Added benefits of eating vegan

I read this article the other day and its great to see that vegan eating is way more than just weight loss. These are real people that experienced a lot of unexpected health benefits, no scientific analysis or studies in this article, just regular people and real results.

I've been eating vegan for a couple weeks now and have already experience less acne and more weight loss without exercise. I'm never starving, I don't feel groggy, and its just great to see the numbers go down on the scale without even trying. My bf has had asthma since birth (he's 25) and in these last couple weeks of veganism he's gone from an inhaler 2+ times a day to 1 time or less, hopefully it will disappear altogether as it has for others. Also, he has always had allergies around our friend's cats, but he visited them the other day and the cat was on his shoulders - no sneezing, no runny nose, no puffy eyes. This is the first time that has ever happened. We have a dog and he hasn't had to take 1 zyrtec since becoming vegan, when that used to be a regular occurence.

Any other vegans with weight loss or health benefits to share?


  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Not to rain on your parade, but there are also plenty of people who report negative health effects from being a vegan, even doing everything correctly.

    Not to mention that oreos, potato chips, french fries, and soda are all vegan.
  • naschulze
    Not to rain on your parade, but there are also plenty of people who report negative health effects from being a vegan, even doing everything correctly.

    Not to mention that oreos, potato chips, french fries, and soda are all vegan.

    I've personally experience some of these health benefits so no rain here. Care to share a link with people that have negative health effects?

    And yes, we all know some very unhealthy foods are vegan, I don't know what these people ate, but I'm trying to lose weight here so those are all foods that are a big step in the wrong direction.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I have been nearly vegan for about 11 months. I say nearly because every once in a while when we eat out I will eat something that contains cheese or egg. But I do not ever cook with animal stuff at home. I have seen a TON of benefits. The weight loss obviously, but so many other things. My skin is fantastic, it looks great and I have not had to touch lotion all winter. I have a lot more energy, I no longer suffer from acid reflux. I also was diagnosed with iBS as a young adult, and have had problems with it my entire adult life. But once I changed my diet all my IBS symptoms disappeared within about 2 weeks, and it has not given me a problem since. I wake up every morning feeling fantastic, and my energy level remains constant throughout the day. No more afternoon slump, or dragging myself through my evenings anxiously awaiting the time to crawl into bed. For me, it has been wonderful. My yearly physical in November showed that my blood pressure was way down, my cholesterol was 148, and all other lab work looked great as well. I could not be happier
  • naschulze
    I have been nearly vegan for about 11 months. I say nearly because every once in a while when we eat out I will eat something that contains cheese or egg. But I do not ever cook with animal stuff at home. I have seen a TON of benefits. The weight loss obviously, but so many other things. My skin is fantastic, it looks great and I have not had to touch lotion all winter. I have a lot more energy, I no longer suffer from acid reflux. I also was diagnosed with iBS as a young adult, and have had problems with it my entire adult life. But once I changed my diet all my IBS symptoms disappeared within about 2 weeks, and it has not given me a problem since. I wake up every morning feeling fantastic, and my energy level remains constant throughout the day. No more afternoon slump, or dragging myself through my evenings anxiously awaiting the time to crawl into bed. For me, it has been wonderful. My yearly physical in November showed that my blood pressure was way down, my cholesterol was 148, and all other lab work looked great as well. I could not be happier

    That's awesome! Good for you. I hope to be like you and eat vegan all I can but if I'm eating our or at a family function I wouldn't care about eating some dairy or egg.
  • mazzasweet
    mazzasweet Posts: 266 Member
    Awesome thread! Anyone have a good alternative for greek yogurt? I love it and it's the one thing that really keeps me from going vegan...
  • naschulze
    Awesome thread! Anyone have a good alternative for greek yogurt? I love it and it's the one thing that really keeps me from going vegan...

    So Delicious makes a greek yogurt and its really good. I eat their regular yogurt all the time and it has a good amount of calcium plus most of the same active cultures that dairy yogurt has. I've found it at whole foods but they have a store finder on their website. The ice cream is great as well :)
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    Awesome thread! Anyone have a good alternative for greek yogurt? I love it and it's the one thing that really keeps me from going vegan...

    So Delicious makes a greek yogurt and its really good. I eat their regular yogurt all the time and it has a good amount of calcium plus most of the same active cultures that dairy yogurt has. I've found it at whole foods but they have a store finder on their website. The ice cream is great as well :)
    why eat fake dairy products?
  • naschulze
    Awesome thread! Anyone have a good alternative for greek yogurt? I love it and it's the one thing that really keeps me from going vegan...

    So Delicious makes a greek yogurt and its really good. I eat their regular yogurt all the time and it has a good amount of calcium plus most of the same active cultures that dairy yogurt has. I've found it at whole foods but they have a store finder on their website. The ice cream is great as well :)
    why eat fake dairy products?

    I wouldn't call them 'fake' as it's made from coconut milk which isn't a fake ingredient, its just better for you than dairy and tastes the same. Isn't that the point of dieting? Substituting things you like to eat with healthier versions? In my opinion a vegan diet is just one step up from that as it cuts out the ingredients that are considered ok calorie-wise but bad for you in the long run.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Awesome thread! Anyone have a good alternative for greek yogurt? I love it and it's the one thing that really keeps me from going vegan...

    Not tried it, but it does exist :)
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    There's a few groups that might interest you, I am part of this one
    Unfortunately, vegan threads don't last too long before getting attacked....
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    My yearly physical in November showed that my blood pressure was way down, my cholesterol was 148, and all other lab work looked great as well. I could not be happier

    Just thought I'd say, that my total cholesterol is 152 (and for me that is high, when I weighed less it was in the 130s), and I eat a lot of animal products. With HDL levels > 60, LDL levels < 100, and Triglicerides <100.

