The udder truth



  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    The chemicals in today's food is highly addictive! People do not over eat because they are hungry.
    People are over fed and under nourished. We can agree to disagree, but I am merely stating the scientific evidence.
    What you're telling me then is that every other time in history people exercised, except for now right- wrong!
    The difference between now and 50 years ago is the FOOD! Yes people over eat, but the food that people are eating is tricking their bodies into thinking they need more food. People are becoming over fed and under nourished.
    Choose to do as you want, but I choose to spread the truth- read the abstract for the scientific paper I posted, watch "forks over knives" or read "the china study" and get back to me. Would love to further discuss. I appreciate the dialogue.

    The China Study is not a credible source to be referencing.
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    The chemicals in today's food is highly addictive! People do not over eat because they are hungry.
    People are over fed and under nourished. We can agree to disagree, but I am merely stating the scientific evidence.
    What you're telling me then is that every other time in history people exercised, except for now right- wrong!
    The difference between now and 50 years ago is the FOOD! Yes people over eat, but the food that people are eating is tricking their bodies into thinking they need more food. People are becoming over fed and under nourished.
    Choose to do as you want, but I choose to spread the truth- read the abstract for the scientific paper I posted, watch "forks over knives" or read "the china study" and get back to me. Would love to further discuss. I appreciate the dialogue.
    Wrong again. The difference between now and 50 years ago are:
    Nintendo Wii

    See a trend? Children are spending more time sitting down than they did 50 years ago. A fat child will grow up to be a fat adult.

    Not only children become obese. There are a lot of people who do not play video games and are obese.
    There are also children who play video games and are not obese.
    Look at school lunches: ketchup is considered a vegetable. Kids are given, pizza, sloppy joes, french fries, burgers, etc-- this has nothing to do with it right?
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member

    I find it funny how some people buy into ONE specific thing that is the cause of the health problems we have in America and even other parts of the world . Its like saying "Here is a magic pill for weight loss". It just doesn't happen like that.

    There are many factors why we have such bad health. Just because the studies over the last x amount of years lines up with the the increase of health issues doesn't mean that's the only factor. You can say the same for more meat consumption, more wheat consumption, more corn consumption, more processed foods, more availability of food, more aluminum cans...the list goes on and on. It is very easy for someone with a bias opinion to bend the results of these studies to their benefit.

    My opinion, its because of gluttony. We eat too much and we don't exercise. I have heard countless stories of these very same health problems 100% disappearing when they got fit and ate better. I am one of them.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I haven't read all these responses because I simply don't have the time but I am responding to you first post.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    The chemicals in today's food is highly addictive! People do not over eat because they are hungry.
    People are over fed and under nourished. We can agree to disagree, but I am merely stating the scientific evidence.
    What you're telling me then is that every other time in history people exercised, except for now right- wrong!
    The difference between now and 50 years ago is the FOOD! Yes people over eat, but the food that people are eating is tricking their bodies into thinking they need more food. People are becoming over fed and under nourished.
    Choose to do as you want, but I choose to spread the truth- read the abstract for the scientific paper I posted, watch "forks over knives" or read "the china study" and get back to me. Would love to further discuss. I appreciate the dialogue.
    Wrong again. The difference between now and 50 years ago are:
    Nintendo Wii

    See a trend? Children are spending more time sitting down than they did 50 years ago. A fat child will grow up to be a fat adult.

    Not only children become obese. There are a lot of people who do not play video games and are obese.
    There are also children who play video games and are not obese.
    Look at school lunches: ketchup is considered a vegetable. Kids are given, pizza, sloppy joes, french fries, burgers, etc-- this has nothing to do with it right?

    As someone who works in a school and serves lunch, while those may be options, it's not what the kids are fed everyday.

    My students are fed things that are full of grains, protein and fat. We also set out trays of fruit/veggies, but half of them don't eat them for one reason or another. They get one juice, and milk to drink. It is also portion controlled. One scoop of this, half a scoop of that, a ladle of this, etc.

    The main reason why students are getting fatter is the fact that schools are taking away physical education and sports to fund academic projects. Kids aren't given a chance to run around during the day and are thus forced to sit all day long. Combine that with poor eating habits at home and less moving at home, and bam you have an obese student.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    If I listen to every person on MFP who list what's wrong with every food item , then I would never eat. Stay under your calorie limit, exercise, and stop stressing.

