Girls who lift aren't sexy!



  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    ladies if you want boobs might I suggest implants...:) DD's are the preferred implant, just an FYI

    Pfft. I got those covered naturally.

    That woman is hot and inspiring. Not the body I am personally aspiring to be like. But that's more because I'm short and stocky. So Jamie Eason is easier to aspire to look like. Lol.

    Thank you to the OP. I like seeing women who are sexy and strong. Even more so when they are doing a "man's" job. Good for her. She is 100% BAMF.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    It always cracks me up when straight women speak to what guys think is sexy, in a thread opened by a guy respecting a woman who lifts.

    If you're not inclined to tap it, I'm not entirely sure why your opinion matters.
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    Lol everyone is getting so butthurt. So what if some people have a different oppinion of what they want to look like? We are all adults and can learn to get along without getting so defensive. Anyway, my oppinion for MYSELF is that I would not like to be so ripped that I can see veins and too many muscles. I want to be strong but not over doing it so that I look like my boyfriend.

    Just because I have that oppinion does not mean I don't think what these women are doing is badass. I mean it takes serious work and dedication to be that way. I could never take that away from them by being rude and saying YUCK or blah blah blah. Do I want to be like that? Nope. I want a nice strong happy medium.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    FYI: Curvy girls can lift heavy and stay soft and sexy.

    This needs to be repeated tenfold.

    Not everyone who lifts, even lifts heavy, is going to be ripped. Only if you get your body fat very low, which isn't easy.

    When my BF started to get a little lower than I liked for my own personal preferences, I just upped my calories for a while. Problem solved. And solved DELICIOUSLY. :smile:
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    And a lean, muscular woman is just as much a woman with softer curves.

    'nuff said : )
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I definitely admire and appreciate the hard work and dedication it takes to have and maintain a body like that, but it doesn't do anything for me. I don't find it sexy at all. That doesn't mean I don't find women who work out hard sexy, but I'm not into the 16 year old boy on the wresting team look. Not being judgemental, just my opinion on what I like in a woman. Give me some curves.

    Actually,yes, you are being very judgmental. Saying a woman looks like a boy is being judgmental no matter how you try and excuse yourself.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    So how come OP can say that girls that lift are sexy (which basically says girls that don't are not sexy) yet no one else can have an opinion and say its not sexy :huh:

    I may be out of line speaking for Taunto, but I *seriously* doubt that's what he was saying.

    Obviously I don't think he was, and on the same token I "seriously" don't think that people who say the don't like it are saying that there is something wrong for her for looking that way.

    Taunto didn't say anything at all about girls that don't lift, he was just celebrating a girl who does, so I don't think your comparison makes sense.

    At any rate, there were people who respectfully stated their opinion that this look isn't for them, and that's fine. That's not what people are reacting to. I'm not trying to achieve this look either, but there's no need to be insulting.

    How does the comparison not make sense? It's the same thing. He said its sexy. Some said its not. Yes I agree people being ugly about her great fitness level is wrong. But each and every one's opinion is valid, which was my point. And at any rate me and Taunto are cool, he knows I wasn't bashing him :drinker:

    Maybe I misunderstood you. It seemed like you were saying that a person calling one body type sexy is the same as saying that other body types are not. ie; Women who lift are sexy = women who don't lift are not. To me that's just not the case.

    Now if the OP had said "Women who lift are sexy, women who don't look like potatoes" then that would be the same thing, IMO

    Well that was my point: When people are saying that they don't like it for themselves people are reading more into it, and acting like they are saying something negative. This is as asinine as anyone thinking since OP said Because she lifts she is sexy i.e. girls that don't lift are not. (damn sarcasm doesn't go over too well through the net without my condescending tone and half *kitten* smirk :grumble:)

    Yeah I *totally* didn't read your post as sarcastic at all. To me it wasn't "reading more" into some of those posts to see them as negative (not the ones that just said "not for me" but the ones that said "yuck" etc). Oh well :drinker:

    So basically we've been "arguing" ....ehhh lets be politically correct... discussing the same thing and not even realizing it :noway:

    lol cheers :drinker:
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    ok there is only so far a girl can go with lifting before she starts to look like she has a mans body......... girls that lift are sexy just not when they get too much muscle and no fat to cover it, i like a bit of fat i dont mind being skinny fat just not fat like i am now and so i look toned but not too toned, i dont disagree with women wanting muscle but my opinion is i dot think it looks good. women are meant to have boobs not a man like chest like you see in pics posted.. sorry if i have offended anyone but this again is my opinion x

    WOW, usually the body shaming waits until the second page. Way to be a ground breaker. Oh, and being it's only your opinion. you should have kept it to yourself.

