Where's the evidence re: aspartame, msg, carbs, gmo etc?



  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    I've taken the time to post some studies. However, sigh, I suspect that really you just want to fight and not do research with an open mind. Never-the-less, in the spirit of goodwill I have spent my time to help you. Please don't be rude in return.

    I've known the OP (on the internet) a long time. I've never known him to be rude. But I would like to point out that he asked for human studies.

    It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out, unless you're into the whole conspiracy theories thing, that if there were any conclusive human studies, these supposed evils would not be in the marketplace.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Mice suffered ill effects when fed combination of msg and apartame

    MSG dosage used in this study is roughly 7 to 8 times the average amount consumed by most Asian cultures (1.2 to 1.7g/day)
    Aspartame dosage is also unnecessarily high -- equivalent to ~4k mg -- about a case of soda/day.

    There's also a laundry list of other issues with this study but beyond quoting the unrealistic and inapplicable doses used, I'd have to basically plagiarize Krieger's work on this topic, and since I have a lot of respect for him I'll not do that =)
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I'm in solely to see who has the brass balls to argue with Acg :drinker:
  • sgrubby
    sgrubby Posts: 103 Member
    Here's an unbiased and informative article from the Mayo Clinic's website. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/artificial-sweeteners/MY00073
  • SlvrBluGoddess
    SlvrBluGoddess Posts: 239 Member
    *sits down munching on a Baby Ruth & drinking a Diet Dr Pepper to see how this all pans out*
  • Tyggress73
    Tyggress73 Posts: 104 Member
    I don't know about any formal studies or what-not proving these things are bad for you.

    Having said that, it seems logical and reasonable to me that eating foods with fewer chemicals would probably be better for our bodies than processed crap, including aspartame, msg, gmo, etc. I don't recall, looking back through the years that we, as a society, had nearly the health issues we have today. What changed? We now eat faster, more convenient, more processed foods with more chemicals in them, and we stopped moving so much. Simple as that.

    As for carbs...I see nothing wrong with them.
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    Wanna see a picture of me with hives when I eat MSG? It's sexy. Honest.

    An allergy to a certain food item, does not mean that it is harmful to the average person, just you. I know lots of people that are allergic to peanuts and/or milk, but neither one of those things deserves to be labeled as bad. It is bad for them, but not as a standard.

    I have no problem with artificial sweeteners, nuts or dairy. But ...

    I get nasty-scary heart palpitations from protein powder. (still hoping to isolate the problem ingredient and find a tasty powder that I can use -- if not for shakes, then at least in homemade protein bars and other recipes).
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I've taken the time to post some studies. However, sigh, I suspect that really you just want to fight and not do research with an open mind. Never-the-less, in the spirit of goodwill I have spent my time to help you. Please don't be rude in return. This is a sampling of research out there related to msg.

    The Studies below were published in US National Library of Medicine - PubMed:

    Monosodium glutamate (MSG) intake is associated with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in a rural Thai population.

    Mice suffered ill effects when fed combination of msg and apartame

    In the News:

    Here's an article reporting on a study conducted in China, msg and obesity.

    Here is an article reporting on a study called, "Combining Food Additives Could Harm Nervous System"

    Here is an article reporting on a study conducted in Spain showing a link between msg and obesity

    This link brings to you a bunch of studies that you can research if you're truly interested.

    First, can you please tell me what the differences are between naturally occurring glutamate and MSG metabolically speaking? Secondly, if there is no difference metabolically speaking would you also avoid foods that have high glutamate content such as Parmesan cheese, broccoli etc?
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    At this point it seems you can find a study proving something is good to counter a study saying the same thing is bad. I think that one of the largest problems with the things we consume daily is that there has yet to be long term human studies conducted on much of it.

    Having said that, I find it difficult to accept that consuming something like monsantos GMO corn is going to be good long term. This "food" kills insects for cripes sake. It's not just the long term affects on humans I'm concerned about but the affects on the environment as well.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Im curious how come you're so pro all of these chemicals...? Every time I see someone comment about avoiding these ingredients in food, wouldnt ya know it Acg67 is the next poster saying "Why would you want to avoid these things? Theyre not bad for you at all!"

