

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I don't think I mentioned how cute the new edition to your family is. What a nice birthday present for you.

    WTG on keeping your eye on the prize and making good choices.

    I knew there were other singles on here, but just couldn't remember who, when I posted that message to Mimi. I plead failing memory for not realizing it was you.:flowerforyou:

    Have a good visit with your friends. Hope your mum gets to come home soon. Maybe you need to light a fire underneath some of the social service people. I realize you have a different system than we do in the States, but I have accomplished a lot in the last two months for both my parents, healthwise, by actively challenging their health care provider. They have a new primary care physician. They both got referred to physical therapy activities so they can learn new exercise techniques to help them maintain or improve their mobility. I am not sure how much "h3ll" you can raise within your system, but it can't hurt to try.

    Congrats on maintaining your loss despite your vacation. Oh what a feeling!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Enjoy your time with your hubby. I know how much you missed him.:flowerforyou:

    Glad you are enjoying your visit. Sorry you have to wait to brag about grandchildren. Good things take time!!:bigsmile: Hopefully the feline and canine charges you are watching will behave themselves, so your visit doesn't get more exciting than you want. Take care.

    (If you read the Golden Sneakers thread, below is a "rerun")

    Today started early. I was up at 6a, went to my friend Rosemary's where I made an omelette with veggies and sausage for the three of us (her hubby was there also), and then she and I studied for a couple of hours until she had to go to work. Our good friend Thomy joined us as all three of us are studying for the Wash state insurance license exam.

    After I left there, I went to my mom's, just down the street from where I was, to get her grocery list. I came home to check on the doggies, and was surprised to only have Pepper and Mai Li clamoring at the front door when I arrived. Bradley is usually the first one at the door and he is very vocal about letting my know that I should have come home sooner!!:laugh: When he didn't appear, I peeked out on the patio. There he was, having a "sun bath!":noway: Today is the first really nice warm sunny day we have had, and apparently, he decided to enjoy the patio!! He came through the doggie door quickly, and made up for lost time, by giving me the "word" about my transgressions!!:laugh:

    I got everybody settled down and then I went shopping for my mom and for the dinner I was supposed to be making tonight for some other friends. After I had everything purchased for a big shrimp vegetable stir fry with noodles, my friend called and cancelled. Her spouse has some serious alcohol-related issues so you never know what condition he will be in by day's end, and she said this was NOT the night for us to get together. Hopefully tomorrow will work better, as I have a pound of shrimp, 2 packages of udon noodles, a bunch asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, as well as peppers and onions. Even though I LOVE all these things, it would take me several days to eat all of this!!:noway:

    Maybe it turned out for the best. I haven't been getting up as early as I did this morning, so along about 5p when I got home, I decided it was "nap time." I laid down for about an hour and a half, and have spent a quiet night watching tv with "the piggies." So maybe the cancelled dinner wasn't all bad. For some reason, I didn't really get too hungry today after our breakfast, which included v8 juice, clementine oranges, and fiber plus muffins, plus the omelette. The only other thing I ate the rest of the day was some Healthy Ones roast beef, while I was shopping. I am finally getting hungry now, so I think I will have some yogurt and maybe a mini-bagel and call it a night.


  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good Afternoon everyone ..... cold and grey here...again!!!

    Posting before we go off to hospital and then ...out to play!!!

    :frown: Any other insomniacs amongst us???
    Last night or rather this morning I saw in 1.00am, 2.00am,3.00am 4.00am etc. I do love listening to the dawn chorus...really!!
    but...:noway: boy do those birds make a lot of noise!! There I was ....having got up and tidied the bedroom drawers, tried on a few clothes etc ...listening to the start up few tweets at 4.00am. Then, gradually others joined in near and far. I heard song thrush, blackbirds, wrens, jackdaws, sparrows and our two collared doves coo, coo, cooing!! Then ..... it was the flight of the orange and white easyJet bird as it was over head en route to Liverpool. Then ...the lesser haired "Other Half" added to the chorus with not so gentle snoring . :huh: When he woke me at 8.30am I really did not want to get up!!!
    How does anyone else deal with those nights when your mind's racing and no matter what, you just can't get to sleep!!
    I know I could have crept down and got on the exercycle in the garage but it was cold!!

