barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
Welcome to the greatest, most supportive, most encouraging thread…….this group of women changed my life. Even though the title says “Women 50+”, all women are welcome. We check in with each other regularly, set goals for ourselves, and encourage each other along the weight loss highway.

I am drinking another eight ounces of water as I write this…this thread is where I learned to keep a piece of paper and a pencil in my kitchen and make a tally mark for each eight ounces. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

How did you do on your goals for April? What are your goals for the month of May? With the weather getting warmer even up north where I am, it’s time for more outdoor activities and (for some of us) shorts and bathing suits.

We can do this together………never, never, never give up. :drinker: :bigsmile:


  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: I want to love May. I want it to be a month of recovery, regeneration and new hope. Of much life and love. :heart: Thanks Barbie for starting MAY 2010!!

  • JustBreathe
    JustBreathe Posts: 25
    Do you have room for one more? Tomorrow marks the end of my first week. As of this morning, I'm down 5 pounds and very excited! Looking forward to getting to know some ladies in my age group.
  • LifeAfter50
    LifeAfter50 Posts: 38
    Hello everyone!

    Just a quick note... please pray for everyone involved in the clean-up efforts of the oil spill... I live on the coast of Alabama and have personally volunteered to help with the clean up of our beaches and help save our wildlife.

    This is a MAJOR DISASTER for the coastal areas.. it has already started with the canceling of summer vacations, the charter boat captains are getting calls every hour to cancel trips that have been planned since last year... the fishermen and oyster reefs are already suffering... not to mention the birds, and other wildlife that make this area home...

    .My husband and I are headed to the beach Sunday for training classes on how to handle the wildlife that will be effected... It takes 2 people in protective gear to clean 1 bird... The oil is very toxic and the smell is horrendous.

    I know there are a lot of pet lovers on here.. can you imagine this happening to one of your furry loved ones?

    Thank you for your prayers:heart:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    This sounds like my kind of Gang....I mean, Group!!

    :smile: My goal for April was to lose 9 Pounds and walk in the OKC Memorial 5K Walk. I succeded in losing 7 Pounds and finishing the 5K in 60 Minutes!! That was 6 minutes less than my OWN Best time!

    For May I would like to lose 9 Pounds which would put me at exactly HALF of what I weighed last March 28th.
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Hello to one of my all-time favorite bunches of women. April has been a good month for me...feeling more secure in this new way of eating, getting a little off track before and at Easter then getting back on, getting more consistent with exercise, and losing a few pounds too. I'll have time to say, "Hey" more personally this weekend. In the meantime, I'm thinking about you and feeling grateful to be part of this group.
  • terrill
    terrill Posts: 4
    This is my first day and I did OK for calories, but am still not finished at work for the day and haven't exercised. I need to lose about 45 pounds. One of my daughters is getting married July 4th and I know I'll be in some of the wedding photos. I don't know if it's possible, but I'd like to lose 10 pounds in May and another 10 in June. Any good ideas from those of you who have lost weight fairly quickly? What made the most difference? I live in Alaska, so it's just getting warm enough to get outside again.
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Good morning ladies from sunny Greece where it's May Day already! Hubby and I are preparing to go out a bit and hopefully find some nature to enjoy today! (not easy in Athens!)

    I just wanted to jot down a quick reply here before I continue with the rest of my life. LOL
    I have been mostly good in April and I did lose the 3 kilos I had set as a goal, so I should be happy, right? NOT! Because I found out how easy it is to stray from healthy eating habits and start munching on empty carbs! So, my goal for May is to stay away from empty carbs!!! No potato chips, no chocolate, no popcorn, limit portions for nuts or even better... avoid them completely, they are a trigger food for me. Yes to healthy carbs: vegetables, fruit, whole grains. Yes to healthy proteins and healthy fats, i.e.: olive oil and omega3.
    I now know how to keep my daily calories in check, thanks to the MFP (sorry, hit enter by mistake) food log. Now it's time to take a serious look at the QUALITY of food I eat so I can train myself to adopt healthy eating habits.

    I just want to say once more how AMAZING all you ladies are and what an inspiration you have been for me. I hope yo get to know you all better this month as I join you in this weight loss journey.

    Have a GREAT MONTH all of you!

