Relocating for Love



  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I would do anything for love but i won't do that.

    Nah, i'm just kidding.
    Is there anything holding you back? School, job, family?
    Are there any opportunities for you in the new place? Do you like it there?
    Mostly, is the guy worth it?
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    I moved to Australia from the US 10 years ago for love, and we're still married.

    1 7000 mile move, 10 years, 1 kid, 4 cats, 2 dogs, 2 houses, 1 car, 2 post graduate degrees (well, 1 1/2, I'm still doing mine).


    There are no limits when there is real love. You see stories like these everyday. :)

    True. Although I joke I had to leave the country to find a guy that hadn't heard how difficult I can be to get along with. :)
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    I would do anything for love but i won't do that.

    Nah, i'm just kidding.
    Is there anything holding you back? School, job, family?
    Are there any opportunities for you in the new place? Do you like it there?
    Mostly, is the guy worth it?

    School~No I can get my Education there
    Job~Im flexible
    Family~8 year old young enough too adjust
    Tons of Opportunites
    Yes~Ive lived there before
    ~Yes, I believe he is
  • cassondra1370
    cassondra1370 Posts: 162 Member
    I met my current husband in high school. I moved about three hours away for college, and was there for 4 years. Near the end of my time time at college, he decided to join the Marines. For the next year and a half, we were 1500 miles apart. Luckily I am with him now, because it can be quite difficult (but definitely possible with work!)

    How did you communicate? Skype?

    We talked on the phone at least once a day, texted throughout the day, and occasionally skyped. This was much easier in my case after he got out of bootcamp. Phone calls were a treat compared to the 3 months of letters only! In any long distance relationship, communication is key. I know that was the most difficult thing for us when I moved to college and then again when he relocated for the military.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I would do anything for love but i won't do that.

    Nah, i'm just kidding.
    Is there anything holding you back? School, job, family?
    Are there any opportunities for you in the new place? Do you like it there?
    Mostly, is the guy worth it?

    School~No I can get my Education there
    Job~Im flexible
    Family~8 year old young enough too adjust
    Tons of Opportunites
    Yes~Ive lived there before
    ~Yes, I believe he is
    Do it. Live your life.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I moved to Australia from the US 10 years ago for love, and we're still married.

    1 7000 mile move, 10 years, 1 kid, 4 cats, 2 dogs, 2 houses, 1 car, 2 post graduate degrees (well, 1 1/2, I'm still doing mine).


    There are no limits when there is real love. You see stories like these everyday. :)

    True. Although I joke I had to leave the country to find a guy that hadn't heard how difficult I can be to get along with. :)

    This is what I would worry about. But not as a joke, for real. Unless I got to see the person on a fairly regular basis while falling in love I would question the validity of that love. Just me. I see lots of other gung ho examples here so not judging, just expressing my personal concerns that would hold me back. Maybe it works. IDK. For me I'd have to have had a real and solid close relationship first to even consider it. Long or short just intense lots of getting to know in close proximity. Ups and downs, good days bad days. Problems and promotions. Everything.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    I absolutely agree w/you MCD I have thought about all of the above and Im the kind of person that's dedicated and forthright and I wouldn't go into a situation b4 I knew the true intentions were that we'd end up in marriage.
  • kms1320
    kms1320 Posts: 599 Member
    When you meet "the one" you'll do whatever it takes to give it a chance. For love, anything is worth a chance.
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    I moved to Australia from the US 10 years ago for love, and we're still married.

    1 7000 mile move, 10 years, 1 kid, 4 cats, 2 dogs, 2 houses, 1 car, 2 post graduate degrees (well, 1 1/2, I'm still doing mine).


    There are no limits when there is real love. You see stories like these everyday. :)

    True. Although I joke I had to leave the country to find a guy that hadn't heard how difficult I can be to get along with. :)

    This is what I would worry about. But not as a joke, for real. Unless I got to see the person on a fairly regular basis while falling in love I would question the validity of that love. Just me. I see lots of other gung ho examples here so not judging, just expressing my personal concerns that would hold me back. Maybe it works. IDK. For me I'd have to have had a real and solid close relationship first to even consider it. Long or short just intense lots of getting to know in close proximity. Ups and downs, good days bad days. Problems and promotions. Everything.

    Meh, sense of adventure required for this sort of thing, I agree.

    I'd known him online for about 10 years (yes, we predate the world wide web), just to see him around a bulletin board. Like you get to known names on MFP, for example. We dated for about a year on the telephone (dear og, the phone bills!). I'd been to visit for two weeks. He asked me to marry him and stay. I told him he was on crack and I went home, came back three months later and married him.

