The udder truth



  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    It's all the dihydrogen monoxide in milk .. that stuff's found in all cancer tumors, industrial waste, you name it. ;)
    Yea; on t2kburl that's something that the food industry's "science" doesn't tell us.
    It's been proven that a very high percentage of people that have cancer or canerous cells have ingested DHMO at some point.
    DHMO is found in red meat, dairy AND most processed foods!!

    But, yea; ignorance is bliss, so most people just ignore that and keep eating their DHMO-laced foods!

  • rpmtnbkr
    rpmtnbkr Posts: 137 Member

    They look like some of my coworkers...

    Boy ain't that the truth?!?!?!?!?!
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member
    Breast milk,

    I am telling you, that is where the quality is at.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Breast milk,

    I am telling you, that is where the quality is at.
    Eat up!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Breast milk,

    I am telling you, that is where the quality is at.

    I heard some ice cream shop made ice cream out of human milk. I'm curious as to how it tasted....
  • helyla
    helyla Posts: 162 Member
    The chemicals in today's food is highly addictive! People do not over eat because they are hungry.
    People are over fed and under nourished. We can agree to disagree, but I am merely stating the scientific evidence.
    What you're telling me then is that every other time in history people exercised, except for now right- wrong!
    The difference between now and 50 years ago is the FOOD! Yes people over eat, but the food that people are eating is tricking their bodies into thinking they need more food. People are becoming over fed and under nourished.
    Choose to do as you want, but I choose to spread the truth- read the abstract for the scientific paper I posted, watch "forks over knives" or read "the china study" and get back to me. Would love to further discuss. I appreciate the dialogue.

    Maybe food is partially to blame, but I think the bigger problem is that everything is easy now. 50 years ago, people had to actually work to survive. They couldn't plop down in front of a computer or television for hours at a time (or they chose not to). The difference is, in today's society computer and television are a way of life, and you don't get any exercise doing that.

    Don't give people a scape-goat by saying it's an ingredient in the food that did it. People need to own up to what they have allowed themselves to become if they are overweight. They need to own up to what they have done wrong.

    For example, I'm overweight... I'm 182 pounds and not happy with my body...but it was ME and ME ALONE who caused me to get to where I am now. I ate portions that were too large, I didn't get off my *kitten* to exercise. My weight gain wasn't due to some cancer causing ingredient in milk or any other food.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    The food industry produces its own "science" to "debunk" proven links between their products and diseases.

    This statement is so laughable that it's not even funny.

    So... rather than using experimentation where potential variable and biases are removed, you would rather rely on observational data where a collection of people said "yeah... I feel sick a lot... and yeah... I drink milk everyday" but don't bother to ask them if they drink alcohol, smoke ciggarettes, eat read meat, consume trans fats, or fail to exercise. Because they feel sick a lot AND drink milk, then it must be the milk, right? No other contributing factor is possible?

    The studies that everyone wants to climb up on their soap box about are meant to establish a need for experimentation. Experimentation proves the observational findings, but even then the possibility of milk causing those conditions still can't be accepted as fact unless other people, not associated with the food industry, comes along and says they did the exact same experiments and got the exact same results.

    You talk about ignorance being bliss, but you are quite literally clueless about how science works. Ignorance must be bliss. Keep believing that avoiding milk is going to save you from cancer!
  • helyla
    helyla Posts: 162 Member
    Wow, you guys are brutal. She did some research and wanted to share what she learned. The facts are out there, but you have to find the research not paid for by the dairy industry. BTW, your hormones are directly linked to what you eat. To claim that something is completely hormone driven & has no correlation to what you eat is ignorance at best. Every part of your health is linked to what you eat.

    Thank you. I don't know why people get so aggressive. I am not trying to convert people, I just have come to know a lot of people, though meeting lots of raw foodists and vegans who have had so many health benefits- myself included- and I want to encourage others to research the same way I did. I used to be the same way, so I don't get mad when people are aggressive like this. My favorite food on the planet was cheese, and I used to eat a high protein (meat) diet.

    I have personally had so many benefits- weight loss, sleeping better, acid reflux, clearer skin thicker hair and nails, MORE energy, and over all I am so happy. Why wouldn't I want to share this with others? If they don't want to listen, I understand.

    Acid reflux is a benefit?

    Well that is news to me.

    Also, I've experienced all the same.. while not cutting out a damn thing. So it really depends on the person.

    Preaching without providing real sources, is going to get you no where.. fast.

  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    So many heads stuck in the sand. Sad

    Hello people. The food industry produces its own "science" to "debunk" proven links between their products and diseases.

    Go on thinking dairy, red meat and processed crap are perfectly good for human consumption if it makes you happy.

