Why does it still feel like I'm torturing myself?



  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I understand. I think its funny that its been proven that snack foods are genetically modified to make you want more, more, more.

    Characteristics Of Successful Snack Food

    Finally, it would not be satiating.
    No matter how much you ate, you would never be satisfied.

    ^^ since its been proven that biologically your body will want more, tell me again how you eat 1 cookie or 1 chip and have ZERO desire for another one, because it just isn't possible. Sure self control, but why torture yourself with that reaction your brain AUTOMATICALLY has to want more?

    Oh my. Are you serious?
    As serious as someone eating chocolate cake for breakfast and giving advice on a weightless website.

    Still going about the one cupcake I had for breakfast.

    I'll give you tip, Let it go. Move on with life. Quit your trolling.

    No I think she's moved on to my chocolate cake now. There must be a calorie burn chart somewhere for trolling that allows you 3 cheese poppers per post.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    ^^ since its been proven that biologically your body will want more, tell me again how you eat 1 cookie or 1 chip and have ZERO desire for another one, because it just isn't possible. Sure self control, but why torture yourself with that reaction your brain AUTOMATICALLY has to want more?

    Because I DON"T want more. I don't like sugary food and snacks. They hurt my teeth and make me flushed. I can't remember the last time I ate a cookie or cupcake. Sugar doesn't have that effect on everybody. I will have a Hershey Kiss or a piece of pie on occasion, but I never want more because even that's pushing it.

    And you said, earlier, that YOU eat stuff like that on occasion, so why do you keep arguing against everyone else who says they eat like that on occasion? It's okay for you to have a cookie, but nobody else can? We're all damned because we eat sugar once in a while and tempt addiction, but it's okay for you to have sugar once in a while?

    How much weight have you lost, by the way? Do you have any pics, or are you just trolling?

    From time to time, I will have less than a serving of chocolate (1 oz) or half a snack sized back of peanut m&ms or a single serving of lemon gelato. I don't have a problem stopping after that because I usually end up full or having satisfied my craving. Sometimes I want a cookie so I have one snickerdoodle cookie (or make one of some other kind of cookie). I don't understand what the problem is. I have lost 22 lbs since the end of January doing just that. I have also learned what appropriate portions of "junk" food look like and taste like. Even when I hit maintenance, I will surely enjoy some amount of unhealthy food. However, I know what appropriate portions look like now and will be less likely to unknowingly over-indulge.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I understand. I think its funny that its been proven that snack foods are genetically modified to make you want more, more, more.

    Characteristics Of Successful Snack Food

    Finally, it would not be satiating.
    No matter how much you ate, you would never be satisfied.

    ^^ since its been proven that biologically your body will want more, tell me again how you eat 1 cookie or 1 chip and have ZERO desire for another one, because it just isn't possible. Sure self control, but why torture yourself with that reaction your brain AUTOMATICALLY has to want more?

    Oh my. Are you serious?
    As serious as someone eating chocolate cake for breakfast and giving advice on a weightless website.

    To clarify..this is My FITNESS Pal...not My WEIGHT LOSS Pal.
    Not everyone is here to lose weight. Some are here to gain, maintain or just get fit.

    I've eaten carrots and cucumbers..and I don't just stop at one piece either.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    No one is saying, "Have cake for breakfast every day." They're saying that sometimes it's ok to have cake, as a snack or as breakfast, and that might help keep someone on track more than feeling dissatisfied with their food if they're sticking to "can't eat that, can only eat healthy food" regimen.

    I've been here over two years. The first six months was losing weight, and the rest has been maintaining and recomp. I'm eating way healthier than I did before I joined this site, but if I'd come on here with the intention of only eating lean meats and steamed vegetables, I'd have quit in the first two months and went back to how I ate before. When I have the opportunity to eat something yummy and decadent, I'm going to jump on that opportunity and not feel the least bit guilty about it, because I know that eating healthy MOST of the time is enough. I don't have to be perfect.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    As serious as someone eating chocolate cake for breakfast and giving advice on a weightless website.

    Do you realize that everyone who has a chocolate muffin or cake or pancakes or Pop Tarts or whatever for breakfast every once in a great while has lost quite a bit of weight? We aren't advocating having cake for breakfast every day. You're missing the point, which was to tell that OP that if she's miserable eating boring food, it won't kill her weight loss to have a food she enjoys every so often. We say that because we're speaking FROM EXPERIENCE.

