Quitting diet soda today



  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    Every thread like this needs this comic, "Duty Calls' from xkcd:


    Couldn't help but giggle, my husband is the same way. Drives me crazy.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    how bout encouraging the OP? or if you're not here to do that, why ARE you in this thread?

    I question the validity of the claim hidden in this personal attack.

    Is there actual value in encouraging someone on to do something completely pointless and without merit?

    why can't you support someone in what THEY are choosing to do? they aren't harming themselves by cutting out diet soda, are they? just because it isn't bad for them doesn't mean that its GOOD for them. if they said they were going to cut out all water in their diet, i would criticize. but not diet soda. support the OP or move on.

    I would argue that my advice is actually better support than simply saying "good for you in doing that pointless thing." At least I'm offering the opportunity to do something constructive instead.

    i just don't understand why you would tell someone that they shouldn't do something that they think will help them on their journey, and that (even if it won't help them) won't hurt them. i don't think that diet sodas are bad for you, i drink a couple a week. so don't think I'm on that side of this. i just believe that we should support the OP if what they are doing is not harming them. and cutting out diet sodas will not harm them.

    I didn't tell them not to do it. I said that it's pretty pointless and that energy could be better spent elsewhere. And if they decide to follow that advice and follow through, they would likely end up better off in the long run. Do you seriously think you are doing anyone a service by encouraging them to waste their time? I would not thank anyone for that.

    Or do you believe that without quitting diet soda, the OP will eventually fail at all weight loss and/or getting healthy. (The journey you called it.). Because throwing that sort of assumption of their lack of resolve and capability in their face is far more hurtful than my pointing out that quitting diet soda is pointless.

    you telling them that they are making a pointless choice is much more of a "throw in the face" than supporting them. they aren't making an unhealthy choice here, so why put them down?

    Telling the OP that it's pointless is conveying valuable information. It is not insulting the person. When is providing accurate information ever an attack?

    Would you rather bury your head in the sand and hide from the truth simply because you declared that you want to do something on a web site forum, and the truth is that it's pointless? And you think that helping a person live with a delusion is somehow encouraging?
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    good for you! giving up something that you feel is inhibiting you on your weight loss journey is a strong thing for you to do! I'm proud of you (:

    for the rest of you... stop creating online drama. support the original thread poster or move past the post entirely. there is no need to put down each others' opinions. no matter how RIGHT you think you are, you will never change the others' opinion. so stop trying.

    have a good day everyone (:


    No, not this.

    It's riddled with poor assumptions and logical fallacy.

    you sir, crack me up. i flat out told you that i don't believe that diet soda is bad for you. i don't believe in all the lies about how artificial sweeteners are worse for you than sugar, blah blah blah. i LOVE my diet soda. so what i have to say isn't about the diet soda, its about the OP making a personal choice that isn't harming them, and you putting them down for making their "pointless" decision

    You don't actually read my posts, do you?
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    Good luck! Quitting my diet coke habit was almost as bad as quuitting smoking! I could not move for 2 weeks. Horrid headaches and no energy.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    I think it's great you are giving it up. Whether or not it is hurting you is irrelevant – it isn't helping you and you are making a change you feel great about and are excited to make.

    I am reminded by a Tony Robbin's quote that I truly take to heart in my own life: "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten."

    Congrats to you!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Also, I was drinking a six pack a day of reg. coke gain some weight no big deal. After 2000 I switched to Coke Zero and soon after that I was diagnosed with Diabetes. I didn't understand why, I have no sweet tooth to speak of except for an occasional piece of dark chocolate and they are very low in sugar. Being from Asia I stayed away from things that is normal to American, A birthday cake from supermarket is at least 3 times the sweetness I can stand. I do like Pasta though. but that's not enough to cause anything.

    Until recently I saw this article from Yahoo's front page that your liver doesn't know the difference between regular sugar or Aspartame. and it treated aspartame like sugar. and can cause 33% more chance of Diabetes than sugar. Now I'd understand. I'm not doing this to win a argument. I do it so that other people can benefit from what I learned.

    Also, the aspartame makers are trying to make their product an exception to the ingredient list on all dairy products. So if you get milk, even if it contains aspartame. will not be listed on the ingredient list.

    Yes, I do question more than the usual person. That's why we are in the internet age. where we can openly share info and not be controlled only by the "mainstream" medias.


    Brothers and Sisters

    You, are talking utter rubbish.

    You don't really know much about biology nor chemical structure nor nutrition if you believe anything you just typed.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I am reminded by a Tony Robbin's quote that I truly take to heart in my own life: "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten."

    I doubt even Tony Robbins would advocate change merely for the sake of change. I could be wrong.

    Stop eating entirely! You'll be doing something new and you'll get a new result.

    Tony Robbins? Really?
  • sierra_12
    sierra_12 Posts: 249 Member
    I am reminded by a Tony Robbin's quote that I truly take to heart in my own life: "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten."

    I doubt even Tony Robbins would advocate change merely for the sake of change. I could be wrong.

    Stop eating entirely! You'll be doing something new and you'll get a new result.

    Tony Robbins? Really?

    again, is this necessary? nothing she said was negative or could harm the OP, so why do you have to comment negatively on it.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I am reminded by a Tony Robbin's quote that I truly take to heart in my own life: "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten."

