

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :drinker: Good morning Ladies,
    :heart: I want to thank everyone, Robin, Renny, Barbie, Vicki, birdie, Mary, Viv ( what a beautiful Shepherd), Mimi, Randy, Barb, Fabulous, Donna, Kathy, Michele ( thank you for the poem and my prayers for your Sadie), Jeannie, Kathy(Pjsmom), Ainslieglen, Jackie, and Caminogirl for their kind words and for sharing of stories. My condolences to those who have lost pets of their own and my prayers for those who have ailing and aging pets.
    :heart: It is comforting to hear from other animal lovers.
    :angry: Seems like not everyone thinks of their 4 legged friends as part of the family. Some think of them as just a watch dog or reproductive money maker. Some people think of them as property not to love but to posses for their own selfish reasons. These people can’t understand why someone would get so upset over the death “of a mere animal“. How unfortunate for those with no compassion or consideration. They will never know the love that our friends show in the most subtle and not so subtle way. :mad: The ones that really burn my ---- are the people:devil: who run the puppy mills. :cry: :cry: :cry: They keep those precious animals in cages only big enough to lay down and have litter after litter of puppies until they die from malnourishment and neglect. :sad: :sad: :sad:
    :cry: Most are never petted or have any form of human contact except to give them food and water and to snatch their puppies away from them to be sold to some unsuspecting family. These people should be shoved in a cage and treated like they treat these poor animals. I know a lady who purchased a beautiful puppy from a pet store, 3 months later the puppy was dead from kidney failure. She paid $1,200 for the puppy and almost that much in Vet bills. My friend was told by the Vet that the puppy was probably a product of a puppy mill. We need stricter legislation against these horrible people. (I’m done venting now):embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed:
    ((( Hug))), :heart: love and + prayers to all, Rose
  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi all,

    Posting to pick up the thread. Still same weight but am working on my next 15 in earnest so I expect results.:bigsmile:
  • Suzanita
    Suzanita Posts: 51 Member
    Hello everyone! I have'nt been here in weeks due to pure exhaustion from work.....finally picked up at the hotel but when I prayed for business that was not really what I had in mind! Wedding season has started and today I have two weddings and a memorial for 200 was added a few days ago for today also so I am going to be running again! Yesterday was a fashion show for 400.....sometimes I wonder is this fun or am I crazy for doing this? The best part is that I keep bringing my own food to work and staying away from all the food that is not good for me....after two months I can almost say its feeling "normal" to eat this way.

    I'm brainstorming ideas of ways to share our "leftovers" with the community to help feed the hungry.....so much wasted food every day. I found out that we are protected by a law that allows us to donate cooked food to charities....I've always been told we could'nt because of health laws. I may be delivering it myself but thats OK just to see less waste.

    I tried to read as many posts as possible before I go to work....what a great group of ladies out there.....I am so blessed to have found this site even though I can't get here as much as I'd like.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Jeannie, I am so sorry about your friends situations. I know this is a hard time for you and their familys. I also have a friend living with a Brain Tumor. Not sure if it is Cancer or not, but I think not. You have learned the most important lesson--to love and appreciate them while they are here, because none of us are gauranteed tomorrow.
    :flowerforyou: Congratulations on making good choices at dinner last night when you had a limited menu. If there is one near you, I just recently discovered that Applebees has some good menu options.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    How wonderful that you can share your business's leftovers with those in need. I am like you. I hate to see things go to waste, but I hate to see them go to waist (especially mine--LOL) either.

    I share your opinion of puppy mills. My friend who has the dog breeding business (the one who gave me Pepper, and from whom I got my first Shih tzu, Dreyfus-in my ticker) gets so mad when she hears about cases of abuse involving poorly managed breeders she can hardly speak. We have had some bad ones of late in my area. The law in Oregon is such that a breeder can be compelled to surrender the dogs in order to avoid prosecution, but in extreme cases, I think they may be prosecuted anyway. Good Riddance!!

    Viv--(I think)
    Got a kick out of the "mini tidy"--I think I probably need a whole batch of them around here. Would that be a "maxi tidy?":noway: :laugh:

    I am going to the Farmers' Market today to pick up a nice fresh bouquet of flowers for my mom for tomorrow. Unless she has changed her mind and decided on dinner instead, I am planning to make strawberry waffles and omelets for brunch tomorrow, at my parents' place. I hope to outrun the waffles and concentrate on the omelet for myself instead!! Bet you didn't know waffles had legs, did you?:noway: :wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    I was posting, or should I say TRYING to post on another thread, and in the last sentence of my "masterpiece" his honor Sir Pepper, AKA "the pest with big feet" decided to relocate himself onto my lap from the chair and erased the whole darn thing!! The joys of "motherhood" never end--especially with these three!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Tonight I am taking my good friend Thomy and her son and another friend to an Italian restaurant for dinner. It is the big 5 oh for her today. Fortunately, the restaurant has a wonderful Caesar salad, and with the dressing on the side, I shouldn't be in too much trouble. I plan to take my "Salad Spritzer" along, and if they don't like it--tough!!

