My husband is boycotting my cooking...



  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Didn't expect to come back to this thread and see som many

    Here's what's on the menu for this week:

    Chicken Cordon Bleu Sanwiches- Chicken breast, ham, arugula and smoked mozzarella with butter and dijon mustard on a baguette.

    Szechuan Orange Beef and Broccolini over Rice

    Almond Crusted Flounder with Garlic Caper Butter Sauce with Roasted Asparagus (and rice for him on the side...none for me)

    Chicken Francaise with Broccoli and side of rice

    Bacon wrapped Filet Mignon with sauteed spinach and roasted French Fingerling Potatoes

    Teriyaki Shrimp Stir Fry with Zucchini, Red Pepper, Snow Peas and Mushrooms...over rice (again)

    My husband will only eat rice or potatoes as far as carbs go. He won't eat cous cous, quinoa, bulgar, barley or any other I don't make them. I've made all of these things before and he's asked me to make them in the past.

    This all goes back to this weekend when I was really busy preparing the garden for spring planting, busting my *kitten* ripping up sod and turning over the soil....that I didn't have time to make him potato pancakes.

    I have no problem making them...or eating one or two...but I didn't have time. So he blamed it on my "diet." I'm not really on a diet. Just eating a little healthier and eating a little less.

    Wow, I didn't actually think he was necessarily an idiot (people have different tastes; thought maybe you could have been just grilling skinless chicken breasts with plain salad) until I saw this. Yeah, let him make his mac and cheese on his own.
  • rossmy1
    rossmy1 Posts: 17
    LMAO!!! Love it!!! :laugh:
  • mikkimomof3
    mikkimomof3 Posts: 224 Member
    Also, what I do is i make a menu for about a couple weeks out, and I ask my husband if there is anything he would like to have for dinner while I'm making my menu. This way we're both getting things that we like. When there is a night he wants, lets say, chicken fried steak, I make it and I eat it too, but I just have way less than he does. I like to cut mine and the kids into steak fingers and let him have a big one.

    I like's how we do it here. I always go over my menu and ask my husband if there is anything specific he wants during the week. Your husband's behavior really seems too extreme to me to be about the food....seriously, who does that?! It's not like you're making salad and grilled chicken every night.
  • _mrsgigi_
    _mrsgigi_ Posts: 38 Member
    U did ur part. Keeping doing what your doing. If he wants to be a jerk and not eat what u cook for him then he can either cook for himself, or go get his own food.
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    I am betting the husband is the bread winner. Since he brings home the bacon, atleast cook the man the food he wants. ( and women wonder why men cheat) He's gonna find someone who will cook that steak, burger, etc for him.

    Looks like some one is stuck in 1951!!!!!! If a guy is going to cheat on someone because they don't get the kind of food they like, then kick them to the curb! I'd rather work 3 jobs do everything myself and happily be ALONE before I'd become anyone's slave/servant. Don't like what I cook, don't eat it and starve. That saying goes for men and children. *This guy seems to fall in the latter category.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    So am I just supposed to cook all that food just for myself?

    YUP. Ungrateful jerk doesn't want tot benefit from the service of your cooking, he can cook for himself.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    And - I hope he's cleaning, doing the laundry, SOMETHING.
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    Possible Problems:
    He is a control freak and is trying to control you.
    He is also jealous and is worried that you are going to get attention from other men.
    He knows he married "up" and is worried that you might dump him.
    He is a passive aggressive personality and this rejection is his way of hurting you.

    Possible Solutions:
    Reassure him that you are doing this for your health.
    Reassure him that you think that he is hot.
    Put a jar of peanut butter on the table, and that is his option.
    Get him in for a physical and tell him that healthy eating is for both of you.
    Give him some take out coupons from junk food places and buy a blood pressure monitor for him.
    Lose the weight and find someone more secure and less controlling.
  • slrose
    slrose Posts: 164 Member
    make the meals and freeze the left overs

    guess what, next week you dont need to cook or shop at all!
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    I'm sorry - I want to say to tell him to make his own damn food - but I won't. I have similar issues sometimes with the kids (sometimes my hubby). They say things like "can't we pick up something (usually fast food) for dinner" and if I haven't planned well, I cave in. Today, I've decided that I'm only going to make what I want (or think that's healthy for us all) and if they don't like it, they can lump it. My husband won't make his own dinner - he'll just grin and bear it. Good luck to you!
  • rossmy1
    rossmy1 Posts: 17
    What a menu!!! Some restaurants aren't this good!!! LOL! :happy:
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Ok so you work 13 hours a day. If he works less and has more spare time than you then he should do the cooking. But would you be happy if the roles were reversed and he cooked what HE wanted for you? Then said "If you don't like it then cook your own"? Both doing the cooking seems impractical - surely there's compromise?