    Whats up with that? Why does it bother you so much when people want less chemicals in their food choices? I said in another thread that I want to eat cleaner, you told me there's dirt on my carrot! Whats up with that?! Dirt on my carrot bothers me less than msg in my everything else... and Im not saying I never eat chemicals... Im just trying to eat less of them wherever I can cut out the obvious ones...

    Its just like you're Pro chemicals.... kinda wierd really. Like youre the chemical police or something...

  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    pretty much all artificial sweeteners trigger migraines in me, but I would never say they are bad for everyone in general.. but if someone is complaining of chronic headaches and they are drinking 3 diet Pepsis a day, I will suggest they ditch the Pepsi for a few weeks to see it it helps.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Im curious how come you're so pro all of these chemicals...? Every time I see someone comment about avoiding these ingredients in food, wouldnt ya know it Acg67 is the next poster saying "Why would you want to avoid these things? Theyre not bad for you at all!"

    Whats up with that? Why does it bother you so much when people want less chemicals in their food choices? I said in another thread that I want to eat cleaner, you told me there's dirt on my carrot! Whats up with that?! Dirt on my carrot bothers me less than msg in my everything else... and Im not saying I never eat chemicals... Im just trying to eat less of them wherever I can cut out the obvious ones...

    Its just like you're Pro chemicals.... kinda wierd really. Like youre the chemical police or something...


    I read something a while ago that said "made in a plant=bad, made from a plant=good" made me chuckle. Not sure how we have gotten to the point as a culture where we seem to believe that a chemical is better for you than what is made in nature. Fake sugar, fake salt, fake flavor.

    I tracked down the runaway L and put it back in its home
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Im curious how come you're so pro all of these chemicals...? Every time I see someone comment about avoiding these ingredients in food, wouldnt ya know it Acg67 is the next poster saying "Why would you want to avoid these things? Theyre not bad for you at all!"

    Whats up with that? Why does it bother you so much when people want less chemicals in their food choices? I said in another thread that I want to eat cleaner, you told me there's dirt on my carrot! Whats up with that?! Dirt on my carrot bothers me less than msg in my everything else... and Im not saying I never eat chemicals... Im just trying to eat less of them wherever I can cut out the obvious ones...

    Its just like you're Pro chemicals.... kinda wierd really. Like youre the chemical police or something...


    Acg isn't against people avoiding chemicals in their diet. He is against people using falsified or manipulated studies as a basis for that decision, and using the same said misinformation to persaude others to do the same. It's not that he is pro-chemicals, it's that he is anti-misinformation.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Im curious how come you're so pro all of these chemicals...? Every time I see someone comment about avoiding these ingredients in food, wouldnt ya know it Acg67 is the next poster saying "Why would you want to avoid these things? Theyre not bad for you at all!"

    Whats up with that? Why does it bother you so much when people want less chemicals in their food choices? I said in another thread that I want to eat cleaner, you told me there's dirt on my carrot! Whats up with that?! Dirt on my carrot bothers me less than msg in my everything else... and Im not saying I never eat chemicals... Im just trying to eat less of them wherever I can cut out the obvious ones...

    Its just like you're Pro chemicals.... kinda wierd really. Like youre the chemical police or something...


    Without any attempt to speak on his behalf, the reason I tend to show up in threads like this has nothing to do with someone else's diet. It has to do with someone spreading alarmist information to other people in an effort to scare them out of their diet soda.

    People take everything to such an extreme endpoint. If 300 cans of diet soda per day is shown to be harmful in rodents, they'll extrapolate that into "YOU CANNOT DRINK ONE CAN OF DIET SODA".

    And why do I care about that? Because somewhere out there is a miserable 400lb person reading this who already feels like *kitten* because they're fat and unhealthy, they're eating in a calorie deficit (which generally sucks), and now they've just found out that the one thing they still enjoy (namely their diet coke) they can no longer have because of poorly conducted or misinterpreted research.

    This is the same reason I'd tell people they don't have to eat 6 times per day to boost their metabolism or they don't need to stop eating after 8pm.

    Happiness generally decreases in prolonged dieting and there's no need to make it more miserable if it doesn't have to be.

    All that said, I really don't judge people who choose to give up diet soda or avoid chinese food.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Im curious how come you're so pro all of these chemicals...? Every time I see someone comment about avoiding these ingredients in food, wouldnt ya know it Acg67 is the next poster saying "Why would you want to avoid these things? Theyre not bad for you at all!"

    Whats up with that? Why does it bother you so much when people want less chemicals in their food choices? I said in another thread that I want to eat cleaner, you told me there's dirt on my carrot! Whats up with that?! Dirt on my carrot bothers me less than msg in my everything else... and Im not saying I never eat chemicals... Im just trying to eat less of them wherever I can cut out the obvious ones...

    Its just like you're Pro chemicals.... kinda wierd really. Like youre the chemical police or something...


    Have fun trying to eat less chemicals

    Anyways, had you taken the time to read the post you'd have seen this
    Note: This is not saying that if there is no evidence something is bad for you, that it is good for you. Just at the present time, there is no evidence to warrant the fear mongering over such substances.

    Certainly sounds pro chemicals (even though I do love me some chemicals)
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    I read something a while ago that said "made in a plant=bad, made from a pant=good" made me chuckle. Not sure how we have gotten to the point as a culture where we seem to believe that a chemical is better for you than what is made in nature. Fake sugar, fake salt, fake flavor.

    K, LOL, I had to read that 3x. I thought you were trying to say things made from a pair of pants were good. LMAO! Got it now...

    silly runaway "L"...
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Im curious how come you're so pro all of these chemicals...? Every time I see someone comment about avoiding these ingredients in food, wouldnt ya know it Acg67 is the next poster saying "Why would you want to avoid these things? Theyre not bad for you at all!"

    Whats up with that? Why does it bother you so much when people want less chemicals in their food choices? I said in another thread that I want to eat cleaner, you told me there's dirt on my carrot! Whats up with that?! Dirt on my carrot bothers me less than msg in my everything else... and Im not saying I never eat chemicals... Im just trying to eat less of them wherever I can cut out the obvious ones...

    Its just like you're Pro chemicals.... kinda wierd really. Like youre the chemical police or something...


    Without any attempt to speak on his behalf, the reason I tend to show up in threads like this has nothing to do with someone else's diet. It has to do with someone spreading alarmist information to other people in an effort to scare them out of their diet soda.

    People take everything to such an extreme endpoint. If 300 cans of diet soda per day is shown to be harmful in rodents, they'll extrapolate that into "YOU CANNOT DRINK ONE CAN OF DIET SODA".

    And why do I care about that? Because somewhere out there is a miserable 400lb person reading this who already feels like *kitten* because they're fat and unhealthy, they're eating in a calorie deficit (which generally sucks), and now they've just found out that the one thing they still enjoy (namely their diet coke) they can no longer have because of poorly conducted or misinterpreted research.

    This is the same reason I'd tell people they don't have to eat 6 times per day to boost their metabolism or they don't need to stop eating after 8pm.

    Happiness generally decreases in prolonged dieting and there's no need to make it more miserable if it doesn't have to be.

    All that said, I really don't judge people who choose to give up diet soda or avoid chinese food.

    Alright... now I want a Coke Zero!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Im curious how come you're so pro all of these chemicals...? Every time I see someone comment about avoiding these ingredients in food, wouldnt ya know it Acg67 is the next poster saying "Why would you want to avoid these things? Theyre not bad for you at all!"

    Whats up with that? Why does it bother you so much when people want less chemicals in their food choices? I said in another thread that I want to eat cleaner, you told me there's dirt on my carrot! Whats up with that?! Dirt on my carrot bothers me less than msg in my everything else... and Im not saying I never eat chemicals... Im just trying to eat less of them wherever I can cut out the obvious ones...

    Its just like you're Pro chemicals.... kinda wierd really. Like youre the chemical police or something...


    Without any attempt to speak on his behalf, the reason I tend to show up in threads like this has nothing to do with someone else's diet. It has to do with someone spreading alarmist information to other people in an effort to scare them out of their diet soda.

    People take everything to such an extreme endpoint. If 300 cans of diet soda per day is shown to be harmful in rodents, they'll extrapolate that into "YOU CANNOT DRINK ONE CAN OF DIET SODA".

    And why do I care about that? Because somewhere out there is a miserable 400lb person reading this who already feels like *kitten* because they're fat and unhealthy, they're eating in a calorie deficit (which generally sucks), and now they've just found out that the one thing they still enjoy (namely their diet coke) they can no longer have because of poorly conducted or misinterpreted research.

    This is the same reason I'd tell people they don't have to eat 6 times per day to boost their metabolism or they don't need to stop eating after 8pm.

    Happiness generally decreases in prolonged dieting and there's no need to make it more miserable if it doesn't have to be.

    All that said, I really don't judge people who choose to give up diet soda or avoid chinese food.

    Alright... now I want a Coke Zero!

    ...aaaaand chinese food!
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Im curious how come you're so pro all of these chemicals...? Every time I see someone comment about avoiding these ingredients in food, wouldnt ya know it Acg67 is the next poster saying "Why would you want to avoid these things? Theyre not bad for you at all!"

    Whats up with that? Why does it bother you so much when people want less chemicals in their food choices? I said in another thread that I want to eat cleaner, you told me there's dirt on my carrot! Whats up with that?! Dirt on my carrot bothers me less than msg in my everything else... and Im not saying I never eat chemicals... Im just trying to eat less of them wherever I can cut out the obvious ones...

    Its just like you're Pro chemicals.... kinda wierd really. Like youre the chemical police or something...


    Have fun trying to eat less chemicals

    Anyways, had you taken the time to read the post you'd have seen this
    Note: This is not saying that if there is no evidence something is bad for you, that it is good for you. Just at the present time, there is no evidence to warrant the fear mongering over such substances.

    Certainly sounds pro chemicals (even though I do love me some chemicals)

    Didnt reallly answer my question. but whatever. And I did read that quote, thanks, I was just wondering why you seem to be all over this topic like white on rice every time I see you on these boards. Like its your mission or something... and so sarcastic all the time... "Have fun trying to eat less chemicals". Geez....
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Im curious how come you're so pro all of these chemicals...? Every time I see someone comment about avoiding these ingredients in food, wouldnt ya know it Acg67 is the next poster saying "Why would you want to avoid these things? Theyre not bad for you at all!"

    Whats up with that? Why does it bother you so much when people want less chemicals in their food choices? I said in another thread that I want to eat cleaner, you told me there's dirt on my carrot! Whats up with that?! Dirt on my carrot bothers me less than msg in my everything else... and Im not saying I never eat chemicals... Im just trying to eat less of them wherever I can cut out the obvious ones...

    Its just like you're Pro chemicals.... kinda wierd really. Like youre the chemical police or something...


    Have fun trying to eat less chemicals

    Anyways, had you taken the time to read the post you'd have seen this
    Note: This is not saying that if there is no evidence something is bad for you, that it is good for you. Just at the present time, there is no evidence to warrant the fear mongering over such substances.

    Certainly sounds pro chemicals (even though I do love me some chemicals)

    Didnt reallly answer my question. but whatever. And I did read that quote, thanks, I was just wondering why you seem to be all over this topic like white on rice every time I see you on these boards. Like its your mission or something... and so sarcastic all the time... "Have fun trying to eat less chemicals". Geez....

    Just me being helpful :)

    It's like if you had a kid who wouldn't wear blue pajamas because he was deathly afraid the boogeyman would come and get him if he did. Would you continue letting your kid have an irrational fear of sleeping in blue pajamas or try to enlighten them, that there is no evidence that wearing blue pajamas causes the boogeyman to come and get you?