Anyone want to be honest with me?

So okay. I was doing quite well and then BAM! here I am today at 220. WTF! That's me gaining! I am eating my calories and I even started exercise this week. My calories are set to 1380 a day. I eat them. I will eat a little more IF I exercise and IF I am hungry. I am 5'7 and I started MFP about a week ago. Boo. I am so pissed off. The only thing I can assume is maybe because I actually exercised my body may be retaining water or maybe I am building muscle lol. I am not sure.

You DO NOT have to handle me with kid gloves. I just want some ideas as to why this is happening. Shouldn't I have lost a little weight?

I am also thinking maybe it could be the cheese. I love my string cheese but it might be time to cut it out of the ole' diet plan.

Anyway if anyone has time could they take a look and tell me what they think?


  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    There will always be some weight fluctuation day to day--up or down a pound or two. That's why MFP recommends only weighing yourself once a week or so. Water retention can make a huge difference and varies significantly.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    If I'm reading correctly, it's only been a week - you will need to be patient and give it at least 3 weeks.

    Also, you may not be eating enough. Even at 150 and 5'11 I eat 1600 + exercise calories to lose weight. I think your deficit might be too high.

    Unless you are lactose intolerant, it's not the cheese, hun. Eating 1380 calories at 220 pounds you are definitely in a calorie deficient, so unless you are eating like 2400 calories of cheese a day, it won't affect your weight loss...
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    I guess I am expecting INSTANT results. I do this every single time I diet. This is why I fail. I just assumed I wouldn't GAIN during this time. That's all.
  • tryinghard71
    Measure weekly. Sometimes the scale does not move. Sometimes it goes up and then goes down. My first two months on MFP I was not losing weight but was losing an 1/2 inch to an inch a week. Then the scale started to follow.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I can't comment on what you are eating since you diary is not open to the public.

    At your height and weight eating under 1400 calories will be too low especially if you don't always eat your exercise calories back. I had the best losses when I put my daily calories to my BMR and still eat back my exercise calories.

    You unfortunately will not be gaining muscle as you need lots of protein, HEAVY lifting and a surplus of calories to build muscle outside of very small newbie gains.

    If you have changed your workout routine lately or if you consume high sodium foods along with not enough water you could be retaining water and therefore not seeing a change on the scale. You said you just started exercising so that could be the cause. It could also be just a natural change in weight as we will not lose each week when we are trying to lose weight.

    There's nothign wrong with eating cheese as long as it fits into your daily calories. No single food will make you gain weight unless you are consuming a suprlus of calories.
  • Jedil
    Jedil Posts: 62
    Cheese equals sodium equals water retention. I thought I was doing myself a huge favor by eating no fat sliced cheese on my sandwiches and did not pay attention to the sodium content in them. Well, I was consuming @6,000 mg of sodium because of this. I would also say that alcohol (not that you are using any) is another diet sabateur. Not only does that add hidden calories (@100 calories per shot/per beer/per wine glass) but also completely destroys metabolism. Just another thing to consider. It was messing me up so I added it to my comment.:smile:
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Its most likely sodium.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    My honest opinion?

    Your body is retaining water from starting a new exercise program. It will pass in about 2 -3 weeks. Also a woman's cycle could mess it up. Give it a few weeks. Don't listen to the scale.

    I promise it's not the string cheese. If it's low fat, it's a healthy snack full of protein. Usually when I gain weight I've overdone it on sugary, high fat white carbs (birthday cake, twinkies, white bread, etc). IF you try to reduce that stuff it is generally easier to tighten up on calories.

    As long as you've changed your diet you will see results. At over 200 pounds, even a cut to 1600 calories would probably see you lose significant weight per week. Even 2000 would cause a shift.