    If it hadn't worked out, I'd be in Sydney, how could that be bad?. Or I'd have done something else. Or come back to the US. Or not. It's not been all roses and sunshine, but it's worked out fine.

    Presume our love is still/always was valid. Will check with him and let you know.

    You absolutely are judging, btw, just FYI. Or at the bare minimum, projecting all over the place. It's a very big decision, true. It worked out for me. Course, it might not have but I assume the original poster is a big girl and can work out the pros and cons of it and is looking either for validation of a decision she's already made, or for a reason to talk herself out of it.

    I would very much say that if you have no sense of adventure, lots of bills/personal commitments/small children tying you down, want to live and die where you now live, or just can't see yourself doing it, you definately shouldn't commit to an LDR that sees you moving far away.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    I have considered it, this is a concern on the other party's though not mine!
    I live for the now, I have no fear.
    I wanted some real stories from other folks.
    I also wanted too know ery one's thought's on Long Distance and how you all coped?
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    When you meet "the one" you'll do whatever it takes to give it a chance. For love, anything is worth a chance.

    Im a sucker for Romance, and to me this is its purest form. Im young and I adjust well.
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    I absolutely agree w/you MCD I have thought about all of the above and Im the kind of person that's dedicated and forthright and I wouldn't go into a situation b4 I knew the true intentions were that we'd end up in marriage.

    Ok, back the truck up, though. You guys have met in real life, yes? At least the once? While I think MCD is going way overboard (see also, love not valid) I think she has a point in that you need to simmer down a bit. You said he's the one with cold feet - what, exactly, are you planning to do?

    I needed to get married sooner rather than later, wouldn't recommend that off the bat. If we didn't get married, I couldn't have stayed. It was a risk, but as I say I'd known the guy at least online for 10 years, so I knew he was stable and not prone to dramalama flameouts and moving around.

    Dedicated and forthright is awesome. Practical with a backup plan, though, that's what you have to be. I had one. I had enough cash to get back home if I needed it, stashed with my mom.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    No, I wasn't entirely agreeing w/MCD I just see where her concerns are with if its the right person.

    He brought it to my attention, he didn't think long distance would work.
    We have met on Skype, He wants too meet in the physical.
    I want to as well.
    Yep, I have plenty of cash too fall back on.
    I have a plan B.
    I have a place to come back to if I have to.
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    No, I wasn't entirely agreeing w/MCD I just see where her concerns are with if its the right person.

    He brought it to my attention, he didn't think long distance would work.
    We have met on Skype, He wants too meet in the physical.
    I want to as well.
    Yep, I have plenty of cash too fall back on.
    I have a plan B.
    I have a place to come back to if I have to.

    So just go meet him then. Spend the weekend. Have fun, see what happens. Your cart is about a million miles ahead of your horse.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I'd actually meet someone before I thought about moving to be with them.

    Just saying.
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    When I was 18, I moved 2000 miles away to be with my boyfriend.
    Two years later, we moved back to my hometown for school - then back to his hometown - then to an entirely new city. We've been together for 10 years now.

    Life is an adventure. If circumstances permit it, why not try living somewhere new? Even if the relationship doesn't work out, you will still have expanded your horizons. :)

    OMG thank you, I believe in this as well! I moved 2x for love, but I was young and immature. It didn't work out. Im better equipped now for a real relationship.

    then why are you asking this question ?
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Yea, that was the plan all along! I just wanted some input. I was cramming it all in one topic, too get it all out there.
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    When you meet "the one" you'll do whatever it takes to give it a chance. For love, anything is worth a chance.

    This thread should be called "The Notebook"
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Met online - Dated long distance - I lived in the United States, he lives in Canada. Moved to Canada from the United States 7 years ago and have no regrets. moved from the States to Canada and you don't regret it?
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Have any one of you done it?

    I'm sure many of us have. I haven't. But then again, I'm a loner and I hate living with others. Specially women. They're a pain in the *kitten* to live with. I often don't even let them stay the night. Ever heard of a cab? Start using it please!

    Would any of you consider it?

    LOL seriously. I really hate living with others. I once woke up next to a girl (she passed out drunk and I was too nice to let her stay) and it seriously freaked me out. Have you ever woken up next to a woman you only met with her makeup on? They somehow deteriorate over night...

    Is long Distance a deal breaker?

    I once told my ex that my Indian family is forcefully arrange marriaging me. I have been married to some poor imaginary indian girl for almost 10 years now. We've never met. So yes. long distance CAN work and no its not a deal breaker!