It's nearly impossible!



  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I agree with seeking out uncured bacon rather than turkey bacon. It tastes better and is lower in calories and sodium. Also agree with eating the fruit itself rather than drinking the juice. Fruit juice is a heavy-duty sugar bomb.
  • judydelo1
    judydelo1 Posts: 281 Member
    I tend to go over sugar also. But I don't eat anything with cane sugar, sugar beets, high fructose corn syrup, rice syrup, maple syrup, etc.

    All of my sugar sources come from fruit, veggies and occasionally RAW honey. These are all packed with nutrients and are metabolized different than the list above.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    OH and I would have eaten the whole egg. I AM a fan of the yolk.

    The yolk is where all the micronutrients are. You may as well have protein powder if all you're having is the white.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member

    If you live on high sugar foods (cake, chocolate, non-diet soda, sweets, candy, et al) you will gain weight unless you use the calories. Period. End of.

    where have I said this isn't true? that is also true of ANY food if you eat more calories that you consume. My link was in response to this - key work in bold since you seem to be ignoring some of my responses.

    "sugar ups your insulin levels in the body which makes your body store fat."

    Again sugar is not evil or the enemy too much of anything is bad for you. Eat in moderation.

    I'm not out of this as I just CBA.

    You are missing the point. The post is about sugar in food. The article you cite is about insulin, and has many flaws. It is not relevant.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Hmm . . . I'm so scared of spiking my insulin this is now what ALL my meals are going to look like.

    1 table spoon of butter

    1 tablespoon of olive oil

    1 table spoon of pure goose fat

    1 table spoon of vegetable oil.

    I don't want to spike my big scary insulin.

    Add some protein and that's not a bad plan for some people. Being carbophobic can be lifesaving for people who are diabetic or prediabetic. I'm glad that I don't need to go to that extreme.
  • delvin2
    delvin2 Posts: 120 Member
    Thank you all for the advice. I was a bit discouraged at first, but these comments put things into perspective. I'll stick with regular bacon.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Thank you all for the advice. I was a bit discouraged at first, but these comments put things into perspective. I'll stick with regular bacon.
    if you choose bacon without nitrates you'll be even better off. good luck with your goals dude!
  • bedazz562
    bedazz562 Posts: 23 Member
    Skip the OJ and replace it with an orange and glass of water -- that would be my first step.

    For sure! I have been hearing how OJ is not too good for you. I have been drinking water for every meal...I was an avid soda drinker but now it is just water and the occasional homemade Kombucha!
  • ShmareParks
    ShmareParks Posts: 88 Member
    I go over my sugar by breakfast too, even if it's a bit of organic unpasteurised honey in my coffee and a banana. I think the sugar settings on here are crazily low. I just focus on the calories and that is working great for me. Going wild with refined sugar is probably not a long-term great idea, but honestly, everything in moderation is ok. I've been losing about a pound per week even though my sugar has gone over every single day without exception.