breakfast...the most unhealthiest meal of the day..



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    FACT: breakfast foods are the most delicious foods out there.

    Traditional "breakfast foods" are so good that I eat them for lunch and dinner sometimes.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Do what works best for you.

    /end thread
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Ok folks here are the stats...

    forty four percent of us eat breakfast, yet 2/3's of americans are obese. Hmmm yet we keep hearing that breakfast is the "most important meal of the day". I guess if you want to be obese then it is. Also, the whole "I need to eat breakfast to stoke the metabolic fire theory' has been totally debunked; as meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism. So I say eat when you are hungry and the let the chips fall as they may. I personally have been skipping breakfast for about five months now, and have lost three percent body fat. Oh, and you wont go into starvation mode if you don't eat breakfast so don't even come with that...cheers!

    That's a pretty shaky usage of cause and effect there.

    I agree. But it is no more shaky than those who close that breakfast "is the most important meal of the day" or that it "jump starts your metabolism" or any of the other claims made about the health benefiits of breakfast. There is no data that shows a causal link to health, weight loss and breakfast eating. Yet many on here, including in this thread, have claimed just that.

    Eating something soon after waking and before starting an active day (breakfast for most people) is vital for brain development and brain function. Whether you want to lose or gain or maintain doesn't really have much to do with it. Breakfast isn't about anyone's weight. It's about brain function. That's why it's usually billed as 'the most important meal of the day.' Brain function.
  • MegaByte81
    MegaByte81 Posts: 11 Member
    The problem isn't breakfast. It's WHAT people eat for breakfast. Between doughnuts, fast food breakfast, and sugar disguised as cereal; that's where the problem lies!
  • Mandylynne1979
    Mandylynne1979 Posts: 59 Member
    well you contributed to page six, so congratulations you win the door prize...
    Is it BREAKFAST???

    yup grand slam breakfast with hash browns and sausage....chow down my friend and feel the obesity seeking into your pours..

    pours = pores lol
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    Check my food diary and tell me my brekkies aren't (mostly) healthy. It's all about choices, baby.

    Except weekends. They often include bacon.

    LIFE requires bacon!

    Healthy living is about healthy choices. I believe that companies sell us "breakfast" but they are companies, they are there to make a profit, why wouldnt they sell us something? It's about making the right choices for you. I love "breakfast" food, but I eat it when I want. I track my cals, I make healthy choices and I eat something in the morning. If I don't, I'm a major b***h!

    While the spread of information is always awesome, I think the approach is too abrasive to be considered helpful...It's almost like "hey you idiots! you eat breakfast and i dont so that makes me smarter/better!"
    no one is going to be receptive to that kind of talk. try a different approach next time.
  • runningwild00
    This is not logical. At all.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Ok folks here are the stats...

    forty four percent of us eat breakfast, yet 2/3's of americans are obese. Hmmm yet we keep hearing that breakfast is the "most important meal of the day". I guess if you want to be obese then it is. Also, the whole "I need to eat breakfast to stoke the metabolic fire theory' has been totally debunked; as meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism. So I say eat when you are hungry and the let the chips fall as they may. I personally have been skipping breakfast for about five months now, and have lost three percent body fat. Oh, and you wont go into starvation mode if you don't eat breakfast so don't even come with that...cheers!

    Sooooooo......your weight loss has nothing to do with the fact that you exercise and everything to do with the fact that you stopped eating breakfast? Ridiculous.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Eating breakfast is a daily habit for the "successful losers" who belong to The National Weight Control Registry. These people have maintained a 30-pound (or more) weight loss for at least a year, and some as long as six years.

    "Most -- 78% -- reported eating breakfast every day, and almost 90% reported eating breakfast at least five days a week - which suggests that starting the day with breakfast is an important strategy to lose weight and keep it off," says James O. Hill, PhD, the Registry's co-founder and director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.

    So on the other side of obese, proportionally more people who eat breakfast maintain weight loss. This is just as valid as the original argument.

    I eat breakfast because I am hungry. Seems pretty simple to me.

    I do not think I want to be a successful loser...sounds depressing...
  • Mandylynne1979
    Mandylynne1979 Posts: 59 Member
    The problem isn't breakfast. It's WHAT people eat for breakfast. Between doughnuts, fast food breakfast, and sugar disguised as cereal; that's where the problem lies!

    totally agree with this! I have lost weight by NOT eating breakfast, and I have lost weight by EATING breakfast!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Okay, I'm convinced. I think I'm going to start waiting to eat until dinner and just putting down a 1500 calorie meal. I bet my weight will start melting!

    Can you even put down 1500 cals in one meal?

    Heck yeah! Like a boss! And with well balanced macros. That's one of the reasons why I skip breakfast once or twice a week. To feast at dinner!!

    Dude - I can easily do this....when I can easily crush a 1200 cal dinner..but I always have largest meal post workout because breakfast is well evil...
  • FearlessRobb
    FearlessRobb Posts: 249 Member
    I hear its the most important meal of the day. but they say that because when you eat breakfast it gives you the energy to get through the day. people are big not because they eat breakfast but because of what they eat. My old breakfast was either nothing or on days off 4 fried eggs, bacon, sausage, home fries. now its a granola bar or a bowl of chex ceral with almond milk. but i eat breakfast every morning even if its tiny and in 6 months ive lost almost 90 lbs. its what u choose to eat. as if people say the starvation mode thing i agree. it takes alot longer than 12 hrs for ur body to think that and if ur eating plenty later in day ur body will never think that .
    I dont think obesity and eating breakfast are directly linked - as in stop eating breakfast and you wont be fat - obviously eating 5 burgers for breakfast is not a good idea - but something sensible like 2 pieces of wholemeal toast with low fat topping or fruit and yogurt or bowl of non sugared cereal is fine.

    Not eating breakfast does lead to concentration lags during the morning and for some people mid morning binges.

    People like diabetics on medication must eat breakfast to avoid hypos.

    I dont think your theory is very sound.

    why not? Everyone says that breakfast is the most "healthiest meal" of the day. But most of the people eating breakfast are obese. You know who is selling that breakfast is the healthiest meal line...the companies that are selling you breakfast - Kellogg's, quaker, etc OF COURSE they want you to think breakfast is healthy so you will keep buying their crap....
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Okay, I'm convinced. I think I'm going to start waiting to eat until dinner and just putting down a 1500 calorie meal. I bet my weight will start melting!

    Can you even put down 1500 cals in one meal?

    Heck yeah! Like a boss! And with well balanced macros. That's one of the reasons why I skip breakfast once or twice a week. To feast at dinner!!

    You're a male. I also IF, and usually put down 2k cals post workout at 8 PM. I have yet to see a girl be able to put down that many calories of mostly nutrient dense food in a single sitting though.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    It's what we are eating for breakfast that kills our weight. When people think of breakfast, they think of sugary cereals: high in calories, break down quickly and leave you hungry or they think of breakfast sweets...doghnuts, pancakes, french toast....the list goes on. And the meat? Ham, bacon, sausage....high in sodium, high in fat, high in calories. Breakfast tends to be a lose lose situation for Americans who seem to think that breakfast consists of two or three of these elements!

    I personally can't skip breakfast because I tend toward hypoglycemia and usually work early and wind up skipping lunch. My philosophy so far has been that I can eat anything I want as long as I eat the correct (smaller) portion sizes. So far, this seems to have worked but we'll see how long this keeps up.

    hold on there budy don't you start criticizing my bacon - dems fighting words....
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Okay, I'm convinced. I think I'm going to start waiting to eat until dinner and just putting down a 1500 calorie meal. I bet my weight will start melting!

    Can you even put down 1500 cals in one meal?

