breakfast...the most unhealthiest meal of the day..



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    hmm so far I have been called stupid, arrogant, ignorant, breakfast defenders sure are serious people...Do some of you work for Kellogg's perhaps?

    Kelloggs disrespected Michael Phelps. That's the real reason that your friend Brian quit working 6 months ago. He has been staging a sit-in at their corporate HQ all this time. I didn't want to tell you before...

    Phelps is just a propagandist that the conformist breakfast borg shovels down our throats to to try and make us eat more of their crap....
  • Peanutbutterx
    hmm so far I have been called stupid, arrogant, ignorant, breakfast defenders sure are serious people...Do some of you work for Kellogg's perhaps?

    obviously he posted something that caught peoples interest because a lot of people clicked it, read it, and commented on it.. people are allowed to have an opinion thats not the same as yours that doesn't mean they are stupid, or think that think they are better than you.. having an individual idea that disagrees with something you've been told is "good" for you and questioning why is it good for me instead of just accepting it for no reason is a sign of intelligence.. that being said, i do think all of these people secretly work for kellogs..
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Not eating breakfast completely screws up my day and always has done.
    The thing is, when you eat something crap for breakfast then yes, it's not going to aid with dieting.
    But if you eat something like a low fat cereal, a slice of toast, fruit, etc. then it's a perfectly healthy addition to your food that day.
    To be honest I would say you SHOULD eat breakfast if you can make good food choices and if you can't help but have pancakes or some other kind of ridiculous breakfast, then skip it.

    2/3's of americans are obese

    This is because the food in America is awful and everyone cooks with far too much butter/oils.
    Over here in Europe we eat breakfasts... in some countries we eat huge breakfasts and we don't have the same obesity problems.
    It's down to food choices, not what time you eat or what you call that meal.

    well our cooks may be awful..but at least our woman shave their armpits and all of use deodorant ....

    Dude, I am from England. We all use deodorant and shave all our body hair... much the same as the rest of European women.
    I think the reason people are calling you names is because you are behaving as such.
    Don't ask for opinions on things to then start insulting everyone and being so narrow minded. I can't believe you are that uneducated you would make an assumption about an entire continent like that.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Not eating breakfast completely screws up my day and always has done.
    The thing is, when you eat something crap for breakfast then yes, it's not going to aid with dieting.
    But if you eat something like a low fat cereal, a slice of toast, fruit, etc. then it's a perfectly healthy addition to your food that day.
    To be honest I would say you SHOULD eat breakfast if you can make good food choices and if you can't help but have pancakes or some other kind of ridiculous breakfast, then skip it.

    2/3's of americans are obese

    This is because the food in America is awful and everyone cooks with far too much butter/oils.
    Over here in Europe we eat breakfasts... in some countries we eat huge breakfasts and we don't have the same obesity problems.
    It's down to food choices, not what time you eat or what you call that meal.

    Having travelled Europe extensively, I would say it has nothing to do with the butter/oils. In Europe, as in most of the non US world, the portion size is more reasonable. Not a lot of supersizing.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Here is the proof! Ever since breakfast was invented in 1970 people have kept getting fatter. Just look at the chart. You can't argue with a sciency chart.

    There is is on the chart. Proof postive!!
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Not eating breakfast completely screws up my day and always has done.
    The thing is, when you eat something crap for breakfast then yes, it's not going to aid with dieting.
    But if you eat something like a low fat cereal, a slice of toast, fruit, etc. then it's a perfectly healthy addition to your food that day.
    To be honest I would say you SHOULD eat breakfast if you can make good food choices and if you can't help but have pancakes or some other kind of ridiculous breakfast, then skip it.

    2/3's of americans are obese

    This is because the food in America is awful and everyone cooks with far too much butter/oils.
    Over here in Europe we eat breakfasts... in some countries we eat huge breakfasts and we don't have the same obesity problems.
    It's down to food choices, not what time you eat or what you call that meal.

    Having travelled Europe extensively, I would say it has nothing to do with the butter/oils. In Europe, as in most of the non US world, the portion size is more reasonable. Not a lot of supersizing.

