Ladies..scared of BIRTH CONTROL!



  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    Condoms are great and no hormones! :love:


    Not this. Condoms BREAK. Broken condom = baby.

    Whatever floats your boat, friends, but I'd much rather take the safe route than be up ****s creek without a paddle.
    Are there no other options?

    Sure there are. There's natural family planning, a diaphragm, cerival cap, spermicide coupled with condoms, but my point is, relying ONLY on condoms is just... well, it's stupid and irresponsible, especially for one that doesn't want children. Condoms break. I know too many people that relied on condoms, the condom broke and they got pregnant. All it takes is one time.

    Or, there's good old fashioned hormonal birth control. Suck it up and deal with the side effects. I was on depo provera for four years, gained approximately 35 pounds while on it and dealt with pretty ridiculous mood swings and hormones the whole time. But I never got pregnant.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I have had HORRIBLE issues gaining weight while on birth control in the past..I gained about twenty pounds when I had that thing in my arm. I am now starting back up with a pill. I am SCARED TO DEATH to gain weight (I have been trying so hard!) I know it's better then having a babes at the moment, but still. How is it working for you?

    P.S. I am starting "Aviane"

    Why not just use condoms? That's the only birth control I ever used, back when that sort of thing was necessary. They are easier to remember and don't mess with your hormones.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Condoms are great and no hormones! :love:


    Not this. Condoms BREAK. Broken condom = baby.

    Whatever floats your boat, friends, but I'd much rather take the safe route than be up ****s creek without a paddle.

    Don't buy cheap ones. I used countless numbers of them when I was young and never had an issue. Also condoms protect against STDs. No other birth control method protects against STDs.
  • MeganKSchultz
    @OP- I use to use the Ring, and never had any weight gain issues. Now I'm on the shot, and again, no weight gain issues.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    Sure there are. There's natural family planning, a diaphragm, cerival cap, spermicide coupled with condoms, but my point is, relying ONLY on condoms is just... well, it's stupid and irresponsible, especially for one that doesn't want children. Condoms break. I know too many people that relied on condoms, the condom broke and they got pregnant. All it takes is one time.

    I know plenty of "pill babies," but never met anyone who got pregnant when using condoms. What's irresponsible is pretending that STDs don't exist. Personally, I think the pill is pretty stupid. There is no such thing as 100% effective, but condoms provide protection that the pill does not. As far as birth control only, condoms are just as effective as the pill.
  • jsimler1
    jsimler1 Posts: 168 Member
    im on yasmin and i didnt gain weight on it..

    never gained a pound while on yasmin...
  • LarDoucheLar
    LarDoucheLar Posts: 171 Member
    The Copper coil is non hormonal and won't put on weight, i've had it before and it didn't hurt too much.

    I'm now on the depo vera and am also paranoid about the weight gain.. so far i've only gained a few pounds whether it's due to snacking or the depo vera i have no idea but i'm taking control before it gets bad.

    My experience with the pill in particular 'cilest' was it made me constantly spew.. i was on it when i actually got pregnant with my son and i did gain a little weight.

    Good luck! :)
  • CharlotteAnneUK
    CharlotteAnneUK Posts: 186 Member
    Took the pill for years and never gained weight. Went on the Injection went up 2 dress sizes in two weeks! Came off the injection, lost a dress size in no time, went on a diet and fitness kick went down a further 3 dress sizes. Got older and gained 3 dress sizes, working on losing one and will be happy.
  • Shaybug
    Shaybug Posts: 80 Member
    Love my IUD, definitely no weight gain from it.

    My Mirena IUD is awesome. No bloating, no mood swings, no cramps, no periods. I love it.
  • charman99
    charman99 Posts: 88 Member
    I am the same way... but I have found that the ring works wonders.... clear skin, no side effects and has not made me gain an ounce!!! So try that!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    gaining over 20lbs isn't from birth control- that's a lack of SELF CONTROL. I don't think IUD causes weight gain - but pregnancy will
    MIRENA caused weight gain, yes. It's hormones.
    A paraguard does not

    I'm surprised you're so anti-hormonal birth control but okay with Paragard.... which they don't even know WHY it works. They have suspicions, but they don't know why copper repels sperm.... so what else could be happening that they don't know about?

    In reality, they know very little about the endocrine (hormonal) system, so it's all kind of a shot in the dark, but I find it interesting when people rave about Paragard being non-hormonal, but not even realizing that we don't know why a piece of plastic with copper wrapped around it shoved in our uterus prevents pregnancy.... and are okay with it.
    I'm okay with it, given my choices, because it's been out for MANY years and no serious side effects (like strokes) have been reported, nor any common side effects other than a heavier period for some.
    As for how it works, copper is commonly known to be a spermicide. And, if memory serves copper also prevents implantation, which is why it was used as an emergency BC (but doesn't earn the drug companies much money).
    Again, given my choices from hormonal BC (mood swings, weight gain, migraines, breast pain, libido issues) and my personal issues with other spermicides (yeast infection) and my latex allergy, I'd go with that.

