Here's some motivation: STOP WHINING



  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    You don't have to read the whiney threads though to be fair. I know they can get annoying but your not being held at gunpoint and forced to read them really are you? Or are you....Just move along.... The thing is though, if we can't have a good old moan about the ups and downs of weight loss on here where can we moan about it? Because I'm sure as hell my OH and son don't wanna hear the ins and outs of which lift I sucked at today or how many macros short I am of my protein quota.....

    I went into the thread originally because I really don't mind helping someone out who seems stuck; needs advice; needs a kick in the pants. But today when you'd stroll in those threads, the OP would complain that everyone was picking on her. All it was was- advice! It's not the original post that gets me pissed- it's when people ask for help then get butthurt when they hear reality.

    Yeah I can understand where you are coming from with that one actually. OP's who ask advice then argue with all given advice drive me mental. I have to walk away from threads like that these days. I cannot be trusted to reply in the manner in which the mods would like, so I just don't give advice any more.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I'm not sure what it is today, but I'm rather sick of the Whiners today. "I've been exercising and dieting for 2 months and I've only lost X pounds". Well, guess what? It took you 2 months to gain that amount of fat- but you want it to go away faster? STOP WHINING.

    People give you constructive criticism, but you wanted soft and fluffy bull$hit? STOP WHINING.

    Have you checked your bloodwork before you started this journey and then again now 2 months later to see the changes going on INSIDE your body? No? STOP WHINING.

    How about instead of measuring the scale, you throw that piece of crap out your window and buy a scale (or get professionally measured) for body fat percentage instead? Or take measurements with a good old fashioned tape measure? No? STOP WHINING.

    Sorry... needed to vent. Carry on.

    I am going to throw my hat into the ring here to dispute your vent!

    I would say 99% of the people that have reacted favourably to your vent have over 200 posts and so can be a bit disillusioned /fed up with reading the same type of posts.

    BUT and there is a big FAT BUT (no pun intended) a lot of people are new to the whole fitness/losing weight thing, you were probably one of those too at some point??

    So their `whining` is maybe asking for support/encouragement? Just because they do not always agree/adhere to your suggestions do not make them `whiners` they are just having a hard time adjusting and finding their way.

    sometimes people `dip their toes in the water` and decide now is not the time for re emerge later and take everything on board.

    I think it is a little mean to create a post/topic that is borderline acting as a bully?

    Take my reply as you want, I would rather be supportive and motivational to others than be negative and disregard other people?
  • Ayeshat
    Ayeshat Posts: 209
    too true.. preach it!, i think tough love is needed to get some people out of some serious denial.. nothing motivated me more than when my mum went all 'get your fat *kitten* off the chair' on me (not literally but the gentlest criticisms from my mum actually feels like a shotgun in the knee cap..)
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    I'm not sure what it is today, but I'm rather sick of the Whiners today. "I've been exercising and dieting for 2 months and I've only lost X pounds". Well, guess what? It took you 2 months to gain that amount of fat- but you want it to go away faster? STOP WHINING.

    People give you constructive criticism, but you wanted soft and fluffy bull$hit? STOP WHINING.

    Have you checked your bloodwork before you started this journey and then again now 2 months later to see the changes going on INSIDE your body? No? STOP WHINING.

    How about instead of measuring the scale, you throw that piece of crap out your window and buy a scale (or get professionally measured) for body fat percentage instead? Or take measurements with a good old fashioned tape measure? No? STOP WHINING.

    Sorry... needed to vent. Carry on.

    I am going to throw my hat into the ring here to dispute your vent!

    I would say 99% of the people that have reacted favourably to your vent have over 200 posts and so can be a bit disillusioned /fed up with reading the same type of posts.

    BUT and there is a big FAT BUT (no pun intended) a lot of people are new to the whole fitness/losing weight thing, you were probably one of those too at some point??