    I have also travelled Europe extensively and lived in many homes throughout the different countries and I can tell you it has a lot to do with not cooking with as much butter/oils. I also agree with you on portion sizes, we tend to get much smaller portions and there isn't the whole supersizing craze in restaurants. We have it but they are few and far between.
  • divaindy
    divaindy Posts: 108 Member
    Here is the proof! Ever since breakfast was invented in 1970 people have kept getting fatter. Just look at the chart. You can't argue with a sciency chart.
    I did not realize they did not have breakfast or overweight people before 1950 did you?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Not eating breakfast completely screws up my day and always has done.
    The thing is, when you eat something crap for breakfast then yes, it's not going to aid with dieting.
    But if you eat something like a low fat cereal, a slice of toast, fruit, etc. then it's a perfectly healthy addition to your food that day.
    To be honest I would say you SHOULD eat breakfast if you can make good food choices and if you can't help but have pancakes or some other kind of ridiculous breakfast, then skip it.

    2/3's of americans are obese

    This is because the food in America is awful and everyone cooks with far too much butter/oils.
    Over here in Europe we eat breakfasts... in some countries we eat huge breakfasts and we don't have the same obesity problems.
    It's down to food choices, not what time you eat or what you call that meal.

    well our cooks may be awful..but at least our woman shave their armpits and all of use deodorant ....

    Dude, I am from England. We all use deodorant and shave all our body hair... much the same as the rest of European women.
    I think the reason people are calling you names is because you are behaving as such.
    Don't ask for opinions on things to then start insulting everyone and being so narrow minded. I can't believe you are that uneducated you would make an assumption about an entire continent like that.

    hmmm interesting because you said that EVERYONE in america cooks with too much butter/oils...You did the exact same thing that I did, yet you criticize me????? you also said all the food in america is awful? So you just made two assumption about an entire country...

    For the record I do not cook with butters/oils....and I pretty much eat clean everyday...

    and I have been to Paris and Italy and they definitely need to man up on the deodorant.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Here is the proof! Ever since breakfast was invented in 1970 people have kept getting fatter. Just look at the chart. You can't argue with a sciency chart.
    I did not realize they did not have breakfast or overweight people before 1950 did you?

    the chart does not lie!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Here is the proof! Ever since breakfast was invented in 1970 people have kept getting fatter. Just look at the chart. You can't argue with a sciency chart.
    I did not realize they did not have breakfast or overweight people before 1950 did you?

    the chart does not lie!
    it is a historical fact that there was no breakfast or obese people prior to 1950. It is in all the history books...
  • divaindy
    divaindy Posts: 108 Member
    Hahaha sorry this made me everyone puts obesity is not based on breakfast. I got fat cause of all the toxins/crap and bad food that were thousands of calories. I gained weight for not making healthy choices. I hate breakfast, and didn't eat breakfast EVER. I would eat twice a day and because of my poor options I put myself in a horrible state, gaining so much weight. Now that I eat a healthy amount of calories, clean food, and a healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner...I lose a good 2 pounds a week with exercise included. We are 'fat' because in a way we all chose to be. Because we all chose what to consume!

    >.> (don't take this as a rude response -gulp-) <3
    I have to agree mostly with this post I never ate breakfast cause I thought it started my cycle of overheating....wrong I was just obese most of my life due to the thousands of yummy calories I would eat...
    I am a runner now and need the oatmeal in the morn to give me the energy sometimes before sometimes after.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Not eating breakfast completely screws up my day and always has done.
    The thing is, when you eat something crap for breakfast then yes, it's not going to aid with dieting.
    But if you eat something like a low fat cereal, a slice of toast, fruit, etc. then it's a perfectly healthy addition to your food that day.
    To be honest I would say you SHOULD eat breakfast if you can make good food choices and if you can't help but have pancakes or some other kind of ridiculous breakfast, then skip it.

    2/3's of americans are obese

    This is because the food in America is awful and everyone cooks with far too much butter/oils.
    Over here in Europe we eat breakfasts... in some countries we eat huge breakfasts and we don't have the same obesity problems.
    It's down to food choices, not what time you eat or what you call that meal.

    well our cooks may be awful..but at least our woman shave their armpits and all of use deodorant ....

    Dude, I am from England. We all use deodorant and shave all our body hair... much the same as the rest of European women.
    I think the reason people are calling you names is because you are behaving as such.
    Don't ask for opinions on things to then start insulting everyone and being so narrow minded. I can't believe you are that uneducated you would make an assumption about an entire continent like that.

    hmmm interesting because you said that EVERYONE in america cooks with too much butter/oils...You did the exact same thing that I did, yet you criticize me????? you also said all the food in america is awful? So you just made two assumption about an entire country...