    But you're right, we don't know much about the endocrine system.... yet we readily implant things, take pills and "shove" plastic containing hormones in our uterus. We say the hormone laden plastic bit has only "local" effects but that it "can clear up acne"....
    I'll pass. Been there, done that. Three different times.

    PS: I"ve answered this as best I can, given that you're quoting one of my original replies, rather than subsequent replies, making it a challenge.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Condoms are great and no hormones! :love:


    Not this. Condoms BREAK. Broken condom = baby.

    Whatever floats your boat, friends, but I'd much rather take the safe route than be up ****s creek without a paddle.
    Are there no other options?

    Sure there are. There's natural family planning, a diaphragm, cerival cap, spermicide coupled with condoms, but my point is, relying ONLY on condoms is just... well, it's stupid and irresponsible, especially for one that doesn't want children. Condoms break. I know too many people that relied on condoms, the condom broke and they got pregnant. All it takes is one time.

    Or, there's good old fashioned hormonal birth control. Suck it up and deal with the side effects. I was on depo provera for four years, gained approximately 35 pounds while on it and dealt with pretty ridiculous mood swings and hormones the whole time. But I never got pregnant.
    Thanks. Exactly. There are lots of choices. It just seems in these threads that folks tend to the black or white: hormones or pregnancy. Thanks for replying, and bummer about the 35lbs!
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    There are non-hormonal forms of birth control around. The Fertility Awareness Method is one such form of birth control. It is similar to Natural Family Planning, however during a woman's fertile time you use a barrier method of birth control (such as a condom) instead of abstaining from sex (like in Natural Family Planning). Of course, this is not a method that will work for everyone, but it is an effective form of birth control (and no, it's not the old school "Rhythm Method.") Check out the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" for a more detailed description of this method.

    This is what we have used for the last 7 years.
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    I wish weight gain would have been a side effect for me. I have taken bc pills in the past (ortho, yaz and something else). I had horrible side effects. I didn't gain weight but I began lactating, I had no sex drive, I developed acne for the first time in my life, I got horrible migraines and pms had me doubled over in pain and I was suffereing from chronic fatigue.. I will never take hormonal bc again. I just react negatively to any type of meds that can alter hormone levels (my gyno says some women just can't tolerate hormonal bc pills). My husband and I use condoms. I have known three women to get pregnant on bc so nothing is 100% well except abstaining.
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    I'd rather gain 20lbs of fat then 8lbs of infant, but that's just me.

    Have you spoken to your doctor about weight gain? or considered non-hormonal alternatives?

    What if you later eat the infant and gain 8lbs of fat from it? Better or worse than 20lbs of fat?

    I love baby back ribs.
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
    Studies have debunked this myth. The pill does not make you gain weight. Do the research.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    I lost weight after going on BC pills because instead of being confined to the bathroom floor due to extreme blood loss ( days of heavy pads), nausea, and pain (refractory to all OTC drugs at even double the dose), I can now get up and move.

    I used to spend 2 days of every month at home crying and passing in and out of consciousness. I was unable to be at school or work or even walk down the stairs to get water. Think of the worst day you ever spent with diarrhea and gas clinging to a toilet twice a month. The rest of the 7 days I was like a zombie from the anemia. I can now wear a hot pad, take 2 pamprin and go about my one day of annoying pain like a human being.

    I friggen love birth control.

    I am on Loestrin FE 24.
  • SexyForTheCity
    There are a lot of birth control methods that statistically encourage weight gain. The pill (at least the one you mentioned) is NOT one of them :) On the Depo shot women usually see anywhere from 10-40 pounds of weight gained in the first 3 month cycle. But on the pill you're safe, so if you gain weight it will only be because you psyched yourself out about nothing.
  • penguinattackstudios
    penguinattackstudios Posts: 79 Member
    I'm on the generic brand of Tri-Sprintec (it's free for me woo!) and I haven't had any problems with weight gain as far as I can tell.
  • penguinattackstudios
    penguinattackstudios Posts: 79 Member
    I'd rather gain 20lbs of fat then 8lbs of infant, but that's just me.

    Have you spoken to your doctor about weight gain? or considered non-hormonal alternatives?

    What if you later eat the infant and gain 8lbs of fat from it? Better or worse than 20lbs of fat?

    I love baby back ribs.

    Just blew water out of my nose from laughing at this. Thanks.