    Ignorance is bliss

    It really so sad how the industry has so engrained things into people's brains, that the people who are affected are the ones that defend it.
  • otterish
    otterish Posts: 50 Member

    It's all the dihydrogen monoxide in milk .. that stuff's found in all cancer tumors, industrial waste, you name it. ;)
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    So many heads stuck in the sand. Sad

    Hello people. The food industry produces its own "science" to "debunk" proven links between their products and diseases.

    Go on thinking dairy, red meat and processed crap are perfectly good for human consumption if it makes you happy.

    Ignorance is bliss

    It really so sad how the industry has so engrained things into people's brains, that the people who are affected are the ones that defend it.
    LOL....some people need real proof as opposed to a totally biased site that obviously has you not needing to see said proof, kinda ironic.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So many heads stuck in the sand. Sad

    Hello people. The food industry produces its own "science" to "debunk" proven links between their products and diseases.

    Go on thinking dairy, red meat and processed crap are perfectly good for human consumption if it makes you happy.

    Ignorance is bliss

    It really so sad how the industry has so engrained things into people's brains, that the people who are affected are the ones that defend it.

    I defend read meat. Been a vegetarian for 25 years. Your argument is invalid.
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    So many heads stuck in the sand. Sad

    Hello people. The food industry produces its own "science" to "debunk" proven links between their products and diseases.

    Go on thinking dairy, red meat and processed crap are perfectly good for human consumption if it makes you happy.

    Ignorance is bliss

    Milk--the promoter of chronic Western diseases.

    Melnik BC.

    Department of Dermatology, Environmental Medicine and Health Theory, University of Osnabrück, Sedanstrasse 115, D-49090 Osnabrück, Germany.

    Common chronic diseases of Western societies, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, cancer, hypertension, obesity, dementia, and allergic diseases are significantly influenced by dietary habits. Cow's milk and dairy products are nutritional staples in most Western societies. Milk and dairy product consumption is recommended by most nutritional societies because of their beneficial effects for calcium uptake and bone mineralization and as a source of valuable protein. However, the adverse long-term effects of milk and milk protein consumption on human health have been neglected. A hypothesis is presented, showing for the first time that milk protein consumption is an essential adverse environmental factor promoting most chronic diseases of Western societies. Milk protein consumption induces postprandial hyperinsulinaemia and shifts the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) axis to permanently increased IGF-1 serum levels. Insulin/IGF-1 signalling is involved in the regulation of fetal growth, T-cell maturation in the thymus, linear growth, pathogenesis of acne, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, obesity, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, thus affecting most chronic diseases of Western societies. Of special concern is the possibility that milk intake during pregnancy adversely affects the early fetal programming of the IGF-1 axis which will influence health risks later in life. An accumulated body of evidence for the adverse effects of cow's milk consumption from fetal life to childhood, adolescence, adulthood and senescence will be provided which strengthens the presented hypothesis.

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    More to come

    It really so sad how the industry has so engrained things into people's brains, that the people who are affected are the ones that defend it.
    LOL....some people need real proof as opposed to a totally biased site that obviously has you not needing to see said proof, kinda ironic.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    It's all the dihydrogen monoxide in milk .. that stuff's found in all cancer tumors, industrial waste, you name it. ;)
    Yea; on t2kburl that's something that the food industry's "science" doesn't tell us.
    It's been proven that a very high percentage of people that have cancer or canerous cells have ingested DHMO at some point.
    DHMO is found in red meat, dairy AND most processed foods!!

    But, yea; ignorance is bliss, so most people just ignore that and keep eating their DHMO-laced foods!


    Oh dear - I'll bet they have all drank water at some point too.

    Stop drinking water everyone , people who have cancer have drunk it so it must cause cancer.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member

    Milk--the promoter of chronic Western diseases.

    Melnik BC.

    Department of Dermatology, Environmental Medicine and Health Theory, University of Osnabrück, Sedanstrasse 115, D-49090 Osnabrück, Germany.

    Common chronic diseases of Western societies, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, cancer, hypertension, obesity, dementia, and allergic diseases are significantly influenced by dietary habits. Cow's milk and dairy products are nutritional staples in most Western societies. Milk and dairy product consumption is recommended by most nutritional societies because of their beneficial effects for calcium uptake and bone mineralization and as a source of valuable protein. However, the adverse long-term effects of milk and milk protein consumption on human health have been neglected. A hypothesis is presented, showing for the first time that milk protein consumption is an essential adverse environmental factor promoting most chronic diseases of Western societies. Milk protein consumption induces postprandial hyperinsulinaemia and shifts the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) axis to permanently increased IGF-1 serum levels. Insulin/IGF-1 signalling is involved in the regulation of fetal growth, T-cell maturation in the thymus, linear growth, pathogenesis of acne, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, obesity, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, thus affecting most chronic diseases of Western societies. Of special concern is the possibility that milk intake during pregnancy adversely affects the early fetal programming of the IGF-1 axis which will influence health risks later in life. An accumulated body of evidence for the adverse effects of cow's milk consumption from fetal life to childhood, adolescence, adulthood and senescence will be provided which strengthens the presented hypothesis.

