Is diet pop REALLY that bad fro you????



  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    For the general population... No, diet pop is not bad for you. Some people have sensitivities to certain artificial sweeteners just like some people are sensitive to nuts, berries, tree fruit, etc.

    /end thread.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    you've never seen prilosec, zantac, pepsid, maalox, tums commercials?

    how many for deglycyrrhizinated licorice?

    Look, I'm happy you got your problem taken care of.

    I am not qualified to discuss specific medical treatments, nor am I qualified to critique what your doctor may or may not have done to help you manage your disease.

    And it's completely offtopic anyway. You're trying to use your experience with a physician to, apparently, conclusively establish that medicine is bad and "natural" things and herbs are good. That's ridiculous. I wonder if you would reject antibiotics and demand herbs if you actually had meningitis.

    This is all completely irrelevant re aspartame anyway.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    homeopathic remedies,

    Oh man. Homeopathic "remedies."

    Also known as "black magic."
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    What on earth are you talking about???? What evidence specifically is it that interests you? I linked to an article that has to do with the efficacy of an herbal preparation. I am not obligated to provide you with information on "antibiotics in the human body". You make no sense---perhaps it is time to just back away from the computer and rest a bit?

    I thought it was pretty clear.

    You said:

    "There are actually a number of herbal preparations that could be useful for combating pneumonia--some that might be more effective than many antibiotics (and not leave one with fungal infections that must be cleared)."

    I said:

    "Please, tell me which herbs have been shown to be more effective than antibiotics at curing pneumonia."

    Instead of answering the question, you linked to some study about antibacterial additives for apple juice, then changed the subject saying you didn't want to derail the thread more.

    Why are you hounding this? Medical science is proving to be a gigantic fail in the area of infection control. How many new antibiotics are being produced to control the "superbugs" that are a very serious threat to human life? With some bacteria it just may be that the only hope we have is in herbal treatments. But pharmaceutical giants will not go in that direction because it is impossible to patent an herbal treatment.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    you've never seen prilosec, zantac, pepsid, maalox, tums commercials?

    how many for deglycyrrhizinated licorice?

    Look, I'm happy you got your problem taken care of.

    I am not qualified to discuss specific medical treatments, nor am I qualified to critique what your doctor may or may not have done to help you manage your disease.

    And it's completely offtopic anyway. You're trying to use your experience with a physician to, apparently, conclusively establish that medicine is bad and "natural" things and herbs are good. That's ridiculous. I wonder if you would reject antibiotics and demand herbs if you actually had meningitis.

    This is all completely irrelevant re aspartame anyway.

    hold on hold on hold on. "off topic" from the guy who has posted REPEATEDLY to get an answer on whether herbs can cure pneumonia?

    pot? it's kettle. calling to tell you you're black.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    homeopathic remedies,

    Oh man. Homeopathic "remedies."

    Also known as "black magic."

    you know, except in my case of reflux.

    you're so funny.
  • NaBroski
    NaBroski Posts: 206
    BUT I say people have been eating sugar for thousands of years...why change that now for an unnatural chemical?? Id rather deal with the calories :-)

    Finally, a sensible response. If it's not found in nature, most likely it's not good for you.
    Why risk it if you're concerned about your health? If not, go ahead and drink artificial sweeteners every day. It's your body.

    Exactly. Exactly. And in addition . . . there are anecdotal stories regarding aspartame negatively effecting health, and there are some studies that raise enough concern to conduct more studies. Why do people defend something that has all the ear marks of being the next big oooooops in our history of thinking something is okay and then realizing later it's toxic. Look at cigarettes for instance. We were told they were harmless for soooooo long. Yeah right.

    People drawing false connections are not "earmarks" of being the next big OOOH.

    Aspartame has been tested and scrutinized more than nearly any other item on the market, and the evidence for it being harmful has been found to be lacking.

    But people will still believe what they want.

