Something you do for free that most people pay for.



  • inspiredjen34
    inspiredjen34 Posts: 63 Member
    Part of me wanted to do Weight Watchers but the other part of me said why should I pay for someone to tell me what to eat? Yeah right, I can do that myself. MFP is great,
  • ttmspeace
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    oil changes & car repairs (well free labor not parts on this one).... though that is going to have to change because I moved 8 hrs away from my mechanic uncle.
  • txbutterfly69
    txbutterfly69 Posts: 115 Member
    Cook gourmet recipes, skip restaurants :-) workout at home, grow my own vegetables & herbs, not pay gym prices, homeschool my daughter vs sending her to private school, color my hair and have my daughter trim my hair, and shop at thrift stores for almost everything. :-) Saves us lots of money.
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    Travel the world. I love my job :D

    Not many people can say that they've been to all 7 continents at someone else's expense :)
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I do drawing, mostly pastel art. And I make greeting cards also sometimes, and I love to Gourmet Cook the more Gourmet the foods the more fun.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    I make my own jewelry.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I color my own hair. I cook like a pro so holidays birthday cakes and bake sales are all on my plate. I work from home so I can be my own daycare (that saves tons). I can mend most minor sowing issues. I fix my own sprinklers, and do minor plumbing, electrical, and mechanical repairs. I make costumes for the boys when we can't find ones they like. I can sculpt fairly well so I make characters for cake toppers and school projects. Hmm I am sure there is more but it all falls under the header of mom stuff.
  • chadgard
    chadgard Posts: 102 Member
    I grow (and cook, and can, and dehydrate, and freeze) most of the food we eat, except for meat, which I largely barter for with surplus produce or whatnot. I also make our own soap, lip balm (the only expensive part is the tube...), moisturizing cream, aftershave/astringent (bay rum - it smells yummy, and you could drink it, but it would taste awful...).

    My wife skirts our own alpaca fiber, and spins and knits it into nifty warm clothing items. She also makes jewelry out of pressed flowers in resin, upcycled harware, bullet casings, bits of olde watches and gauges and whatnot....

    Of course, we also sell all of the above (well, except for cooked and preserved food, as we don't have the kitchen facilities to do so legally).

    I'm pretty good with electrical, plumbing, carpentry, driveway repair (we have a lot of driveway....), fencing, oil changes and the like. But pretty much worthless when it comes to diagnosing and repairing engines. We've been heating our home entirely with wood i cut and split by hand (as in axe, maul, etc.) since October when our furnace, stove, refrigerator, and dishwasher all broke in the same week we were having a chimney installed for our own woodstove (insurance wouldn't let me DIY, plus our roof has a 12/12 pitch and is way up there - I don't like that...). Our furnace is geothermal, which is all energy efficient and all, but also all computer-controlled and thus expensive to fix. Anyway, we've heated this winter almost entirely with storm damage from our own land, which, oh yeah, I also cleaned up myself.

    I'm planning to timber frame a wood shed (yeah, overkill, but fun at the same time), and if we can come up with the funding, we're going to build a yurt for my wife's studio this summer.
    We're always trying to do more for ourselves. We have learned to do much of our own veterinary work for our stable of critters, particularly the alpacas and llama because there are no large animal vets willing to pay us a visit. But, we still need to learn to shear them ourselves. That's one where doing it wrong can have a profoundly negative impact on the value of the fleeces, but it's also crazy expensive.

    I'd like to grow all of the grain supplement we feed the alpacas. It's possible with our land base, but will take some serious investment, including clearing many scrub trees, drilling a new 6" well, finding some way to get power to that well for the pump, and a few years of cover cropping to improve the soil.

    We're also slowly working our way towards going off grid, and hope for our farm to be carbon neutral at some distant point in the future.

    I really need to learn to weld.

    Oh, I don't cut my own hair, but get really cheap haircuts at work...
  • JSheehy1965
    art photography.
  • Krissee23
    Krissee23 Posts: 281 Member
    I go to Disney World anytime I want
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    I have free wireless phone service.
  • make up artist :)
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    I give away all of my paintings for free.
  • ugtsnaked
    ugtsnaked Posts: 16 Member
    Movies/music/games/ebook/software, ima pirate
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    Well I'm a stay at home mom we are chefs, maids, taxi drivers, and teachers

    plus I cut my own hair and I do my own nails :)
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Fix own computer.
    Make robot that shoots golfballs at friends.
    Change oil on motorcycle...really...why do people pay for this...
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Anything hair/cosmetics wise i do.. Oh the joys of cosmetology school.
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I cut and dye my own hair and I cut my fiancé's hair too. I also do my own eyebrows and tailor/mend clothing as long as its not too far gone. I take on a knitting project every once in a while, the last one was making my fiancé a washcloth bag (think soap on a rope meets washcloth) and I used to make all of my Christmas presents with craft projects like this, but I moved out of state and almost none of my family speaks with me so now I don't bother anymore /shrug

    My fiancé never has to hire someone to do graphic design work for his company because I have a degree in it :laugh: And he reloads ammo when it's necessary/more convenient. He used to be a gunsmith, too, so he does all of our gun maintenance, upgrades, etc., which is awesome because I would have no idea how to do any of that stuff!
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    I make my own coffee. Don't need to footy and buy it