Why do you care so much about your health?



  • ClaireBoe
    ClaireBoe Posts: 13 Member
    Just like with all the parents here, I want to be here for my kids and their kids (and maybe even THEIR kids!) I want to be able to go hiking, and stay active into old age, like my mom. She will be 80 in a week or so, has never been overweight and goes to the gym, still. I am so thankful that she has taken care of herself, and I owe that to my own kids.

    Also, you just never know when the zombie apocalypse will happen, and I need to be able to run! LOL! (My zombie loving peeps will appreciate this..."CARDIO!")
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    spent a lot of time being overweight, then about 10 years being skinny fat, then slowly went up over the years until I hit morbidly obese (I think now I am just obese)~~in my 20's, 30's and 40's, I was somewhat healthy even though overweight, but when I hit the big 5-0, I discovered due to some female problems, what I was doing to myself. So at 52, decided that I needed to make a change and become healthy if possible~~so far, it has been a great way to spend the past year! I feel soooooo much better after losing 20% of my body weight...I could easily stand to lose another 90 lbs, so that I would be at about 50% of my highest weight.

    I have already seen an increase in stamina, my mood is better, I sleep better, and don't snore. My knees don't ache, my body only hurts when I have overworked it (which I do on occasion) and I can breathe...I don't sweat unless I mean to, I eat what I like, just not as much of it, and I am learning how to make better choices in how I fuel my body.

    My life is 100% better. My family is proud of me, my friends on MFP, at work and in real life, are supportive and have been complimentary and have I mentioned that I can move without getting out of breath?

    When I see people that are NOT taking care of themselves, it makes me want to cry...when I hear someone say, "I hurt all the time." and I can see that the reason they hurt is because they eat too much and move too little, I want to say, "Just start today and by this time next year, you can feel amazing, too!"

    So why do I care so much about my health? I care because I have been possibly at the brink of death and not only is that scary, but it also feels miserable!

    To quote my favorite actor~~"That is all I have to say about that." ~Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Just like with all the parents here, I want to be here for my kids and their kids (and maybe even THEIR kids!) I want to be able to go hiking, and stay active into old age, like my mom. She will be 80 in a week or so, has never been overweight and goes to the gym, still. I am so thankful that she has taken care of herself, and I owe that to my own kids.

    Also, you just never know when the zombie apocalypse will happen, and I need to be able to run! LOL! (My zombie loving peeps will appreciate this..."CARDIO!")

    LOL .. my husband makes references to this quite often. Survival of the fittest!!!!!!!!
  • never124get
    Basically I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome, it's mostly becoming more common with overweight women) when I was 18 and was told if I don't get in shape and lose weight it will be difficult for me to conceive. I really want children, and I want to be healthy so I can be around for my children, grandchildren and maybe even great grandchildren if I'm as lucky and as healthy as my great grandmother was :smile: I want to be a good example for my children so they don't have to deal with weight issues growing up like I did.
  • simplyxaddicted
    simplyxaddicted Posts: 292 Member
    I want to be confident and I also want to have lots of energy to play with my daughter
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Because I'm watching my mother age right now. She is having a lot of health problems. And some of those are a result of not having been very active in her middle-age years.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Honestly, I just wanna look good naked.

    Primarily, ths! But also I have a morbidly obese mother who has a whole host of health problems, most of which are probably hereditary so I figure the more I can do to be healthy now, the better! I refuse to turn into my mother in 30 years!
  • emelia_
    I like to compete in running events and watching what I take in vs what I put out has really shown me how much crap I was putting in my body. I want to be able to run for a long time and as a plus healthy = confidence!
  • smokinjackd
    I want to enjoy getting older and try to stave off the diseases and frailties that effect older people, and more importantly i have four people that depend on me to be healthy and active.