    I doubt even Tony Robbins would advocate change merely for the sake of change. I could be wrong.

    Stop eating entirely! You'll be doing something new and you'll get a new result.

    Tony Robbins? Really?

    again, is this necessary? nothing she said was negative or could harm the OP, so why do you have to comment negatively on it.

    Nothing written here by anyone is necessary. Haven't you worked that out yet?
  • strangesparrow
    strangesparrow Posts: 5 Member
    Oh wow. I don't know a lot about nutrition or chemistry, but the advice that was given to me is to consume more whole, natural foods and less of anything I don't need. I'm the OP-I'm new to MFP (first post!) and was just trying to make conversation, really.
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    I've decided to quit. Cold turkey-like. I've been drinking easily a liter a day for a decade or more (except when I've lacked access to it-international travel, mainly! :tongue: ) It's one of those things I've been telling myself I need to do and just never have attempted it. Two days ago, I saw a documentary and they talked about the side effects of artificial sweeteners and it really opened my eyes. I need to quit now! I finished off my 2 liter yesterday and now I'm done. I drank plenty of water this morning and a cup of coffee to get me going and I feel just fine so far. Wish me luck...

    May the force be with you!!!!!! I drink my one at lunch. Good luck!
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Oh wow. I don't know a lot about nutrition or chemistry, but the advice that was given to me is to consume more whole, natural foods and less of anything I don't need. I'm the OP-I'm new to MFP (first post!) and was just trying to make conversation, really.

    Now that's good generic advice.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Oh wow. I don't know a lot about nutrition or chemistry, but the advice that was given to me is to consume more whole, natural foods and less of anything I don't need. I'm the OP-I'm new to MFP (first post!) and was just trying to make conversation, really.

    Conversation is what you got! If you want and think it will help, by all means quit drinking it. I (and those supporting my stance) are merely saying this is something you really don't have to worry about if you don't want to. One less thing to stress out over, IMO.
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    Good for you!! I bet the first few pounds will just fall off from you stopping the pop and drinking water!!
  • spantz1
    spantz1 Posts: 17
    Great plan. I have been off the stuff for about 6 weeks now and feel great. No just need to get veggies in my diet ::noway:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Oh wow. I don't know a lot about nutrition or chemistry, but the advice that was given to me is to consume more whole, natural foods and less of anything I don't need. I'm the OP-I'm new to MFP (first post!) and was just trying to make conversation, really.

    Whatever you do, don't let this scare you off of the MFP forums.

    Look at it as your first post was a 6+ pager. I've read many times where new people complained that they felt their posts were ignored. You certainly avoided that problem this time. :wink:
  • sierra_12
    sierra_12 Posts: 249 Member
    Oh wow. I don't know a lot about nutrition or chemistry, but the advice that was given to me is to consume more whole, natural foods and less of anything I don't need. I'm the OP-I'm new to MFP (first post!) and was just trying to make conversation, really.

    Whatever you do, don't let this scare you off of the MFP forums.

    Look at it as your first post was a 6+ pager. I've read many times where new people complained that they felt their posts were ignored. You certainly avoided that problem this time. :wink:

    this is true lol always see the positive (:
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Oh wow. I don't know a lot about nutrition or chemistry, but the advice that was given to me is to consume more whole, natural foods and less of anything I don't need. I'm the OP-I'm new to MFP (first post!) and was just trying to make conversation, really.

    You're fine OP. This topic is very popular for debating. And sometimes, some of the members that have been here a while need to remember some people are new to this lifestyle of good choices and new to MFP and have questions on things we asked yars ago or just need support.

    As for pop (that's what we call it here). Do what you feel is best for you. I gave it up 3 weeks ago and I don't miss it. That's what's right for me. I'm not saying I won't ever drink it. But for me, my choice was it wasn't really offering any nutritional "benefits" so I gave it up.
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    how bout encouraging the OP? or if you're not here to do that, why ARE you in this thread?

    I question the validity of the claim hidden in this personal attack.

    Is there actual value in encouraging someone on to do something completely pointless and without merit?

    but anyway, no one - not even you - can prove that diet soda is GOOD for you, yes?

    Coach, nobody is saying diet pop is good for you. We're trying to show that's it's not the devil that people who don't understand the first thing about biology or chemistry think it is. Should we avoid anything and everything just because it's technically not beneficial even though it does no real harm? That sounds like a lot of fun. You seem to have some beef with science which I don't understand. I'm thinking it's because science often doesn't fall in line with your beliefs. That's unfortunately but the scientific method works whereas Fairy dust, Unicorns, and other myths do not. Science is not always perfect and it's not always proof but it's the best and most reliable information we as humans have. Don't fight it. And don't tell me that science is all controlled by the government and big corporations or any of that conspiracy nonsense. That's why there's peer reviewing.

    BTW, the Philippines' death rate from heart disease is off the charts. And your "leeching" argument? Leeching was not a result of the scientific method. It's just really old "Bro-science". Just because something hides under the guise of science does not make it science.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Again I prove my point again. No argument, no point, just plain brain damage.

    No need for personal insults.

    ON THIS THREAD I have posted studies showing your claims to be false.

    You're post has been reported.