Ppl burning 1000+ cal per workout: WHAT IS YOUR SECRET!?



  • linna007
    linna007 Posts: 3
    Sorry im new n just learning how to loose weight what's hrm?
  • mountaingirl2207
    For me, its all about the incline. Today I did 100 minutes on the treadmill walking at 7-15%. That gave me 900 calories, then I did ripped in 30. When I run, I burn about 600 in the run and then walk the rest.
  • cycleholic
    cycleholic Posts: 119 Member
    It takes me about 90 mins at high intensity and 2 hrs when I'm slacking. I do a variety of exercises during this time (run, spin and abs or spin, bootcamp...) It varies from person to person and brands of HRM.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Sorry im new n just learning how to loose weight what's hrm?

    Heart rate monitor.
    Here is a great post on them
  • jmyotter
    jmyotter Posts: 39 Member
    To answer @3dogsrunning: it is Heart Rate Monitor...

    To OP:

    It is possible, but it all depends on what others have said, size, fitness level, intensity, speed, endurance, etc., etc. accuracy of tracking.. I only burn more than 1000 in one activity when I'm biking long distances or running more than an hour... I'm a big guy and while I'm in decent shape, I have overheating issues and asthma issues... my body just has to work harder. The days I do more than one workout, it is easy to log almost 2,000 by my accurate HRM as each of my workouts will be an hour at a higher intensity. I find MFP always has me burning WAY more calories than my HRM does. That's why when I've notice a particularly out of wack number, I check it with a couple different apps I use and average them for tracking purposes.

    Just one question: If you are consistently working out at 180bpm, what is your max? have you checked it lately?

    I try to stay at between 75-80% of my max, and when I go too long over that (and I can tell before I even look at the HRM), I notice my hrm is not tracking as many calories burned... when I don't over work I burn more calories. Only doing Intervals or speed training do I not care too much if I'm working at more than my 75-80% of max. My runs I frequently run at 175 bpm and burn 800-900 calories in a 45 minute run at between 9:30/10 minute miles.

    Sorry for all the stats, it's how I track my progress more so than weight.:laugh:
  • TssCnn
    TssCnn Posts: 114 Member
    I do intervals on the Arc trainer and/or Elliptical. Also I do Insanity piggybacked by RevAbs.
    I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment so I work out like its my job. You've got to look at the length of a workout as well.

    Also ppl use the MFP calc/database which can over estimate. I go by my HRM.
  • curvynblonde
    curvynblonde Posts: 170 Member
    I burned 1000 cals only once at it was working at it for 110 minutes on the treadmill.
    I can also say that my heart rate has NEVER reached the 180s. Highest I get is 160. Must be something wrong with me.lol.
  • whattodo54
    whattodo54 Posts: 26 Member
    I was burning aobut 1350 calories according to the machines I was working on in about an hour and ten min. I weigh 294 and I am 6'1'. My hrm tells me it is around 715 for the same workout. Also if I ever got up to a heart rate of 180, it wouldn't be for long, and hopefully someone at the gym could read the instructions for tthe AED.:smile:
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    To answer @3dogsrunning: it is Heart Rate Monitor...

    To OP:

    It is possible, but it all depends on what others have said, size, fitness level, intensity, speed, endurance, etc., etc. accuracy of tracking.. I only burn more than 1000 in one activity when I'm biking long distances or running more than an hour... I'm a big guy and while I'm in decent shape, I have overheating issues and asthma issues... my body just has to work harder. The days I do more than one workout, it is easy to log almost 2,000 by my accurate HRM as each of my workouts will be an hour at a higher intensity. I find MFP always has me burning WAY more calories than my HRM does. That's why when I've notice a particularly out of wack number, I check it with a couple different apps I use and average them for tracking purposes.

    Just one question: If you are consistently working out at 180bpm, what is your max? have you checked it lately?

    I try to stay at between 75-80% of my max, and when I go too long over that (and I can tell before I even look at the HRM), I notice my hrm is not tracking as many calories burned... when I don't over work I burn more calories. Only doing Intervals or speed training do I not care too much if I'm working at more than my 75-80% of max. My runs I frequently run at 175 bpm and burn 800-900 calories in a 45 minute run at between 9:30/10 minute miles.

    Sorry for all the stats, it's how I track my progress more so than weight.:laugh:

    I'm confused, I was answering the person who asked what a HRM was. :)
  • cargilb
    cargilb Posts: 116
    workout 3 hours.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    the last time i burned 1000 calories a workout (according to my HRM) i did the following 110 minutes worth of back squats, front squats, OH squats, good mornings, bb row, half cleans, power cleans, push ups, KB swings, turkish gets ups, walking, running..

    i was pretty much crawling on my hands and knees to get back home afterwards
  • Donnarose82
    If they are using MFP calculations, they are most probably not burning that much at all. Now if they were using a HRM there could be different variables as to why they have burnt that much, use an Interstate freight truck for example when it's loaded to the brim with whatever it's transporting going from one state to another it will burn more fuel but once it drops its freight and returns home empty it burns less... so people who are heavier tend to burn more calories much quicker. Intensity comes into play, time doing that particular workout and the type of workout. Obviously someone doing weight training will not get their heart rate up and will not stay elevated for long periods of time,unlike someoene who may be doing a cardio workout.
    If they are male they will almost always burn more than you.
    And lastly your age..As you get older, the amount of muscle tends to decrease and fat accounts for more of your weight, slowing down calorie burning.
    Hope that helps.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Yesterday i was ECSTATIC for burning 650 cal in 75 minutes. And i PUSHED. I was at 180+ bpm heart rate almost the entire time and still only managed to burn 650 cal. I see people in my feed burning 1000-1200 cal in 65-75 minutes. HOW?!

