

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy day after!!

    Okay so it wasn't the most calorie conscience weekend but it was tasty. I am amazed that I did make so much better choices than I would have in the past even though I went over. It was all good and today is a new day!!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALICE!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Jackie - glad the fight was in your mom's imagination and not real. At least she was protecting her own.

    Mimi - your food sounds amazing.

    Donna - congrats on the large mouth bass. how fun

    Michele _ icertainly understand seeing your kids whenever the chance arises especially on mothers day.

    Welcom to the new ones. You have found a group of amazing, supportive women. They all keep me going.

    So What I have to say today is this

    Its a new day... its a new dawn... and I FEEL GOOD!!!:happy:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: I thought was on the May thread, but found out I wasn't!:ohwell: Three of our adult children will be home this week! We have fun when the kids come home. Our oldest daughter and her family are on their way to the Phllipines. This will be the first time the little girls will get to meet their Phillipino grandparents! And the first time Alvin has been home since he and our daughter got married three and a half years ago.
    I found a wonderful instant oatmeal at the store yesterday. It is called Oat Fit by Better Oats. It is so easy to make and has yummy flavors. It has only 100 calories. It is definitely a find!:love: Well, have things to do to get ready for our 'company'. Have a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: doobie doo, I'm so glad you found us......glad your kids are headed for a great trip.....:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Alice, Happy Birthday.

    :flowerforyou: We leave in about an hour to go to California for our daughter's graduation from college.....because we are staying with our son and his family (imagine four adults, two teenagers, and a toddler in a house with one bathroom and one computer) we may not get to the computer much on the trip. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: so I decided to give myself a vacation from posting food and exercise. The first thoughts through my head this morning were to eat a "little extra" breakfast since I wasn't going to post it. But on a saner note as I was packing the cooler, I was mentally counting calories (apple slices 55 calories, hard boiled egg 70 calories......) so I guess I count whether I log it or not.

    :drinker: :drinker: Kathy and Barb, I'll be waving as I pass your exits on I-5 but no time to stop today.......we have plans for dinner at Novak's Hungarian Restaurant in Albany, Oregon, and nothing will keep us from getting there....this will be Mother's Day and Date Night all rolled into one:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: The cats have been dropped off at The Cat's Pajamas, DH is getting his hair cut, then we drop the poodles off at the boarding place and head south........:sad: :sad: it's raining so it won't be the most beautiful drive but we love the rain because it keeps Washington green:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'll check in when I can......let's all be sane one day at a time.......:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    :flowerforyou: doobie doo, I'm so glad you found us......glad your kids are headed for a great trip.....:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Alice, Happy Birthday.

    :flowerforyou: We leave in about an hour to go to California for our daughter's graduation from college.....because we are staying with our son and his family (imagine four adults, two teenagers, and a toddler in a house with one bathroom and one computer) we may not get to the computer much on the trip. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: so I decided to give myself a vacation from posting food and exercise. The first thoughts through my head this morning were to eat a "little extra" breakfast since I wasn't going to post it. But on a saner note as I was packing the cooler, I was mentally counting calories (apple slices 55 calories, hard boiled egg 70 calories......) so I guess I count whether I log it or not.

    :drinker: :drinker: Kathy and Barb, I'll be waving as I pass your exits on I-5 but no time to stop today.......we have plans for dinner at Novak's Hungarian Restaurant in Albany, Oregon, and nothing will keep us from getting there....this will be Mother's Day and Date Night all rolled into one:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: The cats have been dropped off at The Cat's Pajamas, DH is getting his hair cut, then we drop the poodles off at the boarding place and head south........:sad: :sad: it's raining so it won't be the most beautiful drive but we love the rain because it keeps Washington green:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'll check in when I can......let's all be sane one day at a time.......:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie

    Barbie, have a safe trip and enjoy yourself :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hi everyone...

    Still here in Edmonton where it's finally starting to look like spring! Maybe just a prelude to another snow and cold snap. I find this weather so very depressing. Especially when I know Victoria has glorious weather(right, Rennie?).