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :heart: Happy 1st May and good morning from York, the birds are singing, the sun is shining and I have lost another half pound Yeyyy. All is well with the world. :bigsmile:

    Welcome Callianna, Terrill and LJCannon :flowerforyou:

    :smile: Callianna 25 wow 5lbs lost in your first week, that’s really good - I’m into my second full month and I still have half a pound to go to lose 5lbs. This is a great place to find encouragement and support.
    LJ Cannon and Terrill - good luck with your goal of losing 9lb and 10lb a month - far too ambitious for me I’m afraid, I’m struggling to lose 2lb per month. :smile:

    How did I do on my April goals? - wanted to lose 2lb Met that goal. :smile: Bed before 11:30 p.m. met it 90% of the time. :smile: Drink more water - still need to meet this goal although I drink more water than I used to :ohwell: and exercise more often - not sure, I'm doing more walking now, but still need to up the exercise .:frown:

    So my goals for May are: Lose 3lb, drink more water, do a workout once a week.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    On a more serious note, Debbie thank goodness there are people like you and your husband in the world. I heard about the oil spill on the news, as you say it is a major disaster and I will be thinking of you on Sunday, it sounds as if it’s going to be a long dirty job cleaning up after the spill. :drinker: :heart:

    Thanks to Barbie for starting May 2010, I honestly don’t think I could have lost the few pounds I have without the help and support of everyone here, in fact I know I couldn’t. :heart:

    Well I’d best get on, just heard that my uncle Derrick is in bed poorly, so I’d better go and see how he is and make sure he’s got something to eat and drink near his bed if he can’t get out of it. Hope he doesn’t need the doctor, trying to get one on a Saturday is almost impossible, there’s an emergency number to ring and then you have to wait hours before the doctor will call you back , then he’ll decide if he needs to come and see the patient or not (they always ask if he can get to the surgery or hospital) He’s 83 for goodness sake !! This is where the NHS falls down, don’t be ill on a weekend if you are old and have no transport :grumble: :grumble:

    Moan over, Love to everyone :heart:

    Viv :smile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Donna! Jump right on in!

    I've heard that a simple rule of thumb is 1g of protein for every pound of body weight, so I upped my protein requirement. Seems I'm having a tough time reaching that goal. See, I prefer to get my protein from foods rather than a suppliment. However, it looks like I just may have to resort to a suppliment. When we were in FL, the health food store down there had this stuff called "fruitein". Actually, I brought it home because I don't have a blender down there and I really can't see buying one for the little we are down there. Anyway, I made some the other day, and it was quite sweet. I looked to see what the sweetener was but I couldn't find it.

    Stopped at the Salvation Army this afternoon. I'd been looking for a large coffee pot (one that makes something like 35 cups). I could find them -- but they are something like $50. The SA had one for $10. I tried it, and nothing seems to be wrong with it. See, I like to just stop in and sometimes get dishes to take snacks places. This way, I can leave the dish and know deep down inside that I only lost something like $1.

    Well, the Y is having their annual meeting. Last year they evidentally changed the venue to their teen center (which I didn't have a problem with). But when I got there I was asked to sign in (no problem) and then I was told "that'll be $7". At first they weren't going to have any food! And this meeting was at dinnertime! I commented about how we should have SOMETHING, so they had this buffet-style that they charged me $7 for. And the food - yuk. Lots of deep fried stuff. Anyway, this year they're going to have the meeting again so I wrote to the executive director saying that I was floored that I was charged (I would never dream of charging someone to say "thanks" for volunteering). He said that this year it'll be $10, catered by the same place. Now I'm seriously considering not going. Update: I'm really not saying anything just yet, but I don't plan to go. My son will be back in the states (ok, it'll be the end of this month, but I don't need to mention that part...). This will be my opportunity to talk to him about his advantures in Beijing, Warsaw, taking the train to Prague, Istanbul. Yes, I COULD talk to him another time. But to me that's a good excuse. Y meeting vs. my son, my son will win hands down.

    Faye - When we were in FL, I had the mother of all sinus headaches. It was the pollen, so I completely sympathize. I haven't had a headache that bad in years and years. Of course, the fact that my decongestant had expired didn't help any, either!

    Robin - I'll keep you and hubby in my prayers and thoughts. Hope all goes well for him. Update: I'm so very relieved to hear that it's kidney stones.

