Anyone want to be honest with me?



  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    So okay. I was doing quite well and then BAM! here I am today at 220. WTF! That's me gaining! I am eating my calories and I even started exercise this week. My calories are set to 1380 a day. I eat them. I will eat a little more IF I exercise and IF I am hungry. I am 5'7 and I started MFP about a week ago. Boo. I am so pissed off. The only thing I can assume is maybe because I actually exercised my body may be retaining water or maybe I am building muscle lol. I am not sure.

    You DO NOT have to handle me with kid gloves. I just want some ideas as to why this is happening. Shouldn't I have lost a little weight?

    I am also thinking maybe it could be the cheese. I love my string cheese but it might be time to cut it out of the ole' diet plan.

    Anyway if anyone has time could they take a look and tell me what they think?

    Honestly here (sorry I didn't read all the comments so I don't know if somebody already posted this); in my opinion:

    1) Too much sugar (ditch the bars and the cereals)
    2) Too much sodium
    3) No enough fresh fruits and vegetables
    4) Did it take you one week to gain all the weight? Probably not. So please don’t expect to see immediate results. It takes time, be consistent, eat healthy, and exercise. You will get there.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    You just started a week ago. :huh:

    Oh Honey....

    I have been logging CONSISTENTLY on MFP since august of 2011. I am STILL not where i want to be health/fitness wise.

    It's only been a week?

  • nbenchoff1
    Most diets you end up with a little gain at the beginning.
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    I just started on HERE a week ago. I have been trying to lose weight for far longer unfortunately.

    NO way my daughter doesn't eat those things. I make her food. I stay home with her. Your post made me realize I am being LAZY. I don't know how to put together healthy meals. Plus I like snacking and didn't think it was hurting me.

    I just don't want to cook several different things. I cook her food which is kid friendly and healthy. I cook my fiancé's meals which are not healthy at all. He is skinny and refuses to eat healthier (I have tried to change his mind, he has made a few small sacrifices but not many. That's not an issue with me though). So I end up at the tail end with a Kashi bar as a meal. I just assumed that was okay.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I don't see any lean protein in your diary? Is there any reason you aren't eating lean beef cuts, chicken, eggs,etc? Your body needs more than Kashi bars and string cheese. Honestly.

    BTW I'm 220 and eat 1500-1700 cals and still lose.
  • Sunny_fit4life
    Sunny_fit4life Posts: 157 Member
    If you haven't been exercising and you start doing so, your muscles could be retaining water.... also if you're building muscle, the scale might go down a lot more slowly, but you'll be way better off in the long run and look much better.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You may be overestimating your burned calories if you don't have a hrm. I constantly see people on my list saying they burned 1200 calories from walking like 2hrs or something crazy. Try not eating all your cals back. If you are underestimating you may be eating too many back. Eat some back if you feel like it. Eating all mine back did not work for me and I do have a hrm.
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    I have been doing this a lot longer than a week, I just started on here a week ago.

    I need to eat more well balanced meals. Time to go to Barnes and Noble and buy some recipe books. This is exactly what I wanted though because I grew up in a house where fast food was dinner every night. So to me the way my diary looks IS healthy. That''s why I needed some more advanced people to slap me around a bit and tell me what's up!
  • ScottThomasM
    It took a long time to put on the weight and it's going to take a long time to get rid of it. Persevere and you will see results.
  • dhtjjb
    dhtjjb Posts: 2
    I work with people on a daily basis on weight loss and health.I owned a full service fitness facility for over 17 years. I sold it a year ago to do health and wellness coaching full time. Your calories are not too low. Assuming that they are all good calories. I was 208 pounds, got down to 147, and am now at 167. I am leaner and more fit than ever. Muscle does make a difference. So does consuming the right types of calories. String cheese is not so bad, unless you are consuming a lot of it. Exercise can make you retain water, especially if you do not drink enough. Measuring is another great way to see results. In 6 weeks I only lost 5 pounds. However, in that same 6 weeks I went from a size 12 to a size 8.
    I am the most honest person when it comes to myself and others. If you want real honest help you can email me at
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I'm also pretty confident that this can be partially attributed to sodium bloat. You had lower sodium levels in the beginning of the week, and they steadily rose to well over your limit toward the end. That alone would effectively mask any loss you had. Bloating sucks.

    I would also check out:

    For your height, weight and activity level, your calorie intake is really low. I'm basically a pygmy person (5'1" 110) and I eat more than that by a few hundred calories. I really think you'll be happier and more successful with a more customized, higher intake.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    So okay. I was doing quite well and then BAM! here I am today at 220. WTF! That's me gaining! I am eating my calories and I even started exercise this week. My calories are set to 1380 a day. I eat them. I will eat a little more IF I exercise and IF I am hungry. I am 5'7 and I started MFP about a week ago. Boo. I am so pissed off. The only thing I can assume is maybe because I actually exercised my body may be retaining water or maybe I am building muscle lol. I am not sure.

    You DO NOT have to handle me with kid gloves. I just want some ideas as to why this is happening. Shouldn't I have lost a little weight?

    I am also thinking maybe it could be the cheese. I love my string cheese but it might be time to cut it out of the ole' diet plan.