    Being here with my brother is good, but I had a bit of rough patch yesterday. I heard from all 4 kids, and talked to 2 of my grandchildren. But it sometimes is tough to have all of them so far away. Saturday night was my NC granddaughter's first prom and that was bittersweet. She'll be off to college next year. My daughter posted prom pictures on Facebook, and she looked so lovely and grown up. We're all so proud of her! Sob!Sob!..Whiny grandmother at large!!:sad:

    Rebel... so happy for you to have husband home:love:

    Mimi, I'm so darn impressed by your whole approach to mfp, you push me to keep trying.:flowerforyou:

    RJ...we're doing great:wink:

    Myny...Keep up the good work!:drinker:

    Barbie...your daily posts are really motivating...have a super trip:happy:

    Thanks all, for your interest and for your caring support. Couldn't do it without you. I mean that!:heart:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Thank you for all the kind words about my cousin's son Scott. Scott died yesterday on Mother's Day. He was in his late 20's and a very bright wonderful person.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Vince took PJ to the vet today. Since last week, he's lost another 1/2 pound -- which isn't good at all. Vince took some of the DM (dry cat food) and some moist and let the vet watch as PJ attempted to eat. From what the vet saw from his examination of PJ and also from observing him eating, it appears that PJ has lost quite a bit of muscle control. The vet's GUESS is lymphoma. Tomorrow PJ is going for an ultrasound because when they did the radiograph, the vet looked at it and felt that certain organs weren't where he would have expected them to be. The radiograph didn't give enough detail, but the ultrasound should. So I'm stress baking and doing some eating. I've had a piece of this iced chocolate chip cookie (I know I had it from stress), I'm making brownies right now so I had some of the batter (I make them from scratch), and 1/4 of this chocolate chip cookie. Gotta stop this. On the bright side -- I did 1 hr deep water workout today and so far have had 96oz of water. For a stress reliever why can't I "stress clean"?

    You know, I usually do the body test on the Wii first thing in the morning. However, yesterday I had to do it at night since we didn't get home until late. It said that I'd gained 3lbs. But this morning it says that I lost 2lbs. I knew that some of that 3lb gain was due to the difference in time. I really only look at weight for the whole week (a gain or loss) because of things like this.

    Tomorrow I'll do a band workout at home, since who knows what'll happen?

    barbie - have a safe trip

    Happy birthday Alice
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Thank you for all the kind words about my cousin's son Scott. Scott died yesterday on Mother's Day. He was in his late 20's and a very bright wonderful person.


    I just saw this post. I'm so very very sorry to hear this.

  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Hello everyone,

    Thank you for all the kind words about my cousin's son Scott. Scott died yesterday on Mother's Day. He was in his late 20's and a very bright wonderful person.


    I just saw this post. I'm so very very sorry to hear this.


    I don't know how I missed this, but I did. I am also sorry to hear this, so sad.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Caught up on reading and saw you message about Scott. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

    I hope PJ is not in pain. I pray they find something that can be "fixed." I know what it is like to have a dog with cancer and I don't wish it on anyone.

    Barbara (auntiebk)--
    Nice to see you again. Hope all is well with you. I feel the same way you do about bathing suits:grumble: :laugh:

    Barbie (cat)--
    Have a safe journey...course by now you are already on the road, so not sure when you will see this. We will miss you.

    Your mum sounds like someone to have in your corner. Glad she didn't hurt herself or anyone else.

    Glad you had fun fishing. I used to do some stream and lake trout fishing when I was married, but I don't like to go out in the wilds alone, so I haven't fished in about 8 years. The fish probably don't mind, but sometimes I miss being out there.

    Yesterday I made brunch at my mom and dad's. Whole wheat waffles with fresh strawberries and whipped cream, pork sausage, veggie omelette, honeydew melon. Very tasty and other than the sausage, low in fat as well. I discovered a wonderful pancake mix--Hodgson Mills 100% whole wheat/buttermilk mix. The nutritionals are in the database. When you make the waffle recipe (with 3 TBLSP of oil, a cup of skim milk, 1 egg, and 1 cup of dry mix) and make 8 waffles (we have a waffle iron that makes 2 square ones at a time) there are about 115 calories per waffle.

    I also hit the JC Penney sale on Saturday and found t-shirts 2/$12, so I got one for me and one for my mom. I wanted to make sure of the size, and when it fit on Sunday, I went back and got her 2 more. Luckily, I remembered a $10 off coupon I received that expired on Sunday, so I used it and the two shirts only cost me $2 + tax!!:drinker: :drinker: So I decided to get 2 more for me while I was at it. I bought MEDIUMS for myself. They are a little tight, but in another 10 lbs. they should be fine. I also bought a pair of jeans that are a size too small, so now I have another reason to get back with the program!!!

    Welcome farmangel and other newbies!!

    Take care, all. I need to get a movin' on my day.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    so sorry about Scott. You and yours are in my prayers.
    Vicki M
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Jeannie - so sorry for you and your family's loss. My thoghts are with you.

