Spousal sabotage



  • AngelsInThighHighs
    AngelsInThighHighs Posts: 247 Member
    I wish to issue an apology.

    I had previously, in this thread, made reference to a loaf of bread. I have been informed that this was an attack or insulting post. It was not my intention to attack or insult loaves of bread, so my apologies to everyone who was offended by my cavalier attitude towards this particular type of flour based product.

    Fortunately the post has already been removed on my behalf.

    Again, sorry.

    Thats what you get for hating on bread...apology accepted now go build a bread shrine worm!
  • fitgirl4x48
    fitgirl4x48 Posts: 30 Member
    Geez, my very overweight fiance brings me treats, but also tells me how proud he is of me. After reading this thread, I'm going to go home and kiss him. I stack the treats up and have them on my terms and I feel good about it that way.

    Best of luck!!
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I wish to issue an apology.

    I had previously, in this thread, made reference to a loaf of bread. I have been informed that this was an attack or insulting post. It was not my intention to attack or insult loaves of bread, so my apologies to everyone who was offended by my cavalier attitude towards this particular type of flour based product.

    Fortunately the post has already been removed on my behalf.

    Again, sorry.

    Thats what you get for hating on bread...apology accepted now go build a bread shrine worm!

    As long as a bread shine wouldn't be considered spousal sa-sa-sabotage!
  • RobfromLakewood
    OP, consider yourself lucky. My wife is crazy supportive and it means she NEVER brings me ice cream or cheeseburgers. I wish she would sabotage my diet. Instead, she forces me to take responsibility. If she bought me those things, I could blame her and not take responsibility.In a very different way, she's sabotaging me and I'm only realizing it as I write. This has been very helpful.

    But she's free to bring home all the pork rinds in the world and I will leave those disgusting things alone.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member

    I am sorry, but the only people who can sabotage you is you. I don't believe in other's sabotaging. Why? Because you have the ability to say "No." Just because he buys them for you, that doesn't mean you have to eat them.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Wow...maybe for once I'm grateful my husband doesn't usually do the shopping or cooking! And if we go out for pizza he's finally learned how to order correctly...make his half with all the meat and cheesy stuff and mine is veggie. Guess I can't complain!

    I can't imagine what it must be like to be married to someone who so clearly thinks of their spouse as a child.

    Didn't mean it the way it sounded! I was just glad he didn't have to keep asking how I like the pizza... I appreciate all he does for me since he's disabled and unable to do a lot of other things.
  • glassxxballerina
    It really helps that my husband and I can never agree on a food we both like.

    We always grocery shop together, and he still gets his junk food, but it's usually stuff I don't like so then I'm not tempted to eat it.

    When it is something I do like, he asks me if it's okay if he makes it/has it because he doesn't want me to be tempted, get off track and get really frustrated. He's very sweet that way and I appreciate it - definitely not a "food pusher."
  • carolstartingover
    carolstartingover Posts: 83 Member
    Mine died last year after 20 years of marriage. I won't describe it because we don't have enough space on here. However he was supportive of my diet as my current boyfriend is. Men don't appreciate my Irish loud mouth when my diet is compromised by anyone. If I say something once about it and they hear it, I best not get any fattening gifts or the **** will go to the trash. I guess I am older and intolerant of ignorance.
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
    what concerns me is that the kids are getting hungry.

    also, if you seriously suspect your husband is actively trying to do you harm, why would you want him to cook the dinner?

    so, look up a thread about 'freezer meals' and you can have both these problems solved. you pop a meal into the crockpot in the morning, and by the time the kids are ready for dinner, it's done.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I wish to issue an apology.

    I had previously, in this thread, made reference to a loaf of bread. I have been informed that this was an attack or insulting post. It was not my intention to attack or insult loaves of bread, so my apologies to everyone who was offended by my cavalier attitude towards this particular type of flour based product.

    Fortunately the post has already been removed on my behalf.

    Again, sorry.

    Wow. Those Paleo fanatics are taking over the world. ... can't even mention bread anymore.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    None of it matters. Life is full of temptations in one form or another, either from your husband, kids, friends or co-workers. You can't blame everyone who ever offers you what you consider to be 'bad food'. You either choose to accept the food or you say no thank you. Simple as.
  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    WOW!!! Was expecting a thread full of "man-bashing". Was very pleasantly surprised with some of you (you know who you are!!). Wish my ex had gotten advice from some of you, before she divorced me because "she shouldn't have to tell me, I should know what she wants ". Maybe there is hope....

    To OP: You've got to communicate with your spouse. It's the only way it can work. Now show HIM your post and... discuss!!! In the future, skip telling all of us what your mad about and tell HIM!!! :smile:
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    Blaming others for bring food into your life you can't resist is a copout.

    BOOM. And that's what it boils down to.
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    Communicate. Cooperate.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I feel bad for a lot of men. If they buy something unhealthy, they're sabotaging. If they buy something healthy, it must their way of calling the significant other fat. Thankfully not all women interpret their SOs actions that way. If only more people would work on communication...expressing wants, needs, concerns, feelings...instead of always jumping to the worst conclusion.

    (And yes, I realize there might be a small percentage of men that do intentionally sabotage, and there are women who do it too.)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Communicate. Cooperate. Complain online.

    There. I fixed that for you.

  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    ^ :D
  • lightdiva1
    lightdiva1 Posts: 935 Member
    I know as women we typically feel, "We shouldn't have to tell you!" about most things. Pick up your dirty clothes and place them in the hamper... hang up the towel you used, the food goes in the fridge like this, as it has for the 12 years we've lived together... I hate ___________ (insert food here) I like____________ (insert food here) Well, guess what, on matter how many times we infomr our loved ones (who are male) about our likes and dislikes, and how we do things and so on it boils down to this.

    What is important to us, is not important to them. Its not that they are actively trying to piss us off, or that they don't care about us. Its simple, you cannot force someone to care about every little thing you do.

    My husband doesn't care how the food is organized in the fridge. I care very much about this!!!!!!! I have told him over and over how I like it. He tries, but its just not important to him. So he fails at putting groceries away. Is he intentionally trying to piss me off? NO. (Well, sometimes, but we laugh about that)

    My husband does find me important. So he does things to show that. Like by cooking dinner, buying me treats, rubbing my feet. He isn't trying to make me fatter, he is trying to show me he loves me.

    As for your husband not cooking dinner, YOU NEED TO TELL HIM TO. seriously, i KNOW, YOU FEEL YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TO... You do. You have to talk about it. You have to write sticky notes and text him to remind him and then praise the ever loving **** out of him when he does it.
  • joeint
    joeint Posts: 31
    Will Power is a muscle. The more you use it, the Stronger it gets.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Will Power is a muscle. The more you use it, the Stronger it gets.

    But what about will power DOMS?