

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Only time to say Happy Mother's Day to all:flowerforyou: (even you over the pond and I know you have your's at another time of the year)

    #3 Son and Wife had us over for dinner last night for good food:drinker: to play games on the Wii. Fun and of course over the limits but thank goodness it doesn't happen often.

    #2 Son made it to S Carolina last night, I guess he had to report for duty at 6am this morning:noway: . He said that he'd seen a lot of the flooding damage when he stayed with his Sister In Law & Husbands in Nashville Friday night:cry: .

    #1 Son sent me a card that is so him, reminding me that I have my wrinkles and gray hairs because of him...and you know he's right he was the challenge child.:grumble:

    I will try to get back her later today to read yesterday and todays...Have a good day all and keep up the great losses:wink:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy Mother's Day everyone. I hope you have a great day. The sun is shining so I hope to be outside most of the day.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Rose – Here, here! We do need to stop the puppy mills and other forms of animal cruelty. I had a co-worker cat person who bought a dog just because the cage was to small and the dog could not turn around and lay-down and no one at the store would put it in a bigger pen. That dog had a lot of medical problems, but did live a good life. He was one of the lucky ones as his owner (while not a dog person at all) was a animal lover.

    Suzanita – Good for you finding a way to donate the left over food!

    LJ- Thanks for the kind words. I just notice your ticker – Wow! You look fantastic.

    Farmangel-Welcome and I love the account name!

    We celebrated Mother's Day with my Mom yesterday so that we had today to the 4 of us. It was so windy and cold we could not take M&D out, so we ordered food and brought it in. We ordered from both Olive Garden and Buca Di Peppo's to get Mom and Dad both what they wanted. It was so good and I did go over calories and will do it again next Mother's Day. lol

    It was 1 year ago today I got the Wii Fit from family for Mother's Day. It was the best present ever and I still love using it to get my exercise in. Later today we are going to a teppan place to eat. That shouldn't be too bad on calories. I still need to check it out.

    Happy Mother's Day to all!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Mothers Day
    i got text messages from two friends this morning bigsmile My mother has been gone for almost 20 years and my MIL died this year---my only children are step children who usually don't acknowledge the day and pets who treat me like every day is Mothers Day so I happy today.

    :drinker: we're doing our Isagenix cellular cleanse today so eating out is not an option :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we're leaving tomorrow for a nine day trip that will include more restaurant meals than usual so I will be treated over and over and have to be very careful to stay balanced.

    :drinker: FabulousFifty--we do an Isagenix cellular cleanse day at least twice a month......when I was losing weight I did it once a week.......it's a day of drinking a special herbal cleanse beverage with special snacks, drinks, and chocolates in between to keep blood sugar level.......the aim is to remove impurities from the cells to allow the body to release the fat that gathers around vital organs to protect them from the impurities and to put on lean muscle.....I don't completely understand the science, but it was part of what helped me lose 71 pounds in a year and keep it off for more than three months so far.
    :heart: Barbie
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the Team, FarmAngel.

    Happy Mother's Day Ladies!! Take time to do something SPECIAL for yourselves today.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy MothersDay to all you lovely ladies! I slept around the clock and am feeling good. Gotto go and call my Mom now. ttyl.

  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good afternoon everyone .....welcome Newbies (I can remember FarmAngel is one ...if there are others I'm not meaning to miss you out ...just that I have a problem keeping up!) I hope you all had a great "Mother's Day" if you are one!!! ....A mother that is and not just a Newbie!

    :smile: Yesterday was hectic and enjoyable with my GD's 8th birthday and surprise visit from a good friend and her family. The party was a hit ,with my son doing the DJ'ing and the finale being my GD doing a Jive demo dance with her competition partner. For two youngsters they're amazing, so confident in front of a crowd. ....we hope they'll go far. Her exam was today ....Waltz and Cha cha. I wish I could dance like that!! And ...It was hard to say cheerio to my youngest son and wife and the baby after the party. They drove back South. They're off on holiday to L.A. next week for 3 weeks ....Ash cloud willing of course!! So if any of you are there and see this lovely Uk couple with an adorable baby ....:love: they're mine!!!

    :ohwell: Well ...I paid for my "Curry" sins yesterday ...hence the yo yo back to 156lb. Today I will be in my calories ...had some of GD's birthday cake too. Tonight I'm cooking a chicken, asparagus and leek Frittata with a side salad. If I'm back posting tonight it's to stop me eating pudding!!! I think I need some ot that "Wiggle Room" Mary posted about!!

    :frown: Visits to mum yesterday and today were a little fraught to say the least. She's very agitated and doesn't know who's who and where she really is. I hope we don't have to wait too long before we can get her home and in a small environment and in her own routine.

    :happy: So ...I'm off now to cook. DH is checking out the next election news. :huh: Who knows who we'll have as our Prime Minister next week ....your guess is as good as mine!!!

    :heart: Jackie
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Sun 05/09/10 11:46 AMHappy Mothers Day!

    I was born on Mothers Day, May 10 in 1954. My Mom always told me that she felt so bad that she had to leave me at the hospital for an extra week, because the kids at home had the mumps. She was an outstanding woman and a wonderful Mother. I miss her everyday. Give your Mom an extra hug from me today.

    Beautiful day here , frost last night but clear and sunny today. My husband arranged for me to have the day off. Not an easy feat at this time of year. I was able to go to Church this morning. Now off to the local nursery with my Son and DIL. Great Day!!
    :heart: Alice
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Happy Mother's day to all of you. Sounds like everyone had a pretty good day. We started our day at the gym and then Wal Mart, then went to my Godchild's house. (the one that just got married) She had us all over for barbecue. did pretty good. Had pork, baked beans, little potato salad. I also had small piece of cake. It was her new husbands birthday this week. Then we went home and did yard work. I added my calories and am still under so I am not having dinner. Maybe piece of fruit later.
    Talk to you ladies tomorrow.
    Vicki M
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Happy Mother's day to all of you. Sounds like everyone had a pretty good day. We started our day at the gym and then Wal Mart, then went to my Godchild's house. (the one that just got married) She had us all over for barbecue. did pretty good. Had pork, baked beans, little potato salad. I also had small piece of cake. It was her new husbands birthday this week. Then we went home and did yard work. I added my calories and am still under so I am not having dinner. Maybe piece of fruit later.
    Talk to you ladies tomorrow.
    Vicki M
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Birdie - if I'm ordering something off the menu and it says that there's cheese on top, I usually ask for it without the cheese. However, at a buffet you really don't have any choice.

    barbie - I really should do more time management. Spend too much time on the computer.

    Jeannie - my heart goes out to you. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Suzanita - that is so wonderful of you to donate the extra food. Whenever I go shopping, if I get something on sale with my coupon inexpensively enough (even if we don't use it), I donate that. I have an area in my pantry just of foods that I'll be donating. What a wonderful thing you are doing! If I have leftovers, I donate those, too. One good thing is that it's out of my house and won't go on my waist.

    Welcome farmangel

    Just got back from dd#1's. As you may or may not remember, ds was staying with her for a week. dh tried to talk me out of going up there. Yes, it is true that ds will be here in a few days and so will dd, but I'm still a mother, and I haven't seen ds since right after Christmas. It was so amazing to hear some of his adventures thru Europe, the different countries he's stayed in. There is a part of me that is sad because I wish I could do that, but I'm just living vicariously thru him. Did pretty well on my eating, had crab cakes, steamed veges, and a salad for dinner last night. This a.m. they had a free continental breakfast at the hotel and I only had eggs and a banana. Then dd and ds took me out. I had a fruit & yogurt parfait (I didn't realize it would be so small for $8) and then a grilled chicken salad (grilled chicken on a bed of greens. For some reason, the restaurant put bacon bits on the salad, so I took them off. I also ordered the dressing on the side (like I did last night, restaurants drench the salads in dressing)

    As far as PJ is concerned, I don't know if dh is just getting overly concerned or what, but he said that tonight PJ had what dh said he could only describe as a seizure. Admitted, shortly afterwards I looked at his eyes, they were more of the "deer in the headlights", not bright. He's not getting the insulin but he's still getting the antibiotics. I know that dh said that he's probably going to be up most of the night with PJ. My bet is that first thing tomorrow dh calls the vet and takes PJ there.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just breezing through on Mom's computer, saying howdy. So far the trip is pretty good, only had to stomp out a few fires. Tomorrow will be the real test. See you all later!
    Oh, and welcome Farmangel - glad you found us from my message!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Glad to hear we don't have to start a telethon for your "bail." So far so good. Maybe everyone will behave themselves and make your trip more pleasant than you had anticipated. Good luck.

    Might get on here later when I am at home...back at mom and dad's for the moment.

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Hope everyone had a nice Mother’s Day – whether your are the mom or the daughter. Either way, it’s a good excuse to treat yourself well. :flowerforyou:

    My mom and I had breakfast at my sister’s house. Her kids cooked. We oohed and ahhed over the new baby – my first grand nephew.

