long as your not sick then you have nothing to worry about and you dont need to reply to me.

  • dgljones
    You can't just make a statement like 'most' vegans get ' very, very' sick.
    This is obviously not true. You are saying that over 50% of all people who try a vegan diet become so ill they are rushed to the emergency room.
    Stop making these sweeping claims that you have no hope of substantiating and instead make some sort of coherent argument and a discussion can be had. As it is this has become a thread bogged down in this pointlessness.
  • sarahaldinger
    sarahaldinger Posts: 74 Member
    From reading the first and last page along:

    I don't quite understand why people need to attack one another over a choice of diet.
    If it works for you great, if it doesn't, then do what does.
    Really, we should all be here supporting one another. That's the concept of this website.
    Half of my family eats meat. The other half doesn't (myself included).
    We all still get along at family gatherings.
    (Of course there might be a few "moo" jokes, but that's life.)
    Remember, it's about doing what is healthy for YOU.
    Not preaching. This isn't religion.

    For me, vegetarian and nearly vegan works. It's been the best thing I've done to get my body back on track.
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