Most ridiculous serving size?



  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    Pop Tarts. 2 come in the pack. Serving size is 1. Who eats just 1 pop tart?

    I know, right? You'd leave one lonely Poptart and no one wants that. :<

    It would be so lonely and that's just not right.
  • flyzip
    flyzip Posts: 9 Member
    I understood MFP to be a place for people to learn how to loose weight and to eat more healthy....

    Clearly the illogical serving size vs. package size is solely designed to teach US, the consumer, to consume much more than is necessary so that THEY, the manufacturer, can sell more and increase their profit. So if you seriously want to loose weight, get mad about this situation and fight back.

    How? Simple, get smart and beat them at their own game.!

    So if a serving is ONE Pop-Tart, then eat only that one and save the other for another time.

    One cup of Cheerios is a serving for 100 cal........Eat only that amount, but you can jazz it up by adding fresh blueberries or blackberries or strawberries or.... Have a banana, a clementine or light and fit yogurt.

    Use 100 cal packs of popcorn.....Eat the whole bag, still only 100 cal.

    A pasta serving is 2 oz....You and your spouse/other..use 4 oz. Want leftovers..? Use a little more. Ever notice most recipes call for at least 8 oz and many times 16 oz (the whole box). Another conspiracy. Experiment a bit and you will find it no problem to reduce the pasta in many recipes, still have a satisfying dish, and save calories at the same time.

    We have to be creative about this stuff, but sticking closer to recommended portion sizes is a very easy way to shed unwanted pounds.
  • jmadams111
    jmadams111 Posts: 145 Member
    HEB has a line of "gourmet" hamburgers; 400 cal per serving = 1/2 of the hamburger!
  • dschipman
    dschipman Posts: 14 Member
    bump to read later
  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
    Oh- And this is sort of related- Every portion served at a restaurant when they dont have a calorie guide. Why is they only require fast food? If you are ordering FAST or eating there- you are probably already knowing your going to eat more than youd like- Id rather have a calorie guide while sitting at a table in a restaurant when I have TIME to examine it.
  • hdjjones
    hdjjones Posts: 130 Member
    Chips! When you open a bag of chips and the suggested serving is only 10-15 chips, yeehhh ottaay :noway:

    Wheat thins-serving size is 16, uh huh.
  • AbbsyBabbsy
    AbbsyBabbsy Posts: 184 Member
    I can beat the PAM spray! I have a can of Nature's Promise organic cooking spray with a serving size of... 1/5 second spray.

    Is that even possible?
  • flyzip
    flyzip Posts: 9 Member
    Of course it is not possible to spray that tiny amount......And, Mr. Manufacturer is counting on you to use as much as you want because they have planted to idea in your head that their product contains ZERO CALORIES! And of course they will be there to sell you your next can of 0 cal. spray lube.

    Everyone knows there are 120 calories per tablespoon of olive oil. In fact, this is true for most fats (butter, other oils, etc.). If you spray for more than the 1/5 second they would not be able to claim "zero" cal.

    Better to get one of those pump-up misters that you can fill with your own oil. Just be honest with the amount you use.
  • TimSPC
    TimSPC Posts: 39 Member
    Here's another one: raisins.

    The serving size on raisins is 1/4 cup. That's how much I would grab out of the carton to eat before I poured some on my cereal.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Looking at a box of cookies last night, one servicing size was 7 1/2 cookies...little, itty, bitty cookies (think animal cracker size). Who would just eat 1/2 a cookie.

    Cereal is the one I can't do. I was one of those growing up that would use an old butter tub for a cereal bowl. 1 little cup as a serving size...can't do it.

    YUP Cereal is a *kitten*! One cup! ONE! One freakin cup is supposed to do the trick?! NO! I REFUSE! Must..have..two..or..more..

    Cereal ..... 1 cup .... if you're lucky!

    Grapenuts serving size (on the box) is 1/2 cup AND that's twice as many calories than 1&1/4 cups cheerios ........ so 1/4 C is more like it ..... 1/4 cup of cereal!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Looking at a box of cookies last night, one servicing size was 7 1/2 cookies...little, itty, bitty cookies (think animal cracker size). Who would just eat 1/2 a cookie.