    I have to get going or the day will be half gone. Happy Saturday, all.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Saturday to all. DH is home safe. It was a loooong day. Ferry delays, traffic jams etc. however his flight was non-eventful, which is the way to have a flight. The did have to make a slight detour around the ash cloud. We got home just before midnight.

    :flowerforyou: It is a beautiful day here, sunny with a slight breeze . Other than getting some groceries I am determined to take it easy today.

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    I took a few moments to read the posts. I do not have time to respond to each today. Kenneth is home. I picked him up this morning. He is napping now. Long flight and not much sleep. Needs time to catch up. Glad to have him home though. Guess we will need to make the rounds to all the kids and grandkids later on. So good to hear from so many of you. Sounds like most are doing well.
    Happy Mother's day to all of you moms out there. My heart goes out to all who no longer have your moms. To those that do cherish them. They are here one day and gone another. We dont realize sometimes how much they mean to us until they are gone. My mom has been gone for 9 years now.
    I did not weigh again. I felt like I was bloated this morning so I will wait another week. i do better when I do not weigh so I will wait a while. My clothes are looser and I am doing really good so that works for me.
    Have a great day ladies.
    Vicki M
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :smile: Denise, congratulations on the 3 lb loss! I’m glad you’re here for the long hall! Lets face it…if we aren’t focused on good choices……we’re probably going to be focused on that delicious Carrot Cake . (It sure taste good….but I never felt healthier after plunging in!

    :flowerforyou: Viv: Yey…Yeh…Yey!

    :happy: Terrill…BUILDING A HOUSE!!! Way to go!! You keep going in this direction….and you’ll be building yourself a new wardrobe!!!!

    :flowerforyou: Fabulous, I agree…being a daughter and a mom are the feathers in my cap!

    :blushing: :blushing: Jeannie; My hubby and I love going out to eat! I think, part of it, is that it’s quality time with him without other distractions!
    :cry: It's sad about Scott. And you’re right…it does make you put things into perspective. Sending prayers up for him and your whole family.

    :ohwell: Rose; I have never owned a pet in my life, but I know people who do and watch their hearts break:brokenheart: when losing one. I am not a big pet person….but I understand how wonderful having them is very special to so many people. I especially am furious at negligence or abuse! :explode: No excuse!

    :happy: Nice to hear from you Lianne. Staying the same is much better than gaining so kudos!

    :tongue: Suzanita: I sooo agree about the wasted food! I’m glad you’re doing something about it!

    :smile: LJCannon: I too like the choices at Applebees.

    :tongue: Barb, enjoy going out to the Italian restaurant!

    :bigsmile: Rebel, glad your hubby’s home.

    :heart: :heart: Have a wonderful Saturday and a Happy Mother’s Day to ALL as we have all “mothered” in one way or the other!

  • arborsong
    arborsong Posts: 98
    It's impossible to gain 9 lb of fat and/or muscle in two days. But you can gain about 5-8 pounds of water weight in two days. Heck, when I was in the hospital on an IV for 24 hours, I gained 10!

    It takes eating 3500 calories more then you burned to gain a pound. So, unless you ate 31500 more than you burned over the past couple of days, I'd say just drink a lot of water, watch your sodium intake, and don't weigh yourself for a few days.

    Thanks Macmadame - I WAS BACK DOWN 2 POUNDS THIS AM. I been working in the yard today so i HAVE HAD LOTS OF WATER.

    Apologies for the caps - this laptop has a mind of it's own. LOL
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Happy, Happy Mother's Day to all of you, and those :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: who take the time to "Mother" one another every day.:flowerforyou: ainslieglen
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: A very late good evening everyone.....

    Quick post today ...after a hectic day. A bit ...LOL:laugh: ... over the calories but tomorrows another day. Scales were the same this morning ....tomorrow?????

    I'll be back tomorrow.
    :heart: Jackie
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Hi ladies, how's everyone doing? Good I hope. I read quite a few posts and it seems like everyone is doing pretty good. I didn't get much excercise in except for grocery shopping for about 2 hrs. One of the things I bought was a huge huge bag of frozen mixed fruit. When I got home, I separated it into 2 cup servings so I can have fruit 2 times a day. Yea!!! I also bought a bunch of yogurt. I used to not like yogurt, so I don't know what happened, but I love it now. Maybe it was plain yogurt that I tasted before, I don't know. I am thinking about putting a few containers in the freezer to trick myself into thinking I am eating icecream :laugh: I found a huge bag of shelled sunflower seeds that I really wanted to get, but they didn't have unsalted :cry: I found a new place to stock up on some groceries. It is called Gordan Food Service (GFS). It used to be for restaurants but now it is open to the public. I don't know how many locations they have but I am glad they are here in our little crappy town :smile:

    Shame on me, I didn't get my water in today and I am the first one to preach water :noway:

    I want to wish all that are mothers, to have a great Mother's Day. Like someone, can't remember who right now, said, charish your mother cause they are here today and gone the next, or something like that. My mom has been gone for 23 yrs now and I still miss her. She will be dearly remembered tomorrow even though she is thought of quite often anyway.

