DEAL BREAKERS for dating



  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    1) Self Reliance (must have it). Don't expect ME to support you and pick out your clothes!
    2) Tobacco Chewing :sick:
    3) Crudeness. I was taught to act like a lady, therefore I expect to be treated like one.
    4) Height....has to be at least as tall as I am (I'm 5'9")
  • SlickFootAnna
    SlickFootAnna Posts: 611 Member
    - Lack of a sense of humor
    - Drugs
    - Lack of intelligence
    - No career
    - Doesn't like to travel
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    No decent career.
    Lack of intelligence.
    Low sex drive.
    Shorter than 5"8'.
  • Grumpy2208
    I stopped dating married men as being married myself, it was taking too much out of my time organising meets etc etc
    Now I stick with the single guys - less hassle.

    Only kidding ;-)
  • LauraJo08
    LauraJo08 Posts: 219 Member
    My friends say that I am extremely picky, so other than essential ones like no prison time, no kids, and a job/car, here are my slightly silly ones:

    1. At least 6 ft tall...anything shorter and I can't wear my favorite boots.
    2. If I can run a mile faster than you. That means less than 6:45, which I don't think is TOO difficult for a man.
    3. Smoking. Yuck. #sorryI'mnotsorry
    4. Misogyny/rape jokes/shallowness/etc. Anything that promotes gender inequality or rape culture, and a perfect 10 on my scale becomes a no go.
    5. Social conservatives.
    6. And for long term dating, I always make sure that a guy has a similar lifestyle idea to mine ie careers for both of us, kids, equal parenting, traveling, etc.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    Must NOT be a liar

    There are others, I just don't feel like typing them right now.
  • j4zepedajj
    I agree with J4Nash... I have had too many GF's who didn't elevate my life.. Not to say that its her responsibility to.. BUT I also dont want someone to be a boat anchor and not let me be me... Its should be a give and take.. 50-50... Unfortunately I havent found that
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    1. Ambition - you have to have some. your career doesn't have to be perfect, but you have to have an idea of where you want to be/go and how you think you will achieve it.

    2. Hygiene - you have to have an understanding of cleanliness.

    3. General idea about life/goals/plans - you have to have a subscribed theory, it doesn't have to match mine, but it has to be compatible at main points. You have to have your own ideas about life and where you fit/purpose. I don't want someone that constantly says "what do you think, whatever you think is what I'll go with." I'm sorry, i don't want to do your thinking for you.

    4. Social awareness - being awkward, quirky or cute is fun, but I do need you to be socially aware. At least enough that we can go out to social functions (which I often have to attend) and I don't have to worry about you or leaving you alone for five minutes.

    if you don't have those...i'm sorry you are out.
  • MM_1982
    MM_1982 Posts: 374
    Pretty awkward feeling when a lot of people's 'deal breakers' are my 'must haves'
  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    1) Smokers. I'm so against smoking, and I couldn't date someone who smoked cigarettes.
    2) Lack of ambition
    3) Homophobic/Misogynistic/Racist/Classist/Narrow minded
    4) Homebody. I'm adventurous, and I want to be with someone who wants to travel, hike, camp, and doesn't mind leaving their creature comforts for a while
    5) Anyone who doesn't treat their mom with respect. That says a lot about a man, because if you don't treat your mom well, how are you going to treat someone who DIDN'T give birth and raise you?
  • aubrieboline
    Just like I am with the food I eat, I am VERY picky about the men I date...

    1. Career - Don't have one? Get one.
    2. Aspirations - I don't plan on being where I'm at forever; neither should you.
    3. No drugs or smoking - EVER.
    4. Alcohol moderation - Hey, I love a glass of wine in the evening as much as anyone else; but black out drunk 4 nights a week is just pathetic.
    5. Respectful - I absolutely will not tolerate a man who abuses a woman, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally.
    6. Responsible - I am not your mother; pay your own bills, clean your own house, and take care of yourself.
    7. Animal lover - I grew up with animals in my life; they are always going to be there. Deal with it.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    No decent career.
    Lack of intelligence.
    Low sex drive.
    Shorter than 5"8'.

    dang it...can't we make an exception?
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Being hung up on another person, whether it's an ex, some crush, or some long lost love. If you can't focus on what you have and instead focus on what you think you're missing out on you'll never be able to build anything new. People like that are a waste of time.
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    If i have to constantly reassure them about how things are, peace.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    He's gotta:

    Be a little crazy/ weird/ dorky.
    Be intelligent.
    Be a little kinky.
    Have a sense of humor.
    Be kind.

    He can't:

    Lie (to me).
    Drink too much/ often, smoke or do drugs.
    Ignore me.

    He doesn't have to be a he, necessarily.
  • KML617
    KML617 Posts: 220 Member
    Not liking cats is a huge deal breaker for me.

    Ohhh... Good One!! Ditto!
  • sweetzoejane
    sweetzoejane Posts: 153 Member

    Mostly, as long as they don't have the first two, I would date them. I've been with someone for 8 years now and I can say that there are a lot of other personality traits and life views that come with having similar political and religious views in common with one another.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    My friends say that I am extremely picky, so other than essential ones like no prison time, no kids, and a job/car, here are my slightly silly ones:

    1. At least 6 ft tall...anything shorter and I can't wear my favorite boots.
    2. If I can run a mile faster than you. That means less than 6:45, which I don't think is TOO difficult for a man.
    3. Smoking. Yuck. #sorryI'mnotsorry
    4. Misogyny/rape jokes/shallowness/etc. Anything that promotes gender inequality or rape culture, and a perfect 10 on my scale becomes a no go.
    5. Social conservatives.
    6. And for long term dating, I always make sure that a guy has a similar lifestyle idea to mine ie careers for both of us, kids, equal parenting, traveling, etc.

    Anything that promotes gender inequality? Cool so we can split the check then? :)
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    Must be a morning person.
    Must worship me.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Fundies. Drug addicts.

    And break dancers. That's DEFINITELY a deal breaker.