    If you are able to do this, could you please tell me your work out regiment? Ex. Treadmill @ 5.5mph for 45 min, or jump roping, etc.

    I know everyone burns differently, but id like to get an idea of other peoples workouts who are able to produce such amazing numbers!!

    Thanks! :)

    You are probably just as under-estimated as other are inflated.

    Here, this is more accurate than HRM, especially one that isn't setup correctly, or missing required stats to even have a chance at accuracy.

    Oh, you'd select Gross option, as a HRM or machine would report and as you see reported. Net is what you would actually eat back.


    Per my own VO2max test and stats, I'd only need to maintain a avgHR of 153, which is middle of my aerobic HR range, from tested HRmax of 194.

    So easily possible.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    the last time i burned 1000 calories a workout (according to my HRM) i did the following 110 minutes worth of back squats, front squats, OH squats, good mornings, bb row, half cleans, power cleans, push ups, KB swings, turkish gets ups, walking, running..

    i was pretty much crawling on my hands and knees to get back home afterwards

    Sadly, your HRM is not going to give correct estimate when used with anaerobic non-steady state HR workout like weight lifting.

    Totally inflated.

    You probably burned 1/4 to 1/3 on the lifting part of that workout.

    HRM formula's is based on relationship between HR and supplying O2 for burning fuel. Which is totally not what anaerobic (without oxygen) workouts are doing.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    It was a training run/ practice lap for a real event on March 30. The real event is the same 13.1 mile lap that I ran but you see how many times you can go around the lap in 12 hours. I am unable to run the real event due to other commitments, but the training lap was AWESOME!
    I ran ~13 miles...
    on a rugged, mountainy trail...
    with 1/2 of it off course through woods...
    on a 50F degree day with water in mid 30sF...
    with 11 water crossings/swims...
    with two 20 foot cliff jumps...
    in a full body (ankles to neck to wrists) wetsuit...
    with camelback of 2L of water...
    in 4 hours and 3 mins...
    and burned 3690 according to my HRM.

    Was that a race? I've read about one where you run/swim/run/etc. curious if that is what you did.

    sign me up! um, I'll need a few...years to train though :)
  • Polymorphist
    My highest burns are when I do two different exercises - HIIT with jump rope followed by elliptical or running. Usually running outdoors nets me the most calorie burn. I'll jump rope for about 20 minutes then go on a run or use the elliptical. I'm usually done in under an hour with about an 800 calorie burn. I'm 5' 9'' and 213 lbs and I keep the pace up, so that might be the reason.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    The only time I burned over 1000 calories was when I did spinning class, went for a long walk with my children in the snow, pulling a sledge, and then did a bt on the treadmill and 75 mins of aerobics (classes a bit messed up due to the snow!) . This is according to my HRM.

    In a 45 minute spinning class I burn around 360 calories, whereas the database would tell me 450. At the highest, even running which for me is the hardest, my heart rate gets to about 170.

    I've been working out several times a week for 20 months now so I guess my fitness must be pretty good and it would take more for me to burn 1000 in a short exercise session.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Calories burned per pound per minute (badminton - .044) x (times) your exact weight (140 pounds) = (equals) total calories burned per minute (6.16 calories burned per minute) x (times) minutes of activity (30 minutes) = (equals) 184.80 total calories burned per activity


    this is calories burned per lb per minute
    so doing squats is almost 1 cal burned per lb/ a minute

    intense aerobic exercise- 0.61
    jump rope 145 jumps/min 0.89
    raquetball 0.81
    running 6 min mile 1.15
    squats 0.96

    it doesn't specify which kind of squats
    with weight? or not? obviously if you added weight it would be
    a higher burn, and jump squats are also a higher burn
    I've never been able to find a calculator for jump squats
    , but it has to be one of the most intense activities
    while also using the largest muscles in your body.
  • AmberleyAngel
    AmberleyAngel Posts: 160 Member
    I am a fraction under 300lbs and I burn over 500 calories in a 30 minute, mid-intensity Zumba session (i.e. I could speak while doing it). I don't use MFP's calculations but go to a separate site to calculate calories burned. Probably still not accurate but I don't eat my calories burned anyway so I am not too worried about accuracy.

    Focussing on the health benefits of being fitter and being proud of myself for doing it is my goal.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I burn fewer than 1500 calories running a half-marathon (13.1 miles). It's probably because I don't weigh a lot and I'm fit. I burn just over 100 calories per mile. I know that the heavier you are the more calories you burn. I still think some people overestimate their burn, though. But what gets me is all the people who like to post about burning 250 calories (sometimes more) having sex. Whatever. :laugh: