Gee...I wonder why women have body issues...



  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    What strikes me as funny is that this is AFTER hours of hair and makeup, with a professional photographer and perfect lighting. And the photos STILL need that much editing.

    I think it would seriously bum me out if I were a celebrity and they felt the need to take out everything that makes me an individual.

    Yeah, when they altered the hair flipping in one of the Britney Spears' Candi shots, I was thinking, "Er, why not take another shot but fix her hair?" Of course, they might have noticed after the fact...

    That being said, the whole "stripping of individuality" is why I think photoshopping has become so obvious that it's bizarre if anyone still views them as "real." We know the freckles, moles, scars, etc. that these celebrities have; those aren't covered up in the 10x more paparazzi shots that exist of them, those are apparent in the movies or concerts we seem them in, etc. When those individualistic things get obliterated, it's kind of a, "Who does anybody think they're kidding here?"

    I noticed the mole thing. Why did they erase Meghan Fox's mole? It was cute.

    To be fair, I am almost positive that's a navel piercing...
  • Missellaneous02
    Missellaneous02 Posts: 70 Member
    Those are very slight photo-shopped corrections. They are just turning a 9.5 into a 10. NBD.

    Agreed for some of it. They are very beautiful women who only look a little more polished when they're photoshopped. However, if even what we consider to be the most beautiful women are having bags under their eyes removed, a tiny trace of a stomach roll (simply because she's hunched over), and any natural blemishes removed, it really shows that the average person can't attain it. So we try for magazine perfection that no one, not even the girl in the photo can get, and then are depressed and feel bad about our own bodies when we can't get there.

    I think blaming magazines is a cop out. Especially now when so many before photoshop pictures are being released.

    If someone feels bad about themselves, their first step is to stop blaming other people and the media for it. Then focus on themselves and better themselves for themselves. See what I'm saying? Not for anyone else.
    Being truly confident doesn't mean you're in the best shape ever, it means NOT comparing yourself and accepting yourself, flaws and all

    You definitely have a point but unfortunately I think most people aren't smart/strong enough to realize this. I blame magazines because they know people will not be strong/smart enough to realize this, in fact they rely on it and keep marketing eye creams and other products that don't work and get people to strive for an unrealistic body type. Especially young girls who are vulnerable and don’t understand that celebrities are not perfect.
  • kellys_toy
    A little more makeup and perkier boobies.

  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    If I want to see average girls, I'll just go outside and look around. I think magazine covers are a nice escape from reality where you can see perfection.

    It also gives everyone something to shoot for. When I real Men's Health and see the guys with the perfect abs, it gives me something to strive for. I use it as motivation more than anything else.

    Unfortunately I think it gives men a false idea of "real" women are supposed to look like. So, if we have a crease on our face, a bulge at our waste, and we are not a size 0... we must not be worthy...
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Oh boo. Maybe if parents took the time to teach their children about self esteem and healthy body image, everyone wouldn't be so quick to point the finger of blame at magazines/ads/commercials.

    Anyone ever remember that PSA where the model went from being average to drop dead gorgeous? I'm pretty sure it was Cindy Crawford. My mother made it a point to show that to me regularly when I was a child. She made it a point to reinforce the idea that while models and celebrities ARE gorgeous, they're not nearly as perfect as magazine covers would lead you to believe.

    She also reinforced the idea that one's insides are infinitely more gorgeous than their outsides. Now THERE'S a concept.

    These women are EXPECTED to look perfect. Let's be honest, if they magazine ran the unphotoshopped Kim K. picture, no one would be saying "OMG FINALLY SHE LOOKS SO REAL." They'd be saying, "Daaaammmmnn, girl's letting herself go." Magazines photoshop and perfect their images because that's what the consumer WANTS.

    Do I think some of the images are overly photoshopped? Yes. But for the most part, they're already gorgeous women who've just been glossed over. Nothing to get upset about.

    Teach your children that this is the norm, that magazine covers and ads AREN'T how those women look day to day, and maybe, just maybe, there won't be such an issue.

    Stop passing the blame.

  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    If I want to see average girls, I'll just go outside and look around. I think magazine covers are a nice escape from reality where you can see perfection.

    It also gives everyone something to shoot for. When I real Men's Health and see the guys with the perfect abs, it gives me something to strive for. I use it as motivation more than anything else.

    While I think this is the most asstastic way to say this...there is a point here...somewhere...

