

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Joy

    :flowerforyou: Hi Luli

    You came to the right place. Welcome to this forum and all the best on your journey!! :flowerforyou:
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Thank you very much and Hello to you also
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Terri - Congratulations! (I will never know that feeling - my bare bones wouldn't fit into a size 10. :laugh: )

    That being said:
    I put this on my status, but just have to post it for those who don't see my status:
    I have done it! My goal for the spring (by the end of May) was to swim 1/3 of a mile, all crawl stroke. Today, I swam .45 miles, all crawl! I think that by May, I may be able to do 1/2 mile. I debated putting it in as fast, vigorous effort, because it is as fast as I can move at this point, but compared to others that I swim with, I am slower. Anyway, I am woman, hear me roar!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to Luli & Joy

    Teri :drinker: Cheers to you and size 10!

    Mary:noway: you are awesome...I'm sure I'll never swim that far...and the calories burned must be off the scale!

    Everyone have a good night, today I was able to get it back together and have done quite good on the water, exercise and calories...onward and downward to tomorrow.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I have done it! My goal for the spring (by the end of May) was to swim 1/3 of a mile, all crawl stroke. Today, I swam .45 miles, all crawl! I think that by May, I may be able to do 1/2 mile. I debated putting it in as fast, vigorous effort, because it is as fast as I can move at this point, but compared to others that I swim with, I am slower. Anyway, I am woman, hear me roar!

    :flowerforyou: I hear you honey, I hear you!!!:flowerforyou: Well done my friend!!! (((hugs)))

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Go, Mary on the swimming! If you can do 1/2 a mile, you can do a triathlon, you know! :happy:

    My weekend was wild. The RV broke down, my bike keep breaking, I fell and scraped my elbow and I was completely fried by the end of the ride. Read all about it:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Have been too busy to post, but have been "lurking." Welcome to the newbies--this is the place to be.

    A couple of days ago, I spent the day clearing all the clothes out of my closet that are too big, and I now have a boatload of stuff from 18 Misses to -24W that is going away. I also had 3 boxes of clothes in smaller sizes that was in the storage unit. These were things that I wore 20- 30 years ago, and they had been in my parents 'house in my old bedroom, where a lot of things got stored when I was a footloose person moving around in my younger days. They got stashed in the storage unit during the insanity that took place three years ago when I helped them move out of their house. I looked at the sizes, and they said 16 or 18 misses. Since I just bought a pair of slacks in a 14, I figured, these things might not fit. They didn't ---they are all too SMALL!! The sizing of clothing has REALLY changed over the years. A pair of 18 pants I couldn't even pull over my hips!! They have to be about the equivalent of today's 10 or 12.

    Size is relative, however. And the fact remains that I am in a smaller size than I was a year ago and over 50 lbs. lighter, so I will take it!!!

    Bradley managed to stay out of trouble for a couple of days, but yesterday, he managed to polish off part of a bag of Kashi cereal, and today, he got into my quinoa!!! Didn't eat any of it--just scattered it all over the kitchen.:noway: :grumble: The problem is I re-arranged where I was keeping some foods stored in ziploc/slider fastener bags, and foolishly placed them in the sliding wire mesh basket drawers that provide storage in my kitchen cart. Mr Bradley, AKA "Pirate Dog"-- has figured out that if he has enough time and enough persistence, he can get the drawers to slide and therefore access "treasure"--also known as food.

    I am revising my storage arrangements!!!:ohwell:

    We had some sunshine and a few clouds today, but NO RAIN since before dawn this morning. We are supposed to have similar weather over the next few days, with a few showers just to remind us this IS the "Pacfic Northwet."