    Barb .... I hope you managed to deal with your surplus food wisely. Don't you just hate it when that happens. I know you try to be cool with it as there are always valid reasons but it's such an anti climax when you've been looking forward to seeing friends.
    I know when we had our Pub / Restaurant 24/7 ..we had been looking forward to seeing old friends from the south of England one October. We had arranged cover for the bars etc and had things planned. When we got a phone call to say they weren't coming because the weather was going to be bad I'm afraid I was rather ungracious and a bit "Uppity". When we saw the weather reports later on we couldn't believe it ....Hurricanes lashed the south of England causing great damage in a huge Swathe of countryside. Oops!! Needless to say I apologised profusely and thank goodness our friendship was strong enough to continue!
    :ohwell: That'll teach me to open my mouth too quickly eh?!! .....Moi?

    Anyway .... I'm off now to throw a few things in an overnight bag, put some washing on to cook, programme the cat food boxes to avoid the starvation of Chaz and sapphy...Not!!!....and of to the hospital.

    :heart: Jackie
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Dance it's Friday

    Jeannie - yep drinking the water is truly a key:wink: I have found that when I don't drink enough hardly anything goes away:cry: so Drink, Drink, Drink:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Water that is!

    Jackie - have a good time in Southport:flowerforyou: Listening to the birds do their spring singing...we haven't had that yet:huh: it's been too cold for them to get up early enough to sing and watch a sun rise, maybe next month:wink:

    Ainslieglen - when you look at your ticker and see how much you have lost it's inspiring:flowerforyou: and you continue to do well even visiting the family!

    Kackie- Congrats on staying the same after your Bahamas trip:flowerforyou: I can only hope that I will be the same when I return from Oregon, my last time there in March it took me two weeks to return to what I was before the trip:cry: making my loss for March only 2/10 of a pound :cry:

    Terri- you amaze me with your exercise even while away:drinker: for some reason that's what's first to go when I'm away from home.

    Barb- The Shrimp stir fry sounds wonderful and I hope your friend is able to make it:drinker: it's a good thing that both of you are flexable with her situation.


    I talked with Mom yesterday and she is starting to get very forgetful. I was telling her things that I've told her several times, she giving things away that have already been promised to others and forgetting what she's already given me:huh: and it was causing her embarrasment so she cut the call short. I've had to call my cousin and tell him that he can't have the truck that Mom told him to take and I'm going to have to remind her again that when she gets moved we will be putting things in her room that make it feel like it's home for her. I'm sure this would be easier if I lived there because this long distance stuff is for the birds:grumble:

    The scale was kind this morning and I have lost another 1.2 lbs. I'm hoping that I will be able to meet my second goal for May but am unsure about that third one, it may have been too much of a stretch:huh:

    Everyone have a good Friday, and keep fighting off those pounds with plenty of exercise, water and healthy eating:drinker:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Congratulations to all who have lost weight, have new babies around, having a good week/day.

    To those struggling with elderly parents - hang in there. I wish I could say it gets easier, but ..............I'd be lying. Question all providers involved and never stop fighting for your parents rights. As far as the forgetfulness - have a glass a wine and take a deep breathe.

    Our family finally got up enough nerve to watch Marley and Me. Yes, we all cried except hubby.

    I'm doing good heading into the weekend and looking forward to a baby shower and all the cute stuff that comes with them.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning all,
    Well all the exercise paid off this week. Even though I have been bloated all week with TOM I had a .8 pound loss this week. Better still I am out of the 160's and into the 150's . I haven't been there in years. the weather is supposed to be nice for a few days so I plan to work on the wall alot. Hey it burns close to 300 calories and hour when I do according to my HRM so why not. So I think my plan is to continue the insane exercising (6550 calories burned this week) for another two weeks and then I may change things up. My big five oh is in two weeks and I want to really push up till then. I am sure I will need a change by then to keep the losses going.

    I hope you all have an absolutely awesome day filled with joy and wonder:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just a quick hello to all!:happy: Have a busy weekend as my daughter is having a yard sale on Sunday :noway: (she is planning on moving soon) and I have offered my services on both days.:smile: Her house has been on the verge of foreclosure and they're trying to do a Short sale.:frown: She's looking to move into an apartment complex as soon as possible. :ohwell:
    Another daughter is moving from an apartment into a house,:flowerforyou: and the closing is around June 4th.:noway: Kind of mixed emotions.:ohwell: One is falling apart and the other one excited about the move:flowerforyou: . :cry: We have ALL done as much as we possibly could for the daughter losing her house. Sometimes it's just so hard to let your children make their own mistakes. :ohwell: Maybe she'll be happier NOT owning a house. I guess it's not for everybody.:ohwell:

    Reading the posts but no time to respond to each. So have a great day ....and weekend...in case I can't check in! ONE DAY AT A TIME.....right?
    God Bless:heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Evening Ladies

    :smile: Well uncle is out of hospital and back home I telephoned him to make sure he had everything he needed but haven't been down today. I'll be going tomorrow and have a quick tidy up and get a bit of shopping for him,

    :smile: Went on another long dog walk last night and forgot to put my ped on again. The walking challenge starts next week on 20th May, so I'll have to remember to wear it then. I found it a little easier last night than the first time, so a few more longer walks and I should be able to walk miles.:bigsmile:

    :smile: Although I don't look any slimmer, I do feel better in myself and I'm trying hard to choose healthy options and not snack too much. It's weigh in day tomorrow for me so I hoping my hard work has paid off.

    :flowerforyou: BirdieM it is hard to let children make their own mistakes isn't it :frown: , all we can do is be there to help them. I hope your daughter (that's losing her house) is happy in her new place, it's not easy owning a house these days, there's always something that needs doing. Hope she gets settled soon and can put all the worry behind her.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie it's a coincidence that you have just watched Marley and Me - when I got home from work my daughter was watching it, I saw a bit of it but came onto the computer before the end. Daughter has just come in and said it makes her so sad (it's the second time she's watched it) and she wants to hug the dogs because they are so precious.:smile:

    :flowerforyou: Laura congratulations on your weight loss, you are doing so well . Sorry to hear your mum is getting forgetful and is giving things away, it must be hard for you doing everything long distance.

    I'd better go and do the washing up and do a bit of housework - it will be less for me to do tomorrow, must make the most of not going for a dog walk tonight and keep moving :bigsmile: I think it's Barbie that says "If you are moving you're losing. So here's me getting moving :smile:
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Ha ha ha! Did someone say Marley and Me? I love that movie! It makes me cry everytime.:cry: I have watched it atleast 3 times and will watch it again some day :wink:

    Congratulations to all that have lost this week and good going to those that are working hard on burning those calories. :flowerforyou:

    The scale wasn't as nice to me this morning as I hoped. It was my fault though, I ate a klondike bar lastnight :noway: I still managed to lose about a half a pound though :laugh: I worked my butt off today mowing the lawn. I usually don't do it, Bill does, but I thought it would be a good thing to do to burn calories and it was. I burned way over 600 calories! :drinker: Now I have over 1300 calories left to eat and I already ate breakfast and lunch.:huh: I can't see me eating all of them today, but who knows, Bill wants spaghetti tonight :grumble:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Donna - I get excited when I order new fitness DVD's, so I can understand your excitement over your HRM.
    I COMPLETELY forgot the zumba class today. I would like a smaller class, and they have one at 12:10. I looked at the clock at around 12:20 and realized I'd forgotten the class. Wish there was one that was small but earlier in the a.m. That seems to work better for me.

    Yesterday I did an hour at 4mph on the treadmill, incline intervals (2 min @ 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, 3% etc). Today I did Karen Voits Burn & Firm DVD for 45 min. Tomorrow I'm thinking that I'll do the Stairmaster.

    Well, PJ seems to be doing better. Jessica has been force feeding him. We also have been giving him an appetite stimulant. I really don't feel good about force feeding him. Now giving him that appetite stimulant I have no problem with, I'm just not comfortable force feeding him. Vince does it mostly.

    Well, the vet called, seems that what PJ has isn't an infection so antibiotics are totally ineffective. He has a mass around his intestine. What they don't know is if the cancer has spread into the intestine. So...he's going to have exploratory surgery Mon. If all goes well, it'll be a mass that they can remove.

    You know, I have this rash that is SOO itchy. Jackie, you asked about insomniacs. Last night I was up at 3a.m. itching. I really think it's more a heat rash than anything else. When I exercise, sometimes I don't take a shower right afterwards. I remember a few years ago I had this rash right around my waist, where the clothes end. I told the MD that it was a heat rash, she insisted that "no, it's a food allergy", so she put me on Prednisone. The next day we went away on vacation to a much cooler climate. The rash was gone in a day. So I just stopped the Prednisone (I didn't know that you should wean yourself off it!). Lately, I've been walking around with a tube of Lanacane in my pocket. As soon as I start to itch, on it goes!

    Did an hour speed intervals on the Stairmaster today, had 144oz. I can't believe how much I sweated!

    rjadams - congrats on being in the 150's. Feels good, eh????

    oh Birdie - how well I can relate to the heartache of letting your children learn from their mistakes! It hurts to just stand there and know what's going to happen, you can tell them, but it doesn't sink in until they feel the consequences of their actions. I guess the best thing you can do is not say "I told ya", just be there for them.

    Yoga tomorrow.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    :blushing: I'm embarrassed to say I have just been slacking:grumble: A big ole slacker!

    And I'm paying for it too.

    But I am determined to get back at it.

    I'll be back on Monday; Face the scale and post the numbers!

    Have missed you all,

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Okay so on the subject of Marley and Me. Hits way to close to home. Look at the Bodi boy.(see avatar and ticker) See what I mean. He eats everything, furniture, maple trees, pens, and jewlwery (good thing I pick up the poop):blushing: that movie tears me apart.:sad: I constantly worry about his stomach flipping.:noway:

    so it is friday. I have worked really hard this week and am enjoying my Kendall Jackson Chardonnay. I actually completed a 30 minute straight jog today. and to think 3 months ago I couldn't jog one minute let alone 30.

    Michele good luck with PJ exploratory surgery, I have you in my thoughts.

    Hey donna what would you dooooooo for a Klondike bar? Just say no!!!!

    wizzywig glad uncle is out of the hospital

    Birdie I talk to my daughters regularly and hearing the mistakes they are making sometimes breaks my heart but they have to learn and they don't always want to listen to mee. so I feel your pain.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    so it is friday. I have worked really hard this week and am enjoying my Kendall Jackson Chardonnay. I actually completed a 30 minute straight jog today. and to think 3 months ago I couldn't jog one minute let alone 30.

    And I am enjoying a glass of homemade red. In fact, a couple of them. Robin, your work-outs are truly inspiring. I was trying to equal some of what you are doing by biking back and forth from work today. 20 k each way. Going TO work being the easier ride, because coming FROM work is against the wind and mostly uphill. Quite the workout! Off to the shower I go.

    I have a busy weekend ahead. Wishing all my MFP friends a great weekend!

    :heart: :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Good Friday Evening to all of you. Had another great day in So. Cal. For not wanting to live here full-time, I sure do enjoy it when we come to visit. Paula and I walked dogs, swam, had lunch by the pool, went mega-shopping, and came back and cooked a nutritous and healthy dinner. Now I'm just finishing up my logging and posting and plan to go finish sipping a glass of wine and watch a recorded program from last night! It sure is different though when you live here and drive two hours each way in rush hour traffic five days a week to get to that job you have to have to pay for the house!:ohwell:

    Have a great night all. For those who are struggling, hang in there--it will pass! For those who are doing well--kudos...however, it too will probably pass! Again...:ohwell: ...Later...
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    If one glass of wine is fantastic, another one is not necessarily better...repeat...if one glass.......:noway:

    Having house guests to attend a wedding...will try to do better today?????

    Have a good weekend all, and remember how good those good choices feel the next day, Kackie:heart::heart: :heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi :flowerforyou:

    :frown: Well I forgot to weigh myself this morning,I've just remembered now after eating a few chips :embarassed: ( I bought a bag from the fish and chip shop on my way home from Derricks) I thought a little of what you fancy does you good (anyone buying that? :ohwell: ) I gave Tony (hubby) most of them and I had a very small plate for myself - I am so sick of sandwiches I felt like a change. Will weigh in tomorrow now.

    :frown: Uncle Derrick came out of hospital yesterday and is in bed today. I went down before lunch to see if he needed anything from the shop and he was back in bed. I'm not sure if he is tired because he didn't get much sleep in hospital being in a ward with other people all making snoozy noises, or if he is poorly, he said he feels weak and tired. He said he had been up earlier but had then gone back to bed. I'll check on him later today and get the doctor back out to him if he's no better.

    :flowerforyou: Have a good weekend all - I will try to choose healthy options for the rest of the day otherwise I am sure my ticker will be going down instead of up.

    Viv :heart:
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Good morning ladies:flowerforyou: I am happy happy happy! My HRM is going to be put in my hands today. I just checked the order status and it is already at my post office and by now, in the mail man's truck. Whooo Hoooo!:bigsmile: Another thing, just for the heck of it, I got on the scale and weighed myself again and it says I lost another lb.! I guess mowing the lawn yesterday paid off :smile: It took me almost an hour and a half to mow what I did and there still is the back half that needs to be done, soooo, guess what I am going to do once the HRM is strapped on? lol. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning :laugh: My landlord usually does most of the mowing with a riding mower because we have a huge yard (2 big lots), but I am doing it with a push mower to burn these calories.

    Michele - A hour @ 4mph, Wow!!!! I can only do 3mph for 30 min and then I feel like I just ran a marathon :laugh: Good for you :flowerforyou: I truly hope PJ will be okay. It must be really hard on your family, thoughts are deffinately with you. When I first started going tanning, I broke out with a rash and it drove me absolutely insane with all the itching! :grumble: I swear I couldn't go 5 seconds without wanting to tear my skin off, so I know how you feel.

    Robin - About the stomach flipping, that brought to my mind about a friend I used to have in Chicago. She had a huge german shepard named Sparky. The funny thing is, my friends name is Robin also. Anyways, Robin fed Sparky and then took her outside to do her business and while walking down the stairs, Sparky's stomach flipped. Ofcorse Robin didn't know it at the time, but a couple days later, Sparky's stomach swelled about the size of a basket ball! She had surgery to fix it and it was iffy for a couple of days, but Sparky ended up living a very long healthy life.

    Rebel - I had a wine night with the girls lastnight also. I am surprised I didn't get sick though. I drank a glass of homemade apple wine, a glass of chardonney, 2 glasses of white zifandale. Way too much mixing! :grumble: I feel fine though, and felt pretty fine lastnight too :laugh:

    Well I guess I'll go for now. I am sure I will be back later. I hope everyone has a very nice weekend and a healthy one:smile:

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Birdie--I feel for you, too. My daughters are really good at making mistakes. My 18 year old especially is messing up BIG time right now and I can't do anything about it! All I get told is "You can't stop me, I'm 18", etc. and it is breaking my heart. I hope she knows I'll be here for her!

    Robin and Rebel--Oh how I wish I'd stuck to a glass of wine yesterday! We had a barbeque and I had a drink (hard liquor) and, wow! That did me in--AND all my good intentions, too! Thankfully, I have noticed that blowing it now isn't even close to what it would have been in the past!

    Actually, I think the drink affected me so much because of the stress and sleeplessness caused by my 18 year old! It has been a bad week for stress!

    I am drinking lots of water today and will be getting some extra walking in as well as my usual Saturday workouts so I hope that will help.

    Have a good day, everyone!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's Satuday Morning!

    Michele, am hoping that PJ's surgery finds it's not as bad as it sounds:flowerforyou: Sorry that you are having iching problems, that can really be frustrating, especially when it wakes you up in the night:grumble:

    Cindy - Take one day at a time and Make Monday a good day with all of us pulling for you:flowerforyou:

    Donna - Klondike bar YUM YUM :wink: can't remember when I last had one of those, because I'm stocking those Skinny Cow ice cream bars and they take the desire off for me:blushing:

    Wizzywig - glad Uncle is out of the Hospital:flowerforyou: hope he continues to improve.