    Denise - good luck on your half marathon. I'm really not into running, I just don't like the jarring on my knees

    Donna - I'd go for the egg whites for breakfast rather than the oat cereal. The egg whites have more protein in them and will keep you feeling fuller longer. The oat cereal is probably high in carbs. Of course, you could do what I do many times, I add in some cottage cheese to the cereal just to get the protein amount up. Oh, not everyone weighs in on Fridays. Personally, I weigh in on Saturdays.

    Just got this recipe from SparkPeople for these chocolate muffins. Bastically, you take a box of chocolate cake mix and in place of the oil, eggs, etc. you add a can of pumpkin. You make 18 muffins, each muffin is 129 calories. They were very moist (I'm sure from the pumpkin). If anyone is interested, I can give you the rest of the nutritionals. They weren't hard at all to make.

    It's Thurs, did my hr of pilates. dh is out at a shooting (guns) session, so I might go downstairs and do some strength training for about 1/2 hr before he comes home. Update: did level 3 of the 30 Minute Shred.

    Rose - about the audit --- We had no question in our minds that you were doing a fantastic job. Glad the auditor saw that, too.

    It's Friday and I did 30 min HIIT on the elliptical and then 30 min on the treadmill (1 min @3%, 1 min @ 4%, 2 min @5%, 2 min @6%, 1 min @3% etc). So far I've had 96 oz and will probably have another 16 before the night is out. Tomorrow will be yoga, don't know what I'm doing yet on Sun, next Mon I'll do an hr of spinning, Tues I'll do the Jari Love Extremely Ripped DVD, Wed. water aerobics, Thurs pilates and then if it works into the schedule 30 min of the Shred DVD, Friday I'll do a step DVD, then perhaps yoga on Sat. Like I've said, I have to have it planned out or it won't get done.

    I have a belly dance DVD, maybe I should try that on Sunday.

    OK, WHERE did April go to???????

    Welcome calinna (did I spell that right?) Tell us more about yourself.

    Welcome terrill. I believe you CAN lose 10 labs by July 4. That's a healthy weight to lose -- a little more than 2lbs/week. You may only get to 8 lbs, but that'll be great! Where is the wedding? Honestly, there are no "quick fixes". Watch nutrition, exercise (cardio and strength -- you need both), and drink water. That'll do it. As far as what made the most difference? You know, everyone is different. I know that if I eat (even fruit and healthy foods) after around 8, I can be assured of a weight gain (little as it may be) the next day. Some people aren't like that. Log EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth, and I do mean everything. Every little bite, no matter how small. If you can't find the exact same items here on MFP, try to find something that is similar. You will be surprised at how some foods you thought were good for you are really high in sodium or some other item. Eventually, you'll get to the point where you don't have to log everything, but start out logging everyting.

    I'm going to continue TRYING (key word) to avoid sodium and artificial preservatives, but it's so very hard. I'm planning to make some pulled pork sandwiches this week and the original recipe calls for "your favorite barbecue sauce". Well, I'm planning to make my own barbecue sauce. Yes, there is sugar in the ketchup. But at least I won't be getting all those preservatives.

    Welcome LJ Cannon. Sounds like you are really motivated. That's great.

  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Hello Everyone ..... welcome to May!

    :happy: I'm sure you've all managed to achieve or at least get most of the way on your April Goals .... Good Luck with your May Goals.

    :happy: Well ...I could hardly believe my eyes this morning when the scales showed153.75lbs !!! Just that small loss really spurs you on doesn't it? The food diary's been done and the chicken curry will be healthy for tonight ....hopeful to at least keep below 154lb for tomorrow so no wine tonight!! I'll try and do the 15 minutes on the exercycle too ...oh...and I have done some cleaning . Now the arms better I haven't got an excuse have I!!

    :flowerforyou: Hello to Donna56, Calliana, Terrill and LJCannon ..... glad you've come aboard! Little or great losses do make a difference and there's plenty of either here!

    :glasses: Denise ..Without looking back on the April thread ...i guess your Half Marathon will be tomorrow ...good luck,hope the weather will be good for you.

    :glasses: BirdieM - Have a great Retreat weekend. I did one a few months ago and found such peace there. We all need some "Me" time ...enjoy!

    :smokin: Michelle - let us know if you do your Belly Dance Class! I only managed to get to a few , several years ago, but I certainly found I'd used muscles I didn't know I had!! The skirt /scarf with all those gold discs on is still in the drawer!