    Then I drove back to Placerville where my daughter baked an omelet-ty dish for lunch – farm fresh eggs, tomatoes, sundried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, basil, and cheese, served with fresh strawberries from Santa Maria, blackberries, and honeydew melon. Yum!

    I made roasted veggies - asparagus, mini-peppers, and mushrooms - and lavash/smoked salmon/feta/tomato/spinach wraps for daughter, her hubby, son, his girlfriend, and 5 grandkids for dinner! I think I burned off a few extra calories hopping around the kitchen!

    All around, a very nice day and a lot of delicious food. I think I stayed within my calories today but, after reporting that I hit my target yesterday, I had to recant, after a late-night snack of asparagus and apricots with Mom.

    Jeannie, your post helps put things in perspective. We need to appreciate every day. I'm keeping you in my thoughts.

    Renny, I’m happy for you that your DH is home and that you're catching up on your sleep. I hope he’s coping okay. I’m lucky enough to still have my folks (ages 84 and 88) – and they’re in good shape. I’m very thankful for that.

    Louise, I’m glad the scale cooperated today. It’s hard to take when it doesn’t reflect calories in / calories out.

    Robin, you’ve done so amazingly well. Good food shared with your dad sounds like just the right thing. It’s not as though you are diving into junk food! Back at ‘em Monday, huh? Me too.

    Rose, woo hoo on the 4 lbs. How good it feels!

    Barbie, thanks again for hanging out with us and offering good advice and lots of encouragement.

    Bye for now. To everyone who is new, you've found a wonderful group...truly a special group of ladies. I’m glad Mary pointed me in your direction. :love:
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Had a great Mother's Day combined with my granddaughters 10thbithdayparty. I am up a pound today. How disappointing. Back on track today.
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Good morning everyone. I hope all mothers had a good day yesterday. My soon to be dh took me to his boss' house and while they were sitting around b.s.ing, I went fishing in the pond :smile: I actually caught a large mouth bass and got all excited. It has been yrs. since I fished and loved every second of it. Yes, I turned it loose and it went happily on it's way :smile:

    Well today is the day that the vet decides on whether or not my in laws baby should be put down. I hope all goes well with that. They have two human sons and call Princess their only daughter :laugh: Our pets are for sure a part of the family, no doubt. :heart:

    excermom - I know what you mean about spending so much time on the computer. I have been very lazy about excercise last week and most of it was because I spend too much time on here :laugh: I definately have to back off :grumble:

    Susanita - I know what you mean about all the food. I used to work at McDonalds a long time ago, and the food that they throw away could feed alot of homeless people etc. That was just from one restaurant, could you imagine how much food gets thrown away from one chain, in one city? It could feed a whole lot of people!

    Well I hope everyone has a good healthy day today. I for one am going to do my best this week and try to change a couple of things and see if it pays off. So... off to breakfast and then get busy with some cleaning, Have a nice day! :happy:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Happy Birthday Alice. Have a Great Day.:drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good afternoon folks........

    Hope you all had a great Mothers day .....and Happy Birthday Alice.

    :happy: I've logged in, done the diary and am saying I'm going to my exercise DVD tonight while DH is at work. Those pesky few pounds that keep going on and then off ......are starting to annoy me......!!!!

    :ohwell: No amazing revelations or news from me today.....bit boring really. That's a dangerous type of day I know. Tape the mouth shut day again I think!!

    Off in a minute to visit Mum. I do hope she's calmer today. We had a scare yesterday when we went in. :explode: She was a bit angry and started to tell me she'd had a fight with someone .... hit them, scratched them etc!!.:noway: My heart sank as I could imagine all sorts. i spoke to the desk Sister and she didn't know of any incidents so I thought it must have been her imagination!!
    Anyway ... Later we got a call from my DIL's sister, Colette ( Nurse on Mum's ward) who "Filled us in" on the events. Apparently ..:frown: .another patient was opposite mum at lunch and she pinched Colette as she was helping them eat. Colette promptly told her not to do it as it hurt her. The lady then became a bit beligerent and was duly "Told off" by Mum who was in her mind protecting someone in her "Family" (She does remember Colette's one of us I think!) She didn't actually lash out but perhaps it was what she wanted to do!!! ...:laugh: Don't mess with Mum then!!!
    We'll see shortly what today brings.

    So ..... BFN
    :heart: Jackie
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Good morning, ladies! Just posting to get the link...
    Bathing suits? Only in the privacy of our own hot tub.
    Shorts? [shudder] not even when I was slender... bird legs... ;{

    Sorry haven't caught up on the posts yet.
    Wishing us all well,