    As long as you are measuring calories, I bet you are losing crazy weight but not showing it yet due to water retention.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    So okay. I was doing quite well and then BAM! here I am today at 220. WTF! That's me gaining! I am eating my calories and I even started exercise this week. My calories are set to 1380 a day. I eat them. I will eat a little more IF I exercise and IF I am hungry. I am 5'7 and I started MFP about a week ago. Boo. I am so pissed off. The only thing I can assume is maybe because I actually exercised my body may be retaining water or maybe I am building muscle lol. I am not sure.

    You DO NOT have to handle me with kid gloves. I just want some ideas as to why this is happening. Shouldn't I have lost a little weight?

    I am also thinking maybe it could be the cheese. I love my string cheese but it might be time to cut it out of the ole' diet plan.

    Anyway if anyone has time could they take a look and tell me what they think?

    Hey what a coincidence I am also 220 lbs(u have better looks though) maybe we could balance each other out on a teeter totter hehe..
    Calories in vs calories out. Eat less lose weight eat more gain weight. IIFIYM then eat what you like and still lose weight.
  • junctiongirl
    junctiongirl Posts: 57 Member
    I've been the same way. I feel like I used to be able to drop 4-5 lbs a week when I was younger, now its SO HARD. Also, I find that one bad day can easily counter an entire weeks worth of hard work.

    To be honest with you, I would say be honest with yourself...write everything down, measure portions to be accurate. You didn't gain the weight overnight, its not going to disappear overnight either. You are also trying to change a lifetime of habits, thats not easy. The weight will come off. 1400 cals is totally reasonable, just make sure thats what you are really eating because I would bet that its not. And if you are still hungry I like to follow the weight watchers old 0 point list I'm sure you can google it.

    Have faith! You can do this!
  • misifer
    misifer Posts: 114 Member
    I guess I am expecting INSTANT results. I do this every single time I diet. This is why I fail. I just assumed I wouldn't GAIN during this time. That's all.

    THIS was my life. No instant results...FAILURE! I took a year to love me for me. Once I did that, and built up some confidence in my body, my mindset changed to wanting to be HEALTHIER rather than skinnier. Is it frustrating to not see the scale move sometimes? Yep, but I FEEL better. I am STRONGER. I am getting HEALTHIER! I find victories each day to concentrate on (like when I tried Greek yogurt and didn't die, lol). Oh, and find your inter patience. Read the success stories. It can take a year or more to lose 50 lbs. I really had to fully understand that to be ready this time.

    Read the posts here. Do your research on TDEE. You are very likely eating too little. But use these forums and this community to learn as much as you can and then do what feels right.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    My honest opinion?

    Your body is retaining water from starting a new exercise program. It will pass in about 2 -3 weeks. Also a woman's cycle could mess it up. Give it a few weeks. Don't listen to the scale.

    I promise it's not the string cheese. If it's low fat, it's a healthy snack full of protein. Usually when I gain weight I've overdone it on sugary, high fat white carbs (birthday cake, twinkies, white bread, etc). IF you try to reduce that stuff it is generally easier to tighten up on calories.

    As long as you've changed your diet you will see results. At over 200 pounds, even a cut to 1600 calories would probably see you lose significant weight per week. Even 2000 would cause a shift.

    As long as you are measuring calories, I bet you are losing crazy weight but not showing it yet due to water retention.
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    So I opened my diary. SORRY! I thought is was public.

    So far MFP hasn't said I have any issues with sodium. BUT then again who knows. I'm new to here but not to dieting, so I am pretty good about staying away from things I should. Like I won't eat diet cheese sticks because I feel like 50 calories vs. 80 isn't a huge deal when faced with how much sodium it increases just because they made is lighter.

    Basically I asked just so you more advanced people could be like no your doing everything fine don't worry. OR you could check my diary and see something you KNOW is wrong. That way I could fix it early and not keep doing it for weeks and weeks on end.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    You need more than a simple scale.

    You need a BF approximate measuring device (since the only real way to do it, supremely accurately is Double Xray and Hydrostatic, which is damn expensive for a one time deal).

    And you need a measuring tape for the inches.

