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Things that make you lose respect for the human race....



  • searchkimmy
    searchkimmy Posts: 25 Member
    2.Parents who dress warmer then their kids when they go outside

    Uh-oh. I do this all the time. Disclaimer: My kids are older, 16 and 14. I got sick and tired of the fight (they'll wear shorts and a hoodie out in the middle of winter) and finally said; "dress how you want. If I hear the words 'I'm cold', you're grounded."

    My 5 year old is obsessed with wearing as little as possible. Yesterday was so windy but he didn't want his coat. He played outside for 2 hours and never wanted it.
  • dbkrantz
    dbkrantz Posts: 138
    Cruelty to animals, hate crimes, people who don't respect others while driving (you just have to move your fingers and put on your signal, how else am I going to guess that you want to turn??)

    People not getting up for pregnant women or women carrying babies (especially true for the Paris transportation system)

    Rude people and so on...
  • Jimaudit
    Jimaudit Posts: 275
    1. Parents who try to reason with their children when they are having a meltdown. Seriously, no child is listening during a meltdown so stop looking like an idiot and grab the kid and go.
    2. People who litter out car windows.
    3. Drivers in South Florida. If you live here, you know what I mean. Just because you immigrated from another country does not mean you should get a 6 month license when you have never driven in your life or cannot read/understand English.
    4. People who are *ssholes just to be an *sshole. I work with them and it doesn't make anyone's day easier.
    5. Parents who go to a playground and not watch their kid. They are there for social hour and the kid is wreaking havoc for the younger kids.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I have several:

    1. Anyone with poor grammar. My list includes, but is not limited to: the overuse of the word "like", ghetto talk, the vocal fracture at the end of the sentence "I, like, am so borrrrreddddd". double negatives, and the need for subtitles on TV shows because the English is so poorly spoken.

    2. Self entitled children and young adults who believe the world rises and sets in their collective butts.

    3. Women who can't think or do on their own without asking a man's permission first

    4. Hypocrites of any kind, but especially religious hypocrites. They're the ones who wrap themselves in their own version of biblical scripture, which they quote at others, while they are sinning behind closed doors.

    5. Couples who have children BEFORE they marry, and have the "Well, marriage is a HUGE commitment, and I'm not sure I'm ready for such a commitment" attitude. CHILDREN are a lifetime commitment, marriage is NOT.

    6. People who sit around and whine about how (insert negative adjective here) their lives are, but do NOTHING to change them.

    I have more, but they can be found in my profile summary.
  • locaoca
    locaoca Posts: 41 Member
    3. Drivers in South Florida. If you live here, you know what I mean. Just because you immigrated from another country does not mean you should get a 6 month license when you have never driven in your life or cannot read/understand English.

    It doesn't help the situation either when the dmv renews driver's license by mail to people over the age of 60. Little old ladies who can't see over the steering wheel, or their reaction time has gone way down and causes accidents. How many accidents have there been in south florida in the past year where someone over the age of 60 didn't remember the difference between brake and gas? Lot more than they show on the news.
  • locaoca
    locaoca Posts: 41 Member
    Here's my short list...
    - People on cell phones while driving a car or waiting in a doctor's office (do we really need to know EVERY detail of why you're at the doctor). :angry:
    - Government over spending on stupid things like spending over a million dollars for government cars that sit in a parking garage that has to be paid for and have been sitting there since 2007, happened in Miami. And Government underspending mostly education things. :explode:
    - People who don't know what the word soap or deodorant is. :sick:
    - Teachers who give their students the answers to an important test so that the TEACHER looks like they are a good teacher. :grumble:
    - And lastly, human trafficking especially children and people brought to USA for the sole purpose of being sex slaves against their will. Or really any kind of child abuse. :mad:
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    3. Drivers in South Florida. If you live here, you know what I mean. Just because you immigrated from another country does not mean you should get a 6 month license when you have never driven in your life or cannot read/understand English.

    It doesn't help the situation either when the dmv renews driver's license by mail to people over the age of 60. Little old ladies who can't see over the steering wheel, or their reaction time has gone way down and causes accidents. How many accidents have there been in south florida in the past year where someone over the age of 60 didn't remember the difference between brake and gas? Lot more than they show on the news.

    I have a family member who is in her early stages of Alzheimer's, and she drove me to church the other day while I was visiting her in another state. She had a moment where she couldn't remember the street to turn on to take us back home. It was very scary, and I couldn't help because I didn't know my way around the area.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    People who are abusive to animals

    People who are abusive to other people

    People who think their kids are better than yours ( been through this with the kids down the street) yet they have been so nasty and bad that families have moved to get away from them and these brats have made it so others do not want to play outside but yet their mom seems to think that when her kids do something bad that it was either not them or someone made them do it. Their kids could pound the crap out of yours and they can steal your stuff but it will still get twisted around so that your kid gets blamed.

    People who complain about their health and life style but do nothing to change it.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    People with bad manners..seriously please and thank you aren't hard work. As a kid my dad always used to say "manners cost nothing yet very few people have them" i get it now.

    Animal cruelty just makes me sick full stop.

    Bad customer service!!! I work in customer service for the most amazing company..yet people are shocked at how nice I am..eh it's my job I get paid to treat you well and regardless I treat people how I want to be treated.

    Just people who are negative every single day. Yes it is not rainbows & lollipops every day but you know the ones I'm talking about the most amazing thing could happen and somehow it would be terrible.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Conservative religious right. (WRONG!!)
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Someone pulls up next to me at a red light, they have a cigarette hanging out of their mouth with the windows up and two kids in the backseat........scumbag:noway:

    YES! Smoking around kids is NASTY!
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    You know, the things that people do that ANNOY you so much that they leave you in disbelief. Here are my top three...

    1. People beeping at a school bus, especially at kindergardeners. You aren't going to be there for ten minutes so calm down and relax.

    2. People getting annoyed at elderly people. We will all be there one day, Lord willing that is, so calm down. If you have aches and pains at 35 how do you think that you will feel at 80? Some elderly people tend to talk alot but alot of elderly people are lonely, let them talk for three minutes, the world isn't going to end.

    3. People not flushing the toilet in a public restroom. Dude, you're nasty!

    1. Excessive cruelty to children or the elderly

    2. People who litter, that would include corporations that dump toxic waste in our oceans.

    3. When our country gets so wrapped up in the lives of celebrities and do not focus on real issues that can affect them.
  • harleenarang
    harleenarang Posts: 174 Member
    "Reality" tv, and the people who watch it.

    That's a big one. People on TV doing all kinds of weird stuff just to get the TRP ratings high .

    But the worst on my list are the pedofiles and rapists. They should just be castrated in public. :mad:
  • neva4saken
    neva4saken Posts: 300 Member

    But the worst on my list are the pedofiles and rapists. They should just be castrated in public. :mad:

    :drinker: standing ovation
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    1. Excessive cruelty to children or the elderly

    So cruelty in general is okay, but when it's excessive it's totally wrong? :tongue:
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    One more thing- corrupt law enforcement officials. The people rely on you to protect and serve them yet you are taking bribes from drug dealers, organized crime, stealing property out of evidence lockers, planting evidence on innocent civilians and abusing your authority by forcing women to have sex with you to get out of going to jail on trumped up charges. You make it extremely difficult for the public to trust you and you also make it harder for honest cops.
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    3. Drivers in South Florida. If you live here, you know what I mean. Just because you immigrated from another country does not mean you should get a 6 month license when you have never driven in your life or cannot read/understand English.

    It doesn't help the situation either when the dmv renews driver's license by mail to people over the age of 60. Little old ladies who can't see over the steering wheel, or their reaction time has gone way down and causes accidents. How many accidents have there been in south florida in the past year where someone over the age of 60 didn't remember the difference between brake and gas? Lot more than they show on the news.

    ouch I'm over 60 and consider myself quite competent in what I do. But this is a good point and thanks, because one of things I find given this topic is some people's perception of senior people as being "old", frail, and close to death, and should be ignored. Just sayin, from a very young old guy !!!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    3. Drivers in South Florida. If you live here, you know what I mean. Just because you immigrated from another country does not mean you should get a 6 month license when you have never driven in your life or cannot read/understand English.

    It doesn't help the situation either when the dmv renews driver's license by mail to people over the age of 60. Little old ladies who can't see over the steering wheel, or their reaction time has gone way down and causes accidents. How many accidents have there been in south florida in the past year where someone over the age of 60 didn't remember the difference between brake and gas? Lot more than they show on the news.

    ouch I'm over 60 and consider myself quite competent in what I do. But this is a good point and thanks, because one of things I find given this topic is some people's perception of senior people as being "old", frail, and close to death, and should be ignored. Just sayin, from a very young old guy !!!

    To me, 60 is VERY young. To a 22 year old, not so much. However, some of those 22 yo ladies have no problem hooking up with a 60 yo if that 60 yo has the money, right?
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    1. Excessive cruelty to children or the elderly

    So cruelty in general is okay, but when it's excessive it's totally wrong? :tongue:

    bbegley92- Okay smarty pants. ;)
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    MFP forums :tongue:
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