Wife Cheating



  • It's not delivery, it's DiGiorno's

    This explains it all - that damned DiGiorno! - He's Italian and just can't keep his hands on his own body. He is pretty hard to resist (experience). Don't hate - she loves you and you have to just forgive and move on. Next time, do what she says and no one will get hurt!

    :-) HAHA!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I used to be a P.I. and looked into OP's wife...

    OP if this isn't you in this pic, PM me for the name of an attorney. This is damning evidence and can get you off the hook for half.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    LOL at call her chubby... This happened to me but he was the one cheating and blamed it on my chubbiness. I lost 80 pounds and left his sorry *kitten*. BAHAHA

    no really if you REALLY wanna know.. be that guy check message, randomly take her phone. But something's are better left unknown.

    I don't think that will really work. She could be going there to place her order, not calling it in. Or maybe she's getting a quickie by going to Little Caesar's.

    A cheap quicky at that! don't forget the crazy bread!
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    What's the big deal? I cheat all the time. Sometimes I cheat ON Pizza Hut WITH Little Caesar's. What can I say...I have an insatiable appetite! :wink:
  • Macgeek74
    Macgeek74 Posts: 298 Member
    Ive been cheated on by every woman ive dated until 09. Now i only date career women who are too busy to cheat. I work 50-60 hours a week and am very independent so many women are not good in relationships in those circumstances cause they need constant attention. I havnt been cheated on since 09 but im forever scared and prolly will never marry as a result of it. I can tell now the signs of cheating. Now it all starts with the cellphone. Does she put the phone facedown when you are around? Does she spend more time on it now? Does she leave to make calls when before she didnt? Does she seem really unfocused towards things around her and only focused on her phone? I really hate to hear that she might be, that sucks man. I wish you luck.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Ive been cheated on by every woman ive dated until 09. Now i only date career women who are too busy to cheat. I work 50-60 hours a week and am very independent so many women are not good in relationships in those circumstances cause they need constant attention. I havnt been cheated on since 09 but im forever scared and prolly will never marry as a result of it. I really hate to hear that she might be, that sucks man. I wish you luck.

    :noway: i profile creeped and everything? Are you dating only strippers? I only ask because an old really hot trainer of mine was being put through the ringer by one and that's the only kind of woman I could imagine would cheat on you based on your pics?
  • Macgeek74
    Macgeek74 Posts: 298 Member
    Ive been cheated on by every woman ive dated until 09. Now i only date career women who are too busy to cheat. I work 50-60 hours a week and am very independent so many women are not good in relationships in those circumstances cause they need constant attention. I havnt been cheated on since 09 but im forever scared and prolly will never marry as a result of it. I really hate to hear that she might be, that sucks man. I wish you luck.

    :noway: i profile creeped and everything? Are you dating only strippers? I only ask because an old really hot trainer of mine was being put through the ringer by one and that's the only kind of woman I could imagine would cheat on you based on your pics?

    Actually i was only dating church women i met in church. You know that whole opposites attract thing? Well, its true. So many good women like the jerks and will try to date a good guy like me but always never get rid of the jerk ex or go back to the exact same type of guy as the jerk so the answer is no, i dont date strippers. I used to date the really sweet,caring, women who volunteer and go to church and pray every night . Before anyone argues, yes alot of good women love the bad boys. IM just not one. I learned and changed my type to doctors and such and havnt had a problem since.
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    Oh Yum!!!!!! Love Pizza Hut, I wish that I was having that as well!!
  • Wow! Hopefully he wasn't looking for serious advice. You people are cruel.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Ive been cheated on by every woman ive dated until 09. Now i only date career women who are too busy to cheat. I work 50-60 hours a week and am very independent so many women are not good in relationships in those circumstances cause they need constant attention. I havnt been cheated on since 09 but im forever scared and prolly will never marry as a result of it. I really hate to hear that she might be, that sucks man. I wish you luck.

    :noway: i profile creeped and everything? Are you dating only strippers? I only ask because an old really hot trainer of mine was being put through the ringer by one and that's the only kind of woman I could imagine would cheat on you based on your pics?

    Actually i was only dating church women i met in church. You know that whole opposites attract thing? Well, its true. So many good women like the jerks and will try to date a good guy like me but always never get rid of the jerk ex or go back to the exact same type of guy as the jerk so the answer is no, i dont date strippers. I used to date the really sweet,caring, women who volunteer and go to church and pray every night . Before anyone argues, yes alot of good women love the bad boys. IM just not one. I learned and changed my type to doctors and such and havnt had a problem since.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Ive been cheated on by every woman ive dated until 09. Now i only date career women who are too busy to cheat. I work 50-60 hours a week and am very independent so many women are not good in relationships in those circumstances cause they need constant attention. I havnt been cheated on since 09 but im forever scared and prolly will never marry as a result of it. I really hate to hear that she might be, that sucks man. I wish you luck.

    :noway: i profile creeped and everything? Are you dating only strippers? I only ask because an old really hot trainer of mine was being put through the ringer by one and that's the only kind of woman I could imagine would cheat on you based on your pics?

    Actually i was only dating church women i met in church. You know that whole opposites attract thing? Well, its true. So many good women like the jerks and will try to date a good guy like me but always never get rid of the jerk ex or go back to the exact same type of guy as the jerk so the answer is no, i dont date strippers. I used to date the really sweet,caring, women who volunteer and go to church and pray every night . Before anyone argues, yes alot of good women love the bad boys. IM just not one. I learned and changed my type to doctors and such and havnt had a problem since.

    Oh yes, now you just reminded me one of my ex's who was beyond hot, like criminally good looking also tried to date church girls and had bad luck. Yes the good girls everyone tells you all to find and settle down with somehow have this fatal flaw of only wanting to be with "bad boys" or "fixer uppers" if you will. Yeah well I'm glad you found what works. My friend is a doctor and she's gorgeous and so I know you are going to luck finding someone as beautiful as you are hot and as loyal and well put together emotionally to handle you as nice as you are and accept you for that, not looking for some hidden pet project or whatever motivates those girls.
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    Man, I thought you were gay.
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    you should try giving her some "petit four"play.
    she may end up preferring sharing snacking with you again.