    Funny that many of the same people tout the use of "herbal" supplements and pseudo-scientific methods that have not undergone nearly the same level of testing. But that's OK because it's "natural". As if there are no poisonous substances in nature.

    My Epstein Barre is on the way out as a result of taking the three herbs below. Notice each of these herbs have been studied. I didn't keep looking for additional studies for each herb, I'm sure there are more. So please don't shoot your mouth about herbs when you obviously don't know about them.

    Note that the study on Licorice Root "suggested that GL (a component of Licorice Root) interferes with an early step of EBV replication cycle (possibly penetration)." Note that the first study on Lomatium found "The bioactivity of the known compounds (+)-falcarindiol, coniferyl ferulate, ferulic acid and (Z)-ligustilide (components of Lomatium) were confirmed against the Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus." The second study of Lomatium states "A Lomatium dissectum root extract completely inhibited the cytopathic effects of rotavirus." The Abstract on Mullen Leaf states "Common mullein (Verbascum thapsus L.) is a medicinal plant readily found in roadsides, meadows and pasture lands and has been used to treat pulmonary problems, inflammatory diseases, asthma, spasmodic coughs, diarrhoea and migraine headaches. Although it has been used medicinally since ancient times, the popularity of common mullein has been increasing commercially for the past few years." "The use of common mullein extracts in folk medicine begun recently to be supported by an increasing number of research studies. This paper thoroughly reviews all the scientific research related to Verbascum thapsus L. including plant tissue cultures and the biological properties of this plant."

    Licorice Root


    Mullen Leaf

    WOW. Herbal supplements contain substances that help control disease.

    Do you know what else works. Pharmaceutical-grade extracts that actually allow us to control dosage.

    and cause side effects while herbal supplements dont. yeah i know which one i'd choose!

    Herbal supplements don't cause side effects? Really?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    homeopathic remedies,

    Oh man. Homeopathic "remedies."

    Also known as "black magic."

    you know, except in my case of reflux.

    you're so funny.

    I can conclusively and absolutely say that no homeopathic "remedy" has ever actually caused any change of any kind in anyone, ever.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    What on earth are you talking about???? What evidence specifically is it that interests you? I linked to an article that has to do with the efficacy of an herbal preparation. I am not obligated to provide you with information on "antibiotics in the human body". You make no sense---perhaps it is time to just back away from the computer and rest a bit?

    I thought it was pretty clear.

    You said:

    "There are actually a number of herbal preparations that could be useful for combating pneumonia--some that might be more effective than many antibiotics (and not leave one with fungal infections that must be cleared)."

    I said:

    "Please, tell me which herbs have been shown to be more effective than antibiotics at curing pneumonia."

    Instead of answering the question, you linked to some study about antibacterial additives for apple juice, then changed the subject saying you didn't want to derail the thread more.

    Why are you hounding this? Medical science is proving to be a gigantic fail in the area of infection control. How many new antibiotics are being produced to control the "superbugs" that are a very serious threat to human life? With some bacteria it just may be that the only hope we have is in herbal treatments. But pharmaceutical giants will not go in that direction because it is impossible to patent an herbal treatment.

    I'm hounding it because you said "There are actually a number of herbal preparations that could be useful for combating pneumonia--some that might be more effective than many antibiotics (and not leave one with fungal infections that must be cleared)."

    And I think that's completely false.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    homeopathic remedies,

    Oh man. Homeopathic "remedies."

    Also known as "black magic."

    you know, except in my case of reflux.

    you're so funny.

    I can conclusively and absolutely say that no homeopathic "remedy" has ever actually caused any change of any kind in anyone, ever.

    what's a placebo?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    What on earth are you talking about???? What evidence specifically is it that interests you? I linked to an article that has to do with the efficacy of an herbal preparation. I am not obligated to provide you with information on "antibiotics in the human body". You make no sense---perhaps it is time to just back away from the computer and rest a bit?

    I thought it was pretty clear.

    You said:

    "There are actually a number of herbal preparations that could be useful for combating pneumonia--some that might be more effective than many antibiotics (and not leave one with fungal infections that must be cleared)."