    Glad to see that your cholesterol level is in the healthy range, but a lot of cholesterol readings aren't related just to animal product intake in diet. Weight, age, sex, and heck...genetic predisposition will also have a role.

    Note: I tried going vegan for a while in college, after going to a couple of feedlots for my internship *hork*. Was only able to stick with it for about 8 months.
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    Awesome thread! Anyone have a good alternative for greek yogurt? I love it and it's the one thing that really keeps me from going vegan...thank you for the info...although I have to contest that dairy products are baf for you "in the long run"...but I realise that you probably feel deeply evangelical on this subiect and I teally have no wish to offend

    So Delicious makes a greek yogurt and its really good. I eat their regular yogurt all the time and it has a good amount of calcium plus most of the same active cultures that dairy yogurt has. I've found it at whole foods but they have a store finder on their website. The ice cream is great as well :)
    why eat fake dairy products?

    I wouldn't call them 'fake' as it's made from coconut milk which isn't a fake ingredient, its just better for you than dairy and tastes the same. Isn't that the point of dieting? Substituting things you like to eat with healthier versions? In my opinion a vegan diet is just one step up from that as it cuts out the ingredients that are considered ok calorie-wise but bad for you in the long run.
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    can you pkease explain to me why coconut milk is better for you?
    Awesome thread! Anyone have a good alternative for greek yogurt? I love it and it's the one thing that really keeps me from going vegan...thank you for the info...although I have to contest that dairy products are baf for you "in the long run"...but I realise that you probably feel deeply evangelical on this subiect and I teally have no wish to offend

    So Delicious makes a greek yogurt and its really good. I eat their regular yogurt all the time and it has a good amount of calcium plus most of the same active cultures that dairy yogurt has. I've found it at whole foods but they have a store finder on their website. The ice cream is great as well :)
    why eat fake dairy products?

    I wouldn't call them 'fake' as it's made from coconut milk which isn't a fake ingredient, its just better for you than dairy and tastes the same. Isn't that the point of dieting? Substituting things you like to eat with healthier versions? In my opinion a vegan diet is just one step up from that as it cuts out the ingredients that are considered ok calorie-wise but bad for you in the long run.
  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    Awesome thread! Anyone have a good alternative for greek yogurt? I love it and it's the one thing that really keeps me from going vegan...

    So Delicious makes a greek yogurt and its really good. I eat their regular yogurt all the time and it has a good amount of calcium plus most of the same active cultures that dairy yogurt has. I've found it at whole foods but they have a store finder on their website. The ice cream is great as well :)
    why eat fake dairy products?

    vegans don't eat anything that is produced from an animal or animal's byproduct. this includes cow's and goat's milk, dairy cheeses, yogurt, sour cream, cream cheese, cottage cheese, ice cream, and sometimes honey. some vegans also will not wear wool. yogurt made with coconut milk instead of cow's milk isn't a 'fake' dairy product, it's just a different way to make yogurt.
  • normars1
    normars1 Posts: 3 Member
    Today is the start of Lent for those who are catholic and everyone in my family typically gives up something they love to do (smoking or eat), so this year I am giving up all meats. Any good sites out there where I can find good balanced vegan dishes to cook? Also, what do you do with the gas and bloatiness that I hear you get with bean dishes?
  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    Today is the start of Lent for those who are catholic and everyone in my family typically gives up something they love to do (smoking or eat), so this year I am giving up all meats. Any good sites out there where I can find good balanced vegan dishes to cook? Also, what do you do with the gas and bloatiness that I hear you get with bean dishes?

    i don't get bloated with black beans (they're really the only bean i enjoy) but the veggies can do a number on me. one of the main things i've learned is to use the whole rainbow of veggies to get the widest range of nutrients. if you're adventurous, you can try cooking with tempeh or tofu in stir fry dishes. vegetable curries are popular as well. has a lot of meatless dishes. it doesn't have to be all beans and pasta!
  • Silver14
    Silver14 Posts: 141
    People who have acne are generally advised to stop drinking milk, it's breeds acne, so that's why your skin is great now, not the whole vegan lifestyle.
  • allie_rat
    allie_rat Posts: 49 Member
    Meant for normars1...I managed to forget to quote!

    Why not just google vegan recipes and see what comes up? I'm not vegan, but I recently went veggie and I can't have too much dairy as it makes me ill. I found that mushrooms are often a good alternative where you would normally eat meat (the large flat ones can be grilled in place of a burger or battered in place of using fish, or sautéed mushrooms with roast veg and gravy is good) and they're low in calories, you can make loads of soups and stews with lots of veggies in them, meat free mince isn't a bad substitute in a lot of meals. You don't need to eat lots of beans if they affect you, there's plenty of other stuff to choose from :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Not to rain on your parade, but there are also plenty of people who report negative health effects from being a vegan, even doing everything correctly.

    Not to mention that oreos, potato chips, french fries, and soda are all vegan.

    I've personally experience some of these health benefits so no rain here. Care to share a link with people that have negative health effects?

    And yes, we all know some very unhealthy foods are vegan, I don't know what these people ate, but I'm trying to lose weight here so those are all foods that are a big step in the wrong direction.

    This is the main one that gets passed around:

    I don't personally have any strong feelings about veganism. If it works for you that's great :)
  • normars1
    normars1 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the quick reply. I will try and see what I can come up with. Your suggesstions are great. And like Allie_rat says on the next reply, I do typically google or youtube information, however it is always nice to hear what others have already tried. Thanks again!
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