    For the record I do not cook with butters/oils....and I pretty much eat clean everyday...

    and I have been to Paris and Italy and they definitely need to man up on the deodorant.

    Yes but I didn't go and slam an entire continent with a stereotype!
    And you said 2/3 of americans are obese so I'd say that means a pretty large percent of you guys are doing something wrong.
    What I was doing is called generalising. What you were doing is called discrimination against an entire continent.
    Was what I said insulting to individuals in America? No. Was what you said insulting to individuals in Europe? Yes.
    There is a vast difference between our two statements.

    Oh wow, Italy AND Paris? I guess that makes you knowledgeable on the entire of Europe, ****. Sorry about that.
  • peterdt
    peterdt Posts: 820 Member
    Food is food. I have a salad most days for breakast. no lettuce. just veggies and meat and a few other things. a lot of people wonder how I can eat like that. but why get locked into silly old traditions for breakfast. eat anything you like, as long as it good for you.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Not eating breakfast completely screws up my day and always has done.
    The thing is, when you eat something crap for breakfast then yes, it's not going to aid with dieting.
    But if you eat something like a low fat cereal, a slice of toast, fruit, etc. then it's a perfectly healthy addition to your food that day.
    To be honest I would say you SHOULD eat breakfast if you can make good food choices and if you can't help but have pancakes or some other kind of ridiculous breakfast, then skip it.

    2/3's of americans are obese

    This is because the food in America is awful and everyone cooks with far too much butter/oils.
    Over here in Europe we eat breakfasts... in some countries we eat huge breakfasts and we don't have the same obesity problems.
    It's down to food choices, not what time you eat or what you call that meal.

    well our cooks may be awful..but at least our woman shave their armpits and all of use deodorant ....

    Dude, I am from England. We all use deodorant and shave all our body hair... much the same as the rest of European women.
    I think the reason people are calling you names is because you are behaving as such.
    Don't ask for opinions on things to then start insulting everyone and being so narrow minded. I can't believe you are that uneducated you would make an assumption about an entire continent like that.

    hmmm interesting because you said that EVERYONE in america cooks with too much butter/oils...You did the exact same thing that I did, yet you criticize me????? you also said all the food in america is awful? So you just made two assumption about an entire country...

    For the record I do not cook with butters/oils....and I pretty much eat clean everyday...

    and I have been to Paris and Italy and they definitely need to man up on the deodorant.

    Yes but I didn't go and slam an entire continent with a stereotype!
    And you said 2/3 of americans are obese so I'd say that means a pretty large percent of you guys are doing something wrong.
    What I was doing is called generalising. What you were doing is called discrimination against an entire continent.
    Was what I said insulting to individuals in America? No. Was what you said insulting to individuals in Europe? Yes.
    There is a vast difference between our two statements.

    Oh wow, Italy AND Paris? I guess that makes you knowledgeable on the entire of Europe, ****. Sorry about that.

    you can slice it anyway that you want. you said that all americans cook with butters/oils and eat did the same thing that i did..

    Except I was making a JOKE....get a sense of humor and grab some big girl panties geez...
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Ok folks here are the stats...

    forty four percent of us eat breakfast, yet 2/3's of americans are obese. Hmmm yet we keep hearing that breakfast is the "most important meal of the day". I guess if you want to be obese then it is. Also, the whole "I need to eat breakfast to stoke the metabolic fire theory' has been totally debunked; as meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism. So I say eat when you are hungry and the let the chips fall as they may. I personally have been skipping breakfast for about five months now, and have lost three percent body fat. Oh, and you wont go into starvation mode if you don't eat breakfast so don't even come with that...cheers!

    Does it mention if the 2/3 of obese Americans are part of the 44% that eat breakfast? Maybe the 66% of Americans who are obese are mainly ones who don't eat breakfast.

    Good for you losing 3% body fat, but you could've done that by cutting out food elsewhere in your diet. Who knows.

    I always eat breakfast because I'm hungry in the morning and I couldn't go to work (I'm a teacher) on an empty stomach. I also have 2 young kids and need the energy to chase round after them!