  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member

    Here in canada (and a few places in the states I am sure)

    BREAST MILK BANKS!! (this is a true it)

    we should petition that it be available to the general public and that way we can get our prime time top grade milk.

    I wanna suckle right from the teet though....It'll make me feel all fuzzy and nice. 2 birds one stone!! (nutrition/mental health)
  • julieban1
    julieban1 Posts: 39 Member
    Wow, you guys are brutal. She did some research and wanted to share what she learned. The facts are out there, but you have to find the research not paid for by the dairy industry. BTW, your hormones are directly linked to what you eat. To claim that something is completely hormone driven & has no correlation to what you eat is ignorance at best. Every part of your health is linked to what you eat.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Also eating foods other than dairy is linked to:
    Breast Cancer
    Colon Cancer
    Ear Infections
    High Cholesterol
    Increased mucus

  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    We should all become Breathairians.
  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member
    I had to google this.... what is wrong with people?!
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    Wow, you guys are brutal. She did some research and wanted to share what she learned. The facts are out there, but you have to find the research not paid for by the dairy industry. BTW, your hormones are directly linked to what you eat. To claim that something is completely hormone driven & has no correlation to what you eat is ignorance at best. Every part of your health is linked to what you eat.

    Thank you. I don't know why people get so aggressive. I am not trying to convert people, I just have come to know a lot of people, though meeting lots of raw foodists and vegans who have had so many health benefits- myself included- and I want to encourage others to research the same way I did. I used to be the same way, so I don't get mad when people are aggressive like this. My favorite food on the planet was cheese, and I used to eat a high protein (meat) diet.

    I have personally had so many benefits- weight loss, sleeping better, acid reflux, clearer skin thicker hair and nails, MORE energy, and over all I am so happy. Why wouldn't I want to share this with others? If they don't want to listen, I understand.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Wow, you guys are brutal. She did some research and wanted to share what she learned. The facts are out there, but you have to find the research not paid for by the dairy industry. BTW, your hormones are directly linked to what you eat. To claim that something is completely hormone driven & has no correlation to what you eat is ignorance at best. Every part of your health is linked to what you eat.

    Thank you. I don't know why people get so aggressive. I am not trying to convert people, I just have come to know a lot of people, though meeting lots of raw foodists and vegans who have had so many health benefits- myself included- and I want to encourage others to research the same way I did. I used to be the same way, so I don't get mad when people are aggressive like this. My favorite food on the planet was cheese, and I used to eat a high protein (meat) diet.

    I have personally had so many benefits- weight loss, sleeping better, acid reflux, clearer skin thicker hair and nails, MORE energy, and over all I am so happy. Why wouldn't I want to share this with others? If they don't want to listen, I understand.

    Acid reflux is a benefit?

    Well that is news to me.

    Also, I've experienced all the same.. while not cutting out a damn thing. So it really depends on the person.

    Preaching without providing real sources, is going to get you no where.. fast.
  • rbeckner711
    rbeckner711 Posts: 163 Member
    If I listen to every person on MFP who list what's wrong with every food item , then I would never eat. Stay under your calorie limit, exercise, and stop stressing.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Gosh. How did I live to be 62 with no health problems (touch wood). I love dairy and have eaten it all my life.

    The dairy industry has changed A LOT. Today, the dairy is loaded with growth hormones to produce more milk, antibiotics because cows are over milked and get udder infections, and even given steroids.

    Don't take my word for it- search for the truth.

    Milk- Got pus?

    Ok. Let me try here. First, let me preface my statements by saying that I have degrees in Animal Science, Biochemistry and
    Agricultural Education. I have been working as a professional in the Agriculture Industry for 30 years. So I believe that I know a little about production agriculture and having grown up in the dairy industry, that as well. My statements reflect the Ag Industry in the United States, other countries rules may to be the same.

