Anyone want to be honest with me?



  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    PS: no need to buy cookbooks when you have the internet!

    I personally love having cookbooks. I don't like having my laptop in the kitchen or wasting paper printing off something.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I reviewed your diary. I saw a couple of apples and bananas, some strawberries and a serving of carrots. Saw lots of string cheese and Kashi. Where are your vegetables, lean meats, chicken, eggs?
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    1) I assume you are drinking adequate water and just not logging it. If not, be sure you are drinking adequate water.
    2) It is expected to not lose or even gain for the first 3 or 4 weeks that you are on a exercise regimen.
    3) Your sodium intake was high yesterday. Be sure to keep an eye on that. Excessive sodium can cause you to retain water and it'll show on the scale.

    I am drinking my water. It's usually green tea or crystal light packets, never plain water.

    But I DO drink soda. I make it myself on my Soda Stream machine. No aspartame or sodium or anything.
  • MizVandyk
    MizVandyk Posts: 602 Member
    It takes time and lots of work. It took me months to even get on a constant track to get where I am. I don't deny myself the foods I want I only limit. If I read right you said a me you won't see anything in a week... stick with it and give it time and you will be amazed with the results :-)
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    I reviewed your diary. I saw a couple of apples and bananas, some strawberries and a serving of carrots. Saw lots of string cheese and Kashi. Where are your vegetables, lean meats, chicken, eggs?

    I heard meat was BAD. So I cut it out. But this is why I wanted people to look at my diary. I need HELP.

    So I should be eating like what chicken breasts?
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    Thank you for mentioning that I do have SOME veggies and fruits in there. Should I be eating more fruits and veggies then in place of the kasha and cheese sticks?
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124

    Looking at your diary I don't see anything sustainable. All you are eating is processed junk, no fruits, veggies, cooked meals...

    I have SOME fresh things. That's why I asked for your help. I thought the kasha bars and string cheese WERE HEALTHY. I now know that I was sadly mistaken LoL
  • thoeting
    thoeting Posts: 89 Member
    I'll be honest....

    It took you YEARS to get to this weight. In the process you picked up bad habits both in eating and thinking.

    It will take you YEARS to correct this situation.

    IF you have the fortitude to stick it out.

    And that's a big if.

    Let me tell you the truth that few of us want to talk about. There is good stuff in being fat. The fat is a protection against many issues and it becomes a convenient scape goat for our problems. And losing that protection can be very scary.

    I'm saying this as someone who has gone from about 260 to 165 and is now bouncing (annoyingly so) between 165 and 170. Yes, I was pissed when I saw the scale hit 170 yesterday and moody and depressed and all of those negative emotions.

    Then it sort of hit me. This is never going to be over. I will always watch the scale and what I eat.

    It TRULY is a lifestyle change.

    Deep breath, lots of them, and hold on for a great ride that will be every bit as exciting as a roller coaster.

    But at the end. you will be healthy - that's the prize

    Good luck sweetie
  • lalaglo30
    lalaglo30 Posts: 33
    I'm like you and want results now. I am up two pounds but just got over "that" week us girls go through so I know that had something to do with it. The norm is 1-2 pounds a week to just keep telling yourself that slow and steady wins the race. And working out can definitely add muscle which weighs more than fat so that could be it. Stay positive and unless a couple more weeks goes by without results just keep plugging along!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Instead of buying cook books, invest in a book about basic nutrition.
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    I didn't realize my diary was that BAD. boo.
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    Instead of buying cook books, invest in a book about basic nutrition.

    I know basic nutrition. If I am correct your here too so you must have gotten overweight by eating unhealthy foods as well. Just because you know nutrition doesn't mean you always follow it.
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    You might want to find those people that have successfully lost weight and take a peek at their diaries. It will probably give you lots of good ideas for meals that you can fix,
  • lalaglo30
    lalaglo30 Posts: 33
    I took a quick peek at your diary too over the last few days. Do you not eat meat? I don't see any eggs or lean meat. Those are important protein sources that can boost your metabolism. Do you like fish? Tuna or any other seafood? My suggestion would be more lean meat and eggs and better protein choices and more veggies which are full of fiber.
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    I'll be honest....

    It took you YEARS to get to this weight. In the process you picked up bad habits both in eating and thinking.

    It will take you YEARS to correct this situation.

    IF you have the fortitude to stick it out.

    And that's a big if.

    Let me tell you the truth that few of us want to talk about. There is good stuff in being fat. The fat is a protection against many issues and it becomes a convenient scape goat for our problems. And losing that protection can be very scary.

    I'm saying this as someone who has gone from about 260 to 165 and is now bouncing (annoyingly so) between 165 and 170. Yes, I was pissed when I saw the scale hit 170 yesterday and moody and depressed and all of those negative emotions.

    Then it sort of hit me. This is never going to be over. I will always watch the scale and what I eat.

    It TRULY is a lifestyle change.

    Deep breath, lots of them, and hold on for a great ride that will be every bit as exciting as a roller coaster.

    But at the end. you will be healthy - that's the prize

    Good luck sweetie

    I am in it for the long haul. That's not the problem. I just grew up in a household that didn't eat well and it passed over into my adulthood. I started learning and reading about it all years ago. I still have a lot to learn that's why I asked for help. =]
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Thank you for mentioning that I do have SOME veggies and fruits in there. Should I be eating more fruits and veggies then in place of the kasha and cheese sticks?

    That would be a really solid start.

    Try snacks like: apple and peanut butter, carrots and hummus, avocado on toast (my fav), greek yogurt + muesli, etc

    Lean meats are great for satiety and of course, protein: Chicken breast, eggs (mmm dinner omelet), Turkey burgers, fish, and lean beef

    Legumes: Black beans, lentils, chickpeas

    PS: do you follow any blogs? I have hundreds of healthy food blogs (and many indulgent ones too) in my google reader. It really helps with the healthy food inspiration.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Ok, fine, I don't know about basic nutrition, but look at my diary (it's open, I have nothing to hide). It contains a lot more than kashi and cheese.
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    You might want to find those people that have successfully lost weight and take a peek at their diaries. It will probably give you lots of good ideas for meals that you can fix,

    What a great idea!
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I reviewed your diary. I saw a couple of apples and bananas, some strawberries and a serving of carrots. Saw lots of string cheese and Kashi. Where are your vegetables, lean meats, chicken, eggs?
    I heard meat was BAD. So I cut it out. But this is why I wanted people to look at my diary. I need HELP.

    So I should be eating like what chicken breasts?
    I bet the person that told you that meat is bad was a vegetarian. Chicken breasts are good, as are lean cuts of beef, fish, and occasionally pork. There's a reason why meat & beans have a place on the Food Pyramid.

    I eat a cheese stick daily, but it's my guilty pleasure. I am from Wisconsin and I get headaches if I don't get my daily dose of cheese. :D
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have been doing this a lot longer than a week, I just started on here a week ago.

    I need to eat more well balanced meals. Time to go to Barnes and Noble and buy some recipe books. This is exactly what I wanted though because I grew up in a house where fast food was dinner every night. So to me the way my diary looks IS healthy. That''s why I needed some more advanced people to slap me around a bit and tell me what's up!

    dont waste money on cookbooks that may or may not have what you want ive done this. go to the search field here and search there are plenty of links and other goodies to help!

    The internet is a great resource for recipes, espeically if money is tight, but there is nothing wrong with having a few good cookbooks around. I love mine and use them often.