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    More to come

    It really so sad how the industry has so engrained things into people's brains, that the people who are affected are the ones that defend it.

    Which was accepted; the alternate or the null hypothesis? Was this study performed on human test subjects and if so, was every other possible consumable removed, except dairy, from the test subjects' diets for a long period of time?

    All you have given here is the abstract. The abstract explains the observation that led to the study and what the researcher hoped to find. It does not tell you what was actually learned from the study. Nor does it give you details on how the study was performed.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Ok let me get my tin foil hat...

    ^ This.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    It's all the dihydrogen monoxide in milk .. that stuff's found in all cancer tumors, industrial waste, you name it. ;)
    Yea; on t2kburl that's something that the food industry's "science" doesn't tell us.
    It's been proven that a very high percentage of people that have cancer or canerous cells have ingested DHMO at some point.
    DHMO is found in red meat, dairy AND most processed foods!!

    But, yea; ignorance is bliss, so most people just ignore that and keep eating their DHMO-laced foods!


    I can also guarantee that 100% of people who have cancer have consumed water at some point in their lives.

    So please, stop drinking water. Think of your precious cells!
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    The food industry produces its own "science" to "debunk" proven links between their products and diseases.

    This statement is so laughable that it's not even funny.

    So... rather than using experimentation where potential variable and biases are removed, you would rather rely on observational data where a collection of people said "yeah... I feel sick a lot... and yeah... I drink milk everyday" but don't bother to ask them if they drink alcohol, smoke ciggarettes, eat read meat, consume trans fats, or fail to exercise. Because they feel sick a lot AND drink milk, then it must be the milk, right? No other contributing factor is possible?

    The studies that everyone wants to climb up on their soap box about are meant to establish a need for experimentation. Experimentation proves the observational findings, but even then the possibility of milk causing those conditions still can't be accepted as fact unless other people, not associated with the food industry, comes along and says they did the exact same experiments and got the exact same results.

    You talk about ignorance being bliss, but you are quite literally clueless about how science works. Ignorance must be bliss. Keep believing that avoiding milk is going to save you from cancer!

    GREAT response! :happy:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    So many heads stuck in the sand. Sad

    Hello people. The food industry produces its own "science" to "debunk" proven links between their products and diseases.

    Go on thinking dairy, red meat and processed crap are perfectly good for human consumption if it makes you happy.

    Ignorance is bliss

    Milk--the promoter of chronic Western diseases.

    Melnik BC.

    Department of Dermatology, Environmental Medicine and Health Theory, University of Osnabrück, Sedanstrasse 115, D-49090 Osnabrück, Germany.

    Common chronic diseases of Western societies, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, cancer, hypertension, obesity, dementia, and allergic diseases are significantly influenced by dietary habits. Cow's milk and dairy products are nutritional staples in most Western societies. Milk and dairy product consumption is recommended by most nutritional societies because of their beneficial effects for calcium uptake and bone mineralization and as a source of valuable protein. However, the adverse long-term effects of milk and milk protein consumption on human health have been neglected. A hypothesis is presented, showing for the first time that milk protein consumption is an essential adverse environmental factor promoting most chronic diseases of Western societies. Milk protein consumption induces postprandial hyperinsulinaemia and shifts the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) axis to permanently increased IGF-1 serum levels. Insulin/IGF-1 signalling is involved in the regulation of fetal growth, T-cell maturation in the thymus, linear growth, pathogenesis of acne, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, obesity, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, thus affecting most chronic diseases of Western societies. Of special concern is the possibility that milk intake during pregnancy adversely affects the early fetal programming of the IGF-1 axis which will influence health risks later in life. An accumulated body of evidence for the adverse effects of cow's milk consumption from fetal life to childhood, adolescence, adulthood and senescence will be provided which strengthens the presented hypothesis.

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    More to come

    It really so sad how the industry has so engrained things into people's brains, that the people who are affected are the ones that defend it.
    LOL....some people need real proof as opposed to a totally biased site that obviously has you not needing to see said proof, kinda ironic.
    That is not a study, that is a biased opinion based on milk protein consumption inducing postprandial hyperinsulinaemia which is not backed up by similar studies and they admit that. Again, your hearing what you want to hear and when you google "Milk--the promoter of chronic Western diseases" you kinda get this type of propaganda dressed up in a carrot suit. lol.