    I'm still waiting to see your progress pictures and ticker.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    I'm eating way healthier than I did before I joined this site, but if I'd come on here with the intention of only eating lean meats and steamed vegetables, I'd have quit in the first two months and went back to how I ate before. When I have the opportunity to eat something yummy and decadent, I'm going to jump on that opportunity and not feel the least bit guilty about it, because I know that eating healthy MOST of the time is enough. I don't have to be perfect.

    this this this this this this this
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Would you tell a drunk its ok to have one drink? Oh but its ok have self control and everything in moderation.

    I knew you'd get around to that sooner or later. Food is not comparable to alcohol or drugs. You need food to live and telling someone they have to give up food because they have an "addiction" to it would be ludicrous. No one is addicted to food in the same way they are to a mind altering substance. Don't even go there.

    You may have tendencies to over eat, feel compelled to eat certain foods for satisfaction but it's a learned behaviour which can be changed and it doesn't have to be done through deprivation.

    NOTE: I removed your original quote so you don't need to keep going back to it.
    Except its been proven people get sugar addictions and caffeine addictions and since those are both found in tones of common foods, its very easy to get addicted to.

    Caffeine is a drug and is addictive. Sugar is a food and is a craving not an addiction.

    We could have a battle of wits here but I really hate fighting with someone who is unarmed.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    If it feels like torture, you're doing it wrong. :tongue:

    I saw this link posted back on page 2 or 3, may have been posted again, but I've had my best success since I discovered this topic: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/937712-in-place-of-a-road-map-ver-3-0

    As others have said, it's a sustainable way to eat and enjoy the foods you love. Losing fat has literally been EASY, certainly not torturous, for me the past year, and I'm in better shape now in my mid 40's than I was in my 30's.

    And sometimes I even eat chocolate cake before breakfast. :drinker:

    My diary is open, check it out.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    As serious as someone eating chocolate cake for breakfast and giving advice on a weightless website.

    Do you realize that everyone who has a chocolate muffin or cake or pancakes or Pop Tarts or whatever for breakfast every once in a great while has lost quite a bit of weight? We aren't advocating having cake for breakfast every day. You're missing the point, which was to tell that OP that if she's miserable eating boring food, it won't kill her weight loss to have a food she enjoys every so often. We say that because we're speaking FROM EXPERIENCE.

    I'm still waiting to see your progress pictures and ticker.

    I'm waiting as well. Or maybe you really are a rodent.

    ....one that knows how to operate a computer
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    As serious as someone eating chocolate cake for breakfast and giving advice on a weightless website.

    Do you realize that everyone who has a chocolate muffin or cake or pancakes or Pop Tarts or whatever for breakfast every once in a great while has lost quite a bit of weight? We aren't advocating having cake for breakfast every day. You're missing the point, which was to tell that OP that if she's miserable eating boring food, it won't kill her weight loss to have a food she enjoys every so often. We say that because we're speaking FROM EXPERIENCE.

    I'm still waiting to see your progress pictures and ticker.

    I'm waiting as well. Or maybe you really are a rodent.

    ....one that knows how to operate a computer

    Or quite possibly someone who has made a 2nd account because they don't want to say these things on their main, or they were banned from the forums. It's been happening a lot recently.
  • AddyMaeMomma
    AddyMaeMomma Posts: 84 Member
    well, I skipped from the originial post to the last page of comments and it's gone from a pretty legit concern to people fighting about cake. Anyway, I've lost 15 pounds and at first, it was hard to give up "my foods", the pizza, the chocolate, the creamy foods, the regular soda. But I've let myself keep some of those things, but in controlled portions. Like, I love French dressing...I mean, I could drink the stuff, so that gave me the motivation to eat a salad every day for lunch. Then, I bought light French dressing and it tastes exactly the same and now I get super excited for my salad at lunch because I get to have French dressing! (rereading this sentence just made me feel like a loser). My husband also figured out a way to make awesome pita bread pizzas so I get my pizza fix and when I'm desperate for chocolate, I have a snack pack sugar free chocolate pudding cup for 70 cals. You've got to figure out ways to keep yourself happy or I don't think the weight loss will last in the long-term.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I understand. I think its funny that its been proven that snack foods are genetically modified to make you want more, more, more.

