show me ur 30 day shred results! :D



  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    would it be ok doing the workout 5 days a week and have weekends off so each level last 2 weeks? I cant manage every single day and Il be doing 20-40mins kettlebell workouts 3-4 days a week as well.
    Id love to do it as I always give up the first week, I tried ripped in 30 but it was too hard and I made it to week 3 day 1 and gave up!
  • First pic - Before
    Second - Had just started 30DS for a few days and was already doing C25K 3 times a week.
    Last - 20 days into 30DS and on the last day of C25K.

    I gained 3 pounds from second to last but have a huge definition gain and muscle growth in biceps, shoulders, abs, and thighs between that time. Also was stalling out on my workouts at the end of 10 days so upped my calories 200 and then boom, another spurt of muscle growth :)


    AMAZING!!! I am adding in 30DS to my c25k also (finished 2 weeks ago). I am starting 5k to 10k this week!
  • mjga2043
    mjga2043 Posts: 23 Member
    So some of these pics were so great I just went and did level 1. I had already done 35 minutes of Shaun T Rockin' Body, but I got inspired. Whew! I forgot how Jillian can kick my butt.
  • scottcharl
    scottcharl Posts: 133
    Biceps look great! Keep it up!
  • VegGalD6
    VegGalD6 Posts: 17 Member
    Amazing results! I have been doing the shred for a few months and I haven't seen such great results. This will keep me motivated! Wow!
  • MerinneW
    MerinneW Posts: 71 Member
    Wah, I have been doing this and got to day 10 on Wednesday - I was so proud of completing Level 1, and so looking forward to going to Level 2! But then I was struck down with evil flu on Thursday, and I'm scared to start again at Level 2 - firstly because I'm worried the two days off will have bombed the endurance I was building, and secondly because it feels like cheating - like I ought to go back to the beginning and start again having quit. But I swear, I can't listen to Level 1 one more time, I can quote Jillian's every word in that routine now. "Can't we just do bicep curls? No YOU CANNOT!" Urrrrgh. Someone tell me Level 2 is easy and I'll be fine! :P
  • katnat12
    katnat12 Posts: 73 Member
    I just finished 30 day shred today! No pictures, but my measurements were:

    July 3 (I actually started shred on July 10, but measured on July 3 before I started anything) :
    Upper chest (under arm pits): 37 1/2
    Fullest chest: 42
    Lower chest (bra measurement): 36
    Waist: 35
    Lower waist (I lovingly call this my mommy flap... between my belly button and my hips): 43
    Hips: 46
    Left upper thigh: 27

    And then today's measurements!
    Upper chest: 35
    Fullest chest: 39
    Lower chest: 34 1/2
    Waist: 32
    Lower waist: 41
    Hips: 44 1/2
    Left upper thigh: 25 1/2
  • Jesslane93
    Jesslane93 Posts: 190 Member
    I'm on day 9 of lvl 2.
    At around day 7 of lvl one my knees where playing up so bad from the jump rope and jumping jacks. I was in so much pain i took a day off. instead of doing anything jumping i do other things like kicking (Which don't hurt my knee's) and punches. Back in my fit years I did martial arts so I know what works there.
    My knees are nearly back to pain free and I'm still getting a good workout
  • roseanne86
    roseanne86 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm on Day 7 of Level 2 - loving this DVD! On level 1 my sorest body part was my calves! It is pretty high impact with the jumping jacks, jump rope etc. Now on level 2 I'm feeling it in my upper back! But in a good way of course (not like an injury or anything). I'm actually starting to feel shredded, I can't believe it! Not much change on the scales but that's not what matters when I'm losing inches and feeling tighter all over! Keep it up everyone!
  • It's called the 30 day shred and it has 3 levels. You do 10 days of each level.
  • Not convinced by this. No point doing it if it all goes back when you stop.

    Isn't that like anything though? Seems like a pretty bad attitude to have if you ask me...
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
  • I'm on Day 3 of Level 2!
    Technically I am on Day 13 of the Shred but I took a rest day on the day after I completed Level 1.
    I plan on doing the same after Level 2. So far it's been 2 weeks since I started.

    I stupidly didn't make measurements before I started but I did weigh myself a few days before I started the Shred.

    My starting weight was: 224
    My current weight is: 197

    I am 5 foot six and I carry the weight mostly in my torso, but I am starting to noticing changes in my waist.

    All I have been doing is keeping an eye of my calorie intake, drinking a lot of water and diet Cola.
    Some nights when I am feeling extra motivated I do 15-30 minutes on a recumbent bicycle I have in the spare room and recently I have been doing a double Shred.
    By that I mean I finish doing Level 2 and then I rest for a bit, have some dinner then I do Level 1 again.

    All in all I am doing about 1 hour of exercise a day, aiming to burn about 400 a day.

    I'm loving the Shred so far and the results have been great!
  • Lovely_at_any_size
    Lovely_at_any_size Posts: 94 Member
    You all look amazing! I ordered this dvd and hope to be able to start on Monday, and someday post here!
  • sarahanncolorado
    sarahanncolorado Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on day 16 of 30 DS - I'm taking rest days and mixing in cardio 3-4x per week (jogging, elliptical trainer) so when I'm done it will probably have taken me over 6 weeks to complete the program. The first time I did it I didn't take days off and I really injured my shoulder and had to stop, so this time I'm making sure my muscles and joints can adjust and heal and it's going much better. Unless you are already in good shape, I highly recommend doing 30 DS 4-5 days per week instead of every day. I also do modifications when I need to, and I switch between 3 lb and 5 lb weights depending on the exercise (some of those shoulder moves kill me). (Note to Jillian: I hate Level 2 and the plank pose soo soo much and I do curse at the video-you every time you say "get in the plank pose . . . " just so you know.) I've been eating clean over 90% of the time, with a few notable days of celebrations and traveling that I went above my daily calories.

    I wish I had taken pictures or measurements when I started, but alas I did not. But I have lost 7 lbs over the past 4 weeks, and I've definitely toned up and lost inches everywhere. My fiance has said that it's really noticeable and my clothes fit better, and I even comfortably put on a pair of pants I haven't worn since before I had my daughter (3 years ago!). I'm hoping to finish 30 DS in another 2 1/2 weeks, and then start on Ripped in 30. We're getting married in 5 1/2 weeks, and if I could lose 8-10 more lbs during that time, I would be thrilled!
  • Hi everyone. Im new to the page as well as new to the 30DS. i just started Level 1 yesterday. and im super excited about the result that will come with the program.
  • MerinneW
    MerinneW Posts: 71 Member
    (Note to Jillian: I hate Level 2 and the plank pose soo soo much and I do curse at the video-you every time you say "get in the plank pose . . . " just so you know.)

    I hear THAT! I swear the woman is trying to break my back. My puny little shoulder and arm muscles just can't cope with being up like that that long, never mind with all the plank-jacks and twists and what not! :-S I'm hoping level three will be a lot less plank-y!
  • So far I've lost 6lbs and its only day 15 !! I can't wait to see what day 30 will look

    My profile picture shows my results so far
  • Well I completed this week. Had a few days off as I've been away this weekend. But I lost just under 8lbs and 17 3/4 inches... woop woop. I love 30DS :)

    I am starting a different DVD tomorrow just so I don't get bored. Then I'll do 30DS again in a few weeks :)

    By the way. I done no other exercise alongside this and no particular diet. Just watching what I'm eating and cut out fizzy and alcoholic drinks xxx
  • I'm on day 2 level 2 and haven't lost anything yet :sad: must be doing something wrong :cry: I'm so disappointed!
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