Cardio doesn't burn fat!!!



  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    I agree... I hate seeing girls my age on the treadmills foreeevvverrrr... Yeah, maybe their training for something.. But I'm assuming most of them just want to lose weight... They need to LIFT!

    Perhaps... just maybe... they're lifting somewhere else. Somewhere away from your view.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Does it really matter what exercise someone chooses to do? I love picking up heavy things and really don't like cardio. However, if someone else is the opposite, why would I tell them what they are doing isn't beneficial? I understand what you are saying regarding strength training. It's just that some people aren't going to lift weights. It's not what they enjoy. Yes, there will be body composition differences between cardio only folks and strength trainers. In the end, though, what matters most is that someone isn't sitting on their *kitten* do nothing, but doing some form of exercise which they enjoy and will continue to do.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    How bout a bacon cleanse?
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    Bacon is bad for you, full of fat. The only way to lose weight and be healthy is to cut out most fats and carbs. Protein only, and a good cleanse.


    crap. I've never posted an image before. that clearly went over well.
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    How bout a bacon cleanse?

    Only if you lift.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Cardio is good for creating a calorie deficit. The body has to get energy from somewhere hence stored fat. Smaller men and most women require more cardio because you can only do so much with the reduction of calories.
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member

  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member


    You are welcome. :D
  • ashumeow
    ashumeow Posts: 151 Member
    Cardio burns fat... I had never done strength training before.. I managed to get healthier burning body fat simply through cardio... Running & jogging are best fat burning cardio workouts. =)
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    I started out doing cario only-- those long sessions of cardio-- lost 30 pounds cause of the deficit it created... but i was "skinny fat",, then i added in lifting.. a year later, i gained about 20 of those pounds back but my clothes fit so much better and i dont have that little belly anymore.
  • Game8
    Game8 Posts: 442
    Many people seem to just enjoy cardio in a sadistic type of way so much that they miss the whole point of my post. Let me restate it again in a way a grade 5 kid would hopefully understand:

    If by the end of the day you're at an x net calorie intake, it will not make a difference in terms of body composition whether or not you had done cardio that day. HOWEVER, if you do weight lifting while still at that same x net calorie intake, you will end up with less fat, more muscle than if you had not.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Cardio burns fat... I had never done strength training before.. I managed to get healthier burning body fat simply through cardio... Running & jogging are best fat burning cardio workouts. =)

    In all honesty, steady state cardio hasn't been proven to be more effective at burning fat than High Intensity Interval Training.

    Not that it doesn't, but it's not the "best".
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    And a lb of muscle burns 6 cals a day as opposed to the 2 a day fat burns. That's not really significant either. Maybe we should all stand still all day cause what's the point of moving :laugh:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Many people seem to just enjoy cardio in a sadistic type of way

    Herp derp.
  • sowenby1984
    sowenby1984 Posts: 101 Member
    Then what does it burn? :indifferent:

    Our will to live.

    I just burned calories LMAO at This^^^^^^ :laugh: :drinker:
  • johned63
    johned63 Posts: 306 Member
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Many people seem to just enjoy cardio in a sadistic type of way so much that they miss the whole point of my post. Let me restate it again in a way a grade 5 kid would hopefully understand:

    If by the end of the day you're at an x net calorie intake, it will not make a difference in terms of body composition whether or not you had done cardio that day. HOWEVER, if you do weight lifting while still at that same x net calorie intake, you will end up with less fat, more muscle than if you had not.
    The word you're looking for is masochistic. I've not heard of many cardio sadists, though that would be interesting.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    Many people seem to just enjoy cardio in a sadistic type of way so much that they miss the whole point of my post. Let me restate it again in a way a grade 5 kid would hopefully understand:

    If by the end of the day you're at an x net calorie intake, it will not make a difference in terms of body composition whether or not you had done cardio that day. HOWEVER, if you do weight lifting while still at that same x net calorie intake, you will end up with less fat, more muscle than if you had not.

    No I dont think they did miss the point of your post. I think they didnt like the condescending way you basically told everyone that their way sucked and only your way is correct. Some people enjoy cardio... obviously from this thread, if they didnt, 5k's marathons, etc wouldnt be so popular. Weight lifting is something you enjoy thoroughly doesnt mean you have to hold it over everyone because they do something else. They do what they think is best for them, may not be best for you. If you're trying to give advice, maybe choose your words a little more carefully next time.