    Cereal is the one I can't do. I was one of those growing up that would use an old butter tub for a cereal bowl. 1 little cup as a serving size...can't do it.

    YUP Cereal is a *kitten*! One cup! ONE! One freakin cup is supposed to do the trick?! NO! I REFUSE! Must..have..two..or..more..

    Cereal ..... 1 cup .... if you're lucky!

    Grapenuts serving size (on the box) is 1/2 cup AND that's twice as many calories than 1&1/4 cups cheerios ........ so 1/4 C is more like it ..... 1/4 cup of cereal!

    OK, that is how much I feel gives my a proper amount of crunch with my Greek yogurt!
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    I just bought some little goldfish crackers. Serving size is 30g or "approximately 51 crackers" (so, er, 50?). And the package contains 187 g. Yup.
  • Berlygirl10
    I have a bag of croutons in the cabinet... serving size 2 tablespoons. How are you supposed to measure that when most of the croutons won't even fit properly in an actual tablespoon? Why not just say "serving size about 2 croutons"? On top of that -- while it's obviously healthier to go with none anyway -- what kind of salad that includes croutons only uses two of them?

    Those darn croutons.. I just ran into this a few nights ago and was like..really?
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    We have these "vegetable straws" up here, taste like pringles, but in pretty colours. A serving is 65!!! of them
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    OH cheese!! if you buy the blocked cheese, one serving is 1 oz. That's enough for like 3 crackers. I think I just need to not eat cheese.
  • Suewags
    Suewags Posts: 57 Member
    We bought one of those ready-made pizza doughs (like Bobolis) and it said something like "Serving size: 1/6 of pizza. Servings per container: 8." What?! How does that even work out? The family and I spent a good 20 minutes trying to figure out how to even make it work mathematically before we gave up.
  • MikeAlphaBaker
    Grated Parmesan cheese serving size is two teaspoons for 136 calories!! Might as well not even bother!

    It's 20 calories, 136 servings per 24 oz container.
  • MadameMoustache
    MadameMoustache Posts: 54 Member
    Krispy Kernels trail mixes. They sell it in individual size of 75 grams. But the serving size is 50 grams.
    So when you look fast, you think you're actually eating 260 calories, but in fact, you're eating 405 calories.
    I'm on the go, how am I supposed to weight this? I mean, I'm no drug dealer, I don't carry a mini digital scale in my purse.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Mass gainers suck, I mean 4 giant scoops of powder come on!
  • kazb0t
    kazb0t Posts: 33 Member
    Earlier this week I cooked a 1lb box of pasta (7 servings) and a jar of sauce (5 servings) to which I added chicken and other ingredients to extend. In the end, I decided that everything was 5 servings. So I measured cooked pasta then measured finished sauce, and just use 1/5 of each per serving. Simple and worked like a champ! I have roughly a pound of food per serving and it was less than 500 cals per serving! #Winning

    I had to do this last night when I made spaghetti for my family. I box of pasta with 7 servings, plus 1 jar of sauce with 5 servings (can't they coordinate that?!) plus a pound of lean hamburger all in the recipe calculator, divide by 7 = 350 calories per serving. Looks great on paper, but how on earth are you supposed to divide a big dish of slippery food into sevenths? I did the best I could, but I venture the servings were rather unequal. I mean, come on. How are you supposed to measure an accurate serving, even with a kitchen scale, if they only give the information for the UNCOOKED product?! To get an accurate serving I'd have to measure and cook each serving individually. Not gonna happen.
    I also can't stand odd serving sizes... 7?!? 5?! So much harder to divide something into odd numbered sections. They're killing me!

    Simplest way way to figure it out is this: get your biggest bowl/container, tare it to 0 on the scale, dump all the food in, divide the total weight by number of people, then weigh out each individual's portion into their bowls. It's really not that time consuming to do(at least to me).