A Calorie is a Caloire is a...... let's compare...



  • AnnaVee84
    AnnaVee84 Posts: 345 Member
    a calorie may be a calorie ... but that burrito would probably put me in a stupor and i'd feel crappy all day. both sound yum but if i need to be active the rest of the day, #1 would be my choice a majority of the time!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    A calorie is a unit of measurement, I agree. But what it represents is nourishment to your body. It's like having a nice car -- choose what kind of gas you want to use; regular or premium. The tank holds 50L of whichever you choose to fill it with :p
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    first one, healthy fats, much better food. it is a calorie, but it matters what type of nutritious foods you are consuming. sure you can live off junk food and still loose weight but then think about the malnutrition your body would have..even if you ate the exact calories you needed for the day.

    its about the nutrition and what is in the meal you are eating that will benefit your body.
    So steak, eggs, and cheese, not to forget a tortilla, are unhealthful foods? Srsly?

    depends how its made, depends if you use sunflower oil vs olive oil, the nutrition benefits in nr.1 outweigh nr2.
    is the tortilla white? or whole grain? and american cheese or some other type of cheese?
    If you want to get that fussy, go for it! I prefer to enjoy my food without obsessing about it. To each his own :drinker:
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Burrito please. As much as I love salmon, quinoa is super gross. Also burritos are awesome.
  • med2017
    med2017 Posts: 192 Member
    first one, healthy fats, much better food. it is a calorie, but it matters what type of nutritious foods you are consuming. sure you can live off junk food and still loose weight but then think about the malnutrition your body would have..even if you ate the exact calories you needed for the day.

    its about the nutrition and what is in the meal you are eating that will benefit your body.
    So steak, eggs, and cheese, not to forget a tortilla, are unhealthful foods? Srsly?

    depends how its made, depends if you use sunflower oil vs olive oil, the nutrition benefits in nr.1 outweigh nr2.
    is the tortilla white? or whole grain? and american cheese or some other type of cheese?
    If you want to get that fussy, go for it! I prefer to enjoy my food without obsessing about it. To each his own :drinker:

    aha you dont know me, you dont know if I'm fussy or not. i choose to eat food that i know will benefit my body. no need to get snappy. its my lifestyle and thats all. the OP was asking a question, so i gave my opinion, and that is that.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Burrito. Tastier, and similar macros.
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    A calorie is a calorie is not my idea of health. The more raw the better. Gods food is perfect in everyway. The mentality that a calorie is a calorie is why we have so many obese people in the world. Even our nutritionists preach this and it's not true or helpful in my opinion.
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    I'd eat both. One sounds like breakfast and the other sounds like lunch or dinner. (Are you eating #1 for breakfast? Don't do that, LOL).

    Then I would make sure I got enough water, took my vitamins/supplements, and got a good workout in.

    I'm sure the OP wasn't implying this is an everyday choice. You can have a well balanced diet and eat "dirty" every now and again.

    Enjoy life!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Both are a bit lacking in vegetables for a main meal, but both are nutritious in different ways. If that was all I could have, I'd probably go for the second as it would have a bit more taste. If I could add flavourings then either might be nice.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Depends on your goals. If it's just weight loss you are after, either one. But if you are going for health, the salmon is a better choice. Steak, egg, and cheese is a saturated fat bonanza. Plus loads of sodium. If heart health is important to you, the salmon is a much better choice. But the context is important too. If you normally eat a heart healthy diet, a steak, egg, and cheese burrito on occasion would be doable.
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    I would eat option one since I don't like borritos, but love salmon.:laugh:
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    90% of the time- I'd choose the salmon. Maybe even 99%.

    Once in a blue moon I'd get the burrito, but that's rare.

    I actually ENJOY eating this way now. Never thought I'd say that!! Been about five years of eating healthy, and it's just a way of life for me. My husband and son will order that burrito right in front of me, and I don't even flinch.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Yep - you've made your point - a calorie is NOT always a calorie.

    No way I'd want to eat the first option, ta!

    As far as weight loss goes - if the person was generally healthy and had met their macros, I doubt either would make any noticeable difference to their state of health.

    In relation to carbs:
    >>This is an example of a ceiling effect. You can’t fix what isn’t broken, so if you’re already healthy, eating ‘healthy’ foods at some point stops making you even healthier.<<
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    Option one, but just because I love quinoa and eat it daily. Just my personal preference. I also love almonds.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member

    Who eats 4oz of salmon? It's not even worth heating a pan to fry it in! Double it at least and I'll get back to you.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Your Buddy is right, a Calorie is a Calorie, but the difference/concern is: What will your body get out of the most?

    Prob the Salmon.

    Keep in mind, you could have a 1000 calories worth of Twinkee's/HO'Ho's and still loose weight
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    The macros are the same? So how would it make a difference? It's not like it is the salmon meal vs 3 doughnuts?

    I don't get it!?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'd go with either. Both sound delicious. Second option has slightly more protein for slightly less calories so I might choose that, but I do love salmon and quinoa as well.

    This might be relevant, if anyone is interested:


    "In terms of the hormonal response, clean vs. unclean just doesn’t matter, it’s all about calories and macros. "