    Magazine covers...fantasy.

    I don't think any girl on the street is just average however...that wording is just...lame. Nor do I think someone on a magazine cover is necessarily "perfection"...that is all in the eye of the beholder. Any person that lives walking around looking for someone that looks like a magazine cover is a doofus.
  • mminor77
    mminor77 Posts: 313
    If I want to see average girls, I'll just go outside and look around. I think magazine covers are a nice escape from reality where you can see perfection.

    It also gives everyone something to shoot for. When I real Men's Health and see the guys with the perfect abs, it gives me something to strive for. I use it as motivation more than anything else.

    Average girls huh? Maybe that's not what you meant... All the girls that are photoCHOPPED in those pics are no different than what is outside your front door. The only difference is that they are made into something that they are not. Its unrealistic to even think that their look should be something to "shoot for" when its something that doesn't even exist.
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    If I want to see average girls, I'll just go outside and look around. I think magazine covers are a nice escape from reality where you can see perfection.

    It also gives everyone something to shoot for. When I real Men's Health and see the guys with the perfect abs, it gives me something to strive for. I use it as motivation more than anything else.

    Unfortunately I think it gives men a false idea of "real" women are supposed to look like. So, if we have a crease on our face, a bulge at our waste, and we are not a size 0... we must not be worthy...

    Only to mindless men.
  • momasox
    momasox Posts: 158 Member
    These changes are huge! I mean Angelina Jolie's eye is in a different spot in the after picture.
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member

    Nope, not mad at all, just think that was pretty low of you. I see on your profile you would like to land a cute girl... hmm not with the attitude thinking a woman is average just bc shes not on a magazine cover. Good luck with that!

    AWESOME !!
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    Those are very slight photo-shopped corrections. They are just turning a 9.5 into a 10. NBD.

    Not quite. They turned 10s into something completely unrealistic and unattainable.

    In real life, everyone has some degree of pores, eye sockets, nasolabial folds, unruly tufts of hair, and various lumps, bumps and creases in the skin and clothes when in certain positions. It's a sad world when editors feel Katy Perry's spectacular boobs need "enhancing." :noway:

    ^^^ This!!!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    If I want to see average girls, I'll just go outside and look around. I think magazine covers are a nice escape from reality where you can see perfection.

    It also gives everyone something to shoot for. When I real Men's Health and see the guys with the perfect abs, it gives me something to strive for. I use it as motivation more than anything else.

    Average girls??? That was pretty low. You must be one that makes women feel that they should be better than they are. Looking at a picture on magazine does not cause me to strive to look like them especially when clearly its not reality. Anyone can look good in photoshop.


    Nope, not mad at all, just think that was pretty low of you. I see on your profile you would like to land a cute girl... hmm not with the attitude thinking a woman is average just bc shes not on a magazine cover. Good luck with that!

    Enjoy your relationship with magazine women. That's probably the best you'll get.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Those are very slight photo-shopped corrections. They are just turning a 9.5 into a 10. NBD.

    Agreed for some of it. They are very beautiful women who only look a little more polished when they're photoshopped. However, if even what we consider to be the most beautiful women are having bags under their eyes removed, a tiny trace of a stomach roll (simply because she's hunched over), and any natural blemishes removed, it really shows that the average person can't attain it. So we try for magazine perfection that no one, not even the girl in the photo can get, and then are depressed and feel bad about our own bodies when we can't get there.

    I think blaming magazines is a cop out. Especially now when so many before photoshop pictures are being released.

    If someone feels bad about themselves, their first step is to stop blaming other people and the media for it. Then focus on themselves and better themselves for themselves. See what I'm saying? Not for anyone else.
    Being truly confident doesn't mean you're in the best shape ever, it means NOT comparing yourself and accepting yourself, flaws and all

    That's fine and true for adults, or should be even if it isn't, but those magazines sell very well to children. And body image issues tend to start in childhood.

    But what can you do? Our societies are obsessed with appearance and to some extent so is our species. It's sad but it's a war against both biology and a whole lot of money made by a collection of industries that has gotten rich convincing us we aren't good enough.

    Also, they make money telling us we stink.

    Ok once again, instead of blaming media, look to the parents.

    I tell my daughter daily that she is beautiful and I don't have those kinds of magazines around for her to look at.
    By working out and eating healthy, I'm teaching her the importance of being strong and healthy.

    Too often ppl blame video games, tv, movies, magazines, etc etc for kids behavior or mentality but what about the parents??
    Monitor your damn kids and lead by example. If a mother presents a confident, healthy, realistic front for her daughter, the daughter will follow suite. I have also explained that movies are PRETEND and so is tv. Talk to your kids....that simple

    And yes, appearance does mean a lot but it is so wrong to want to look nice? Most of use shower daily, do our hair, do our make up and why? I wear make up b/c I like the way I look with it on. It's not to impress anyone else. I try to dress nice b/c it makes ME feel good.

    Well best home school then, because once kids hit the teenage years you only have so much influence over them compared to their peers, and I guarantee their peers are reading these magazines and bringing them to school.

    Perhaps schools should ban them? They certainly aren't needed for study.

    That's, again, the central issue here. You brought up "peers" and "influence"; the ultimate goal is to ensure your child has enough of a basis of self-esteem and self-confidence and healthy mental state to resist those sorts of influences, be it a TV show, a magazine, or a 13 year old girl.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    WTF at Kelly Clarkson. Totally ridiculous!!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    If I want to see average girls, I'll just go outside and look around. I think magazine covers are a nice escape from reality where you can see perfection.

    It also gives everyone something to shoot for. When I real Men's Health and see the guys with the perfect abs, it gives me something to strive for. I use it as motivation more than anything else.

    Unfortunately I think it gives men a false idea of "real" women are supposed to look like. So, if we have a crease on our face, a bulge at our waste, and we are not a size 0... we must not be worthy...

    Only to mindless men.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Lea's right.

    Men have unrealistic ideals too (though not nearly as bad as women), but it comes down to parenting to reinforce self-esteem issues and stop them before they happen.
  • Missellaneous02
    Missellaneous02 Posts: 70 Member
    It shouldn't create body image issues for grown a$$ed women who realize, it's a lot of photoshopping. Personally I judge myself to my own standards and my own standards alone.
    Any body image issues I may have, have nothing to do with any woman I've seen in the media or on a magazine.

    It only concerns me the body image issues that it creates in very young women/teens. That scares the crap out of me.
    However, I truly think great parenting should solve that.

    The more young women are taught that strong and fit is great, that their minds and hearts are much more important than the aesthetics in the long run.. the better.
    It would be lovely if we were all fit with gorgeous faces. But we aren't all alike.

    Very young women and teens with body image issues grow into "grown a$$ed women" with body image issues. You don't just check your baggage at the doors of adulthood.

    And I think the point is young women AREN'T taught that strong and fit are great. They are taught that if they don't look like those after pictures there's something wrong with them. They aren't always taught this by their parents--even truly great parents can't keep their kids from being inundated by these images. Even truly great parents, when putting this information into context, will be ignored or dismissed by the kid listening to it (cuz, hi -- teenagers).

    It doesn't have to be a smack down of the magazines for publishing these photos, but seeing and understanding that there ARE before after pictures and that they can be this dramatic, is an important step to overcoming the idea that you must live up to those ideals.

  • Kellyeee2013
    Wow. That boosted my self-esteem a bit
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    Everyone should watch this video created by Dove. It shows a model getting so much makeup and work done, and then it shows how much she is altered in Photoshop.

    Here is the link:

    It is easy to see why women (and men) have low self-esteem about overall appearance. I really dislike how women are portrayed in magazines, commercials, television, etc and wish things would change.
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    Those are very slight photo-shopped corrections. They are just turning a 9.5 into a 10. NBD.

    The bottom line is: body image issues in this country are getting worse and worse and any amount of photoshop is not helping. The age of eating disorders in our culture is getting lower and lower! Some cases as low as 4-5 years old!!! So to anyone to push issues like this by the ways side, please PLEASE think again. It's a sad sad day when we are treating TODDLERS for EDs!

    That has a LOT to do with those Toddlers parents, particularly their mothers going around the house in front of their toddlers saying "I'm fat" I'm such a (insert large animal here)" and other disparaging comments about themselves and then weighing themselves constantly... as well as "dieting". Toddlers want to be like their parents, so they mimic what they see.

    That is one theory but that doesn't account for all cases of early development of EDs. Plus, where do you think the parents are getting there unrealistic body image issues from??? The media. So the children are indirectly learning this media constructed view of perfection.

    Also, notice that I didn't say this is the ONLY contributer. I said, and I quote verbatim: "any amount of photoshop is not helping."