    Anyway if anyone has time could they take a look and tell me what they think?

    A small increase during the first couple of weeeks of exercise is to be expected. your muscles are tearing (thats a good thing) and fluid is rushing to them to repair....hence the weight gain.

    I am 5'2 and eating 1700 calories a day so I really think you could give yourself a bigger allowance each day.
  • michcor
    michcor Posts: 52 Member
    I was having the same problem. MFP had me at 1400 calories, plus I was exercising almost daily, but still gaining weight. Once I upped my calories to 1800 (I'll eat between 1800-2000), I started losing weight! So, now that you're exercising, I would change your settings so that you're eating more calories. I know it sounds crazy. I was hesitant to try it for a while, but so glad I did. And the best thing? I never feel hungry, like I was at only 1400.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    just peeked into your diary, it looks like you are living off cheese sticks and kashi...

    I mean I don't even see any fruits and veggies, is this going to be sustainable as a lifestyle for you?
  • nayla1984
    nayla1984 Posts: 17
    Before you comment on this , view her diary! I'm new on here, but I clearly see its all the processed foods.
  • MakingChangesToday
    I always put on weight on the scale when I increase exercise. I heard it's water in the muscles to protect them from injury.

    It sometimes has an upside too. After traveling I am always scared to weigh in cause of lack of exercise on the trip. However I usually weigh in less cause of the water loss...
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I just started on HERE a week ago. I have been trying to lose weight for far longer unfortunately.

    NO way my daughter doesn't eat those things. I make her food. I stay home with her. Your post made me realize I am being LAZY. I don't know how to put together healthy meals. Plus I like snacking and didn't think it was hurting me.

    I just don't want to cook several different things. I cook her food which is kid friendly and healthy. I cook my fiancé's meals which are not healthy at all. He is skinny and refuses to eat healthier (I have tried to change his mind, he has made a few small sacrifices but not many. That's not an issue with me though). So I end up at the tail end with a Kashi bar as a meal. I just assumed that was okay.

    You have to do what works best for you.

    Why can't your daughter eat what you make for you? It's best to instill healthy eating habits in children when they are young. Kid food is ok now and again but shouldn't be an all the time thing.

    How it works in my house is ... I am the one who cooks. I take into account what my husband likes and what he doesn't. I will not make two separate meals unless I want something i know he hates (for example, today I wanted sushi, which he hates.. so I made myself sushi and will make him something else). He will normally eat it. If your fiancee doesn't want to eat your healthy foods why can't he make his own meals? You need to do what is going ot help you on your path with weight loss and not worry about others. WHy should YOU suffer because he doesn't want to eat healthy? If this is really that important to you, you will make yourself a priority... which i know if tough when you have a child and fiancee. The way I see it is kids shouldn't always be eating "kid foods" ... kid foods are not healthy. A friend of mine has two boys. She made the switch to healthy eating. They now either eat what she makes and serves them or they don't eat. Kids will eat when they are hungry. If they don't want to eat dinner she wraps it up, puts it in the fridge until they come to her and say they are hungry. Than she pulls out dinner and reheats it.

    Personally, I would have your daughter eating what you eat .. healthy meals. She shoudl learn now to eat healthy as it's much harder to change the habits when they are older and I know you wouldn't want her to have weight issues in the future. If you are the cook in the house sit down with your fiancee and inform him that you will be cooking healthy meals for the family. If he doesn't want to eat it than he knows where the kitchen is. That's my view on it. No sense in you suffering because he doesn't want to eat healthy.
  • shannonalgren
    its only been a week of trying to shed the lbs. how long did it take to put the lbs. on, give it time
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    You may be overestimating your burned calories if you don't have a hrm. I constantly see people on my list saying they burned 1200 calories from walking like 2hrs or something crazy. Try not eating all your cals back. If you are underestimating you may be eating too many back. Eat some back if you feel like it. Eating all mine back did not work for me and I do have a hrm.

    I wear a BodyMedia armband 24 hours a day and also I use the Runtastic phone app when I walk outside.

    I just started exercising this week along with using MFP. But before this week I was just watching what I ate and writing it all down on paper, I was doing that for about 3 weeks prior to coming on here. But like I said this week was the first week back to exercising.
  • randimarie1125
    randimarie1125 Posts: 147 Member
    So okay. I was doing quite well and then BAM! here I am today at 220. WTF! That's me gaining! I am eating my calories and I even started exercise this week. My calories are set to 1380 a day. I eat them. I will eat a little more IF I exercise and IF I am hungry. I am 5'7 and I started MFP about a week ago. Boo. I am so pissed off. The only thing I can assume is maybe because I actually exercised my body may be retaining water or maybe I am building muscle lol. I am not sure.

    You DO NOT have to handle me with kid gloves. I just want some ideas as to why this is happening. Shouldn't I have lost a little weight?

    I am also thinking maybe it could be the cheese. I love my string cheese but it might be time to cut it out of the ole' diet plan.

    Anyway if anyone has time could they take a look and tell me what they think?

    The trainer at my gym, told me to expect a few lb gain in the first couple weeks. Your body is shifting and rearranging, trying to prepare. Don't be surprised if in a week or 2, your down 2-4lbs!! give it time : )