    Michele - I hope that they find out soon what is wrong with PJ and that he isn't suffering too much.

    Barb - I love a deal two t shirts for 2 bucks. good shopping my friend.

    Barbie - safe trip and God speed.

    I just finished my two hour treadmill stint. I wish I could go by what it said I burnt. It said 1095 calories but the HRM said 755 so I gotta go with the 755. I still have more working out to do:ohwell:

    I hope you are all having a great day.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :noway: Do you know how long it takes to get caught up when you stop reading on a Friday ????Now that I'm done so much has happened in many lives but will only make a few comments...just posting individual ones would take me forever too:cry:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the new ones, this is a great place to find friends and encouragment!

    Rose-:flowerforyou: So sorry about Starr, I know that feeling we experienced it 10 1/2 years ago when Linus (named because he loved to be buried in blankets) died and was promptly replaced by Peanut:wink:

    Fabulous50 - Is your son stationed at Ft. Carson in Colorado Springs? It's hard when the kids live far away.:cry:

    Donna56 - I will be on the lookout for the results of your SIL/BIL dog, it's so hard when the "kids" aren't well:cry:

    Viv - Glad your Uncle is better:flowerforyou:

    Jeannie - :flowerforyou: Sorry about your cousins son, Scott, prayers and hugs for the family.

    Mary- must be doing okay on your trip haven't seen any special bulletins about a murder out that way:wink:

    Barbie - I've decided I would love to become part of the "idle retired"...have a safe trip...Novak's YUM:drinker: it's been a long time since I've been there and my BIL only lives about 15 min away!

    Ainslieglen - glad you are enjoying your time away, time sure does fly and seeing a granddaughter getting ready for college that must be something:drinker:

    Viv- it's been interesting watching your elections:huh: you do it so differently over there and am wondering how it will all come out!

    Mother's day for us was quiet as we had our special dinner with #3 son on Sat night, but all three boys called and I always love to hear from them....even #2 Son at Ft. Jackson was able to call, he was telling me how different this training will be compared to when he was there in 2002/2003 for his basic training, now being an officer has a private room and when he went to get his hair cut, he returned and the maid had been there and everything was cleaned up:bigsmile: he's decided being an officer has all the privledges!

    Called my Mom, she gets so much confused anymore. I'm hoping that once she is in the Adult Foster Home that she will once again be able to know the different days of the week, as at the Rehab center everyday is the same, it's like she's living in the movie "Ground Hog Day":sad: doing the same thing day after day.

    Hubby called his Mom and she was telling him that she can't walk without a walker now and that his brother was going to be putting her in an Assisted Living, but we aren't sure if that's correct, he has to call his brother to see...the one thing that was bothersome was in the 20 min call she told him the same thing four times, not remembering that she'd already told him. So hard watching your parents get old:cry:

    For my Mother's Day dinner I wanted BBQ Steaks and I through caution to the wind and ate the whole 16oz steak, corn on the cobb with butter and an antipasto salad...way over on calories:cry: but I'm back on top of it today and drinking plenty and will not let the scale scare me:wink: because I have until Friday when I weigh in again.

    Everyone have a good day and will check back in tomorrow am:drinker: continue to fight off those pounds and drink plenty of water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Wow! I just did about 22 min. or so of zumba basics and was sweating like a pig! All of that sweat, I know I had to burn some calories :drinker: I don't know if I logged it in correctly, but I logged it as general dancing seeing I don't do all that jumping they do. My jumping days are long gone I think :cry: My jump is more like a slight bounce :blushing:

    Laura - They had Princess put to sleep today and are very upset as expected. I talked to my SIL a couple of hours ago. The vet said that was no sense in bringing her home because she was also having trouble breathing. The pancreas was way too far gone. They did all they could do for her for 4 days at the animal hospital. It's a shame that she was so young to go through this. My SIL did some research on that breed and found that they are sick prone. Thanks for looking out for the update. By the way, I wouldn't worry too much about what you ate yesterday, it seems alot of mom's did the same thing and just got back on track today :wink: Besides, it's my understanding that a cheat day is a good thing
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Sun 05/09/10 11:46 AMHappy Mothers Day!

    I was born on Mothers Day, May 10 in 1954. My Mom always told me that she felt so bad that she had to leave me at the hospital for an extra week, because the kids at home had the mumps. She was an outstanding woman and a wonderful Mother. I miss her everyday. Give your Mom an extra hug from me today.