    I said:

    "Please, tell me which herbs have been shown to be more effective than antibiotics at curing pneumonia."

    Instead of answering the question, you linked to some study about antibacterial additives for apple juice, then changed the subject saying you didn't want to derail the thread more.

    Why are you hounding this? Medical science is proving to be a gigantic fail in the area of infection control. How many new antibiotics are being produced to control the "superbugs" that are a very serious threat to human life? With some bacteria it just may be that the only hope we have is in herbal treatments. But pharmaceutical giants will not go in that direction because it is impossible to patent an herbal treatment.

    I'm hounding it because you said "There are actually a number of herbal preparations that could be useful for combating pneumonia--some that might be more effective than many antibiotics (and not leave one with fungal infections that must be cleared)."

    And I think that's completely false.
    good for you??
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    you've never seen prilosec, zantac, pepsid, maalox, tums commercials?

    how many for deglycyrrhizinated licorice?

    Look, I'm happy you got your problem taken care of.

    I am not qualified to discuss specific medical treatments, nor am I qualified to critique what your doctor may or may not have done to help you manage your disease.

    And it's completely offtopic anyway. You're trying to use your experience with a physician to, apparently, conclusively establish that medicine is bad and "natural" things and herbs are good. That's ridiculous. I wonder if you would reject antibiotics and demand herbs if you actually had meningitis.

    This is all completely irrelevant re aspartame anyway.

    Now, how is it that you can invoke the "thread derailing" argument and when others do it, you are there to jump down their throats? By the way, how sanguine are you about aspartame now that you know the probable corruption involved in its approval?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    BUT I say people have been eating sugar for thousands of years...why change that now for an unnatural chemical?? Id rather deal with the calories :-)

    Finally, a sensible response. If it's not found in nature, most likely it's not good for you.
    Why risk it if you're concerned about your health? If not, go ahead and drink artificial sweeteners every day. It's your body.

    Exactly. Exactly. And in addition . . . there are anecdotal stories regarding aspartame negatively effecting health, and there are some studies that raise enough concern to conduct more studies. Why do people defend something that has all the ear marks of being the next big oooooops in our history of thinking something is okay and then realizing later it's toxic. Look at cigarettes for instance. We were told they were harmless for soooooo long. Yeah right.

    People drawing false connections are not "earmarks" of being the next big OOOH.

    Aspartame has been tested and scrutinized more than nearly any other item on the market, and the evidence for it being harmful has been found to be lacking.

    But people will still believe what they want.

    Funny that many of the same people tout the use of "herbal" supplements and pseudo-scientific methods that have not undergone nearly the same level of testing. But that's OK because it's "natural". As if there are no poisonous substances in nature.

    My Epstein Barre is on the way out as a result of taking the three herbs below. Notice each of these herbs have been studied. I didn't keep looking for additional studies for each herb, I'm sure there are more. So please don't shoot your mouth about herbs when you obviously don't know about them.

    Note that the study on Licorice Root "suggested that GL (a component of Licorice Root) interferes with an early step of EBV replication cycle (possibly penetration)." Note that the first study on Lomatium found "The bioactivity of the known compounds (+)-falcarindiol, coniferyl ferulate, ferulic acid and (Z)-ligustilide (components of Lomatium) were confirmed against the Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus." The second study of Lomatium states "A Lomatium dissectum root extract completely inhibited the cytopathic effects of rotavirus." The Abstract on Mullen Leaf states "Common mullein (Verbascum thapsus L.) is a medicinal plant readily found in roadsides, meadows and pasture lands and has been used to treat pulmonary problems, inflammatory diseases, asthma, spasmodic coughs, diarrhoea and migraine headaches. Although it has been used medicinally since ancient times, the popularity of common mullein has been increasing commercially for the past few years." "The use of common mullein extracts in folk medicine begun recently to be supported by an increasing number of research studies. This paper thoroughly reviews all the scientific research related to Verbascum thapsus L. including plant tissue cultures and the biological properties of this plant."

