Relocating for Love



  • WickedZoey
    WickedZoey Posts: 401 Member
    Do it. You only live once. (and yes i have done it)
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    Did it and I'm sure glad I did! I met my husband on a site just like this actually, thedailyplate. I lived in Chicago, him in Philadelphia. One thing led to another and I made the move. We are married now.
  • YourGirl_Tina
    YourGirl_Tina Posts: 962 Member
    Have any one of you done it?
    Would any of you consider it?
    Is long Distance a deal breaker?

    Awe are you finally realizing how awesome it would be to be close to me? lol

    This is a tough one... Being a single mom I would have to take into consideration, her father and just how far away this "love" is lol But if the relocation was something that was a positive in our life then it would be something I would consider. Is long distance a deal breaker? Hmm I don't think it would be other than the fact that I am one who loves attention and cuddling LOL
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    My friend did. He ended up being an *kitten* and they broke up shortly after and now she is trapped there.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Who's moving to Charlotte for me is the real question here? ;)
  • MelyndaWaldner
    MelyndaWaldner Posts: 442 Member
    When you meet "the one" you'll do whatever it takes to give it a chance. For love, anything is worth a chance.

    ^^^^ this is the best advice
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    I moved from England to California to marry my husband, we lived there for 4 years and then he came back to England with me we have been here for 10 years now. Long distance and across the ocoean moving worked for us.
    I was 38 with 3 kids, he was 40 with 1 son, we now have 3 sons together!

    Wow! That's a beautiful story, sounds like a fairy tale ending!
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Have any one of you done it?
    Would any of you consider it?
    Is long Distance a deal breaker?

    Awe are you finally realizing how awesome it would be to be close to me? lol

    This is a tough one... Being a single mom I would have to take into consideration, her father and just how far away this "love" is lol But if the relocation was something that was a positive in our life then it would be something I would consider. Is long distance a deal breaker? Hmm I don't think it would be other than the fact that I am one who loves attention and cuddling LOL

    My daughters Father passed away in 2008. So the tie to stay here, isn't as strong. His whole Family passed away the same year. His Ma, Dad and Sister, all from Diabetes. So I finally have closure and want to move on w/my life.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    My fiance did. I'd have done it in a heartbeat if it was an option for myself.
    My long distance is worth it, and I'm pretty sure he'd say relocating was worth it.

    But that's not to say it's for everybody.
  • DarkAngel262
    DarkAngel262 Posts: 118 Member
    I relocated for love and sadly my ex broke up with me 10 days before I moved. But he is a rare breed of scumbag and I think it's totally worth it. I would absolutely consider it for the right person.

    Distance can be tricky (depending on how much distance there is) but there is phone, email, texts, skype. So I say go for it!
  • ericmessier
    ericmessier Posts: 235 Member
    Would do.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My friend did. He ended up being an *kitten* and they broke up shortly after and now she is trapped there.

    I have two friends who are trapped here from different countries for the same reason. They struggle to make ends meet. Rely on the men for everything from financial to support the kids and they still cling to his family as they are thousands of miles away from theirs. They had everything in their countries and were professionals. Except one, she came very young. Another also but made her way here and is a hard working and high earning professional, who is nonetheless yearning for her home. Plus they have jobs to make ends meet and live in places they'd rather not. Kids they had together keeps them from returning and their lives they convey as a struggle and still centered around the men who brought them/invited them here.

    And yes love was "valid" for them, and it is for me too (that "love not valid" was pretty much uncalled for and a stab in the dark). Unfortunately if circumstances change and the situation becomes different all the valid love in the world will not pay your rent or soothe you if he's in someone else's arms. It happens. These are just the experiences I'm familiar with by proximity and friendships. Not to take anything away from anyone else's experience. Just this is what I've seen and hear about on a regular basis. IRL i like to friend all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds and am especially drawn to adventuresome people and those who seem to need a support system and these girls fit both. I like to be there for them. Just wish they could follow their true desires and live the lives they want now, but can't. Just last week for example while lunching with a friend she asked me to accompany her to see a sick friend relative of her ex spouse because she would feel awkward if he was there with his new wife. He was. It was awkward. I am her only vent person as her families far away. Two days later same girl turned off her phone during coffee because family back home wants to talk too much for her comfort. It makes her sad and yearn for home when they call to chit chat or keep her in the loop. She struggles. Be careful. Just be strong and be careful.
  • CountingCaloriesSuxass
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Well MCD, those are quite rare circumstances.

    I 'd like too add I have a college education and I have supported myself since the age of 17. Living in my own place and paying my own bills. Driving my own cars and buying my own clothes. I am the most resilient resourceful person I know and my friends look up too me for this reason.
    No man would ever steal my spirit nor would he support me financially, unless I had some bad disease and couldn't do it for myself.

    I'd also like to add that my kids father and his family passed away in 2008, leaving us alone. So I know even more now what it means to be independent and have a life that I built and created for myself and my child. I have no intentions on moving someplace and have no Goals in mind. Of course I have goals and I wouldn't set myself up for failure like this. I also have friends that live there as well.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    I have been in a couple of long distance relationships, two of which resulted in proposals, one I said yes to and moved to Nebraska to be with. In the end it didn't work out, I just wasn't ready for the life he wanted for us and had too much resentment and was far too young.

    I would be extremely hesitant to do it again but the fact of the matter is I survived moving to a different state and breaking up. I survived moving to a different town and survived. No car or anything. So if I were to finally meet someone that I have a real connection with then I would consider a long distance relationship. If I were to fall in love with this person (which would be the first time I've ever fallen in love) then I would most definitley consider moving to be with them. It would take even more thought if they lived in a terribly cold and rainy place but still considerable.

    It's all scary and to be honest I couldn't give you any proper advice because I do not have a child and I am not in your situation but I say never say never and keep an open mind. Pursue a relationship and visit before making any decisions on moving. I wish you the best and all the love in the world, dear. <3<3<3
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Ow Psuedo, Your a Peach! Thanks dear friend.

    Can I get those Airmiles you been rackin up?
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,302 Member
    In Soviet Russia, Love Relocates for You!
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    What is that you are saying Norm? haha
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,302 Member
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