    :heart: Viv - I hope your Uncle is Ok and managed to see a doctor. It's bad enough dragging yourself to the doctors when you're feeling unwell... let alone a poorly "Senior Citizen" isn't it?

    :heart: Debbie - Well done for volunteering to assist in the oil clear up. I feel that we ....UK. ..I think it's still British...should apologise for BP causing such a dreadful calamity. Where to start ? ..... How to do it? ....... BP had better pay the £££ but they won't be able to pay the true cost ...to the animals and to the people whose lives will have been ruined.

    Nothing else to report ...haven't been to see Mum yet. We have some homemade Scotch Broth for her today ...I can vouch for it ...it was lovely.....just had to have some at lunch today.

    Cheerio for now
    :heart: BFN

  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Good Morning ladies. I hope everyone has a nice weekend and a great month. :smile: My goals for May are:

    1) To lose 4 lbs by the end of the month. That's about 1 lb. a week.

    2) Drink more water. I have a hard time with that seeing I don't like water. I have to add crystal light to it to give it some taste.

    3) To eat healthier foods. I'm off to a start on that. I bought a vegetable steamer yesterday and made cauliflower in it and it was goooooood. :smile:

    The heathy food thing is tough, because I am sooooo picky. This morning I made 2 slices of turkey bacon, microwave scrambled egg, and a 100 calorie muffin. The dog ate most of it! :grumble:

    I magically lost another half lb. overnight :drinker: I'm not logging it because I want to wait for Friday but I couldn't help but weigh myself again this morning because I am getting excited about losing weight :love:

    Barb - you said something about changing my fiber intake on my food diary. How do I do that, or do I just do it in my head?

    Today is going to be a very hard day to excercise. We are supposed to have thunder storms and rain is a sedative for me. Just the clouds alone makes me lazy.:yawn:

    Well enough babblin' I have some housework to do, so you ladies have a good day! :flowerforyou:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Hi! :flowerforyou:

    May I join you for May? I need a little accountability and support.

    May goals for me:
    drop 3 more pounds (I am a slow loser):smile:
    drink more water (big coffee drinker here!):drinker:
    up the frequency of exercise to 4-5 X week

    It is a dreary day in the midwest. A great day for an indoor workout and some housework. Will check in later. Thanks for the great thread! :heart:
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Fabulous--- Welcome! I am new to this group and let me tell you, For the few days I have been on here, I have found that these ladies are very informative, fun, animal lovers, and just all around nice people.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member

    Happy May Day.

    I am so happy to be here, thanks to Barbie for starting the new thread. Thank you ladies for you great posts and inspirational stories.

    This lovely morning more than makes up for last nights storms here. We missed the worst of things. Prayers for those in the south who were not so fortunate.

    My problems were limited to water in the basement. It blew and rained so hard that the water came in under the back door.
    My exercise area was soaked. So my night workout consisted of moving furniture, and cleaning floors. Ther rugs were already wet so I washed them as well. I now have a really clean workout area, or will have as soon as I move things back into place.

    For April I maintained a healthy lifestyle, except for adequate sleep, which can be in short supply on a farm in the spring.
    I am getting plenty of exercise, and drinking my water. I did up my calories as per Dr. My weight varies 2 to 4 pounds in either direction but has not really changed.

    For the month of May I will maintain the lifestyle and attempt to get more sleep. I will lose 4 pounds of real weight, even if it means shaving my head!

    Welcome to all the new people in our neighborhood. Love reading the snippets of all your lives. Prayers for those in need, an those caring for family members, and those recovering from the loss of a loved one.

    May is a beautiful month and a great time for a new beginning:heart::flowerforyou: :heart: Alice
  • canroadrunner
    canroadrunner Posts: 203 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join in too. I'm back to MFP after two months away. I was lucky that even though I was eating terribly for the last two months, I didn't gain weight back. However, I had a relationship end in April and I'm looking to May for a new start. I already know that my exercise level will be up in May as both dragonboating (twice per week) and softball (once per week) begin their seasons. I'll also be able to walk with some motivating friends as the weather improves.
    My goals for May are to lose 5 lbs., eat more fruits and vegetables daily, and to look forward to new beginnings.
  • dmdinfla
    dmdinfla Posts: 19 Member
    Hi. Joined MFP a few weeks ago. Started weight loss at 190 back on Feb 1. I lost 5 lbs in that month. Then in March I lost 4 lbs and started tracking bodyfat. I started with a 37% measure :noway: and lost 4.4%. April was OK...lost another 4 lbs and only .07% bodyfat. So right now I'm at 177 lbs and 31.4%BF Working my butt off doing a beach boot camp 3 mornings a week and started doing P90x this past Monday. Ohhhh...the knees and back! Great workout though. I'm 5'8" and live in 'sparkling Clearwater, FL'....where it's getting pretty hot already. :wink: Goals for May are :drinker: DRINK MORE WATER...and you can remind me anytime you reply to me....lose 5 pounds and 1.5% BF and to be able to actually do a few chin-ups! :embarassed: Anyway, it's a beautiful breezy day and I have a big list of to-do's...
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning ladies, I just stopped by to say good morning, catch up on the posts and to set my goals for May.
    :heart: Barbie-you are truly the glue that keeps us together. Thank you

    :smile: My goals for April were
    1. find time to get on and post every day – almost accomplished
    2. walk every day at lunch – except when it rained
    3. start drinking my quota of water every day again- this one was easy to accomplish
    4. stay focused – easier said than done
    Pretty much stuck to goals and lost 10lbs to boot.

    :smile: My goals for May are
    1. Lose 10lbs
    2. Drink at least 4 16oz bottles of water a day
    3. Walk every day in addition to exercise
    4. Stay focused
    5. Get my home office organized

    :heart: Thank you, Michelle, Denice and Barbie for your support and encouragement. It is pretty sad when I get more support and encouragement from my MFP family than I do from my blood family. I thank GOD for all of you on this thread. Without your support I couldn’t have come this far.
    :bigsmile: Welcome to Terrill, LJCannon, Callianna, and Donna56
    :flowerforyou: Jackie- 157.75 WOW, I am envious. I haven’t weighed that in 35 years
    :flowerforyou: Viv- Congrats on the weight loss
    :flowerforyou: Callianna-Wow 5lbs, keep it going down
    :flowerforyou: Debbie- All of my thoughts and prayers for you and those, like you, who are willing to give of themselves. Thank you for your compassion for God’s creatures and the environment. You are to be commended
    :flowerforyou: Jeannie-way to go, you look fabulous.
    :flowerforyou: Amalia- what a beautiful name. Congratulations on the weight loss.
    :flowerforyou: Michelle-after reading your post I know why your “exermom” I was exhausted just reading it
    :cry: Sorry if I missed anyone.
    :smile: I am at my daughter’s house babysitting while she and hubby are at work. Grandkids are waking up,time to change diapers and give them breakfast.
    :happy: plans for today are to take grandkids on a 2 mile walk (them riding in stroller, me pushing. Should burn extra calories pushing all that weight:laugh: ) and then take them to my house to play while I do yard work.
    :heart: Everyone have a safe and glorious Saturday, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy May Day!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    So life is starting to get back to normal. DH passed both large stones last evening. He is exhausted this morning but pain free. So I think we will be able to go out to dinner tonight and off to the Mariners game tomorrow to celebrate our anniversary. One year of wedded bliss. Thank you all again for you support during this scary time. You all got me thru.

    Barbie - thanks for starting the May thread. YOu are indeed the glue.

    Reb - I love you. :love:

    Welcome Callianna, Terrill, LJCannon, canroadrunner,and dmdinfla

    Debbie - thank you. people like you are inspirational.

    Viv - I am sorry your Uncle is doing poorly.

    Michele - I love protein smoothies. I have one every day after I workout.

    Jackie - congrats on the weight loss. Sorry you couldn't have wine tho.

    Donna - if you go to goal and manually change them you can input whatever you want for fiber. Mine is set at 30

    Fab - You are always welcome friend of mine. this is a great group.

    Alice - Well at least you have a nice clean workout area. that is definately looking on the bright side.

    Lauarel - awesome job on you April goals:drinker:

    Enjoy the first day of May!!!!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's me again.....:bigsmile: doing the HAPPY DANCE for Robin and her DH. Prayers have been answered. TBTG.....
    Enjoy the weekend and Happy Anniversary
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    so I changed the profile pix just for this weekend to celebrate that awesome day a year ago. It was in Sedona Arizona and we were at a beautiful B &B and our kids were there (the last time all four of them were together was 2002) But this is my favorite pix.