    So long for now. I have to put in some time in study for my new position.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    It's been raining here for two days though. I just hope it clears up soon and also WARMS UP!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning All

    Barb- You have the smartest "doggies" around. I'm not sure what I'd do if Peanut started getting into the food...he'd probably gain weight and then he'd look like those dashounds that have their stomachs touching the ground, as it is he is quite slim because he's so active.:smile: I could probably learn something from him in that:laugh:
    About the size of clothes, yep I think todays sizes have grown and kept the smaller numbers, but we all know our bodies and when we have lost getting into a smaller number works for incentive for me:drinker: I have so many clothes lurking all over the house I'm afraid that by the time I am that size and they fit over the oversized parts of me they will be out of style:cry: but the reason i kept them is because I like them...not sure what i will do then:grumble:

    Getting encouragement from Gerald the last couple of days:wink: compliments on the smaller back side, telling me I'm looking "good":bigsmile: I just have to keep it in perspective and not let it go to my head:blushing: I still have a ways to go and I do want to reach my goal:happy: ...I guess all I need to do is go find something that I was wearing in Dec 2008:sad: and that will keep me motivated!

    Everyone have a great day!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning all,

    Barb, dogs are so smart. Just when you think you have it safely put away they figure it out. and the clothes thing. It make me wonder what size I would wear if I were to get back to the size 5 I used to wear 30 years ago.

    So I finally figured out why I was so puffy and out of control. TOM visited. I haven't seen it for about 6 months menopause is a confusing time isn't it. Ever since I had an procedure to cauterize my uterus in 2003 I never know when or if I will have one. i didn't have one for 2 years after and then it slowly came back but for the last 2 years it has been really sporadic. It is always such a surprise when it shows up. But boy it explains everything. Puffy and bloated. Major lower back pain (cramps) and a craving for chocolate that is wicked powerful. So now that I know I am just working out hard and busting thru it.

    I hope you all have a great day
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    When I first started losing weight, my mom sent me her "fat" clothes. They were mostly in sizes 16 and 14. When they were finally too big for me, I went to the store to buy new and was in a 10. Her clothes were about 10 years old and were the equivalent of sizes 12 and 14 today.

    I was a size 6-8 in Jr. High. I weighed about 95 pounds and was around 4'10". (So BMI of 20?) Today I'm 115, 5'0.5" and BMI of 22-ish. I wear sizes 0-2. I'm thinking even though my BMI was lower in Jr. High that I'm the same relative size. I had no muscle strength back then and was definitely padded. So that means the sizes have changed downward three dress sizes in 40 years. That's actually not that bad.
  • Suzanita
    Suzanita Posts: 51 Member
    Hello everyone! I have'nt posted forever it seems like and just read through three pages which is all I have time for but I did want to comment on all of you that have aging parents to care for. You all are remarkably giving and strong and your parents are so blessed to have you! My mother is 83 and lives far away from me...I notice when I visit now she seems weaker and less alert but still very healthy....my sister lives close by and sees her alot. My mother has always been so strong to me so its hard even just to see her more fragile....I can only imagine how difficult dementia or illness would be.

    And to everyone who has dogs I now understand the true devotion you all have. I now live with my boyfriend and his two little dogs who are 14 years old and I can't believe what I was missing in my life without a pet! Their names are Honey and Bandit and they have become the loves of my life! Such company and so sweet !

    Mary-I used to swim all the time and could swim a couple miles...now I probably would'nt make a lap but you inspired me!

    Terri-Congrats on the size 10!

    Kackie-I'm still doing the shred every other day but have to give it up for a couple weeks as I'm too busy at work...lucky to get a walk in....sounds like you are still going strong!

    Welcome all newcomers...you found some great support! Much success to everyone....I love how we all fall off the wagon and just get right back on and start over! I ate 3 pieces of pizza Sat nite and went to work Sunday and everyone said I looked tired! My eyes were so puffy from overeating and I even had a headache and I did'nt drink wine! Drank lots of water and my eyes went back to normal! ha! Oh well...everyone have a great week!
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Hello Everyone and Newcomers (like me)
    I had a real scare - 57 yrs old, never smoked, no diabetes, and I had a heart :heart: episode. Read about it my blog "A heart needs love" http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/rfsahae
    MFP is part of the solution. And this wonderful supportive group. :love:
    I read the last three days and would love to respond to all of you but I wasn't taking notes. I'm jealous of Michelle for seeing a shuttle launch, it's on my bucket list. I understand very well taking care of parents with dementia and really, we all have to watch out for dementia ourselves because there is a correlation between obesity and dementia. Here are two citations:
    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC558283/ and http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/05/080507105556.htm
    Back from my walk. Off to the NAB show, my annual vacation by myself in Las Vegas. Love to all
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Hi again ...sunny here :glasses: ...again!!!

    Wow! to all you swimmers!!! How far??.....I'd really like to swim properly but all I can manage is a few half hearted lengths doing a sort of crawl!!:noway: If anyone splashes me or I think I'm unable to reach the bottom , I panic and sink like a stone!! I'm putting my fear of water down to a childhood memory of swimming or at least going under the water at the seaside and coming up under a pedalo, hitting my head etc!!

    :flowerforyou: Laura ...thanks for the "Think Cruise" mantra .....I think that may well help!

    :frown: Haven't been able to do 1000 calories today but I'm sure I'll be in 1200. No exercise though .... thinking of it doesn't count does it? ..... If it did ..I'll be a size zero by now....me and everyone else!!!
    :angry: But.....what do you all think of these celebrities getting so skinny? I've just seen a photo of Wales's Catherine Zeta Jones... she's so attractive but now has seemingly gone too far and stands to be a bag of bones like many other beautiful, but now not ,women.

    Re. the size of clothes and the way we were ... :ohwell: I have a photo of me on my noticeboard. Age 19 ... 98lbs UK size 8 , skinny rib jumper, skirt up to my bum and shiny white boots!! :laugh: Fashion never to grace this body again I think!!

    :drinker: So ...bye for now.
    Be good people
    :heart: :heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Wow! There is some truly wonderful news and updates in the post I just read. A big round of applause to all of you.

    Mary - I'm happy your swimming is going so well for you. It is a wonderful way to exercise and relax.

    Dogs, dogs, dogs. The smart ones are the hardest to love and the most painful to loose. Good luck with Bradley, Barb. lol You definitely need it.

    I am trying really hard to get back and stay on track. Easter seems to be harder to 'get over' than any of the eating holidays before it.

    Oh, I do possibly have exciting news. A large water co-op may be coming into our area in the next couple of years. (for new comers -our well went dry last summer and we got a dry hole when we tried to drill a new one) I got so excited just thinking about it. I hope and pray that they will expand into our area sooner vs later.

    Time to get back to work.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    HI Everyone and Welcome Luli and Joy :drinker:

    It's been another dark and dismal day here in North Yorkshire :frown: It's been quite cold again too and I am wondering when we will get some warmer weather.

    One of my colleagues at work has sent me an interesting article on dairy products and how cutting them out or at least reducing them from your diet can improve your health. I'll have to get the link though, sorry I thought I had forwarded it to my home e-mail address but must have left it on my work pc. :grumble:

    We went for a late dog walk tonight around 7pm ish. It was a bit windy but very quiet, didn't bump into anyone until on our way back to the car park, a family with children and dogs (Frankie's worst nightmare!) so Heather made a run for it with him, Tara ran after them leaving me huffing and puffing struggling to keep up, I only managed to run about 40 steps and they were way in front of me so I had to drop to a fast walk, before trying to run again, but my legs (and the rest of me) just wasn't up to it :frown: my legs felt like jelly. :sick: I put it down to it being late and having had a very busy day at work, dashing to my uncles in my lunch hour to do a bit of cleaning for him. We didn't get back until 8pm and I am so tired I haven't done my workout. Think I need an early night to recharge my batteries.

    I need to update my food diary so I'll do that now - keep your fingers crossed that I have stayed within 1,200 calories. I have had a few fruit gums today doing a taste session at work, we have to try two different types and then mark them out of 10 to say which we prefer, Trouble is once I start with the sweet things I can't stop. I'm not even that keen on fruit gums :grumble:

    Must get back on track tomorrow - have a good evening everyone what's left of it :smile: Goodnight :yawn:

    Viv :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Today is the one year anniversary of the day I joined MFP. In the last year, I have learned a lot about what works and what doesn't for me, have had ups and downs, completely changed my approach to food and lost just under 55 lbs. in the process.:drinker: :drinker: When I started, my original goal was to lose 100 lbs. in a year, but that didn't happen. Life intervened. The good news, is I have been under 200 lbs. since last November, and consistently STAYED that way.:drinker: :drinker: So it will probably take me another year to reach my goal, but I am so GLAD I started when I did. It is so much easier to be where I am now than where I was at this time last year.