    Beautiful day here , frost last night but clear and sunny today. My husband arranged for me to have the day off. Not an easy feat at this time of year. I was able to go to Church this morning. Now off to the local nursery with my Son and DIL. Great Day!!
    :heart: Alice

    Happy Birthday Alice!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mothers Day went well as all my daughters and grandchildren came over!:love: Stayed cautious on the food and had 2 glasses of wine. I’m sure I was within my calories as I worked off over 300 calories in the morning.

    Welcome Farmangel!:flowerforyou:

    Mary…Hope you’re enjoying Stars on Ice and everyone’s behaving! :laugh: Don’t want to go buy Reeses Pieces (if you know what I mean!).:laugh:

    Jackie, hope mums over her agitation today and I wouldn’t “worry about curry”…hey…that rhymes….:laugh: Glad you’re picking up today!

    Michelle: Sounds like you made some good choices with your food yesterday. :flowerforyou: Today’s stress with PJ etc is just a bump in the road.:ohwell: You handled it well with the exercise and water!:flowerforyou:

    Mimi: Congrats on the new grand nephew! :flowerforyou: Sounds like you had a busy day and did well on your food!

    Donna,sorry about the dog. :frown: But it sounds like it was the merciful thing to do. Still hard on the family though! On another note….Good catch!:wink:

    Robin: Glad you had a nice day. It really is true, that even your “Worse day” now…is better than some of your “Normal days” before!:tongue:

    Barbie, hope your having a grand old time!:flowerforyou:

    Ainslieglen, I would feel the same way if my family were not around me.:frown: Better to be a whiny grandmother who misses her family…than one who doesn’t care at all! Hang in there!!! You have your MFP Family!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Jeannie, so sorry about Scott! :cry: How awful! Prayers going up!!! :brokenheart:

    Laura: Hang in there with all the parent situations going on!:noway: Some times life gets a little stressful!:ohwell:

    Smwert, Vicki, Auntiebk, Doobiedoo, Barb and anyone else I haven’t mentioned…Have a great day! I just ran out of time so must close the office.:drinker: :drinker:

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Donna thank you for the Princess update, let your IL's know we are feeling their saddness:cry:

    Forgot to wish Alice :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday:flowerforyou:

  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    UGH!!! I am so mad!:mad: Here I excercised my heart out today so I could eat decently to keep in my range of everything, calories, sodium, fat etc.and what happens? My lettuce for my salad tasted horrible! It looks good, crunches good, but taste musty or something. :grumble: I ate a Michelina dinner for dinner thinking I would be fine with a 2 cup salad, WRONG! Now I am stuck with a slight appetite still and no salad. If I eat anything else, I will go over, probably way over on my sodium. I don't want to sit down to some steamed veggies without any thing to go with them. Live and learn I guess. I did manage to eat a light yogurt for desert. :sad:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Just popping in to say Hi,

    I've just got back from a visit to the Theatre to see Hot Flush - it was very funny, a comedy musical mainly about the menopause. Quite risque in parts too. For those in the UK it starred Lesley Joseph from Birds of a feather. I went with my sister in Law her sister and my daughters Boss - we are all ladies of a certain age :laugh:

    Jeannie so sorry to hear about your cousin.

    Happy Birthday Alice :drinker:

    I only just stayed within my calories today, going to the Theatre I ate a few chocolates and Helen bought me an ice cream (even though I said I didn't want one :grumble: ) but for some reason today I ate a lot of snacks so must get back on track tomorow.

    Quick update on uncle, he's still in hospital, he was feeling much better, but felt a little sick today after eating his meal. Dad mentioned it to a nurse, so it doesn't look like he'll be home just yet, maybe home by the end of the week.

    It is getting late so I'll get myself off to bed.
    Take Care everyone & BFN
    Viv :heart:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Jeannie--My prayers go up fpr you and you family. What a tragedy!

    I had a good, but busy, weekend. Saturday I worked and then did some grocery shopping. Got some really good deals on some fresh fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, we got these deals because our favorite (almost a) Dollar Store is going out of business. They ALWAYS had good produce at really low prices!

    On Sunday we went to my daughter's baby shower which was given by her coworkers. It was fun and they had some really good snacks and not just chips and dip, etc. So we ended up with MORE fresh fruit and veggies as they gave us the leftovers!

    Then we grilled some burgers,I got some gardening done and then we pretty much called it a day.

    The weather was beautiful and we all enjoyed the sunny weekend.