    Please, even though you don't really know me or my SIL/BIL, please say a quick prayer for them and their little dog Princess. They truely love this dog and she is very very sick. She is only almost 4 yrs old and is in the pet hospital for pancreatis and diabetes (very bad). I can't remember the breed. but they are supposed to be nicknamed " the monkey dog". If she doesn't improve by Monday, the vet wants to put her down. They are doing everything possible and she isn't really getting any better. They got her sugar level to go down alittle, but her pancreas is pretty much shot.

    Okay, I am going to go for now, I do want to say that I am very glad I joined this group :heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi all,
    So Daddy is coming over for dinner. (first time in the 2 and half years he has lived in the area) His lady is out of town. I will go way over calories tonight because I don't bust my butt exercising on the weekends like I do during the week and we are having rich food and wine and dessert. My problem is I can't seem to wrap my head around the idea that it is okay to go over. ( I don't knowingly do so ever and unknowingly do so seldom.) Arrrrgh I just feel so guilty and I just want to enjoy the time with my dad. :cry:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Robin, it will be okay. Remember that it takes 3500 extra calories to gain a pound, and that your goal is set low enough to lose, so you do have some wiggle room, you just shouldn't get in the habit of using it!

    A quick note before I go to bed: I will be away for a few days. Tomorrow I am leaving from church, and going to my Mom's to take her and my two sisters to a dinner theater for Mother's Day. Then on Monday I will take the three of them to Kansas City to see Stars on Ice. We will stay at my daughter's apartment. Pray that my sisters and my mother can get along with each other for a few days without driving me nuts. (I am always the peacemaker.) If you see on the news that a woman was arrested for murdering a sister on the Kansas Turnpike, the only question will be which one drove me over the edge! Send Reese's pieces to me in jail - I can't live without my peanut butter!

    Everyone have a good Mother's Day, and I will be back later in the week. Bye for now!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :drinker: My day trip with my friend turned out great.....the weather was fabulous......I walked for 30 minutes each way on the passenger deck on the ferry and walked at lunch time as well.....I brought my own food so I didn't eat the lasagne and all the cookies and pasta salad.......even so I had to ride the exercise bike for several 20 minute sessions so I didn't go over my calories.....I didn't do yoga and pilates, but I walked over 12,000 steps.

    :drinker: tomorrow is cleanse day and packing day for our trip.
    :heart: Barbie
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just stopped by to say Happy Mothers Day to all, I am getting ready to go ride my bike while I wait for DH to get ready to go to the Flea Market. We live in Delaware and about a mile from one of the, if not the biggest Flea Markets on the Eastern Shore. :smile: Always lots of fresh fruits and veggies.

    :happy: I got on the scale this morning and unofficially (cause weigh in at work isn't until Wednesday ) I am down 4 pounds. (doin the Happy Dance) All that gardening is workin on the fat...LOL LOL Have a wonderful Sunday, Rose
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Mary, call if you need bail $$$. Ha! Have a good time with sis and mom. I am sure it will go well. Just remember, blessed are the peacemakers.:flowerforyou:

    Laurel, good job n burning the gardening cals! It is surely paying off! Yeah for you!:drinker:

    Barb, good job on careful planning for your day trip. You set a good example for all of us. Have a good time on your upcoming trip. What do you do on a "cleanse day" and how often do you do this? :smile:

    Today is church, then dinner with my daughter and her inlaws. :flowerforyou: I will visit my mom and mother in law this evening. My son is away from hom in CO. (military) Miss him so. :sad: Being a mom is the greatest part of my life. It is our highest calling. Happy Mom's Day all! :heart:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    t3514.gif Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

    I'm going to be very busy as my daughter's baby shower is today also. I hope to get back here later but I may not be able to so here's wishing good choices and a beautiful day for all!
  • farmangel
    farmangel Posts: 5
    Hi. Happy Mothers Day to all the ladies out there. I am new to MFP. This is my second day. Not to great a day yesterday, but better than usual. Do you mind it I join your group. Seems like the right fit for me. Thanks for guiding me here msh0530!

    Have a great day today everyone!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Hi. Happy Mothers Day to all the ladies out there. I am new to MFP. This is my second day. Not to great a day yesterday, but better than usual. Do you mind it I join your group. Seems like the right fit for me. Thanks for guiding me here msh0530!

    Have a great day today everyone!
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: Welcome, and Happy Mothers Day. We all started this journey with the first step......I've been doing it one day at a time for more than a year.......I've learned a little bit more each day, and taken baby steps toward some life habits that are really working for me. I learned a lot on this thread......I hope you'll check in with us everyday, read our posts, tell us about yourself, and become a part of a great family of sisters who support and encourage each other.
    :heart: Barbie