    I eat healthy breakfasts, and I've continued to lose weight whilst still eating breakfast. I'm English though, maybe that makes a difference lol.
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    This troll has had enough food. we should probably stop feeding it...
  • silversociety
    silversociety Posts: 222 Member
    :drinker: keep it up!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I got a slogan for Kellogs and rest of the breakfast borg...."Breakfast, making obese people since 1950" as the previous chart proves beyond a doubt!
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Not eating breakfast completely screws up my day and always has done.
    The thing is, when you eat something crap for breakfast then yes, it's not going to aid with dieting.
    But if you eat something like a low fat cereal, a slice of toast, fruit, etc. then it's a perfectly healthy addition to your food that day.
    To be honest I would say you SHOULD eat breakfast if you can make good food choices and if you can't help but have pancakes or some other kind of ridiculous breakfast, then skip it.

    2/3's of americans are obese

    This is because the food in America is awful and everyone cooks with far too much butter/oils.
    Over here in Europe we eat breakfasts... in some countries we eat huge breakfasts and we don't have the same obesity problems.
    It's down to food choices, not what time you eat or what you call that meal.

    well our cooks may be awful..but at least our woman shave their armpits and all of use deodorant ....

    Dude, I am from England. We all use deodorant and shave all our body hair... much the same as the rest of European women.
    I think the reason people are calling you names is because you are behaving as such.
    Don't ask for opinions on things to then start insulting everyone and being so narrow minded. I can't believe you are that uneducated you would make an assumption about an entire continent like that.

    hmmm interesting because you said that EVERYONE in america cooks with too much butter/oils...You did the exact same thing that I did, yet you criticize me????? you also said all the food in america is awful? So you just made two assumption about an entire country...

    For the record I do not cook with butters/oils....and I pretty much eat clean everyday...

    and I have been to Paris and Italy and they definitely need to man up on the deodorant.

    Yes but I didn't go and slam an entire continent with a stereotype!
    And you said 2/3 of americans are obese so I'd say that means a pretty large percent of you guys are doing something wrong.
    What I was doing is called generalising. What you were doing is called discrimination against an entire continent.
    Was what I said insulting to individuals in America? No. Was what you said insulting to individuals in Europe? Yes.
    There is a vast difference between our two statements.

    Oh wow, Italy AND Paris? I guess that makes you knowledgeable on the entire of Europe, ****. Sorry about that.

    you can slice it anyway that you want. you said that all americans cook with butters/oils and eat did the same thing that i did..

    Except I was making a JOKE....get a sense of humor and grab some big girl panties geez...

    Yes, a hilarious and prejudice joke. Well done on your skills of wit, that you have to be insulting in order to be funny is very impressive.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Not eating breakfast completely screws up my day and always has done.
    The thing is, when you eat something crap for breakfast then yes, it's not going to aid with dieting.
    But if you eat something like a low fat cereal, a slice of toast, fruit, etc. then it's a perfectly healthy addition to your food that day.
    To be honest I would say you SHOULD eat breakfast if you can make good food choices and if you can't help but have pancakes or some other kind of ridiculous breakfast, then skip it.

    2/3's of americans are obese

    This is because the food in America is awful and everyone cooks with far too much butter/oils.
    Over here in Europe we eat breakfasts... in some countries we eat huge breakfasts and we don't have the same obesity problems.
    It's down to food choices, not what time you eat or what you call that meal.

    well our cooks may be awful..but at least our woman shave their armpits and all of use deodorant ....

    Dude, I am from England. We all use deodorant and shave all our body hair... much the same as the rest of European women.
    I think the reason people are calling you names is because you are behaving as such.
    Don't ask for opinions on things to then start insulting everyone and being so narrow minded. I can't believe you are that uneducated you would make an assumption about an entire continent like that.

    hmmm interesting because you said that EVERYONE in america cooks with too much butter/oils...You did the exact same thing that I did, yet you criticize me????? you also said all the food in america is awful? So you just made two assumption about an entire country...

    For the record I do not cook with butters/oils....and I pretty much eat clean everyday...

    and I have been to Paris and Italy and they definitely need to man up on the deodorant.

    Yes but I didn't go and slam an entire continent with a stereotype!
    And you said 2/3 of americans are obese so I'd say that means a pretty large percent of you guys are doing something wrong.
    What I was doing is called generalising. What you were doing is called discrimination against an entire continent.
    Was what I said insulting to individuals in America? No. Was what you said insulting to individuals in Europe? Yes.
    There is a vast difference between our two statements.

    Oh wow, Italy AND Paris? I guess that makes you knowledgeable on the entire of Europe, ****. Sorry about that.

    I actually snorted at the armpit hair comment!

    Maybe armpit hair is a fat burning miracle. (Next on Dr Oz!)