    So their `whining` is maybe asking for support/encouragement? Just because they do not always agree/adhere to your suggestions do not make them `whiners` they are just having a hard time adjusting and finding their way.

    sometimes people `dip their toes in the water` and decide now is not the time for re emerge later and take everything on board.

    I think it is a little mean to create a post/topic that is borderline acting as a bully?

    Take my reply as you want, I would rather be supportive and motivational to others than be negative and disregard other people?

    Again, as I've stated: It's not people asking for advice/ help/ motivation on the threads today. It's the fact they argue that they're already doing everything perfect and there's no weight loss. The whining starts when people start giving advice and they get butthurt to hear some serious flaws in their weight loss plan. So my question is: if you know so much, why are you whining you aren't losing weight? If you ask for advice then be prepared to get it- instead of pouting in a corner that you're being picked on.
  • divaindy
    divaindy Posts: 108 Member
    As stated here just say NO don't read and if they don't like your advice STEPAWAY.....but sometimes as stated,people need a place to let it out,and can't at home or work or with friends.( for the obvious reasons)
  • divaindy
    divaindy Posts: 108 Member
    You don't have to read the whiney threads though to be fair. I know they can get annoying but your not being held at gunpoint and forced to read them really are you? Or are you....Just move along.... The thing is though, if we can't have a good old moan about the ups and downs of weight loss on here where can we moan about it? Because I'm sure as hell my OH and son don't wanna hear the ins and outs of which lift I sucked at today or how many macros short I am of my protein quota.....

    I went into the thread originally because I really don't mind helping someone out who seems stuck; needs advice; needs a kick in the pants. But today when you'd stroll in those threads, the OP would complain that everyone was picking on her. All it was was- advice! It's not the original post that gets me pissed- it's when people ask for help then get butthurt when they

    Yeah I can understand where you are coming from with that one actually. OP's who ask advice then argue with all given advice drive me mental. I have to walk away from threads like that these days. I cannot be trusted to reply in the manner in which the mods would like, so I just don't give advice any more.

    Sorry this was to be include with my above post^^^^^^
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    I know the post the OP is referring to as I was on there too but somehow managed to make a friend out of that OP rather than put her down. That said I have a great amount of respect for everyone on this board until they prove otherwise... I agree that people need to toughen up if they are going to come on here and ask for advice and take every response with a grain of salt and a deep look inside themselves to see what the poster is saying in direct response to the OP's original 'whine'. (God that was confusing but I know what I mean... ) :grumble:

    Anyhoo... I loved this post. I'm new to these boards but have been around the block on others and let me tell you, these are tame. Need a good cry fest? Wanna feel like crap about yourself? Head over to the WW boards or even better, the Nutrisystem boards. They'll put you right in the gutter.

    I don't like to hear people whine but I truly believe that when an OP comes on here and says, "I've been working out for 2 whole months and nothing..." it truly is a cry for help and a good kick in the *kitten*... :cry:

    I got my $h!t kickers on... let's go!!! :bigsmile:

    Hugs!! :wink:
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I'm not sure what it is today, but I'm rather sick of the Whiners today. "I've been exercising and dieting for 2 months and I've only lost X pounds". Well, guess what? It took you 2 months to gain that amount of fat- but you want it to go away faster? STOP WHINING.

    People give you constructive criticism, but you wanted soft and fluffy bull$hit? STOP WHINING.

    Have you checked your bloodwork before you started this journey and then again now 2 months later to see the changes going on INSIDE your body? No? STOP WHINING.

    How about instead of measuring the scale, you throw that piece of crap out your window and buy a scale (or get professionally measured) for body fat percentage instead? Or take measurements with a good old fashioned tape measure? No? STOP WHINING.

    Sorry... needed to vent. Carry on.

    I am going to throw my hat into the ring here to dispute your vent!

    I would say 99% of the people that have reacted favourably to your vent have over 200 posts and so can be a bit disillusioned /fed up with reading the same type of posts.

    BUT and there is a big FAT BUT (no pun intended) a lot of people are new to the whole fitness/losing weight thing, you were probably one of those too at some point??

    So their `whining` is maybe asking for support/encouragement? Just because they do not always agree/adhere to your suggestions do not make them `whiners` they are just having a hard time adjusting and finding their way.

    sometimes people `dip their toes in the water` and decide now is not the time for re emerge later and take everything on board.

    I think it is a little mean to create a post/topic that is borderline acting as a bully?

    Take my reply as you want, I would rather be supportive and motivational to others than be negative and disregard other people?

    Again, as I've stated: It's not people asking for advice/ help/ motivation on the threads today. It's the fact they argue that they're already doing everything perfect and there's no weight loss. The whining starts when people start giving advice and they get butthurt to hear some serious flaws in their weight loss plan. So my question is: if you know so much, why are you whining you aren't losing weight? If you ask for advice then be prepared to get it- instead of pouting in a corner that you're being picked on.

    Julie you have been registered on MFP for nearly 2 years and have lost 138lbs? Well done and what an inspiration to others (including myself)

    You have to understand that there are going to be people that do not take advice, whether it be weight loss/exercise advice.

    I am sure we have all offered advice to friends/co workers when they have asked `but oh! what should I do?` and then they have gone and done the exact opposite. Does it make them whiners, in my opinion, no. It is human nature to sometimes back away from the obvious, people make their own choices, even though they ask for help/advice.

    Let me give you a look like you like bikes? A guy/girl comes to you and says my throttle/big end/leathers (insert what you want here) are not the best, what do you think? Would you offer advice or just say OMG you are whining because every time you ask me this question you go and do your own thing or dispute what I am saying?

    Sometimes people will go off in a corner and `pout` but doe it mean that ultimately they won`t take on board your advice, it is their choice to take it or leave it.

    No one can change the world or the way people think/react
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Suddenly I feel guilty for whining about not being able to poop after taking narcotics the last few weeks during my recovery from brain surgery.

    Not really, sometimes we've just got to whine, but it should clearly never, ever be in regards to weight loss.
  • exile40
    exile40 Posts: 161 Member
    I'm not sure what it is today, but I'm rather sick of the Whiners today. "I've been exercising and dieting for 2 months and I've only lost X pounds". Well, guess what? It took you 2 months to gain that amount of fat- but you want it to go away faster? STOP WHINING.

    People give you constructive criticism, but you wanted soft and fluffy bull$hit? STOP WHINING.

    Have you checked your bloodwork before you started this journey and then again now 2 months later to see the changes going on INSIDE your body? No? STOP WHINING.

    How about instead of measuring the scale, you throw that piece of crap out your window and buy a scale (or get professionally measured) for body fat percentage instead? Or take measurements with a good old fashioned tape measure? No? STOP WHINING.

    Sorry... needed to vent. Carry on.

    Love this post . That is all .
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    Suddenly I feel guilty for whining about not being able to poop after taking narcotics the last few weeks during my recovery from brain surgery.

    Not really, sometimes we've just got to whine, but it should clearly never, ever be in regards to weight loss.

    OMG!! I was like, you poor thing!! And then I saw the bottom... hahahahahaha

    People will whine about anything. I'm guilty too... difference is I whine and move on to wine. :drinker: Kidding!!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Suddenly I feel guilty for whining about not being able to poop after taking narcotics the last few weeks during my recovery from brain surgery.

    Not really, sometimes we've just got to whine, but it should clearly never, ever be in regards to weight loss.

    OMG!! I was like, you poor thing!! And then I saw the bottom... hahahahahaha

    People will whine about anything. I'm guilty too... difference is I whine and move on to wine. :drinker: Kidding!!

    Just to clarify I don't feel guilty about whining, but I really did have brain surgery and I really can't poop.
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    I'm not sure what it is today, but I'm rather sick of the Whiners today. "I've been exercising and dieting for 2 months and I've only lost X pounds". Well, guess what? It took you 2 months to gain that amount of fat- but you want it to go away faster? STOP WHINING.