    Donna56 - sorry the scale wasn't as encouraging as you had hoped:grumble:but it looks like this morning the scale is your friend again today:flowerforyou:

    Rebel - the wine sounds wonderful, but how do you calculate all those calories:ohwell: I'm afraid that it's been so long since I've had more than one glass that two would send me over the edge:blushing:

    Terri- your So Calif trip is sounding wonderful...it's a place to visit and not live:ohwell: We moved from there in 1976 and occasionally go back to visit family:smile:

    Kackie - you do make me laugh...one glass of wine:wink:

    Viv - glad Uncle Derrick is home in bed, but sorry to hear that he's still not up to snuff.:cry: sometime all that laying around just makes one weaker and getting up and moving (at a slow pace) is what it takes to get back at it...will keep him in my prayers. And how you can manage to forget to get on the scale :wink: I think for me it's what keeping me on track, unfortunately when I forget and stop getting on the scale that is when the weight comes back, as evidenced that I stopped weighing my self last March 2009:grumble: and then when the year was up I had gained #30 by the end of the year....and now here I am:bigsmile: The big difference this time is that I'm eating better, drinking the water, exercising and hanging out here at MFP:laugh:

    Kathy (pmjsmom) & Birdie - I do understand about the trials and stress that our kids give us. I really thought that once the boys were out of the house and now all married that the worry and stress would be about over...but NOOOOO #1 Son continues to stretch our patience and stress us to the max:sad: I'm just thankful that #2 & #3 don't seem to be doing that. As a matter of fact I don't think #3 son ever has or ever will, because he's told me he watched his older brother's to know what not to do:wink:


    Last night friends wanted to go out and wanted cheap so we all went to Souper Salad! I was able to stay good and am hoping that the rest of this weekend I don't fall off this wagon:wink: We go out to a movie and dinner with #3 son and DIl today and since they are very health consious we ought to find something healthy to eat.

    Hubby and I got up first thing and did our workouts and that makes for a very good start to our weekend.

    Everyone have a good day and continue to drink:drinker: plenty of water and burn off those pounds:drinker:

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Hi :flowerforyou:

    :frown: Well I forgot to weigh myself this morning,I've just remembered now after eating a few chips :embarassed: ( I bought a bag from the fish and chip shop on my way home from Derricks) I thought a little of what you fancy does you good (anyone buying that? :ohwell: ) I gave Tony (hubby) most of them and I had a very small plate for myself - I am so sick of sandwiches I felt like a change. Will weigh in tomorrow now.


    Viv :heart:

    Personally Viv, I agree with you whole-heartedly. A little bit of what you are really craving is far less than the damage you can do by "eating all around" your craving for two or three hours straight! Been there-done that...and that's something that I try very hard not to go back to!

    Just got back from the walk with the "pups". I'll have to take a picture and post it for all the dog lovers on this site. Now just thinking about what kind of salad to make for lunch.

    I'm looking forward to your return on Monday, Cindy. Hang in there!

    Everyone else...have a GREAT day!
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone ...it's late Saturday night. We got back from our "Sleep over" at lunch time. I duly filled in the food diary for Friday night .....:frown: you really don't want to know!!!!:bigsmile: Enough said ...we had a good time and today I am within my calories. I haven't been near the scales.....:embarassed: I hear them cheering in the background!!!!

    Tomorrow ...it's roast lunch for no.1 son and family plus DIL's parents. I do intend to keep within the boundaries tomorrow.
    Tonight I intend to have a good nights sleep .... what with no sleep on Thursday night and being away from home + the alcohol etc last night :huh: ...I'm feeling shattered now. We had a dip in the hot tub so I should be relaxed now.....here's hoping for some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    No.2 DIL and GDS are supposed to be going to LA tomorrow ...but the ash cloud is blowing this way again. Fingers crossed the wind changes but it doesn't look good for flights from Heathrow. :noway: Not easy to plan for that is it!!

    And so to bed ...Zebbedee said (Did you have the magic roundabout in the U.S ?)
    :heart: Jackie