    Licorice Root


    Mullen Leaf

    WOW. Herbal supplements contain substances that help control disease.

    Do you know what else works. Pharmaceutical-grade extracts that actually allow us to control dosage.

    and cause side effects while herbal supplements dont. yeah i know which one i'd choose!

    Herbal supplements don't cause side effects? Really?

    This is like the "metabolism booster" arguments.

    No, the green tea and raspberry ketone pills don't do anything. The pills that do, like ephedra and DNP, actually have dangerous side effects.

    Go figure. Any substance that causes some significant change in the body has a side effect! Amazing thought.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    This thread is still going? :yawn:
  • NaBroski
    NaBroski Posts: 206
    homeopathic remedies,

    Oh man. Homeopathic "remedies."

    Also known as "black magic."

    you know, except in my case of reflux.

    you're so funny.

    I can conclusively and absolutely say that no homeopathic "remedy" has ever actually caused any change of any kind in anyone, ever.

    what's a placebo?

    So you finally admit it.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    And by the way, many (most? all?) pharmaceuticals are scientists efforts to replicate the same properties found naturally in these herbs. They can't make money on the herbs.

    Yeah, we were using herbs to cure polio, pneumonia, and effectively manage cancer for thousands of years before modern pharmaceuticals.

    Don't forget appendicitis, orthopedics, severed arteries, etc.

    this is what's hilarious. none of us has said there's NEVER a need or cause for using modern drugs. this has never been a one or the other scenario.

    guess what?

    you can use both. wacky i know.
    Point missed.

    There is a reason that a relatively young field of science-based medicine is able to do these things while millenia-old superstitions never even came close. It's not wacky (or hubris) to recognize which methodologies work and which don't.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    homeopathic remedies,

    Oh man. Homeopathic "remedies."

    Also known as "black magic."

    you know, except in my case of reflux.

    you're so funny.

    I can conclusively and absolutely say that no homeopathic "remedy" has ever actually caused any change of any kind in anyone, ever.

    what's a placebo?

    A substance that doesn't actually have any biologic effect.
  • bettyann55
    bettyann55 Posts: 87 Member
    I suffer from migraines and have never had a migraine as a result of drinking diet sodas. The migraine clinic I go to has even stated that the odd diet soda will not cause me to suffer further migraines. I know this for a fact as I have completed the diet plan for migraines and the foods for me to avoid is chocolate, caffine, bananas and cheddar cheese.
    Everyone is different and needs to take the extra steps to no what is best and worst for their migraines.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    you've never seen prilosec, zantac, pepsid, maalox, tums commercials?

    how many for deglycyrrhizinated licorice?

    Look, I'm happy you got your problem taken care of.

    I am not qualified to discuss specific medical treatments, nor am I qualified to critique what your doctor may or may not have done to help you manage your disease.

    And it's completely offtopic anyway. You're trying to use your experience with a physician to, apparently, conclusively establish that medicine is bad and "natural" things and herbs are good. That's ridiculous. I wonder if you would reject antibiotics and demand herbs if you actually had meningitis.

    This is all completely irrelevant re aspartame anyway.

    Now, how is it that you can invoke the "thread derailing" argument and when others do it, you are there to jump down their throats? By the way, how sanguine are you about aspartame now that you know the probable corruption involved in its approval?

    The science is clear. I don't care how it was approved 30 years ago, really. There's an enormous body of more modern evidence on the substance, and none of it has shown that it causes any harm to the human body except in cases of people who are apparently allergic to it.
  • judydelo1
    judydelo1 Posts: 281 Member
    homeopathic remedies,

    Oh man. Homeopathic "remedies."

    Also known as "black magic."

    you know, except in my case of reflux.

    you're so funny.

    Yeah and when my son had pleurisy the "black magic" cured him in two days. You sound so ignorant you know, because you just dribble your drool without knowing what your'e trying to say.