    So why is it okay for people to body shame women on here who DON'T want to lift by calling them skinny fat? Neither one is okay.
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    ok there is only so far a girl can go with lifting before she starts to look like she has a mans body......... girls that lift are sexy just not when they get too much muscle and no fat to cover it, i like a bit of fat i dont mind being skinny fat just not fat like i am now and so i look toned but not too toned, i dont disagree with women wanting muscle but my opinion is i dot think it looks good. women are meant to have boobs not a man like chest like you see in pics posted.. sorry if i have offended anyone but this again is my opinion x

    WOW, usually the body shaming waits until the second page. Way to be a ground breaker. Oh, and being it's only your opinion. you should have kept it to yourself.

    So why is it okay for people to body shame women on here who DON'T want to lift by calling them skinny fat? Neither one is okay.

    Lol this statement is very true =p
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Damn. I think I just became a lesbian.

    Hot damn! Can I watch. lol
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Eh, can't say I'm particularly attracted to her, but to each their own. Beauty (and sexiness) being in the eye of the beholder, and all that.

    What she does look, however, is absolutely awesome and the kind of person you'd love to hang out with.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I definitely admire and appreciate the hard work and dedication it takes to have and maintain a body like that, but it doesn't do anything for me. I don't find it sexy at all. That doesn't mean I don't find women who work out hard sexy, but I'm not into the 16 year old boy on the wresting team look. Not being judgemental, just my opinion on what I like in a woman. Give me some curves.

    wow... You could have left that very judgmental statement out.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    ok there is only so far a girl can go with lifting before she starts to look like she has a mans body......... but this again is my opinion x

    I'm flat chested regardless of my weight - only just manage an A cup when i was overweight, so you're telling me i am not a woman? thank you very much!

    Was JUST going to say what about women who are naturally very "boyish" in their frame! All bodies are beautiful to someone.

    That's me! I always tell ppl i made it about 3/4 of the way through puberty and stopped. I look like a 12-year-old boy: small boobs, no hips, no body fat. i am never going to have children. i am never going to look like some ppls' idea of a "woman". i don't care about that. i've got bigger things in my life to worry about than the fact that SOME ppl are going to shake their head when they look at me, thinking "that poor girl looks like a boy--how unfortunate for her."

    I AM going to get shredded, though. That way OTHER ppl can look at me and think "damn she's fine".

    I want to look JUST LIKE Ms. Abbot. For reals. Thanks, OP, for the motivator!
  • peckish_pomegranate
    How about that revolutionary idea that women can still have validly beautiful and amazing bodies without that being our personal preference of what we'd want to have sex with? Because gueeeess what, other people don't exist for the sole purpose of being aesthetically pleasing to you.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I definitely admire and appreciate the hard work and dedication it takes to have and maintain a body like that, but it doesn't do anything for me. I don't find it sexy at all. That doesn't mean I don't find women who work out hard sexy, but I'm not into the 16 year old boy on the wresting team look. Not being judgemental, just my opinion on what I like in a woman. Give me some curves.

    Actually,yes, you are being very judgmental. Saying a woman looks like a boy is being judgmental no matter how you try and excuse yourself.

    Sorry- she looks like the kids who used to wrestle with my son. They were in amazing shape, and so is she. She looks like a boy to me. Call it what you will, if it's judging, so be it! She can come over and rotate the tires on my van anytime she wants.
  • cls_333
    cls_333 Posts: 206 Member
    Except for the gun (and liking Nascar), she's perfect.
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    ok mans point of view men like boobs *kitten*,thighs and legs

    I have all of those things and I lift.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Beautiful! I love the tattoo's she has too!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Eh, can't say I'm particularly attracted to her, but to each their own. Beauty (and sexiness) being in the eye of the beholder, and all that.

    What she does look, however, is absolutely awesome and the kind of person you'd love to hang out with.

    I'm going to backtrack this one a little, since given the title I was focusing too much on the body - which is awesome, but not attractive to me. She is extremely pretty.
  • MLgarcia3
    I love her!! And she makes me anxious to finish my sleeve lol