breakfast...the most unhealthiest meal of the day..



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I'm not obese and I live by the rule that breakfast is golden, lunch is silver, and dinner is lead.
    I tried that but had to stop after I got lead poisoning. The Goldschlager for breakfast and Coors light for lunch didn't help much either.

    Yeah, I'm thinkin' lead would not be good for dinner.
  • chaoticgeek
    chaoticgeek Posts: 25 Member
    Here is the proof! Ever since breakfast was invented in 1970 people have kept getting fatter. Just look at the chart. You can't argue with a sciency chart.

    I think your source is wrong. That chart claims almost 70% of the population is obese. When the most recent study from the CDC says only about 36% of the population is obese.

    And since everyone is throwing in anecdotal evidence I'll give my .02. For most of my life I never ate breakfast. I've been obese for most of my life too. About 7 months ago I started losing weight. One of the things that helped me was eating in the morning during traditional breakfast times. It made a huge impact on my work. I'm now the lead developer for my company and my brain needs lots of energy to actually code properly. When I started eating something in the morning I noticed clear thinking and better time spent. Then around 12:30 or 1pm I'm hungry again and I start losing focus. I eat again and soon I'm back to normal. I've actually got it down so that I eat again around noon so that I don't have that dip in my focus.

    So breakfast helped me lose 40 pounds at least. 24 pounds is since the 1st of the year and that is about when I settled into a breakfast routine that cut yogurt out in the morning.

    So for me, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, then lunch. I skip dinner sometimes when I'm not hungry but I can't skip a breakfast. However on the weekends when I don't have any work to do or any personal projects I'm working on I normally have a late breakfast and lunch and they are normally more even in size. Like now I'm going to go get something to eat for breakfast and I've already been up for two hours. During the week I could not do that and not be able to focus.

    However my results are anecdotal and are no way scientific. Since I have not had breakfast I don't have the energy or focus to go find valid sources that say something one way or the other.

    breakfast did not help you lose just ate in a deficit...

    No by eating in the morning around traditional breakfast hours I prevented myself from over eating later in the day. By starting that single habit I lost around 5 lbs in a month because I stopped over eating. So yes breakfast had an indirect impact on my weight loss. But it had a direct impact on me consuming less calories during the entire day.

    This is my post to Reddit on how I lost my 40 lbs. I changed one habit a month for the most part and I saw small results that added up.