    Growth hormones that may be given to dairy cows -( and are not given frequently to cattle as the increase in production is not really high enough to merit the time and expense of injection) are species specific. The hormone is Bovine Somatotropin. It will only effect members of the Bovine group. If you are not a cow, the hormone will not effect you. There is a similar growth hormone used in the hog industry, it is called Porcine Somatotropin. Again, species specific, if you are not a pig, it will not work in your body. Both of these Somatotropins help the animal to make more efficient use of the feed they are fed. In dairy cows, it helps the to put energy into milk production. In hogs, the hormone helps the animal to put energy into muscle (meat) production. Human Growth Hormone controls a lot of the endocrine function in the body. It is naturally produced by your pituitary gland at the base of your brain, just like BST and PST in the respective animal's bodies. HGH is necessary for growing children to achieve height and normal sexual hormone development, function and excretion. HGH, I given to a cow or pig would have no impact.

    The comment relative to antibiotics in milk is erroneous. There are hold times on milk from cows that are being treated with any kind of medication, especially antibiotics. When milk is picked up from each producer a vial is drawn and labeled. That vial is tested when the full tanker reaches the processor. If any vial of milk tests positive for medications the ENTIRE tanker is dumped and the producer responsible for the contamination ends up with a very stiff fine, not to mention the cost of refunding the other producers on the tanker's route for contaminating their milk which now cannot be sold.

    I have no clue where you got your information, but like the commercial tries to proclaim, "I read it on the Internet, they can't put anything on the Internet that isn't true" try again. Your source may not be all that reputable.

    Off to have an ice cold glass of milk!
    Thank you, Mrsjaybob! Very helpful information. I believe I'll join you and have a nice glass of milk myself.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Gosh. How did I live to be 62 with no health problems (touch wood). I love dairy and have eaten it all my life.

    The dairy industry has changed A LOT. Today, the dairy is loaded with growth hormones to produce more milk, antibiotics because cows are over milked and get udder infections, and even given steroids.

    Don't take my word for it- search for the truth.

    Milk- Got pus?

    One word . . . Organic

    When I was lactating I eliminated all animal milk for 16 months, when I returned to it I only did so after doing some extensive research which led me to one resounding conclusion . . . Organic.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    I make my milk from oats. It's quick, easy, and cheap. Sho cheep!

    How do you make it?
  • Mrsjaybob
    Mrsjaybob Posts: 156 Member
    Wow, you guys are brutal. She did some research and wanted to share what she learned. The facts are out there, but you have to find the research not paid for by the dairy industry. BTW, your hormones are directly linked to what you eat. To claim that something is completely hormone driven & has no correlation to what you eat is ignorance at best. Every part of your health is linked to what you eat.

    Thank you. I don't know why people get so aggressive. I am not trying to convert people, I just have come to know a lot of people, though meeting lots of raw foodists and vegans who have had so many health benefits- myself included- and I want to encourage others to research the same way I did. I used to be the same way, so I don't get mad when people are aggressive like this. My favorite food on the planet was cheese, and I used to eat a high protein (meat) diet.

    I have personally had so many benefits- weight loss, sleeping better, acid reflux, clearer skin thicker hair and nails, MORE energy, and over all I am so happy. Why wouldn't I want to share this with others? If they don't want to listen, I understand.

    We get aggressive because, like you, we also have opinions. Mine is, simply, that your data is inaccurate.
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    While it is true that a study recently came out of Harvard positively linking the hormones that cows naturally produce during lactation to cystic acne, I still eat yogurt and cheese.

    Almost all the things the OP listed are actually linked to the fact that dairy cows are primarily grain-fed cows. Cows aren't physiologically built to eat grain, not to mention the fact that the grain itself most often contains pesticide residue. They get fed grain and it tears up their stomachs and makes them sick, which means they need antibiotics to get better. Sure, that antibiotic may not show up in testing, but the fact remains the milk comes from an animal that was fed pesticides, herbicides, and artificial fertilizer. Bam, IBS and all sorts of nasty.

    I switched to organic dairy only, and no more IBS. I tried going dairy-free completely to resolve a lingering acne issue, but then could never get enough protein into my day.

    The answer for me is balance. Not blanket statements or Chicken Little-ing.

    *Edited to fix a spelling error :-)
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member

    They look like some of my coworkers...

    You work with panicking stick figures? Sweet