    He does have way more spare time than I do. I do the cooking because I know how to. He can cook a little, but it stresses him out.

    I'll just make him a burger this weekend. Maybe I'll have one too. He just needs to get over himself. He's being a baby.

    Aww see? Was that so hard? My goodness, ask a woman for a burger and all hell breaks loose LMAO
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Dumped my boyfriend for a lot of arrogant, childish, passive-agressive crap like this. And then I bought better toys. :bigsmile:
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Just because YOU want to eat a certain way doesn't mean he has too. I don't blame him for wanting to eat GOOD food. Perhaps you should cook 2 seperate meals. Don't impose your new found lifestyle on other people, including your spouse.

    Hahaha. It is not your job to feed a grown human being. I was so peeved with my ex for similar dependent behavior that i boycotted cooking for months. Nothing wrong with salads and fruit :drinker: Needless to say, that relationship totally didn't work
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I am betting the husband is the bread winner. Since he brings home the bacon, atleast cook the man the food he wants. ( and women wonder why men cheat) He's gonna find someone who will cook that steak, burger, etc for him.

    You know, this is the double standard I've seen time and again. If a man has to lose weight to improve his health, the woman usually has to cook all his meals for him, and she usually goes along with the new program and benefits from it herself. But if it's the other way around, watch out. The woman ends up having to cook her diet food AND another meal for the husband and kids that turn their noses up at hers.

    A woman makes it easy for a spouse that wants to lose weight. A man? Well, it depends on the man.

    Massive generalisations here. "And she usually goes along with the new program and benefits from it herself" You're just guessing

    They could both cook their seperate meals, sure

    How about if they like different types of films, yeah maybe they could go to the cinema seperately as well then

    Different types of holidays? No problem, he goes away for 2 weeks for his holiday, she goes away for the one she wants.

    Different taste in TV? That's ok, she watcjes her program in one room, he watches his in another.

    Or they could do what most successful couples do and compromise
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    Tell him what my mom told all us kids growing up:

    There are two options for dinner tonight:
    1) Take it.
    2) Leave it.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    So he's been requesting i make a bunch of deep fried food and burgers and stuff. Since I didn't he's just deciding that he won't eat anything I cook...even if it's stuff he likes.

    Ok and I didn't pay enough attention to this (lol, your actual title). Yeah he needs pro help, that kind of passive aggressive **** is tiring. (Probably for him too, whether he knows it or not.)
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Sounds like he's being a little jerky, to put it nicely. Lol. BUT, he could have a reason. Sometimes spouses get jealous when they see the other one losing weight. You guys need to sit down and have a talk about why you're trying to lose weight. Also, when my hubby worked days, I encouraged him to pick up a cheeseburger on the way home, if he wanted. I just told him not to bring it home! Lol. He did sometimes. You can make just about anything there is to make in a healthier version. If you're husband's not a fan of turkey burgers, you can buy a box of frozen patties for yourself, and just make yourself one for supper, n make his regular. You can make baked "fried" stuff, which is just a very light breading, and instead of oil, you use cooking spray, or even a very little bit of oil, and bake it. I haven't perfected this yet, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. Trust me, in the long run, he'll be happy with the results! Good luck to you! :)))
  • acbabbitt
    acbabbitt Posts: 50
    Jesus. I'm not reading 5 pages of comments and replies - based on the op alone, this guy is at least part *kitten* and you should be asking yourself why you are with him.

    Most people who are with *kitten* need therapy. (Source: I was dumb enough to spend nearly a decade with one.)
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Possible Problems:
    He is a control freak and is trying to control you.
    He is also jealous and is worried that you are going to get attention from other men.
    He knows he married "up" and is worried that you might dump him.
    He is a passive aggressive personality and this rejection is his way of hurting you.

    Possible Solutions:
    Reassure him that you are doing this for your health.
    Reassure him that you think that he is hot.
    Put a jar of peanut butter on the table, and that is his option.
    Get him in for a physical and tell him that healthy eating is for both of you.
    Give him some take out coupons from junk food places and buy a blood pressure monitor for him.
    Lose the weight and find someone more secure and less controlling.

    Hmm so all your POSSIBLE problems are his fault? There is no POSSIBLE way that you are just hearing one side to the story and he might paint a different picture altogether?
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