Thigh gap - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder



  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Its nice to know that you think its unattractive. Heres a few things that I don't find unattractive

    1) People body shaming others
    2) People telling others what they find unattractive to self-assure themselves since they cannot get it
    3) Lady Gaga
  • sjo55115
    sjo55115 Posts: 11 Member
    How dare you body shame my thigh gap!


    This is perfect! :laugh:
  • dtucker4403
    dtucker4403 Posts: 47 Member
    Hating on other women's bodies is wrong, and needs to stop. Whether or not you have a thigh gap depends on your bone structure. Some women will have one even when their body fat percentage is quite high (e.g. high end of the normal range) - others will not have one even at 13% body fat.

    Calling it "unfeminine" and "unattractive" is not really fair on women who naturally have one. Maybe a thigh gap looks bad on someone who starved themselves ridiculously underweight to get one..... but they look good on women who have them naturally when their body composition is healthy.

    This is one thing I really can't stand.... when women of one body type hate on women with another body type.... it's all over MFP. Why can't you learn to love yourselves without putting others down in the process?

    Thank you for posting this. I agree.
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    Hating on other women's bodies is wrong, and needs to stop. Whether or not you have a thigh gap depends on your bone structure. Some women will have one even when their body fat percentage is quite high (e.g. high end of the normal range) - others will not have one even at 13% body fat.

    Calling it "unfeminine" and "unattractive" is not really fair on women who naturally have one. Maybe a thigh gap looks bad on someone who starved themselves ridiculously underweight to get one..... but they look good on women who have them naturally when their body composition is healthy.

    This is one thing I really can't stand.... when women of one body type hate on women with another body type.... it's all over MFP. Why can't you learn to love yourselves without putting others down in the process?

    Beautifully said!
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member

    When will the madness end? Srsly?
  • Dfracassa
    Dfracassa Posts: 318 Member
    I find it sexy, and it's a small thing I'd like to achieve for myself. Is it sexier to have your thighs rub together all the time and make your skin break out? How is it sexy to see your thighs mashed next to each other in a bathing suit? Maybe it's just me, but I'd love for my thighs to be slimmer.

    Someone who has the opposite opinion to me. QUICK. HATE ON THEM. "You must be so insecure with your own life...blah blah blah."

    But seriously, thank you. A sensible answer!

    You're welcome! I think everyone is entitled to their own goals. I probably won't ever have my thigh gap back, and that's okay. It does look weird on underfed girls, but I am NOT underfed. I want myself to be muscular and strong, but I also want to be thinner. And that's okay. So everyone, go on and do whatever makes you happy and meet whatever milestones you think you need/deserve in your own health journeys. It's all good.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Its nice to know that you think its unattractive. Heres a few things that I don't find unattractive

    1) People body shaming others
    2) People telling others what they find unattractive to self-assure themselves since they cannot get it
    3) Lady Gaga

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: @ Lady Gaga

    The other two are true!
    VTXJOCKEY Posts: 362 Member
    It's all good ladies. Thigh gap or not, you're ALL beautiful!!
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    What I have learned from this thread
    - don't voice controversial opinions on forums
    Well. Don't voice them if you don't want people to go on ahead and controvse right back at ya, y'know? Seems kinda self evident to me.

    "I am going to say something a lot of people don't like!"
    *a lot of people don't like what you've said and let you know*
    "Well, my goodness, I was just stating a controversial opinion, you didn't have to go and get all upset at me!"

    Haha :)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Ok. I'm going to come out and say it. In my personal opinion, the "thigh gap" is really unattractive and unfeminine.

    I am genuinely interested as to why some people are aspiring to this? Is it that you think it is attractive? Or that it is some demonstration of how skinny you are? Or is a 'fashion' thing?

    Ok, I'm going to come out and say it. In my humble opinion creating a post just to bash another person's body is really unattractive and unfeminine. I'm generally interested as to why some people think that they have a right to do this and make others feel bad about their body? Does judging others and trying to make them feel badly make you feel better about yourself?

    I personally am built in such a way that I carry my weight in my hips and thighs, in order to have this thigh gap I was severaly underweight due to eating disorders (thigh gap was not the goal by the way, just one of the outcomes along with a pronounce rib cage and unhealthy pallor, etc . . . so for me it's unattractive). However, I know some women have particularly wide hips and carry fat differently and therefore genetically have a thigh gap at not just healthy weight, but into over weight. Your generalization of an asthetic on someone's body is just unfair.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    whoever is offended on this thread obviously have thigh gaps.