    Now that my birthday gift arrived (the new Total Gym) let the toning begin. Up until now, my exercise has been mostly walking, with some time on my Gazelle during the lousy weather. I haven't had time to prepare the spot where I am setting it up, so that will happen in the next day or two.

    Jackie-- Not sure what you mean by "noticeboard"--I checked your profile shots, and there sure aren't any pics like the one you described, so I guess you are referring to a different location.

    I got to my parents' this morning to be present when my dad's new (lift) chair was delivered. The delivery guys were amazing. They showed me how to take the old recliner apart!!! We had never been able to figure it out and assumed it didn't come apart. When I purchased it new, it was a floor model and already in one piece. Anyway, now that I have "the secret" it is possible for it to fit into my spare bedroom after all, so as soon as I can make room for it, I will retrieve it from its temporary storage place, in the basement of my parent's apartment building. Fortunately, the base is small enough by itself that it will fit into the back of my Toyota hatchback--which is fortunate, since the only person I know with a pickup has a non functioning one at the moment.

    Doggie update--Bradley has managed to stay out of trouble for almost 24 hours!!!:drinker: :drinker: The sun came out after a shower this morning, so after I got back from my parents' place, I took the "piglets" out for a walk. We ran into the neighbor who has one of the progeny of French Bulldog that my other neighbor recently got from our mutual friend. The first neighbor described how he had to rescue Lucy, his Frenchie from the porch this morning after she was attacked by a feral cat!! She got scratched on the behind!! Ouch!! He said her pride appeared to be more hurt than anything else.!!!:bigsmile: The cat was being a little testy because she had a kitten with her and Lucy got too interested in the kitten for her own good.

    I have to get off here and do the rest of the things that need to happen before I go to dinner at my good friend Thomy's tonight. Her hubby is making chicken and veggies. He is from Jordan and is an excellent cook, so it is nice to be invited at the "right" time.:smile:

  • ldtoner
    ldtoner Posts: 10 Member
    Well, I definitely fit this group at 57 years of age. I just joined this site 3 days ago with a desire to lose weight but not totally sure how much I want to lose - somewhere between 10 and 20 lbs. I figure I will go by how I feel and how my clothes feel on me. At this point in my life I'm concerned about health, fitness and longevity -- although looking nice does sound good, too! :wink:

    I really find weight loss a struggle. I lost on Weight Watchers a few years ago. However, as I watched others in the group lose 20 lbs in 4 weeks or so, I struggled to lose 12 lbs in 18 months!! No kidding! And I was like the star member - never missed a meeting, worked the program and exercised. I'm only 5'3" and no more than 20lbs overweight so I'm at the lowest points/calorie category. I'm giving MFP a try because I just can't see paying for those meetings when it takes me so long to lose. If I'm losing as slowly again, I think I'll see my doctor and talk to him about it. I just can't figure it out.

    So...wish me luck! Nice to be here.

  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Evening all ...

    Barb ... sorry but the noticeboard is in my kitchen!!!:laugh: No danger of everyone having a laugh!!! It just reminds me of those lovely days!!! Just at the end of the swinging sixties ....:bigsmile: .I was skinny, DH was too ...and he had hair then!!!! I actually made the check suit I was wearing and can remember painstakingly pinning all the checks together to ensure the jacket lines all matched up and the box pleats of the skirt the same!!! Haven't done any sewing for years!!!

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Lynda ......I hope you'll find all the inspiration you'll need in this thread. You only need to check out the losses to see it works. ...:frown: not mine I may add but I'm working on it!! I'm just in with the calories ..I just love the way it tells you how much you'll weigh in 5 weeks .......I'm thinking Christening now and then cruise later!!! So ...tomorrow's another day and I'm hoping all will be well.

    :drinker: BFN
    :heart: :heart: Jackie
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Hello, I'm new to MFP. I'm 53 years old, so I do fit your 50+ guidelines. :glasses: I have a long, long way to go to accomplish my weight loss goals and I could use all the support i can get. I'm a little late for your April Challenge but I hope not too late to get to know you and prepare for May's chalenge. I look forward to it! :flowerforyou:
