breakfast...the most unhealthiest meal of the day..



  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    Personally I always eat breakfast and I am always hungry. The days I skip breakfast I eat few calories overall and am less hungry. I eat whole grains and protein for breakfast so its not the food choice. Everyone has to decide what works for them. I like the eat when you hungry and don't when your not! :)
  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member
    Breakfast means Break the fast from the period of sleep, So what ever your breaking the fast meal is at what ever time of day
    is Breakfast whatever name you may choose to give it.
    So basically OP you are saying eating upon arising is a bad idea and that you have controlled your weight by not eating till later
    in the day , and therefor not a cereal based meal or other traditional breakfast meals , as your first meal of the day.
    Some people find if they start eating at breakfast that starts them being hungry all the time for the rest of the day, so this could be true.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Ok folks here are the stats...

    forty four percent of us eat breakfast, yet 2/3's of americans are obese. Hmmm yet we keep hearing that breakfast is the "most important meal of the day". I guess if you want to be obese then it is. Also, the whole "I need to eat breakfast to stoke the metabolic fire theory' has been totally debunked; as meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism. So I say eat when you are hungry and the let the chips fall as they may. I personally have been skipping breakfast for about five months now, and have lost three percent body fat. Oh, and you wont go into starvation mode if you don't eat breakfast so don't even come with that...cheers!

    That's a pretty shaky usage of cause and effect there.

    I agree. But it is no more shaky than those who close that breakfast "is the most important meal of the day" or that it "jump starts your metabolism" or any of the other claims made about the health benefiits of breakfast. There is no data that shows a causal link to health, weight loss and breakfast eating. Yet many on here, including in this thread, have claimed just that.

    Eating something soon after waking and before starting an active day (breakfast for most people) is vital for brain development and brain function. Whether you want to lose or gain or maintain doesn't really have much to do with it. Breakfast isn't about anyone's weight. It's about brain function. That's why it's usually billed as 'the most important meal of the day.' Brain function.

    hmmm I guess my brian stopped working six months ago when I stopped eating breakfast then..?

    If you are a student or practicing some new thing, you'd be at a decreased ability to learn new skills and information, yes.
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    Most unhealthy or unhealthiest. Pick one..... (Sorry, I'm bored)
  • GasnotGas
    GasnotGas Posts: 54 Member
    I think you all just need to eat some breakfast pizza...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ok folks here are the stats...

    forty four percent of us eat breakfast, yet 2/3's of americans are obese. Hmmm yet we keep hearing that breakfast is the "most important meal of the day". I guess if you want to be obese then it is. Also, the whole "I need to eat breakfast to stoke the metabolic fire theory' has been totally debunked; as meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism. So I say eat when you are hungry and the let the chips fall as they may. I personally have been skipping breakfast for about five months now, and have lost three percent body fat. Oh, and you wont go into starvation mode if you don't eat breakfast so don't even come with that...cheers!

    That's a pretty shaky usage of cause and effect there.

    I agree. But it is no more shaky than those who close that breakfast "is the most important meal of the day" or that it "jump starts your metabolism" or any of the other claims made about the health benefiits of breakfast. There is no data that shows a causal link to health, weight loss and breakfast eating. Yet many on here, including in this thread, have claimed just that.

    Eating something soon after waking and before starting an active day (breakfast for most people) is vital for brain development and brain function. Whether you want to lose or gain or maintain doesn't really have much to do with it. Breakfast isn't about anyone's weight. It's about brain function. That's why it's usually billed as 'the most important meal of the day.' Brain function.

    hmmm I guess my brian stopped working six months ago when I stopped eating breakfast then..?

    If you are a student or practicing some new thing, you'd be at a decreased ability to learn new skills and information, yes.
    well I continue to run my small business with no problems and we are I guess you are wrong...
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    And the meat? Ham, bacon, sausage....high in sodium, high in fat, high in calories. Breakfast tends to be a lose lose situation for Americans who seem to think that breakfast consists of two or three of these elements!

    hold on there budy don't you start criticizing my bacon - dems fighting words....

