If its really about calories then explain to me why.....



  • EmmaLA16
    EmmaLA16 Posts: 94 Member
    Not sure if this has already been said as I have read some of the posts but am in work so can't read them all. According to a qualified nutritionist friend of mine, unhealthy carbs such as white potatoes, white bread, white rice etc, cause your blood sugar levels to increase which in turn causes your body to release insulin to counteract the sugar. If you eat too many of these carbs then your body releases too much insulin and any excess then gets stored in your bodies fat cells and causes you to gain weight. Now we all need carbs for energy, but we need to watch where that carb comes from. Eat plenty of vegetables such as spinach and broccoli and cut out the whites, eat sweet potatoes and swap white rice for brown, this helps to regulate blood sugar levels and the production of insulin, hence the weight comes off quicker. It is possible to maintain on this and won't affect your health long term.

    Now just to clarify, I have done this in the past on the advice of my nutritionist and it worked, I lost weight quickly, but as with a lot of us I didn't stick to it and the weight went back on just as fast.

    I did post this on another thread too, just not in as much detail and was told that my ideas were old fashioned, but if you look at the diets that go along with Insanity and Turbo Fire, not to mention my friend who is a professionally qualified nutritionist, then they are not from the dark ages and I would dare anyone to say that to Shaun T's face.

    So in a nutshell, as long as these people were eating plenty of veg then they weren't actually cutting out the carbs, just getting them a different and healthy way. I haven't eaten potatoes in quite a while but bread has been my downfall, I'm now back trying to eradicate these unhealthy foods from my diet and I am hoping it will make a difference, not in the short term, but as a life style change too.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Not sure if this has already been said as I have read some of the posts but am in work so can't read them all. According to a qualified nutritionist friend of mine, unhealthy carbs such as white potatoes, white bread, white rice etc, cause your blood sugar levels to increase which in turn causes your body to release insulin to counteract the sugar. If you eat too many of these carbs then your body releases too much insulin and any excess then gets stored in your bodies fat cells and causes you to gain weight. Now we all need carbs for energy, but we need to watch where that carb comes from. Eat plenty of vegetables such as spinach and broccoli and cut out the whites, eat sweet potatoes and swap white rice for brown, this helps to regulate blood sugar levels and the production of insulin, hence the weight comes off quicker. It is possible to maintain on this and won't affect your health long term.

    Now just to clarify, I have done this in the past on the advice of my nutritionist and it worked, I lost weight quickly, but as with a lot of us I didn't stick to it and the weight went back on just as fast.

    I did post this on another thread too, just not in as much detail and was told that my ideas were old fashioned, but if you look at the diets that go along with Insanity and Turbo Fire, not to mention my friend who is a professionally qualified nutritionist, then they are not from the dark ages and I would dare anyone to say that to Shaun T's face.

    So in a nutshell, as long as these people were eating plenty of veg then they weren't actually cutting out the carbs, just getting them a different and healthy way. I haven't eaten potatoes in quite a while but bread has been my downfall, I'm now back trying to eradicate these unhealthy foods from my diet and I am hoping it will make a difference, not in the short term, but as a life style change too.

  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    Carbs are sugar, and they store fat, naturally if you eat less of them then it's going to give you a boost.. also carbs store more water so that affects the scale as well.

    Personally, I don't care if you do it low carb or low cal, or both... do what works for you. I've done both, and low carb combined with low calorie and high fat is easier and faster for me, I really could care less about bread/pasta/etc anyway. Other people it's a different story completely.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Carbs are sugar, and they store fat, naturally if you eat less of them then it's going to give you a boost .

    Exactly how do carbs store fat in a calorie deficit? And exactly what kind of "boost" do you get if you eat less of them?
  • Makers72
    Makers72 Posts: 65
    I hate you all.

    The End.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    You're easily impressed. For various reasons, it doesn't surprise me.

    I'm impressed when people who have the ability to use logic and reason use it in a humorous fashion. I am not impressed when people such as yourself go off on tangents that are irrelevant, derailing threads with nonsense.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    You're easily impressed. For various reasons, it doesn't surprise me.

    I'm impressed when people who have the ability to use logic and reason use it in a humorous fashion. I am not impressed when people such as yourself go off on tangents that are irrelevant, derailing threads with nonsense.

    The irony of your posts is stunning. The thread was focused on the issue of so-called metabolic advantage, and it became one about protecting your fragile ego and how you love to throw back carbs.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Because being in ketosis cuts my appetite and that makes it easier (note I didn't say easy) to maintain a larger calorie deficit for a longer time period without getting so hungry I snap and buy up the entire snack food aisle of the grocery store.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    You're easily impressed. For various reasons, it doesn't surprise me.

    I'm impressed when people who have the ability to use logic and reason use it in a humorous fashion. I am not impressed when people such as yourself go off on tangents that are irrelevant, derailing threads with nonsense.

    The irony of your posts is stunning. The thread was focused on the issue of so-called metabolic advantage, and it became one about protecting your fragile ego and how you love to throw back carbs.

    What exactly is the reason all your posts have to be so caustic and insulting? Are you able to communicate without condescending?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Why ask the question if you always dismiss people's responses?

    because no one is answering the question -- why do low carbers lose so fast? not is it a good plan or is it sustainable.

    It was answered right away and dismissed
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    Why ask the question if you always dismiss people's responses?

    because no one is answering the question -- why do low carbers lose so fast? not is it a good plan or is it sustainable.

