breakfast...the most unhealthiest meal of the day..



  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Ok folks here are the stats...

    forty four percent of us eat breakfast, yet 2/3's of americans are obese. Hmmm yet we keep hearing that breakfast is the "most important meal of the day". I guess if you want to be obese then it is. Also, the whole "I need to eat breakfast to stoke the metabolic fire theory' has been totally debunked; as meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism. So I say eat when you are hungry and the let the chips fall as they may. I personally have been skipping breakfast for about five months now, and have lost three percent body fat. Oh, and you wont go into starvation mode if you don't eat breakfast so don't even come with that...cheers!

    Please quote some peer-reviewed, reputable studies if you want to say it's been totally de-bunked. I agree science is sketchy on the metabolic aspect but you can find many studies on the National Institutes of Health web site supporting the cause for eating breakfast. I don't care if you eat breakfast or not, but so far no one on this site has shown me a peer-reviewed meta-analysis of literature de-bunking the theory. It might exist; I'm still just waiting for someone to show it to me. It's just the point that people keep saying it's B.S. without showing me any citations, particularly a peer-reviewed meta-analysis in a reputable scientific journal (which is a study of studies, essentially).
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    I prefer bloody marry's to vodka OJ ....but that is just me...
    Yeah, well, we know about you. You should really go for a Bloody Caesar, be crazy among your friends and attract nearby Canadians. Instead of tomato juice, use clamato juice. It is quite delicious!
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member

    example of totally unacceptable citation. this would not pass muster at any reputable college as a source for an academic paper.
  • fat2skinnyanne

    I consider breakfast top be the most important meal of the day! It's what one eats for breakfast that will pave the way either to the obese or slim life. Fast and I'll eat anything that comes my way and that's a promise! Eat a well balanced breakfast and I'll be happy throughout the day with healthy and well portioned meals with minimal sancking in between. Now everyone has their own preferences as to what they like for breakfast. Mine is rolled oats with no fat plain yoghurt, chia and linseed mix with blueberries and a dash of honey or maple syrup. Winter it's good ole porridge.

    I'll stick to what works best for me and all the best with your journey...

    Anne :smile:
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    breakfast is not a word in my vocabulary. coffee on the other hand.................
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ok folks here are the stats...

    forty four percent of us eat breakfast, yet 2/3's of americans are obese. Hmmm yet we keep hearing that breakfast is the "most important meal of the day". I guess if you want to be obese then it is. Also, the whole "I need to eat breakfast to stoke the metabolic fire theory' has been totally debunked; as meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism. So I say eat when you are hungry and the let the chips fall as they may. I personally have been skipping breakfast for about five months now, and have lost three percent body fat. Oh, and you wont go into starvation mode if you don't eat breakfast so don't even come with that...cheers!

    Please quote some peer-reviewed, reputable studies if you want to say it's been totally de-bunked. I agree science is sketchy on the metabolic aspect but you can find many studies on the National Institutes of Health web site supporting the cause for eating breakfast. I don't care if you eat breakfast or not, but so far no one on this site has shown me a peer-reviewed meta-analysis of literature de-bunking the theory. It might exist; I'm still just waiting for someone to show it to me. It's just the point that people keep saying it's B.S. without showing me any citations, particularly a peer-reviewed meta-analysis in a reputable scientific journal (which is a study of studies, essentially). you can go there for citations, studies, et al...enjoy
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    i never eat breakfast, i normally just have coffee for breakfast.. and then wait to eat until lunch. whenever i do eat breakfast like if someone cooks so i feel bad and have to eat it - i always gain weight when i weigh myself the next day.. plus im not even hungry until like 12:00 anyway.. agree with you 100%!

    this is exactly what I am talking about ...real life example of the ills of breakfast!

    Yay! Woo hoo. More anecdotal evidence. Do you have a source for anything that you could possibly use even in a freshman-level public speaking course on this topic? Nope. You quote percentages with no back up. 99.8% of what you say is B.S. I can't find the source, but I'm sure of it. I read it somewhere.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    breakfast is not a word in my vocabulary. coffee on the other hand.................

    take away my coffee and i will kill you ...
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I asked you for a study. Do you know what a scientific study is? Can you quote one? I'm getting dumber reading this thread. I'm out.
  • Peanutbutterx
    damn kelly chill.. your only proving that breakfast eatings can be vicious.. ;)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i never eat breakfast, i normally just have coffee for breakfast.. and then wait to eat until lunch. whenever i do eat breakfast like if someone cooks so i feel bad and have to eat it - i always gain weight when i weigh myself the next day.. plus im not even hungry until like 12:00 anyway.. agree with you 100%!

    this is exactly what I am talking about ...real life example of the ills of breakfast!

    Yay! Woo hoo. More anecdotal evidence. Do you have a source for anything that you could possibly use even in a freshman-level public speaking course on this topic? Nope. You quote percentages with no back up. 99.8% of what you say is B.S. I can't find the source, but I'm sure of it. I read it somewhere.

    Hmmmm you say everything I say is bunk but you offer no studies of your own and just more, your words, anecdotal evidence...

    Also, why is that person real life example not valid? She said she ate breakfast and gained weight...FYI I did not post that that is from another poster.
  • Peanutbutterx
    it was from me... and im sorry im not "scientific" enough for you kel kel.. you know your a very angry person.. were talking about freaking breakfast and your having a mental breakdown..
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 338 Member
    Someone - feed the troll some breakfast, it might improve his mood
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Someone - feed the troll some breakfast, it might improve his mood

    who are you calling a troll????
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    who are you calling a troll????
    Shhh, honey, when you say things like that you draw attention to yourself.

    You a Devs fan?
  • dangtienthanh97
    Omg I thought if you don't eat breakfast ! Your metabolism will slow down ? Is it really ? I tried to skip it but I binge at noon ! How can you skip breakfast ? Was it uncomfortable at first ????
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Omg I thought if you don't eat breakfast ! Your metabolism will slow down ? Is it really ? I tried to skip it but I binge at noon ! How can you skip breakfast ? Was it uncomfortable at first ????

    how about no, no, no, no, and no!
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    It's already been stated, but technically we all eat breakfast, i.e. breaking of ones fast. Makes no difference if its at 6 a.m. or 2 p.m. Your "hunger" is not due to "starving" ... it is just a hormonal response to patterns of eating your body is accustomed to. For the most part we are used to eating at certain times during the day. In the absence of this, our body is thrown into a "wtf mode" when we cannot meet these habits.
  • KatjaO
    KatjaO Posts: 71
    Options you can go there for citations, studies, et al...enjoy

    For real? Try a community college or something to understand what science is. It is not an opinion or even an expert's account on something.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Options you can go there for citations, studies, et al...enjoy

    For real? Try a community college or something to understand what science is. It is not an opinion or even an expert's account on something.

    he posts all his research and studies....