Anyone want to be honest with me?



  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I guess I am expecting INSTANT results. I do this every single time I diet. This is why I fail. I just assumed I wouldn't GAIN during this time. That's all.

    When I started trying to lose weight I didn't even own a scale. I knew I'd give up if I did. I didn't get one until I was 25 pounds down. I weighed once a week and hid the freakin' thing in a closet I never went into. Now I'm in maintenance I weight once a month - 1st of the month to monitor. The results will NEVER be instant. But the work put into getting the results WILL be well worth it. Trust me!
  • anotherYRwiser
    :flowerforyou: without reading your diary -it's hard to advise. But the thing we all have to keep in mind is that -

    We did not GAIN this weight over night!! So Therefore we are not going to LOSE it over night!!

    There is no magic pill, shake or plan that is going to take it off faster. Diet adjustment is a MUST. I too LOVE cheese!! But when I eat it - I definitely notice a gain or simply no loss. A LOT of salt in cheese!!

    Are you drinking a lot of water? Do you drink soda? Once I gave up soda -I noticed things seemed to move along more consistently. I'm not as bloated - not as tired & not as achy.

    Exercising and joining MFP is a GREAT start on your journey to become healthier - but it has to be a lifestyle change that you can live with. Exercise must become a regular habit not just something you do in order to drop a few.

    Portion control. Using a small plate really helps me. Eating more vegys and fruits. I'm a potato addict so that is a hard one for me to control - but portion control helps.

    Don't weigh in so often. The scale only shows you a NUMBER. It doesn't show you the muscle you've built - the healthier, stronger lung capacity you've gained - or even the stamina that has been building up!! It's ONLY a NUMBER!! It means NOTHING in comparison to all the other GREAT things that are happening!! MY rule of thumb is - when a piece of clothing begins to feel a little more comfortable or even loose - THEN I weigh myself!! I also restrict my weigh ins to ONLY be on my DR'S office scale! It is calibrated regularly and is more consistant than a bathroom scale any day.

    I wish you the best of luck on your journey to become healthy!! If there's anything I can do to help -look me up!:happy:
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    The last two days you were way over sodium.. could be an issue.

    Also, I don't see a lot of fresh whole foods... you eat a lot of processed foods. I find I retain water when I eat far too much processed foods.

    DOn't use quick add calories... don't use generic entries.

    Are you weighing all your food? Measuring cups/spoons for all liquids? You would be surprised as how much a serving of something really is. Always weigh you food. My oatmeal for example has a serving size listed as 1/3 cup with a grams listing beside it. 1/3 cup actually weighs more than it should.

    I would reevalutate what you are eating. A few days ago you had no real food for any of your meals. 6 cheese sticks and a popsicle is not a proper dinner. Neither is strawberries and rice cakes. You really need to look at what you are eating and eat much better. You are eatg all crap processed foods with very little if any fruits and veggies. Stop eating snack foods for meals and eat real food instead.

    You are not giving your body the nutrients it needs. Really sit down and think about things. You really need to change your diet. While you can lose weight eating all crap foods it won't make for a healthy body.

    I thought my sodium was fine. =[ I looked it up online and it said it was. I am not good at "making" good meals. Everything has to be quick and almost like "grab and go". Guess I am going to have to really start putting in some actual effort with my food.
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    I do drink soda. But I make it myself with my Sodastream. So no aspartame or anything. I don't ever drink just plain water. I always drink diet green tea hot and cold or I add a crystal light packet to the water. That's something else I need to change too I guess.
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    when I began my journey I weighed 250 pounds this was November 2011. this time last year January 2012 I weighed 220 pounds. I am now at 179 pounds. It takes time to lose the weight its not going to happen overnight. there are no instant results. slow and steady wins the race.
  • sshone1
    sshone1 Posts: 28 Member
    This is a marathon, not a sprint!
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I guess I am expecting INSTANT results. I do this every single time I diet. This is why I fail. I just assumed I wouldn't GAIN during this time. That's all.

    Maybe you need to watch your sodium intake. some people have a low tolerance for it and cheese is ridiculously high in sodium. I love it too but i have to cut it out or most of it if i want to lose.

    working out isnt causing you to retain water. also drink more cold water, lots of it. Drink it all day if you can. I think your calorie set up at 1400 calories is good. People are going to telll you to eat more but that doesnt always work for people.
    watch your sodium, cut out the cheese, dont drink sodas at all and stick to water.
    see if that does it.
    and by god keep exercising!!! =)
  • Amazonbella
    Amazonbella Posts: 338
    220 and 5'7 you should probably not be below 1400 calories, your body needs to have enough calories to function or it will go into starvation mode. I know it's hard to think MORE calories will help but I actually talked to a doctor and a nutritionist who put me on no less than 1700-but prefer me at 1800-1900 (I am 5'11 and over 200) I workout every day (well when injuries don't interfer) If you haven't seeked professional help on what your calorie intake should be I would suggest starting there and finding out what numbers you should be at first, give that a couple of months, be honest, accurate and see if you start seeing some results!

    Best of Luck! :)
  • gtowneddie
    Sometimes we will not record ALL that we've eaten each day or we're not drinking enough water or getting enough rest. Please don't let this detour you - show your body who's boss! The secret is to make can't (like can't exercise, or can't eat right) a cuss word - keep going! You're gonna make it!:wink:
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    The last two days you were way over sodium.. could be an issue.

    Also, I don't see a lot of fresh whole foods... you eat a lot of processed foods. I find I retain water when I eat far too much processed foods.

