

  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    So, I've been trying to get back on track with my exercise. But every time I go to the gym, there are these guys (random) who will not let me go on w/ my work out!!! they're like "can I give you some advice?" or "that's not how you do that" "you shouldn't do cardio and weight training the same day" ugh!!! I'm so tired of ppl who get into my business. I know what I'm doing I've lost almost 30 pounds so take your advice elsewhere!! am I right?!! Today one took the cake, he kept talking and talking about nonsense how he had been in the olympics and how i had a nice body.. OMG I'm fed up! From now on I'm working out at home. Sorry everyone, but if you are one of those ppl....I'm just throwing this out there.. I some one needs advice the'll ask for it.
    First, amount of weight loss =/= knowledge.

    Second, I've lost 134 lbs, yet I do not parade around acting like I know anything and everything there is to know about weight loss and fitness. I'll gladly concede that I don't. Nor do I act like I'm an expert on proper lifting/running/cycling/etc. form. Again, I'm not.

    Third, if person after person is coming up trying to help me with my form/giving me advice/etc., chances are, I am doing something wrong. Hate to burst your bubble, but I highly doubt any of those people were hitting on you.

    Oh but they WERE because then the conversation apparently turned to: "So. How YOU doin'? You married or what?" and now her husband wants to go to the gym with her and kick all their *kitten*.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Just let them show you how they think you should be doing it then move on.
    I have lost alot more than 30lb but it certainly does not mean I know how to lift weights very well, It was not untill someone tapped me on the shoulder and told me I was doing it wrong and corrected me. The person who corrected me was a tiathlete who had been going to the gym for many yrs and at one point used to train people.