    I do not have thigh gap. I will never have thigh gap. My legs, at their smallest, and likely their most emaciated state, only got down to 19.5 inches. My hips are not wide enough for thigh gap. For me personally, thigh gap is not an aesthetic I wish to achieve.

    But notice how I said, "For me personally". I have seen numerous strong, healthy women with thigh gap. They have thigh gap not because they are "frail" or "too skinny", they have it simply because that's how they are built.

    For the OP and anyone else to body shame those women, simply because the OP doesn't find it to be an attractive aesthetic to her PERSONALLY, is ludicrous, hurtful, and uncalled for.

    And yes, it's offensive, too.

    Women come in all shapes and sizes, and I wish that people would finally realize that. If you don't find one of those particular shapes or sizes attractive, fine. That's okay. What's not okay is shaming other women simply to make yourself feel better.
  • andreagreen1974
    andreagreen1974 Posts: 64 Member
    I don't know about thigh gap. But my legs don't feel like they are going to catch fire anymore! LOL That's all i care.
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    whoever is offended on this thread obviously have thigh gaps.

    I do not have thigh gap. I will never have thigh gap. My legs, at their smallest, and likely their most emaciated state, only got down to 19.5 inches. My hips are not wide enough for thigh gap. For me personally, thigh gap is not an aesthetic I wish to achieve.

    But notice how I said, "For me personally". I have seen numerous strong, healthy women with thigh gap. They have thigh gap not because they are "frail" or "too skinny", they have it simply because that's how they are built.

    For the OP and anyone else to body shame those women, simply because the OP doesn't find it to be an attractive aesthetic to her PERSONALLY, is ludicrous, hurtful, and uncalled for.

    And yes, it's offensive, too.

    Women come in all shapes and sizes, and I wish that people would finally realize that. If you don't find one of those particular shapes or sizes attractive, fine. That's okay. What's not okay is shaming other women simply to make yourself feel better.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    I'd say to each her own. If a person wants a thigh gap, we shouldn't make her feel like crap about it. Let her be. Telling her that her desired look is unattractive and unfeminine is equivalent to bashing, which is the most unattractive trait a person could have. Love YOUR body and don't worry about anyone else's.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I think this whole thread topic and statement is pretty offensive. Not all women who have thigh gap "aspired" to have it.
    I for one have thinner legs. It's my genetics. I've always had thigh gap and it's not something I starved myself to get, or killed myself doing thousands of squats to achieve either.

    I hate when people say that "thigh gap is so disgusting" because in turn it makes me ashamed of something I have on my body regardless of the fact that I didn't try to.

    It's like saying "brown eyes are ugly" "why would anyone ever want brown eyes" ........some people have things because of genetics. Maybe we shouldn't be insulting people who do have certain characteristics because "we find them unattractive".

    Just a thought.
  • ExNihil0
    ExNihil0 Posts: 60
    Thigh gap posts are ridiculous. Who the h3ll cares about a thigh gap?
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I've never had thighs that didn't touch.... I think, for me, it would feel horribly awkward for such keen friends (my thighs) to be so far from one another. How in the world would I keep warm with corduroy pants on... no thigh friction... I might very well freeze to death!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Unfortunately I have really wide hips, so even at 150lbs I have a "thigh gap". I don't aspire to it or particularly relish having one, it just happens.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Also. I'm giving up on this now.
    How on earth does it escape you how your OP could bother people. There are ton of different ways you could have started this thread. As in "I don't understand the big deal of a thigh gap". Because, well there are women WITH thigh gaps who don't even understand what the eff all the hullabaloo is. It's not the fact you have an opinion it's how you said it.

    Where you went wrong and the reason this thread has incited so many people is that you have to come out and say " For me it's unattractive and unfeminine".

    Life is too short to bash other body types.
  • BlithesomeOne
    Thigh gaps are nice in terms of not having to replace your jeans for the sole reason that the point where your thighs rub together gets worn away and creates some really sketchy looking holes. There is such a thing as MODERATION. I will have to agree with others who say that there are some people who look great with it, and others it just looks unnatural on. It's all about body type and build, people!
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