    Characteristics Of Successful Snack Food

    Finally, it would not be satiating.
    No matter how much you ate, you would never be satisfied.

    ^^ since its been proven that biologically your body will want more, tell me again how you eat 1 cookie or 1 chip and have ZERO desire for another one, because it just isn't possible. Sure self control, but why torture yourself with that reaction your brain AUTOMATICALLY has to want more?

    Oh my. Are you serious?
    As serious as someone eating chocolate cake for breakfast and giving advice on a weightless website.

    What does that mean?
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    I always have this problem where I think I want more and I think I am still hungry and think I'm craving something when I really am not, and am just used to old habits. One thing I do to myself is ask myself, if you were to leave right now even though you think you are still hungry, would you really be hungry still and say you should have eaten more? If I can say no then I know I am not hungry anymore.
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    I felt like I was torturing myself until I tweaked my breakfast.

    On the whole, I try to keep my regimen as close to normal eating as I can, minus a lot of the fat, calories, and sugar. I stick with healthy proteins, veggies, and fruits, and stay away from artificial sweaters and "diet foods." I stay as far away from the middle aisle of the grogery store as possible.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I understand. I think its funny that its been proven that snack foods are genetically modified to make you want more, more, more.

    Characteristics Of Successful Snack Food

    Finally, it would not be satiating.
    No matter how much you ate, you would never be satisfied.

    ^^ since its been proven that biologically your body will want more, tell me again how you eat 1 cookie or 1 chip and have ZERO desire for another one, because it just isn't possible. Sure self control, but why torture yourself with that reaction your brain AUTOMATICALLY has to want more?

    Oh my. Are you serious?
    As serious as someone eating chocolate cake for breakfast and giving advice on a weightless website.

    Is it the breakfast part that you object to? I'm confused about why it matters whether the cake is for breakfast or not.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Mental health is important.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Mental health is important.

    100% agreed ^
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I think most fat people got into these situations because of "control" problems. So its very counter productive to still eat those things.
    I think it is counterproductive to avoid learning a basic life skill as important as moderation. It is a learned skill, it is not something a person decides to have one moment and then magically has for the rest of their life. Just like all learning experiences, people are going to fail at it before they become good at it. But those who make the effort to learn it get to live like grownups and enjoy their lives, instead of living in deprivation and fear.
    I know all about moderation and I am still not going to buy a bunch of junk food while I am trying to diet because YES that is counter productive to my goals. A BETTER basic skill for me is learning to live with out processed junk foods and candy. THAT is a much better skill.
    Its cute how you use flame turms like "us grown ups" sure I know LOTS of grown ups that eat cupcakes for breakfast or eat half a pizza in one sitting because that is the NORM around here apparently,. What a joke.

    Actually, these people you're calling a joke have been very successful. Nobody is saying eat junk food all day every day...people are saying that you can enjoy "bad" foods in moderation as part of an overall, healthy and balanced diet. Apparently you wouldn't know anything about that.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Would you tell a drunk its ok to have one drink? Oh but its ok have self control and everything in moderation.

    I knew you'd get around to that sooner or later. Food is not comparable to alcohol or drugs. You need food to live and telling someone they have to give up food because they have an "addiction" to it would be ludicrous. No one is addicted to food in the same way they are to a mind altering substance. Don't even go there.

    You may have tendencies to over eat, feel compelled to eat certain foods for satisfaction but it's a learned behaviour which can be changed and it doesn't have to be done through deprivation.

    NOTE: I removed your original quote so you don't need to keep going back to it.
    Except its been proven people get sugar addictions and caffeine addictions and since those are both found in tones of common foods, its very easy to get addicted to.

    Caffeine is a drug and is addictive. Sugar is a food and is a craving not an addiction.

    We could have a battle of wits here but I really hate fighting with someone who is unarmed.

    People can become addicted to food.

  • tigermorris
    When I started reading this, I thought, yeah someone else gets it! I do not like many veggies, really only green beans and corn. I do not enjoy eating healthy, at all. I have lost about 12 lbs since Dec. when I started MFP, but I have a lot more to go!! I still feel like it is a challenge to eat healthy. I keep thinking when I keep losing it will be easier to say no to the things I shouldn't have, but i am not there yet. I am trying to enjoy my foods, I can tolerate what I am eating, but I am not enjoying it. I just wanted to agree with the person who started this thread. Anyone who want to give me tips or friend me, that is great!