    I ordered one recently, actually it should arrive today.
  • tjjotoad
    tjjotoad Posts: 22 Member
    I'm sure you will hear it hundreds of times, but patience, my dear. I have the same exact problem, so I have decided to stop weighing myself until I am firmly established in my routine. I need to eat right and exercise consistently for at least three weeks before I will let myself be weighed. We'll see what happens at that point, but until then, I'm not going to let the frustration of a number derail me!

    Feel free to add me if you would like some additional support! Good luck.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    Read this

    use scoobie

    and work from there. Read the forum, you'll learn a lot.

    Do not eat below your BMR, net calories. If you use the mfp exercise calculator eat back 65% of your exercise calories. At your weight I would put the net calories at 1650. Eat more fruits and vegetables, fresh salad.
    EAPTX Posts: 42 Member
    Also, it helps if you make it your goal to follow the program and not to lose weight. Of course that is what we want to do, but it WILL happen if you follow the program. You just have to trust it, for a while anyway. Then tweak if needed. Watch the nutrients, too. They really do matter.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    The last two days you were way over sodium.. could be an issue.

    Also, I don't see a lot of fresh whole foods... you eat a lot of processed foods. I find I retain water when I eat far too much processed foods.

    DOn't use quick add calories... don't use generic entries.

    Are you weighing all your food? Measuring cups/spoons for all liquids? You would be surprised as how much a serving of something really is. Always weigh you food. My oatmeal for example has a serving size listed as 1/3 cup with a grams listing beside it. 1/3 cup actually weighs more than it should.

    I would reevalutate what you are eating. A few days ago you had no real food for any of your meals. 6 cheese sticks and a popsicle is not a proper dinner. Neither is strawberries and rice cakes. You really need to look at what you are eating and eat much better. You are eating all crap processed foods with very little if any fruits and veggies. Stop eating snack foods for meals and eat real food instead.

    You are not giving your body the nutrients it needs. Really sit down and think about things. You really need to change your diet. While you can lose weight eating all crap foods it won't make for a healthy body.
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    Remember, you can't build Rome in a day! I think this happens to a lot of people who are just starting a diet/exercise plan, they try to kill themselves in the gym/cut a bazillion calories, etc.....then they burnout quick, give up b/c they don't see the instant results they want, or even end up hurting themselves trying to do too much too fast. Start slowly and build up. And remember you have to give your body time to recover too, you can go to the gym every day, but be sure you are allowing good recovery time. I don't think your daily caloric intake is enough for your height/stature. If you deprive your body, it ends up hurting you in the long run. I think we all have those "off days", I know I do, but I force myself to workout & stick with my plan anyway, and it may end up being a crappy workout, but I like to say the only bad workout is the one that didn't happen! And you can build muscle without lifting excessive amounts of weight. If you are going for more toning/cutting up rather than body building you simply lift lighter weight & do much higher reps. Good luck, and keep pushing!
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    Okay so I am seeing a general pattern here.

    I MIGHT be retaining water from pushing exercise this week when I haven't exercised in over a few months.

    I shouldn't expect instant results and give myself another good 2 or 3 weeks before really freaking out.

    I am just pissed because I actually exercised this week. I do watch EVERY thing that goes into my mouth. I'm OCD and counting calories helps me with it. Seriously even if I take a bite of something from my daughter I will over estimate it's calories and add it in.

    Basically I just really want to make sure that I am not doing anything WRONG.

    I have had this happen in the past. I used to weigh 330 pounds. I have struggled with my weight my ENTIRE life. Usually when this happens though I hate myself and go balls to the walls and eat like 1000 calories for the next 2 weeks so I don't have it happen again. At one point in my life I would weigh myself daily and I had to have a loss everyday. It didn't matter if it was a 0.2 loss I had to have it.

    I'm trying to do things right this time which is why I want everyone to tell me it's just my body being difficult and not my eating. I don't want to do what I always do.....go overboard......quit......then binge. Thanks everyone for responding so quickly and helping me out.