    DOn't use quick add calories... don't use generic entries.

    Are you weighing all your food? Measuring cups/spoons for all liquids? You would be surprised as how much a serving of something really is. Always weigh you food. My oatmeal for example has a serving size listed as 1/3 cup with a grams listing beside it. 1/3 cup actually weighs more than it should.

    I would reevalutate what you are eating. A few days ago you had no real food for any of your meals. 6 cheese sticks and a popsicle is not a proper dinner. Neither is strawberries and rice cakes. You really need to look at what you are eating and eat much better. You are eatg all crap processed foods with very little if any fruits and veggies. Stop eating snack foods for meals and eat real food instead.

    You are not giving your body the nutrients it needs. Really sit down and think about things. You really need to change your diet. While you can lose weight eating all crap foods it won't make for a healthy body.

    I thought my sodium was fine. =[ I looked it up online and it said it was. I am not good at "making" good meals. Everything has to be quick and almost like "grab and go". Guess I am going to have to really start putting in some actual effort with my food.

    Some days your sodium is ok but some days you are well over the max.

    It really doesn't take much time to make real meals. I didn't see one real meal in your diary. It was all bars, cheese strings (I can't keep those in the house I love them so much!), rice cakes and such. Your days seem to be filled with snack foods. While I understand it can be tough to make time to make real foods you have to if you want to succeed. What does your daughter eat? I don't mean to sound rude or mean or anything like that but I really hope she doesn't eat like you. I am sure you want her to grow up with healthy eating habits and not reaching for snack foods all day.

    Do you work or stay at home with your daughter? Either option you can make healthy meals. Cook in batches so you don't always have to spend a ton of time. Get a slow cooker if you don't have one. Pop in some chicken breast, a ton of veggies, a bit of water or broth and some spices. Set it and a few hours later dinner is ready. Put in much more than you need and than you have lunch or dinner for the next day (or freeze the extras for future meals). Spend an hour or two cutting up tons of fruits and veggies. Portion them out and pop into the fridge. Not only will you have tons of great snacks ready (and you have precut veggies to add to meals) your daughter will have tons of good food ready for her to eat. Spend a day a week if you have to and cook up and prepare a ton of food and meals. That you are set for the week. It's what i used to do when I worked a lot and didn't have much time at home.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Honestly...your time sensitivity is WAY off. You didn't put the weight all at once, you won't take it off overnight. Just change your behaviors and over the long run (ie a lifestyle change) and your body will follow.

    BTW - you are right it most likely is water weight.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    A few things....

    DO NOT weigh yourself daily. It is going to fluctuate ESPECIALLY if you are working out.

    Be consistent in your calories and exercise.

    Make sure you are being absolutely accurate in counting your calories. Log EVERYTHING condiments, crystal light, etc. etc. EVERYTHING! Weigh your food if possible.

    Realize that weight loss is NOT linear. I will lose 4 pounds in one week and wont lose ANYTHING for 3 weeks. Than i'll lose 2 pounds. That's just the way it works.

    Most importantly realized that this isn't going to be easy and will take a while... keep at it!
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    Read this

    use scoobie

    and work from there. Read the forum, you'll learn a lot.

    Do not eat below your BMR, net calories. If you use the mfp exercise calculator eat back 65% of your exercise calories. At your weight I would put the net calories at 1650. Eat more fruits and vegetables, fresh salad.

    I have read that. I have read everything. I just want to hear real people give me real advice based on my diary, that's all.
    EAPTX Posts: 42 Member
    Are you drinking a lot of water? Do you drink soda? Once I gave up soda -I noticed things seemed to move along more consistently. I'm not as bloated - not as tired & not as achy.

    I'm glad you mentioned the soda. I'd almost forgotten I'd given up soda, and I was a 6-pack-a-day diet soda drinker. I have some iced tea now, but no artificial sweeteners. I really believe it is making a big difference. Those things mess with you.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    You just started a week ago. :huh:
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    I weigh everything. I count everything. I even overestimate if I am not sure. That's not an issue with me.

    Someone else said I am eating crappy food. That might be my issue. I just didn't know the food I was eating was THAT crappy. LoL

    I have a scale that measures my BF and I also have a tape measure. =]
  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member
    FYI, I am 5'7 and weigh less than you (about 45 lbs less) and I eat 1500-1600 cals a day & work out daily. I did start around 208 and I was eating 1600 cals then too.

    I think you should figure out your tdee, and eat 20-25% below it.

    Otherwise, you just started last week, you have to give it at least 3-4 to see results. Also, if you just started exercising, you're likely retaining some water, which could account for some gain as well.

    Let me know if you need any help/have any questions.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Cheese equals sodium equals water retention. I thought I was doing myself a huge favor by eating no fat sliced cheese on my sandwiches and did not pay attention to the sodium content in them. Well, I was consuming @6,000 mg of sodium because of this. I would also say that alcohol (not that you are using any) is another diet sabateur. Not only does that add hidden calories (@100 calories per shot/per beer/per wine glass) but also completely destroys metabolism. Just another thing to consider. It was messing me up so I added it to my comment.:smile:

    I have cheese and alcohol nearly diaily and have dropped 7 pounds in 5 weeks.

    To the OP you are NOT eating enough. I am 5'2" age 46 now in the 170's and am now eating 1650.

    Up your Calories, Up your Protein, Up your Fiber and Up your Fluids.
    Eat More to Move More and You WILL Lose More.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    starting a new exercise regimen causes temporary weight gain until your body can adjust. All of a sudden becoming more active causes you to retain fluid while you heal and adjust.