    And in additional some of this info is just plain not true. Yes these meats are high in sodium and nitrites so that is a reason ot limit them. There is nothing wrong with fats in moderation and within daily targets. They are not high in calories. That is a myth. 2 slices of cooked bacon is 83 calories with 6 grams of protien. A decent size slice of breakfast ham is 60 calories and 10 grams of protein. Doesn't look high cal to me.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    And the meat? Ham, bacon, sausage....high in sodium, high in fat, high in calories. Breakfast tends to be a lose lose situation for Americans who seem to think that breakfast consists of two or three of these elements!

    hold on there budy don't you start criticizing my bacon - dems fighting words....

    And in additional some of this info is just plain not true. Yes these meats are high in sodium and nitrites so that is a reason ot limit them. There is nothing wrong with fats in moderation and within daily targets. They are not high in calories. That is a myth. 2 slices of cooked bacon is 83 calories with 6 grams of protien. A decent size slice of breakfast ham is 60 calories and 10 grams of protein. Doesn't look high cal to me.

    and just don't eat it first thing in the morning..because that is just plain wrong!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    If you are a student or practicing some new thing, you'd be at a decreased ability to learn new skills and information, yes.

    Lol! Nonsense!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    I had a fry-up :D
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    If you are a student or practicing some new thing, you'd be at a decreased ability to learn new skills and information, yes.

    Lol! Nonsense!

    in the words of Joe Biden - Malarky!!!!
  • Arianwyn_T
    Actually, *not* eating breakfast has a high correlation to obesity.

    Exactly, because it leads to over-eating later in the day. Regular small meals *before* I get to the point of feeling hungry are what's working for me. If I wait until I'm hungry I'll eat twice as much, and it will be more likely to be crap.
  • Seralithe
    LOL I just decided not to touch this one...

    but you would have to not eat for 72 hour for your body to start "devouring" itself.

    What part of ANOREXIC don't you understand? I was obsessed with exercise, and often felt exhausted BECAUSE I didn't eat. And when I got home from school, I would turn on exercise videos and weigh myself almost twenty times a day. Really, skipping breakfast can help you lose, but unless you make up the calories, your body will go into starvation mode. You may lose weight fast, but it is not being lost in a healthy way. End of story.
  • Rikirox
    Rikirox Posts: 6 Member
    I couldn't agree more! Everyone wants to tell you to eat breakfast but I am just not hungry until about 11am. So why do I have to force feed myself. I have also found over the years that when I do eat breakfast, I am starving again by 10am. I'd rather just wait until I am hungry. Plus, I feel more motivated to workout in the morning if I haven't eaten already. But that's just me!
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Ok folks here are the stats...

    forty four percent of us eat breakfast, yet 2/3's of americans are obese. Hmmm yet we keep hearing that breakfast is the "most important meal of the day". I guess if you want to be obese then it is. Also, the whole "I need to eat breakfast to stoke the metabolic fire theory' has been totally debunked; as meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism. So I say eat when you are hungry and the let the chips fall as they may. I personally have been skipping breakfast for about five months now, and have lost three percent body fat. Oh, and you wont go into starvation mode if you don't eat breakfast so don't even come with that...cheers!

    It's the "most important" meal because it breaks your fast. Doesn't really matter when you eat it, but the fact is that the first thing you eat during the day is important because whatever you begin your day with-- working out, school, job, etc-- will be very much affected by what you eat, or don't. I do skip breakfast some days, some days I'm not hungry at 4:30 a.m. and just have my coffee, and eat my breakfast on my break at work. Sometimes, though, not eating before work means I'm woozy halfway through my shift, because I have a very physically active job. To say that eating breakfast will make you obese is just as silly as insisting that you need a morning (as in before noon) "breaking your fast" meal every day.

    You're right in saying that people should only eat when they want to and not force food down their throat. But you don't get to dismiss breakfast as a whole simply because skipping it works for you. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks and all that. Cheers.
  • Kryxx
    Kryxx Posts: 34
    Being the "Healthiest meal of the day", has got nothing to do with it. It's as healthy as you want to make it. The whole point of eating breakfast is to have energy to do activities, especially if you have an active day. Example: When I know I'm going to be surfing all day, I have myself a huge breakfast that will get me through 6 hours of straight surfing.