    Heck yeah! Like a boss! And with well balanced macros. That's one of the reasons why I skip breakfast once or twice a week. To feast at dinner!!

    You're a male. I also IF, and usually put down 2k cals post workout at 8 PM. I have yet to see a girl be able to put down that many calories of mostly nutrient dense food in a single sitting though.

    Very valid point!
  • Seralithe
    When you skip breakfast you're more likely to pig out later in the day. Dumb theory. Moving on.

    ALSO, assuming you sleep like 8 hours a night your body should NOT go that long without food. Lets say you go to bed at 10pm and don't eat again until lunch time, noon. Please enlighten me on how that is good for your body/metabolism.

    It isn't. Skipping breakfast is how I became anorexic. I skipped lunch back then as well. I was hungry, and my body was devouring itself. Don't skip it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ok folks here are the stats...

    forty four percent of us eat breakfast, yet 2/3's of americans are obese. Hmmm yet we keep hearing that breakfast is the "most important meal of the day". I guess if you want to be obese then it is. Also, the whole "I need to eat breakfast to stoke the metabolic fire theory' has been totally debunked; as meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism. So I say eat when you are hungry and the let the chips fall as they may. I personally have been skipping breakfast for about five months now, and have lost three percent body fat. Oh, and you wont go into starvation mode if you don't eat breakfast so don't even come with that...cheers!

    That's a pretty shaky usage of cause and effect there.

    I agree. But it is no more shaky than those who close that breakfast "is the most important meal of the day" or that it "jump starts your metabolism" or any of the other claims made about the health benefiits of breakfast. There is no data that shows a causal link to health, weight loss and breakfast eating. Yet many on here, including in this thread, have claimed just that.

    Eating something soon after waking and before starting an active day (breakfast for most people) is vital for brain development and brain function. Whether you want to lose or gain or maintain doesn't really have much to do with it. Breakfast isn't about anyone's weight. It's about brain function. That's why it's usually billed as 'the most important meal of the day.' Brain function.

    hmmm I guess my brian stopped working six months ago when I stopped eating breakfast then..?
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    When you skip breakfast you're more likely to pig out later in the day. Dumb theory. Moving on.

    ALSO, assuming you sleep like 8 hours a night your body should NOT go that long without food. Lets say you go to bed at 10pm and don't eat again until lunch time, noon. Please enlighten me on how that is good for your body/metabolism.

    It isn't. Skipping breakfast is how I became anorexic. I skipped lunch back then as well. I was hungry, and my body was devouring itself. Don't skip it.

    PhD in Bro Science
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ok folks here are the stats...

    forty four percent of us eat breakfast, yet 2/3's of americans are obese. Hmmm yet we keep hearing that breakfast is the "most important meal of the day". I guess if you want to be obese then it is. Also, the whole "I need to eat breakfast to stoke the metabolic fire theory' has been totally debunked; as meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism. So I say eat when you are hungry and the let the chips fall as they may. I personally have been skipping breakfast for about five months now, and have lost three percent body fat. Oh, and you wont go into starvation mode if you don't eat breakfast so don't even come with that...cheers!

    Sooooooo......your weight loss has nothing to do with the fact that you exercise and everything to do with the fact that you stopped eating breakfast? Ridiculous.

    never said that...but I did not get down to sub 13% body fat until I started skipping breakfast and doing leangains....prior to that I was exercising and eating breakfast.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    When you skip breakfast you're more likely to pig out later in the day. Dumb theory. Moving on.

    ALSO, assuming you sleep like 8 hours a night your body should NOT go that long without food. Lets say you go to bed at 10pm and don't eat again until lunch time, noon. Please enlighten me on how that is good for your body/metabolism.

    It isn't. Skipping breakfast is how I became anorexic. I skipped lunch back then as well. I was hungry, and my body was devouring itself. Don't skip it.

    PhD in Bro Science

    LOL I just decided not to touch this one...

    but you would have to not eat for 72 hour for your body to start "devouring" itself.