    Precisely: MaraDiaz did the best job in my view.

    People on a ketogenic diet are able to consistently achieve much larger calorie deficits because they are not subject to hypoglycemia. I, for one, could go two days without eating if I wanted and exercise endlessly without even thinking about food because my brain is fed endogenously. Ketogenic dieters can easily do protein sparing modified fasts, intermittent fasting, and all sorts of things that conventional dieters cannot accomplish.
  • BGM325
    BGM325 Posts: 78
    It's not about how fast you lose the weight. It's about creating a new, healthy lifestyle. Any diet where you restrict will work, but most of the time you will put the wieght right back on as soon as you re-introduce whatever you've cut out of your diet.
    It doesn't matter how FAST you lose the weight if you don't keep it off.

    Exactly!!! I eat whatever I want and just try to stay within my calories, it's been a slow process and to tell you the truth, the scale barely moves but ALL my pants are falling and I'm shrinking so it's working therefore I don't believe that restrictions are the way to go.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    This thread....

  • apcartwright
    apcartwright Posts: 27 Member
    Its not about the calories its about a balanced diet. Everything comes into play check the canada food guide and then see how many grams of carbs protein sugar etc your age group and size needs. Find the fruits that have lower sugar so you can eat more and still stay within the guidelines. Drink plenty of water is a must or green tea check out different types there a a lot of varieties out there. When I started I could not believe that my sugar was over every day from eating fruit. I am now going to try eating the lower sugar fruits and see where that gets me 5lbs in the first week with lots of exercise and I am happy.
  • meskibrp
    meskibrp Posts: 23 Member
    Why is it that sooo many people lose weight so much quicker when they eat less than 20 grams of carbs per day? I see soooo many success stories where people lose 50-60 lb in 5 months (for example) these are people who are not extremely obese either..whereas counting calories you rarely see where they lose that much in that short period of time? So is it really the deficit in your daily calories that count? All these numerous stories I read & see lose so much so quick eating low carb!!

    Low "carbers" do not lose fat faster. Fact. Its called a diet trend. In a few years you'll see sooooooo many people losing weight off of some other diet. Cal in VS cal out. Defecit = weight loss. No advantage what so ever unless there is a medical reasoning behind it. Protein WILL be turned into glucose if you do not eat enough carbs.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    Why is it that sooo many people lose weight so much quicker when they eat less than 20 grams of carbs per day? I see soooo many success stories where people lose 50-60 lb in 5 months (for example) these are people who are not extremely obese either..whereas counting calories you rarely see where they lose that much in that short period of time? So is it really the deficit in your daily calories that count? All these numerous stories I read & see lose so much so quick eating low carb!!
    You obviously have the internet. Do a little research and come up with the answer for yourself. Oh wait, you weren't looking for an answer - you just wanted to stir up some $**t.
  • meskibrp
    meskibrp Posts: 23 Member
    Why ask the question if you always dismiss people's responses?

    because no one is answering the question -- why do low carbers lose so fast? not is it a good plan or is it sustainable.

    Precisely: MaraDiaz did the best job in my view.

    People on a ketogenic diet are able to consistently achieve much larger calorie deficits because they are not subject to hypoglycemia. I, for one, could go two days without eating if I wanted and exercise endlessly without even thinking about food because my brain is fed endogenously. Ketogenic dieters can easily do protein sparing modified fasts, intermittent fasting, and all sorts of things that conventional dieters cannot accomplish.
    for Body composition ketogenic diets may work...
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    I did high protein/lower carb. I'm guessing the results come down to appetite control. If you eat smart (no bacon wrapped hot dogs but instead lean meats, lots of veggies, etc) you usually just fill yourself up without taking in tons of calories. Is it simpler than counting calories? In my opinion yes. Is there magic involved? No. I would recommended it to anyone with strong cravings, binge instincts, and people who are hungry ALL the time. It worked really well for me and has helped me move to a more balanced low GI diet.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    Why ask the question if you always dismiss people's responses?

    because no one is answering the question -- why do low carbers lose so fast? not is it a good plan or is it sustainable.

    Precisely: MaraDiaz did the best job in my view.

    People on a ketogenic diet are able to consistently achieve much larger calorie deficits because they are not subject to hypoglycemia. I, for one, could go two days without eating if I wanted and exercise endlessly without even thinking about food because my brain is fed endogenously. Ketogenic dieters can easily do protein sparing modified fasts, intermittent fasting, and all sorts of things that conventional dieters cannot accomplish.
    for Body composition ketogenic diets may work...

    They work for anyone who is disciplined enough to educate themselves and properly construct the diet. I know several people who have been following the diet for more than a decade, including an everyday person, biochemist, and professional athlete.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Why ask the question if you always dismiss people's responses?

    because no one is answering the question -- why do low carbers lose so fast? not is it a good plan or is it sustainable.

    Precisely: MaraDiaz did the best job in my view.

    People on a ketogenic diet are able to consistently achieve much larger calorie deficits because they are not subject to hypoglycemia. I, for one, could go two days without eating if I wanted and exercise endlessly without even thinking about food because my brain is fed endogenously. Ketogenic dieters can easily do protein sparing modified fasts, intermittent fasting, and all sorts of things that conventional dieters cannot accomplish.
    for Body composition ketogenic diets may work...

    They work for anyone who is disciplined enough to educate themselves and properly construct the diet. I know several people who have been following the diet for more than a decade, including an everyday person, biochemist, and professional athlete.

    I'm curious as to who this professional athlete is