    Unfortunately, many people who believe anything they see from one source without cross-checking, tend to use breakfast as a mental factor. If they skip breakfast, they tell themselves "Oh its ok Ill eat this extra chocolate bar because I didn't have breakfast. It has a mental factor, however I feel the way you are interpreting this statement is completely out of context.

    Edit: Just to add, If you have a very inactive job and are not hungry in the morning then not eating breakfast isn't a big deal, then it just comes down to whatever you feel.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Actually, *not* eating breakfast has a high correlation to obesity.

    Exactly, because it leads to over-eating later in the day. Regular small meals *before* I get to the point of feeling hungry are what's working for me. If I wait until I'm hungry I'll eat twice as much, and it will be more likely to be crap.

    Well did you know that pirate activity went up worldwide as global warming increased? So, there is a correlation between these 2 things also. Pirates must be causing global warming!! Or would it be that global warming is causing more pirates???.....

    Also, the incidence of swimming pool drownings increases as ice cream sales go up. One must be causing the other!!

    Gotta love correlational data!! Great fun.
  • Arianwyn_T
    Its things like this that cause people to be so confused when it comes to nutritional information. Yes, a marketing ploy is to say that breakfast is the healthiest meal of the day. Its meant to break your fast from sleeping... to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to start your day. It doesn't matter the time of the day.... it all depends on what you eat. You can have cheesecake pancakes from ihop for breakfast or you can have some fresh fruit, yogurt, eggs, or granola for breakfast. The statistics are basically proving, if anything, that people are not making wise decisions. That's it.

    exactly this --- breakfast means breaking your fast (as in the time you're not eating while you sleep) and by definition the first meal you eat in the day is your "breakfast" regardless of whether you call it lunch or supper or whatever. Is most of the stuff that gets marketed as "breakfast food" crap? Of course it is, it's over-procesed junk. But anyone who thinks they have to comprise their breakfast of things that are marketed as such is too brainwashed by media to have any chance in this world.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    And the meat? Ham, bacon, sausage....high in sodium, high in fat, high in calories. Breakfast tends to be a lose lose situation for Americans who seem to think that breakfast consists of two or three of these elements!

    hold on there budy don't you start criticizing my bacon - dems fighting words....

    And in additional some of this info is just plain not true. Yes these meats are high in sodium and nitrites so that is a reason ot limit them. There is nothing wrong with fats in moderation and within daily targets. They are not high in calories. That is a myth. 2 slices of cooked bacon is 83 calories with 6 grams of protien. A decent size slice of breakfast ham is 60 calories and 10 grams of protein. Doesn't look high cal to me.

    and just don't eat it first thing in the morning..because that is just plain wrong!

    Why, exactly, is having two regular slices of bacon, one scrambled egg (easy on the butter for the pan, and no salt added), and two pieces of 100% whole wheat toast "wrong" to have first thing in the morning, if you're hungry and that's what you want for a high-protein filling breakfast? Why would it be better to eat said food in the afternoon? Give me scientific reasoning to back this up, then we'll talk. Right now you're just throwing out your opinion, which doesn't hold a candle to much. If YOU don't want to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast, fine, YOU don't have to!
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    LOL I just decided not to touch this one...

    but you would have to not eat for 72 hour for your body to start "devouring" itself.

    What part of ANOREXIC don't you understand? I was obsessed with exercise, and often felt exhausted BECAUSE I didn't eat. And when I got home from school, I would turn on exercise videos and weigh myself almost twenty times a day. Really, skipping breakfast can help you lose, but unless you make up the calories, your body will go into starvation mode. You may lose weight fast, but it is not being lost in a healthy way. End of story.

    Do we look anorexic to you? Your problem had to do with self image. Weighing yourself 20x a day... that is what is unhealthy. You are not anorexic because of the fact you skipped breakfast. You were anorexic because you did not have to capacity to meet your caloric goals in a given time frame.