    People give you constructive criticism, but you wanted soft and fluffy bull$hit? STOP WHINING.

    Have you checked your bloodwork before you started this journey and then again now 2 months later to see the changes going on INSIDE your body? No? STOP WHINING.

    How about instead of measuring the scale, you throw that piece of crap out your window and buy a scale (or get professionally measured) for body fat percentage instead? Or take measurements with a good old fashioned tape measure? No? STOP WHINING. oh eff off already...what are you, perfect?? about whinning...why would you care anyway?? dont have to read anyone else's whine..noone makes you....geeze what a prat...go get a life

    Sorry... needed to vent. Carry on.
  • DaBigChief
    DaBigChief Posts: 146
    Vent ... Whin. Not sure i see a difference.

    Although I agree with the point you're making
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    I'm not sure what it is today, but I'm rather sick of the Whiners today. "I've been exercising and dieting for 2 months and I've only lost X pounds". Well, guess what? It took you 2 months to gain that amount of fat- but you want it to go away faster? STOP WHINING.

    People give you constructive criticism, but you wanted soft and fluffy bull$hit? STOP WHINING.

    Have you checked your bloodwork before you started this journey and then again now 2 months later to see the changes going on INSIDE your body? No? STOP WHINING.

    How about instead of measuring the scale, you throw that piece of crap out your window and buy a scale (or get professionally measured) for body fat percentage instead? Or take measurements with a good old fashioned tape measure? No? STOP WHINING. oh eff off already...what are you, perfect?? about whinning...why would you care anyway?? dont have to read anyone else's whine..noone makes you....geeze what a prat...go get a life

    Sorry... needed to vent. Carry on.
    that came out weird...what I was saying was stop your bloody whinging...who cares that you dont like people are pretty good at it yourself...but of course YOU arnt 'whinning' just have an opinion...gqg gag...yuck!!
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    Suddenly I feel guilty for whining about not being able to poop after taking narcotics the last few weeks during my recovery from brain surgery.

    Not really, sometimes we've just got to whine, but it should clearly never, ever be in regards to weight loss.

    OMG!! I was like, you poor thing!! And then I saw the bottom... hahahahahaha

    People will whine about anything. I'm guilty too... difference is I whine and move on to wine. :drinker: Kidding!!

    Just to clarify I don't feel guilty about whining, but I really did have brain surgery and I really can't poop.

    OMG... now I feel like a clod. Well, I hope you heal fast and poop even faster!! Thanks for clearing that up... :heart:
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    to borrow someone else's catchphrase here-

    Ironic post is ironic.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I am new here. I have corresponded with very supportive people. I know I would never be motivated by this comment.about whining.

    Come back in a few months of reading the forums. You will see what a brilliant post this is :drinker:

    Complaining about other people whining is brilliant?


    Um YES...

    I think it is because if you call out someone in a thread that they are "whining" and "just making excuses" - they'll report you for being by ranting in this thread, they are able to vent without getting the mods baring down on them.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Suddenly I feel guilty for whining about not being able to poop after taking narcotics the last few weeks during my recovery from brain surgery.

    Not really, sometimes we've just got to whine, but it should clearly never, ever be in regards to weight loss.

    OMG!! I was like, you poor thing!! And then I saw the bottom... hahahahahaha

    People will whine about anything. I'm guilty too... difference is I whine and move on to wine. :drinker: Kidding!!

    Just to clarify I don't feel guilty about whining, but I really did have brain surgery and I really can't poop.

    Ah, its the pain killers. Hydrocodone? Does it every time. Lots of water, fiber, maybe a stool softener, but definitely NOT a laxative. An avocado might help as well. Don't let it go too long, or you can have permanent damage. A call to your dr office might be a good idea as well.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Sometimes I whine?

    Sometimes I take the high road and complain about others who whine.

    Sometimes a lightbulb goes off before I can start whining or complaining about others who whine and then....
